camp can we pretend || stargazing

Lichenpaw is rather new to clan life. Write about a night he is kept awake by the glittering stars and bright moon. Does he believe StarClan is really up there?
// cw for descriptions of death & illness

( ) Lichenpaw hasn't been getting much sleep lately. Not that he ever has, but since the dog attack his insomnia has only worsened, a fogginess in the apprentice's mind and a dragging to his steps. Tonight, like so many others, he remains sleepless. The forest is always too quiet, he's still not used to it. The sky, however, unlike the dark of the apprentice den, is always bright.

He has taken to looking up at the stars, on nights like this.

The Clan-Cats (despite everything, he still struggles to label himself as one of them) speak of a power to the stars, the spirits of their ancestors bounding across endless forests bountiful with prey, smiling down upon them from overhead. He's still not sure if he believes it. Death is an ugly thing, twisting and mangling, life wrested from body with no semblance of gentleness. The sky here is so beautiful, unimpeded by streetlamps which once blinded his eyes should he try to look up. Even filtered through leaves, it is magnificent. There is something worth worshiping there, certainly, but he finds it hard to believe that those caught in death's cruel claws could escape to somewhere so far and so grand.

He thinks of his youngest sister, runt of their litter, leafbare-sick and thin as a skeleton. If he told the ThunderClanners, would they say that she is up there too, her legs given strength to run again? Or would she be barred as a Clanless heretic, cast out of the stars and left to fester in her rat-eaten corpse? Both options make him sick. She is gone, she's been gone for moons and moons and she is never coming back. That's just the way that it goes, he accepted that a long time ago.

He watched the stars like this, too, after Emberstar's death. The Clan cats seemed comforted by the thought of her hunting alongside the rest of their starry-pelted ancestors. He cannot find that same comfort, however much he tries.
From the apprentice den, Cloudypaw spotted Lichenpaw staring up at the stars.

She did not spare even a second to wonder why he was up so late, it was the same reason she was. They had met at this hour before. The two of them shared the same nightmares, the same fears. There was a comfort in that, a companionship that went beyond words. On nights like these it was one of the only things that made her feel safe.

Quietly, Cloudypaw slipped up to the other apprentice's side, touching him with her tail to let him know she was there. She followed his gaze, wondering what he saw up there. Despite all that her clanmates had said, she found it hard to imagine the stars as anything more than little points of light in the sky. The thought that there were cats up there, living or dead, just seemed so silly. She just couldn't bring herself to believe it.

Not that she would ever say as much.

She didn't say any of that to Lichenpaw.

"It's a nice night." Cloudypaw commented simply, after the silence had kept them company for a while.​