development CAN YOU FACE YOUR TRUE FEELINGS? ✶ border skirmish


you're never alone ✫ 12.14.2022
Sep 23, 2022

That said. :D

A ThunderClan hunting patrol chases a ThunderClan squirrel into SkyClan territory and catches it. Feel free to be the ThunderClanner who caught the squirrel. The oncoming SkyClan patrol wouldn't know if it was a ThunderClan squirrel or not--they just see a cat from another Clan on their territory with prey.

╭── ⋅ ⋅ ── ✩ ── ⋅ ⋅ ──╮

They are early into leafbare, but it's hard, it's so hard already. As a kit in the nursery, she never had to go to bed hungry. Milk and bits of fresh meat were always available to her siblings and the other kits. She never had to worry about being too cold, never had to feel those pangs in her stomach that get a little worse each day. Now there's snow blanketing the earth, and her paws sink up to the ankle as she trudges after @WOLFWIND on their hunting patrol.

They'd found nothing so far. She's fretful in her head, thinking terrible thoughts about how all their prey has burrowed under the earth, into warm nests, leaving them nothing to eat at all. Dark thoughts best left unspoken.

But what seems like hours stretch on. Morningpaw's paw pads are burning and freezing at the same time. She gives Wolfwind numerous anxious looks, wondering -- will they keep going until they find something? Will that be forever? She shakes frost out of her thick coat, anxiety clear in blue eyes.

It's a few heartbeats after this chilling thought that one of her Clanmates bolts after something. Russet-colored, small and swift. A squirrel! She thinks nothing of it as her Clanmate crosses the border into SkyClan, teeth firmly clenched around the squirrel's neck.

And why would she notice? The border is a formality to her, to her family. She gives a sigh of relief and cheers for her Clanmate, "Good catch!" She does not notice the crunch of snow alerting them to approaching pawsteps -- a SkyClan patrol, heading their way.

- ,,

Burnpaw knows that life is hard for Thunder Clan right now, knows that prey is scarce enough from the fire which he had been named partially after and now that leaf-bare was here it was only going to get harder. His stomach feel painfully empty as he trudges along begrudgingly with his sister and her mentor. He loves Morningpaw, but Wolfwind could be loud, obnoxious. Not exactly the kind of cat you want to wake up to and deal with all day.

The smell of fresh blood - meat - fills his nostrils and his stomach grumbles, a protest that he is not allowed to eat whatever it was that had just been caught. His head swings around and he nods at the clan mate who made the catch but he says nothing, Morningpaw had already said enough. “Hopefully we can find something else before we head home” he says gruffly before raising his head at the sound of paws crunching in the snow. Sky Clanners. He opens a mouth to speak a greeting but it does on his lips when he sees their faces.

Hungry. ThunderClan is hungry. Leaf-bare had already hit them hard enough. Finchcatcher wonders if they'd be better off, if the fire hadn't hit them, hadn't destroyed the oak forest their prey finds warmth in during the cold season.

It must be the case, with how much they struggle. With how much they search, but with little to reward them.

Finchcatcher follows the patrol, growing wary as they near pines. They hadn't had much land left to search. They would have to turn around soon, go back to camp with nothing once more. His stomach growls at the thought of such defeat.

But, there. Chartreuse eyes catch the ruddy critter - a squirrel.

He's quick to chase it. This may be their only chance to find something on this patrol. The scarred warrior bursts forward past the patrol, white paws blending into the snow before him. Faster and faster, eyes too focused on the squirrel to notice the shift in foliage, the shift from oak to pine. Finchcatcher springs forward, catching it between his claws, killing it within one swift bite.

He holds it up in triumph, a chance to feed his clan through hard times. His ears twitch at Morningpaw's praises and he turns to speak to her.

"Thanks, I--" he cuts himself off, blinks at the distance, at the pines around him. Oh. Had he... certainly he still had room before the border? He takes the few steps back towards the patrol, sets it down before the lot of them. "It's not much, but it will help," he continues, as if he hadn't made a single mistake.

He hadn't, he assures himself, though guilt begins to eat at him.

Things would be fine. SkyClan wouldn't notice anyway.

Flamewhisker I'll sleep when I'm dead

So far, another empty jawed patrol. Worry tugged at her belly as she fretted returning to camp without another meal. She hadn't felt so hungry since she had been on her own before joining Thunderclan. They cast out towards the pines, and being this close to the border made her uneasy. Even though Skyclan was friendly, she didn't like being near any of the other clan's borders.

