pafp CAN YOU HEAR THE BIRDS? [✿] finding a trap

✿—— they've finally made it over highstones, into these unknown places, ready to trek through forests and fields, over streams. the journeying party hasn't yet glimpsed another thunderpath, thank the stars, and there's a lack of twoleg items in these wild places. still, some seem to make their way through the cracks—bobbie has always wondered how twoleg items got to where they were. they seemed to bleed out of twolegplace like a disease, traps and strange objects that posed a threat to their warriors. she'd even heard of them finding their way into the territories of the other clans—she had loved her own housefolk, but most twolegs turned out to be pests, laying out their strange boxes and shining jaws just waiting to snap a cat's leg.

she'd seen it once, in the loner lands before skyclan, staggering along—nearly run into it, in fact. the sharp-jawed ones were the most dangerous, but between twolegplace and the loner lands, with the addition of their daylight warriors' knowledge and unfortunate personal experience, she had a relative wealth of knowledge on twoleg traps. which is why when she spots a couple of walking cats near one of the baited boxes, she hurries over with perhaps an overabundance of caution—they've lost too many warriors to twolegs and their cursed snares.

"don't get too close to that," she warns once she draws close, recognizing the two as the standoffish riverclan tortie and a grey-and-white thunderclanner. the smell of food wafts from between the gaps of a woven shiny pelt, though she doubts these two are interested in twoleg kibble. blinking in what she hopes as a friendly manner, bobbie mews, "it's one of those twoleg traps. i, uh, used to know how to open different ones, but those won't open up unless it's a twoleg's paw." she'd watched more than one cat trying to get out of those in her adolescent roamings, and she's not eager to have to deal with such a thing on the journey—in her younger days, she'd learned to open other twoleg cages (been taught, but she'd be loath to admit that), but these ones never gave.


  • ooc: found a wire cat trap (example)!
    please wait for either @iciclefang or @STORMYWING to post <3
  • nothing here, have a nice day :-)
  • 69139399_py669CBh1zLPqxi.png
    — bobbie
    — she/her ; warrior of skyclan ; 40 ☾s
    "speech" ; thoughts ; attacks
    — chibi by its_oliverr
    — penned by dejavu

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Iciclefang knows the glint of light on steel by now, and the vile scent Twolegs leave behind on their refuse fills her nose. They’d traveled a merciful day without coming across anything related to them or their kind, but her luck and the luck of her companions couldn’t have held out forever. She pauses before it, the smooth fur on her neck and shoulders beginning to spike unbecomingly. “Stars,” she swears, her voice a hiss like steam lifting to the sky.

Her eyes lose their sharp focus—behind her grimacing expression is a memory she cannot unstick herself from. Ashpaw’s shriek, paw chained to the earth and gripped by shining, hungry jaws—the Twoleg lifting her into his arms, Iciclefang charging him with her teeth bared and her claws exposed, and the hefty blow he’d dealt to her ribs for the injury she’d left him with.

It’d been for naught; Ashpaw had returned a moon and a half later, impossibly, battered and dirty but alive, and Iciclefang had already laid her to rest in the grave of her mind.

She realizes, belatedly, that she’s accidentally brushed flanks with the prey-thieving ThunderClan cat, who she now knows by the name of Stormywing. A SkyClanner hurries in front of them, her voice soft and her eyes fluttering, anxious but friendly.

I know what this is,” she says, staring at it with her skin beginning to crawl. “Does this one have teeth as well?” She remembers Ashpaw’s mangled paw, and her tail begins to lash involuntarily.

  • iciclekit . iciclepaw . iciclefang
    — she/her ; warrior of riverclan
    — lesbian ; single
    — short-haired tortoiseshell with white and ice-blue eyes
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — penned by Marquette
    — chibi by Pin
Unpleasant memories surface in Slate's brain as a set of orange eyes settle upon the wired crate. Throwing his weight against the sides, using tooth and claw to pry the opening, even his own brother frantically attempting to loosen the latch from the outside. It would all be for naught. There was no escape.

