CAN YOU HEAR THE MUSIC = [ private ]


Mar 14, 2024

His paws burned and it was hard to see. Yeah, this had been a calculated risk, all right. Himself, his mentor, Spiderpaw- who he didn't feel the least bad about snapping at, right?- and Spiderpaw's mentor, trudging through snow, trying to find any trace of materials that hadn't been ruined or prey that could feed anyone more then a kit. His stomach growled and his eyes were squinted against the burning wind, his ears laying flat and tail lowered. How long had it been? He had no idea about any kind of scent, for all he could smell was the burning cold of snow and misery.

And then, of course, it just had to be Spiderpaw and his mentor on this 'patrol' with him and his father. Beetlepaw had grumbled and complained to Burnstorm before they had joined to make the patrol. It was out of necessity, he fathomed. Still, there was this doubtful feeling in his stomach that made him want to crawl out of his own skin and explode. This was dangerous, he knew, but it was more dangerous for cats to go hungry. For Queens to go unfed, for the Elders to grumble and complain about their rumbling stomachs.

"Did you find anything?" He called towards Burnstorm, leaning against a tree to shelter from the wind and snow. Green eyes shifted amongst the landscape, eyeing Spiderpaw for half a second before frowning and turning his head away. Now is not the time to unpack all of that.
  • "speech"
    // tagging the secondary apprentices as well, @COALPAW and @Ravenpaw but don't feel pressured to post! this is gonna be a pivotal point for beetle!
    // not rolling as this is not a point-gaining thread
  • 84056883_W6AsSSDp7fmAB4d.png
  • BEETLEPAW he/him, kit of thunderclan, nine moons.
    LH black smoke with bright green eyes. is growing into a very broad and built tom-cat of average height, mirroring his father's build. has a nick in his right ear and a new scar on his muzzle.
    mentored by BURNSTORM/ / mentoring no one
    no romantic interests / / BURNSTORM X ROEFLAME - sibling to dovepaw and littlepaw, adoptive sibling to hopepaw and coalpaw
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by dallas ↛ dallasofnines on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

spiderpaw practically dragged himself through the piling snow, each step feeling more difficult than the last as he struggles to keep up with the rest of the patrol as they navigate through this storm. each powerful gust of wind that blew over felt like claws digging into his skin, threatening to freeze the very blood that coursed through his veins trying to keep him warm.

for the entirety of their trek spiderpaw had kept silent, his head hanging low and large ears laid flat against a shadowed crown. it could easily be passed off as trying to lessen the harsh effects of the blizzard and it was somewhat the truth, he was mostly trying to avoid looking at beetlepaw because he knew if their eyes met even once there would only be disgust and heartbreak and spiderpaw wasn't sure he was strong enough to relive that moment again for a second time.
Wildheart found himself battling the desire to growl as he was forced to endure the trudge through the snowscape that they found themselves in. However, they had to press on for the sake of the clan. If he was to settle back in a warm nest then he would do so by earning that right.

Admittedly whatever was happening between Beetlepaw and Spiderpaw had missed his attention, though the patrol was the primary thing holding his attention as he desperately tried to find anything of interest. But like usual the cold dampened his ability to smell and left him failing to track a damned thing. "I can't scent anything out here." He finally remarked with a snarl edging his tone, giving away his frustrations.