Suddenly, as if it had fallen from the stars above, a squirrel bolts by them. She was just about to give chase, but Finch was faster. Almost as fast as it had appeared, the creature was dead and in her clanmate's jaws. Her heart skipped a beat in excitement, and she is quick to congratulate him. The squirrel had ran across the border...but her clanmates were starving. Besides, it was a Thunderclan squirrel first after all!

WE HAVE YET TO CRASH ✧°.☀ ————————————
Everyone was hungry now. The air got colder and colder as the days wore on, to the point where Lightpaw felt as though he would freeze from the inside out with each billowing breath. Even if his long fur kept him from turning to ice, he wasn't sure if his paws or ears would survive the season.

The golden apprentice was trudging along with the patrol, his head low even if his ears were pricked. He was tired and hungry, and even if the idea of a freshly caught mouse was tantalizing, he didn't think he would have the energy to spare to so much as look at it. Was he exaggerating? Who cared.

It was then that movement caught his eye, muscles bunching before he even registered that it was a squirrel. Although Lightpaw sprang after it, Finchcatcher was closer, and he skidded to a halt, nearly jealous that he hadn't made the catch himself. In the momentary excitement, with his eyes locked on the limp prey, he didn't recognize that the warrior had passed into SkyClan territory. "I was starting to think we'd go home without anything," he commented. "Maybe now we'll find something else on the way back."

[penned by its_oliverr - ]

The air had a bite to it, and Roepaw felt its teeth nibbling at her lungs as she trekked alongside the rest of the patrol.
She keeps a steady pace, despite the slight discomfort, and eases prickling anxiety with subtle but deep breaths.
Hunger also writhes in an empty stomach, but one discomfort does not override the other, and they work together in a torturous partnership.
She fluffs her pelt out, minty eyes rolling- they should’ve gone back to camp long ago, it was freezing. The squirrels and mice had the right idea to stay cozied up in their burrows.
Yet, the vague scent of pine blown by the frosty wind causes her ears to perk. She wonders if she’ll see Snowpaw again- she hadn’t seen him since their initial meeting on that border patrol, he was anything but charming, interesting though. She liked interesting.
She picks up her paws to pull to Flamewhiskers side, having half a mind to press her pelt against the warriors and steal some of her warmth.
Red and white bolt past her before she can execute her plan, and Roepaw’s attention is whisked to Finchcatcher who was pouncing on… on a squirrel!
Her tongue was suddenly bathed in saliva at the mere thought of sinking her teeth into it- she hardly notices the border Finchcatcher had crossed, and everyone else seems to simply ignore it as well- it wasn’t a big deal anyhow, Roepaw herself had sat in Skyclans territory while she had talked to Snowpaw.
"Finchcatcher, our savior!" She hummed playfully as she skipped over to get a better look at the piece of caught prey.


He had no real sense of comraderie with ThunderClan like the rest of his clanmates, sure he happened to think Roepaw was alright in their brief chats on border patrols but the rest of them weren't much interest to him and frankly he was a little annoyed how comfortable they were. Blazestar's kits were one thing, wandering back and forth between clans as they so pleased, but this was an entirely different story. To just sit in their territory munching on THEIR prey. His namesake coated the ground in light down, he wondered why he was called such a thing when all it seemed to do was take from them more and more. Prey was scarce, he'd gotten no hunting done today because he'd been unable to track down a single critter to chase after. It was disheartening and this unease at the poor state of their freshkill pile quickly began to bite at his already generally sharp disposition.
Snowpaw was mad. Blazing. It felt like he could melt snow with each staggered and hurried step towards the cats casually wandering back to their side of the border like they hadn't just trespassed, like they hadn't just taken a squirrel of the pine forest that was rightful SkyClans.

