can you hear the thunder — riverclan patrol

"StarClan, t-that was quite the storm last n-night...," Foxtail murmurs back to his patrolmates, trying to ignore how damp the grass feels with each step he makes. Usually the lead warrior doesn't mind rain— he enjoys the smell of petrichor that comes rolling in with the rain clouds, and there are times where they really need a good splash of rain. A light shower is nice; it's typically quick, docile, and typically harmless. Unfortunately, he can't say the same for a heavy downpour— it's loud, hostile, and messy. The earth below his paws still feels wet to the touch, and he trudges near the SkyClan border, ears twitching at droplets from bushes and trees.

The lead warrior's olive green eyes fall upon the dampened pine trees ahead, and he briefly wonders how bad the rain was over in SkyClan overnight. Do the pine trees provide them with extra coverage from the rain? He thinks as he pads forward, but he freezes as his right paw sinks. His gaze shoots to the earth below him, and his eyes widen at what he sees. Mud! The lead warrior thinks quickly, feeling some relief that he didn't step entirely into the mud. But the same cannot potentially be said for his patrolmates! "...Wait!" Foxtail whips his gaze over to in their direction, feeling unsure if he'll be able to stop them in time. He yanks at his paw, his tail swishing back and forth, hoping he won't lose his balance and fall in face forward. "Don't step into the m-mud, it's t-turned into quicksand!"

  • no need to wait for @SUNPAW., @STREAMSONG, @MERLINPAW ✦, @Turtledove

    prompt: the heavy rains from the night before have made the mud dangerous to stay in for very long! don't get caught in the quicksand!
  • 82418929_FoLQDUUK9zQigyb.png

    credit to raphaelion (via da) for the artwork <3
  • Foxtail
    lead warrior
    24 moons
    experience: trained
    backstory: [HYPERLINK]
    biography: [HYPERLINK]
    credit to trops for the chibi <3
    cisgender male [he / him]
    eyes: green
    pelt: cinnamon/chocolate
    fur length: long
    parents: dawnflower and redfur (riverclan npcs)

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Turtledove trudged behind Foxtail with large heavy paws pressing fresh prints into the damp soil. A small (very small) bead of jealousy sat in her belly. Pebbletail got to be lead for his first patrol as a warrior. She was barely included for this one. She was happy for Pebbletail, but couldn't help but pout as the patrol made their way to the SkyClan border. Maybe next time she'll get to lead a patrol and show off her new warrior skills.

Lost in thought, the spotted warrior didn't even notice the ground growing squishier and harder to walk through. With a loud SQUELCH a dark paw sank into mud and took every effort to remove it. "That's weird..." She muttered and continued on behind Foxtail. The warrior yelled something out, but Turtledove did not register what he had said until she had sunk up to her belly in mud. "Oh, for crying out loud!" She yowled, thrashing in the mud.

  • ooc: she rolled a three :( i hope no skyclan warriors walk by and see her stuck in da mud :( that would be SO embarrassing :(
  • large stocky silver charcoal tabby she-cat with short tail and green eyes
    12 moons old; ages the 1st every month
    bisexual(?) ; currently not looking
    child of Pondstep and Shadoweye
    riverclan ; loyal to licehnstar
    easy to befriend ; trust levels
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    peaceful powerplay allowed and encouraged!

"Tell me about it. Did you hear the river? It seriously sounded like it was right on top of us!" Sunpaw, if her chatting is anything to go by, is in a good mood for once today. It's hard not to be when it's patrol time. To get out in the territory, to meet some new faces. Well, sometimes anyway. Most of the time she knows better and keeps her mouth shut and lets Foxtail or the others do the talking, but why not be cheerful for once?

The ground is damp and squishy, but she kinda likes the feeling of it beneath her paws. Which is why when Foxtail suddenly exclaims, Sunpaw almost snorts and keeps walking. It's her mentor's nature, after all, to be a little bit jumpy, and to doubt things before he can confirm two or three times - at least in her judgement. But she gets two paws into the ground, an attempt to lift them out, where her paws stick and she knows for once he's not being dramatic.
"What's... wrong with quicksand?" she asks. It's probably a stupid question, clearly it's something to be wary of, but she's never actually encountered it before. Ah, StarClan. Did she just do something stupid in front of everybody?

She leans back with her back paws, digs them in, and tries to give her paws a good pull. One paw pops free after a few seconds of tugging. The other paw she keeps tugging, but it sinks down to her ankle and she has the wise idea to stop. "So... Let's say I stepped in it, for example," she mutters, ears flattening back in embarrassment. But then Turtledove yowls, and Sunpaw's gaze travels to the newely-named warrior, and she can't help but burst into laughter. Well, at least the focus is off of her.

"Oh man, Turtledove! You can't swim in the earth!" she laughs harder, even though she herself also has a paw stuck. Her giggles take over anyway. ​
As far as new experiences go, patrolling their border with SkyClan was among some of the more... mundane things Merlinpaw had dealt with. The change in season brought with it slightly different weather, and that topic was the apparent focus of their patrol-mates' chatter. Merlin, for their part, does not join in. They don't really have much to comment on. Sure, the rain was heavy and loud, and Sunpaw's assertion that it sounded like the river was literally on top of them wasn't that far from Merlinpaw's own opinions... they just... didn't have anything to add to the conversation. Why waste their breath or their patrol mates' time with useless comments that didn't add anything?

When Foxtail exclaims about quicksand, that's enough to actually give Merlinpaw something to furrow their brows at, confused. They'd heard of quicksand in passing, but never about why it was dangerous. They almost want to echo Sunpaw's own question, but something makes them bite their tongue. Surely there wasn't need to ask twice. Someone would answer.

...and then Turtledove sinks in the muck.

"Do you want some help..?" He asks, glancing between Turtledove and the rest of the patrol and then towards the SkyClan border, wary of passing patrols from the other clan.

  • ooc -

  • #6360c4

  • (img) Merlinpaw * they/him* 9 moons
    mentored by Streamsong
    short furred blue classic tabby w/ low white; brown eyes
    Peaceful & healing powerplay allowed || underline for attack
    penned by Neptune. || Neptune on disc, dm me for plots