The former rogue's hackles bristle instinctively seeing the awaiting jaws of the twoleg contraption, hungering for a clueless cat to wander inside its belly. Those bipedal beasts would never stop hunting them down! Anger and anxiety boil deep in his gut, though he knows that it wouldn't be wise to stand there and admire the damned thing. "No, but if anyone gets stuck in that then there won't be any saving." Slate remarks to the RiverClanner. It wouldn't hurt a cat, not likely anyway, but the nauseating fear that overtook one while stuck inside was far more traumatizing than a wound in his opinion.

Slate, jaw clenched as tension wracked his form, looked over his shoulder toward others nearby. "We should move, quickly." The SkyClan lead warrior grunts. They can ignore him if they were stupid enough, but he certainly wasn't going to hang around for any longer. "Keep an eye out for twolegs. They must not be far." At least, that is the conclusion that Slate can realistically draw. Wherever those steel traps were, twolegs were usually not too far behind, lying in wait like a hungry fox and eager to take home their prize.

The twolegs would not be getting their grimy paws on them again, mark his words.

  • slatechibi.png
    —— he/him; lead warrior of skyclan; former rogue
    —— bisexual; single; not looking
    —— hulking, scarred charcoal-black colored maine coon with amber eyes
    —— "speech", thoughts, attack
    —— link to full tags; @ on discord for plots.
    —— penned by beatles
Hailstorm had been following along with the rest of the travelling cats, he catches movement from the corner of his eye seeing Bobbie streak forward to warn a tortie and Stormywing. He wonders what has her in a rush only to have his gaze lock onto the sight of a twoleg trap and his whiskers twitch with curiosity, a frown tugging at the edges of his mouth as he takes in the sight of it. It seemed really complicated and he couldn't help but overhear that it could only be opened by a twoleg paw which makes him inwardly grimace even further at the thought of anyone getting trapped within one of those and being unable to get out unless a twoleg showed up.

He imagines a brief scenario of it, would they leave the trapped cat behind or await the arrival of a twoleg only to potentially overwhelm it. They could considering that there's a generous amount of warriors in the group but still he thinks it would be a messy exchange and there would be injuries. Who knows what potentially but so soon into the journey likely wasn't good and would possibly stress out the young medicine cat that hobbles in the group. The gruff voice of Slate is enough to pull Hailstorm from his thoughts and he glances over to the dark tom before nodding about keeping attentive of potential twolegs around the area, Hailstorm becoming more aware and cautious of their surroundings as he walks along matching the pace of the surroundings cats around him.

  • 5_by_caviesh_dg4bkw8.png
    ✦ 47 moons old
    ✦ thunderclan warrior
    ✦ bisexual demiromantic; single
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    ✦ semi-difficult in combat; relies on strength and his burly build
    ✦ peaceful powerplay allowed
    ✦ penned by bosstaurus
Despite her own kittypet roots, Stormywing is not familiar with the variety of traps they lay out. She is lucky enough to not have much experience with them. She is walking next to the tortoiseshell called Iciclefang, throwing in a sarcastic quip every so often in an attempt to both irritate her and assert her (perceived) dominance over the likes of RiverClan. When she acciddentally bumps against her, she makes it a point to side-step away, pelt prickling with unease.

She hadn't even noticed the trap before the SkyClan warrior hurries to their side, warning them against getting any closer. Stormywing's ears flick forward with brief fascination before her expression falls into a scowl. "Leave it to the kittypet to know all about it," She grumbles, hazel eyes flicking to see Iciclefang's reaction momentarily before she turns her attention back to the trap. "Why would a twoleg trap be all the way out here? Is there a Twolegplace near?" She asks louder, leaning forward to sniff curiously. Ever bold, she fears no trap.

// for plot reasons, please refrain from any thunderclanners pointing out her kittypet past in this thread!

The secondary plague within RiverClan could be considered the presence of twoleg ploys planted closer to the twoleg camp. Her stream of thoughts aligned closely with Iciclefang's, holding out hope that twoleg curiosities would not be any of their concerns. She couldn't imagine them roaming out so far and remote from their camps and nests. With the Thunderpath crossing being their first hurdle, she anticipated it would be their first and only concern involving the twolegs at all.