"You assholes have a lot of nerve just crossing our border like that!" The dappled apprentice shouted sharply, furiously, his sister was injured and could use the food-his mentor just had kits and they needed prey to not simply wither away in the cold, his golden eyes scan the crowd-of course one of Blazestar's pompous and spoiled brats was part of this patrol; she must have even encouraged them to do it! Oh, my dad won't mind! Go ahead!
"Hand back over that squirrel! Just because we're 'allies' doesn't give you the RIGHT!" He spots Roepaw admist the cats, frowns at her and wishes they could chat again on better circumstances but he'd not turn a blind eye to this blatant disrespect to his clan. He had no fondness for Blazestar personally, who would probably show up and just let them have it to avoid conflict. Like hell he was letting that happen, besides...he wanted to see if his 'friend' used her claws as well as she ran her mouth. With a leaping spring the powdered prince was scurrying forward to pounce upon the pale apprentice, sending them rolling across the sleek ground.

Obligatory mentor tag: @~Deersong~
  • Wow
Reactions: chuff and Marquette
( ) Deersong would let out a heavy sigh, her own hunting patrol seemed to be as unsuccessful as Thunderclan when it came to catching anything, and the deputy would scent the air in one last attempt to find something, anything, to bring back home.

Suddenly, a ray of hope, the scent of squirrel touching her senses and the deputy would silent alert with her tail to her clanmates that she had found something before hurrying off. This could feed the elders, those in the nursery, or the apprentices who were growing skinnier by the day.

The Skyclan witch would feel each step lighten in excitement, but it was quickly cut short by the sudden scent of Thunderclan. Why was it so strong? Certainly, Little Wolf wouldn't let her children visit during such a difficult time. She would signal with her tail again for the others to be alert as she stepped into the scene, and felt her entire frame tense as a Thunderclan crossed the border, and caught a squirrel.

She didn't want to believe it. No, Thunderclan surely had more respect for their alliance than this. Then steal prey and simply act as though it was no big deal. Before she could react, Snowpawappears and would explode in rage, spewing words of anger before launching himself at one of the Thunderclan apprentices.

"SNOWPAW!" She would call after him, but the hurt and the betrayal of the thunderclanner's actions would be too much for the already struggling molly. First Centipedepaw, then Coyotepaw, then Figpaw, and now this? Her gaze would flicker back towards the warrior who had caught the squirrel, and without another thought, she would move. A blur of cream and mocha that moved with the fluidity of a viper and with fangs just as sharp.

Deersong hated fighting and avoided it when she could, but this?

The deputy would attempt to aim her attacks toward the one who had stolen the squirrel; claws flashing and jaws snapping in an effort to not really hurt, but to herd the tom away from the prey so one of her clanmates could snatch it while he was distracted. She only prayed that her battle training with Snowpaw was enough and that he remembered what she had taught him.


She had barely steadied herself at Finchcatchers side before rage-fueled words are booming in her ears.
She looks up, and her face twitches in surprise. It was none other than Snowpaw, screeching at them for catching a Thunderclan squirrel!
She opens her mouth, but he rushes for her, and her reflexes choke.
She’s knocked backwards, clutched in ivory paws for only a few heartbeats as they roll in a clash of honey and milk, high pitched hisses and low growls.
When they come to a stop, Roepaw is the one pinned. The tiny nibbles on her lungs have turned to piercing bites, but the defiance that flickers in her green eyes is unrelenting, even while she struggles not to pant against the strain of her breathing.
"Well, if it isn’t my favorite asshole" she’d bite towards him. Someone yells the toms name in the background, and battle yowls ensue.
A bitter feeling causes Roepaw’s brow to furrow- why did her attacker have to be someone she actually didn’t mind?
Whipping her head to the side in a razor sharp movement, she’d aim to latch onto one of his forelegs, attempting to sink her teeth into it hard enough for him to stumble.
Sorry, frosty- you threw the first punch.


Heavy is the cold against his thick pelt, the snow thick and chilling. This hunting patrol is just like the rest and he feels dejected to know that he can not help in any way. Really he feels bad that he hasn't been able to bring anything back to camp in recent days. And some he has to sit out because of the pain in his back. It burns now, stinging like man claws pulling at his spine but he knows he can not sit idly by. Not when there are kits and queens and elders to feed. His tail sweeps low to the ground and he too suddenly picks up on the scent of squirrel. What luck! Starclan is surely with them this day and a smile bubbles to the surface of his haggard muzzle. Yet it is short lived as he sees the Thunderclan patrol. Their paws on their side of the border and a squirrel that he knows is Skyclan's. Why else would they be on their side of the border? Surely not to give them prey that they too need to survive this leafbare.

But before he can say anything Snowpaw is snapping, heated and sharp. His words festering from anger and he winces. But he doesn't think that the young apprentice will attack until he does. It is sudden, an explosion of sharp violence that makes already droopy ears pull back. With a sudden look to one of Blazestar's kits the older warrior suddenly moves to aid Deersong, quickly moving to try to bash a paw into the one who took the squirrel to begin with, attempting to knock them to the ground. His face twists into a hiss, something hardly seen on his own face. "That squirrel belongs to Skyclan!" Then without much prompting hw tries to get at the squirrel, to try and keep what they need for their own.
If there was one thing she didn't expect today it was a full on fight between Skyclan and Thunderclan. She nearly stumbles when Deer stops them, signals to stay alert and then shes a blur and so is Fox as they throw themselves in to the fray after Skyclan. Thunderclan had willingly crossed their border, stolen a squirrel from their side. Her eyes flash with pity at first as she spots Blazestars children in the back but theres anger at the realization that their clanmates were congratulating this as if nothing happened.

Shes quick on her paws as well. Shes no longer a daylight warrior, but a full warrior now, and shes ready to defend her friends and help the hunger-riddled ones back in camp. She does not speak but she flies in to the fray as well, eyes burning with rage as she attempts to fling herself straight in to @Flamewhisker, trying to get her jaws around any piece of flesh that she could.

She feels bad. Deep down she truly feels terrible about this but this squirrel could be a matter of life or death for their apprentices back in camp. Whats a couple injuries if she can help get it back? Her heart hammers in her chest, she'd be brave today.
WE HAVE YET TO CRASH ✧°.☀ ————————————
Although the scent of SkyClan was everywhere, Lightpaw hadn't actually noticed that there was an approaching patrol until the screechy voice of an unfamiliar apprentice caught his attention. His expression sank. The tom's lip curled back, a growl already rising in his throat over the nerve of him. "Fuck off!" he immediately snapped, defensive before even considering whether or not they were in the wrong. "It's a ThunderClan squirrel, find your own!"

It seemed it didn't matter in the end, as fighting broke out. The apprentice hurled himself at Roepaw, two warriors went for Finchcatcher, and another went for Flamewhisker. That only left him. Lightpaw hadn't been in an actual fight before. At the moment, it didn't matter. They were attacking his Clanmates, and he was pissed.

The golden tom leapt into the fray, teeth bared in a snarl and claws outstretched. "Get off of Finchcatcher, you fucking assholes!" he snarled. Closest to him was a red-and-white tom, far larger than him but hardly a deterrent as he attempted to fling himself at his haunches, gripping hard and sinking in his fangs. @FOXGECKER

[penned by its_oliverr - ]

Every morsel of meat, was priceless if not to be paid for with a life. To keep the wolves of hunger away, a tired father with aching muscles treks with patrol behind his beloved- the anxiety of hunger was not for himself but of his children and his clanmates. Thistleback would eat anything edible to keep going, but he would not tolerate scraps for his family.

With Deersong’s signal, a predatory glint erupts from his pupils, and he tastes the air quietly, icy fumes decorate the air from his breaths. He follows on stealthily rotating hocks.

upon the scene he walks, planted like a gargoyle at the sight. A red furred thunderclanner retreating back onto the Thunderclan border, with a Skyclan squirrel in their jaws. The jovial troop of Thunderclanners, voices singing out for their stolen prize. Thistleback feels his hackles rise, like a black nettled pine. A deep scowl crinkled across his maw, he looks to Deersong as she witnesses the crime herself.

Then Snowpaw erupts from the line of Skyclanners, and though the deputy calls for her apprentice as if to stop him. The betrayal, the hurt, the loss, the ruins left of their trust. It won. Deersong is surging forth toward the thief, an unspoken instruction if not order for him to follow.

A growl bellows from his throat, crackling from his jagged edge of grime-stained jaws. Nose wrinkled at the bridge in furious snarl, the spike furred warrior kicks off. Paws hammering the snow as he makes his way toward Flamewhisker as Deersong and Foxgecker work together. He spots Churrodream engage in his peripheral as he aims a swing of talons at Flamewhisker’s neck and head.

Everyone was just, taking. taking from them. Like teeth ripped from the gums of childhood. Too much. Too far.