Stormywing's remark is unkind in the face of Bobbie's warning. She is silent, not interested in defending a SkyClanner nor mothering a ThunderClanner, but she can't help but find her tone unnecessary. How often did ThunderClan face of twolegs in the way RiverClan or SkyClan had? She doubted there was a single Clan that understood or knew of all the dangers spread across the forest, telling from the fact none of her own Clanmates had interacted with the Thunderpath like she had.

Bobbie, or any of them, could have easily neglected the warning and allowed any curious mind wander in and get stuck, but she hadn't.

"I don't imagine it was dropped here by a bird." Hazecloud twitched her tail dismissively, not keen on sticking around the steel cage any longer than she had to. "I know I won't have to tell any of you to avoid such things." Her words are directed toward her Clanmates as she put a bit of distance between herself and the trap.
It was both good and bad that traps like this were not often found within WindClan territory, good because they need not worry about a cat dying from such a thing, bad because if Mouseflight had been the one to stumble across this he would not have known what it was. Of course he wouldn't have gone near it - just as he was doing now, staying further back from the group and choosing to go around them rather than through - but the thought of something even potentially happening caused a slight lump to form in his throat. "Twolegs are weird," He'd flatly state after clearing that lump away, ear flicking once as he looked ahead of them, "We should probably watch out for more going forward, where there's one twoleg thing there's probably more." They liked to litter things everywhere, it was annoying - especially when they ended up in the moors.
  • tikki_com.png
    mousekit - mousepaw - mouseflight
    ⋆ ftm - he/him - 11 moons
    ⋆ bisexual - open to relationship
    ⋆ tunneler of windclan
    attack - speech - thought
    ⋆ penned by tikki

"And if the kittypet hadn't just told you about it, there's a high chance the journey would have just been delayed for a quarter moon." Orangeblossom says flatly to the ThunderClan warrior, who seems entirely too self-assured in her disdain for Bobbie's knowledge. She turns a pointed look towards the senior of the two, brown eyes meeting a similar shade, an unspoken suggestion for him to make sure the youth of his Clan wasn't causing too much trouble for cats who were helping them. At least the calico RiverClanner - Orangeblossom doesn't know her name, but she's pretty sure she'd seen that particular pelt attached to Smokethroat's side several moons earlier - and her misty-furred Clanmate seem appropriately on edge about the situation.

"There always is." Orangeblossom is loathe to agree with a WindClanner even if he is correct in the assessment, and affords Mouseflight a disdainful look as she moves past him to fall back into step with Slate. Her shoulder brushes against the lead warrior's, tilting her chin in a silent check that he's alright.

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The spark of silver that shines in the corner of his eye is enough to make Greeneyes tense up in recognition, paws staggering to a stop among other faces. Wait, he almost says out of instinct, almost turns to his brown-furred apprentice who is nowhere near where the warrior stands now, rather safe back at camp. Hopefully.

Another twoleg trap - Greeneyes got sick of seeing these moons ago, their presence an unsettling reminder of loss; of his mother, his brother. He’d assume their danger would be known by now, to at least some of the other clans, but a ThunderClanner moves to inspect it, mumbling kittypet-laced taunts at Bobbie, who only tries to warn those around her.

Twolegs like to put those wherever they can manage,” Greeneyes says, looking at the gray and white she-cat now leaning far too close to the object for comfort. “You’ll be going on a different journey, if you get any closer to that.” They can't afford the extra step - the extra trip they'd have to make to rescue the ThunderClan warrior.

Ears twitch at a WindClanner’s words, at Orangeblossom’s agreement to them. His gaze shifts from the ThunderClanner, moving to scan the area for another glinting form hidden in the shadows - there’s always more.