  • MqZ0nzd.png
    ✧ T H I S T L E B A C K
    thirty-three moons
    — warrior of Skyclan
    taken by
    Deersong 9.29.22
    — mentoring quillpaw
    — very muscular piebald black and white tom with spiky fur and cold silver-grey eyes. ・゚✧
  • bVBPWus.png


Mountainheart had no success in his hunts. It was disheartening, knowing so many depended on him for food. This was nothing new, he had been here before. Desperate to provide for his family.

He hadn't been prepared for this, though. He neared the border at the he sounds of a scuffle.

No, not with Thunderclan.....

He had caught the scents of two of his children by the border on their side before. He was relieved to know they were safe. That Rabbit was safe and that Badger was with him.

He dared not think what this scuffle could mean. And those two better not be there.

When he arrives, he observed the scene. The large black smoke noticed all the young apprentices. He didn't want to fight these children.

He prowled closer and with intention. He went to grab @LIGHTPAW . By the scruff, and if successful, would try to pull him off of Foxgecker.

a simple hunting patrol, turned to ruin within seconds. she watched as finchcatcher crossed the border, tempted to call out to stop. but surely skyclan would understand right? they were friendly with the pine dwellers. surely this would go unnoticed.

or not, an apprentice came launching, yelling obscenities with outstretched paws. silver eyes only had a second to narrow before more cats from both clans were drawn into the battle. this was stupid. she doubted either clan had the resources, or energy to participate and recover from this fight. over one stupid squirrel. she flicked a gaze over to lightpaw, who had used the time she was using to think by attacking a much older, much larger tom. her tail lashed, she recognized this one from the border patrol not too long ago, although his demeanor now was much different.

a flash of black fur was then aiming at her apprentice, she was on fast feet. nightbird knew this skyclanner had her trumped in size, she wouldn't normally charge at him. but she did not know his intentions. it was her job to keep lightpaw alive, she didn't plan on failing. the molly would charge at @Mountainheart , leaping off the ground and aim to land with claws in his back, hopefully faltering his grab on lightpaw.
[ ☾✩ ]

violetpaw has never been in a fight before. the closest she's gotten is sparring with her peers, in the safety of the sandy ravine. but even with claws sheathed and warriors instructing her, it proves to be a challenge for the blind molly. everything moves too fast for her to keep up with in a spar. she can pinpoint another's location using her nose and ears, no problem. but she couldn't see the incoming attacks, couldn't pinpoint where an enemy is going to strike based on minute movements, couldn't dodge in time to save herself from a swift blow.

she knows that she shouldn't involve herself, when snowpaw yowls at a thunderclan warrior who's scent had crossed over the border. hand back over that squirrel, he demands, and violetpaw's own fur bristles at the implications of his words. a thunderclan warrior, stealing their prey? are they nothing but a bunch of lawless rogues over there? that squirrel was skyclan's, by law. they needed that squirrel, as much as thunderclan did. the thunderclan thieves have stolen a meal from a skyclan elder, or a queen and her kits... or figpaw.

(she knows that she shouldn't involve herself, but she couldn't let a crime go unpunished.)

"what nerve you have, stealing our prey right under our noses!" violetpaw crows in the direction of the thunderclan stench, her claws unsheathing. "you'll be lucky if starclan doesn't send a lightning bolt to strike you down for your crimes!"

then, snowpaw moves away from her side. the forest erupts into battle cries, and violetpaw's fur stands on end with the electric tension that crackles in the air. with a caterwaul of her own, she lunges in the direction her brother had, and- where did he go?! she couldn't hear him over the yowling, couldn't smell him through the overpowering scent of thunderclan and skyclan.

her heart pounds in her ears, further deafening the apprentice. this is nothing like training. violetpaw is completely out of her league, and she knows it. but she has to defend her clan!

she manages to single out a particular voice; one who screams at another to get off of finchcatcher. snarling, violetpaw flings herself in the direction of the voice, hoping to knock herself into her enemy and score claws into whatever flesh she could find.


Flamewhisker I'll sleep when I'm dead

The roar of an angry apprentice would soon follow with an all out battle. Her fur bristled in alarm, at the quickly escalating event. This was her first full on battle, besides the little incident where she helped chase off a rogue. She didn't have much time to think before she was pushed backwards by a biting figure. Teeth met her shoulder, and she let out a hiss of pain. With extended claws, she would attempt to rake at @churrodream , hoping to hit anything she could. "It's our squirrel! It was on our territory first you fox-hearts!" They were no better than Shadowclan!