  • 70927026_mk0oT2Gc8QoWlIu.png

    Daisyflight x Raven Ramble
    — AMAB; He/Him
    — A red tabby and white tom with bright green eyes.
    — Mentored by Sheepcurl; Currently mentoring Falconpaw
    — "Speech"; Attack

    : * — Among SkyClan's first born, Greeneyes is a bright tom with an affinity for the world around him. Despite always seeking to be kind to others, the warrior believes he's cursed - a belief brought on by rhetoric that green is a deadly color.
anger makes you stupid . stupid gets you killed .
Duskpool grew tensed, whipping around to stare at the mentioned upwalker trap with a look of unbridled horror, molten copper widening a fraction. He nearly darted forward, but halted, letting rigid claws dig into the unfamiliar terrain with a choked sneer. Damnit. He could still feel the blood dripping down a stained maw, listening to the choked wheezes of his brothers as he killed him in an act of mercy, even if he knew that, he remained firm because he killed his brother. There was no excuse for that, no matter how ya look at it.

He silently cursed, words barely audible except for his mind that roared, chatter becoming muddled, but eligible to his cobweb-filled ears. The obsidian warrior pushed forward, brimming with tension because there might be more than just these roamin’ the rest of their journey. He turned a copper gaze on @STORMYWING, low-guttural sounding, “I suggest you back up before ya get caught up in it. Don’t need to be held back for your damn curiosity.” His words were out of hidden concern because it would take them far longer to get the molly unstuck than they could search for lungwort, although harsh, Duskpool didn’t want anyone sufferin’ familiar fates to traps far uglier than these.

“No worse than those damn firesticks they carry.” He rumbled, wooly tail flickering with a wrinkled muzzle, tone deadpan. He barely suppressed a flinch, remembering the star-awful sound. “Better keep an eye on anythin’ shiny, don’t need the lot of ya walkin’ in on some of the uglier traps.” He rumbled in warning, letting tired paws carry him further away from them, willing his heart to settle its pounding, keeping his helm forward, molten gaze narrowed.
thought speech

✿—— the frosty tortoiseshell releases a low hissing swear, not that bobbie would blame her—she knows that at least one riverclan cat has been snatched up by twoleg paws, though she's unsure if any of them have lost their lives as skyclanners have. her stare is glacial and her voice is cool as she questions whether this one is fanged, like the shine-jawed ones, and though her white-tipped tail lashses, it doesn't appear to be directed at bobbie. slightly cowed by the cold confidence of the younger warrior, bobbie mews with a shake of her head, "it's not fanged. it wouldn't hurt you, just - just trap you."

she doesn't like slate, but she nods in agreement with his words. stars only knew how long it might delay them to try and track down a captured cat, and she knew (all too well, by now) that not every clan was as familiar with twolegs and their awful contraptions as skyclan was. a pale thunderclanner nods agreement and steps forward, though the gray-and-white one appears....significantly less well-intentioned as she scowls and grumbles something about kittypets, making bobbie's ears flatten for a moment.

stars above, what do these cats want me to do? i can't help where i was born, the tabby thinks bitterly, though she merely shrugs.

"they seep into our territory back home like some kind of disease. it's killed cats before," she remarks with a sigh, eyeing the way the thunderclanner leans in to sniff at it. it seems pointless to caution her again, and the ashen riverclan warrior doesn't seem interested in warning anyone other than her own clanmates. a patched windclanner remarks flatly about the twolegs, and she nods a couple times in agreement; twolegs were like a poison bleeding into whatever areas of wilderness they happened to touch.

it surprises her to see orangeblossom come to her defense (sort of), saying what she hadn't been willing to in one sharp remark before falling back into step with slate. bobbie blinks gratefully, startled, at her receding ginger-and-white back, glancing towards greeneyes and mewing in agreement, "greeneyes is right - i'm sorry, i just wanted to make sure nobody was trapped by it."

she sighs lowly, tired of apologizing, and moves to gently tap her half-tail against duskpool's side before the warrior padded away, remembering him splattered with the blood of their warriors, dead at twoleg paws. glancing at his retreating form, she murmurs, "i don't want to spend any more time around these things than i have to," before padding away after the smoky-furred tom.


  • ooc: ——
  • nothing here, have a nice day :-)
  • 69139399_py669CBh1zLPqxi.png
    — bobbie
    — she/her ; warrior of skyclan ; 40 ☾s
    "speech" ; thoughts ; attacks
    — chibi by its_oliverr
    — penned by dejavu