They were trying to steal their food. They were trying to take food from her starving clanmates bellies. She would allow it, especially not now. Maybe if they hadn't jumped to fighting, but now it was war. Claws raked down her face, and blood began to ooze down the side of her face. She let out a battle cry, and leapt at the larger tom, exploding into a fit of claws, she would attempt to rake anything she could.

WE HAVE YET TO CRASH ✧°.☀ ————————————
Lightpaw barely had time to grapple with his chosen adversary when teeth, with surprising gentleness, sank into his scruff and began to haul him off. The apprentice twisted in the grip, prepared to wrench himself away and swing, when Nightbird flung herself at him. The tom lashed out anyway, yanking himself free and swiping claws at @Mountainheart 's face. If SkyClan were dirty enough to attack one cat with multiple, then he would do the same.

Someone barreled into him. In the same moment, claws raked themself across his shoulder, earning a garbled yelp. Lightpaw's attention switched in an instant. Catching his balance, wild eyes took in the apprentice that had challenged him. If she were to admit that she had never been in a real battle before, he would believe her. Neither had he. The difference was that he wasn't afraid. He was angry.

Lowering himself in preparation, Lightpaw let out a snarl. "You're picking on the wrong Clan." Lunging forward, the tom attempted to return the forceful shove he had been given moments prior, with intention to bring @VIOLETPAW to the ground. If successful, he would try to pin her and sink fangs into her shoulder.

[penned by its_oliverr - ]

The large tom is still trying to grab at the squirrel, hoping he can get a hold of it and keep it from the Thunderclanners. Yet just as it is within reach he feels the sudden pain of claws digging into his haunch, teeth like tiny knives digging into his flesh and he hisses sharply. His head jerks around and he parts his jaws suddenly, eyes like venomous daggers and he nearly snaps his jaws on the child. A child. His maw snaps shut just above the kid and he suddenly tries to shake himself harshly to try to dislodge @LIGHTPAW . Mountainheart grabs the kid and pulls the other off of him which is much appreciated as he pretends his flesh did not tear in the process. Still it could have been worse and then another apprentice is charging in to take on that one and he whips back around to stand firm with Deersong once again

His tail is held up and his droopy ears are pulled back against his skull. So much is happening and it makes him think of the Great Battle and that too started on the issue of food. Will it happen again? Coldness seeps into his limbs and he shakes his head before pushing to keep the squirrel close to his paws.

Our savior, Roepaw calls him. How much pride those words fill him with, that he's able to help out his clan, gather what little prey he could find to help feed them through the cold season. He's ready to go back to camp, to forget about his missteps, and add the squirrel to the dwindled kill pile - make it look like there was actually something in there, for once.

Oh, how foolish Finchcatcher was, to think he'd be able to go back to camp without repercussions. It comes in the form of a SkyClan apprentice - a pipsqueak, sharp, snappy words coming from the kid's mouth.

"What makes you think you have the right to ThunderClan's catches?" the warrior shoots back, fiery tail lashing behind him. What right did they have? With the pine forest unscathed by the wildfire, SkyClan was bound to have plenty more than what they did. So, what was one squirrel? ThunderClan was hungry. They needed it more.

"It was on our land. It's ThunderClan's. Simple as that."

But, it's never that simple, is it? Never was simple the first time Finchcatcher found himself in this spot - so young, fur unmarred by poorly healed wounds.

Suddenly, the pipsqueak is leaping at Roepaw. Finchcatcher moves to try to stop the kid, but it happens too quickly. Fear fills him, and he's a kit again, defending himself over a mouse. This time it's familiar faces - former clan mates that launch themselves at him, at his patrol. This time, Finchcatcher too, knows how to fight.

He raises a paw at Deersong's attacks, claws unsheathed as he swipes at her - as he attempts to push her back, to keep her away. Finchcatcher makes an attempt to dodge her attacks, to defend the measly squirrel behind him. But, it isn't long before another is on him, before he's knocked over, like he was so many moons ago.

Another claim of the prey being SkyClan's. Not a chance. This was ThunderClan's squirrel. He wouldn't let them have it. Wouldn't lose prey he worked hard to catch in a fight once more.

Finchcatcher grunts at the impact of the fall, but twists around, stands back on his paws. He springs at the tom who knocked him over, claws aiming to sink into red fur. "Should've caught it, then!"