pafp CAN YOU JUST BE HONEST &. return to camp


just for your love, give you the world
Jun 10, 2023


blurry. disoriented. painful. he can still hear the gratingly sweet voice of chi, purring into his ears the threats, or rather promises. he is stumbling, trying to remember where to go. he can't smell anything but his own blood, and her. why did she hurt him? why did she want to? did she have a purpose other than just wishing to cause pain? fear? because she's done a good job at both. he can hardly hear anything other than the sound of his own pawsteps, and even those make him flinch. wincing, he falls to the ground, trying to remember why he was out there in the first place. a patrol... right? so where were they? had he walked too far from them? probably. it was his fault... he should have stayed with those other cats. why didn't he? he just got so tired, and now it cost him.


she can't help him. she is injured worst than he was... she can't save him.

// wowie wow wow . pls wait for @falconpaw!

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STATUES AND EMPIRES✧°.☀ ————————————

His time recently had been sung upon it- the threads of his fur still stained with Bobbie's blood, barely able to wash the most of it out of his fur on his own. He still did not want to bother others with the mess that had been made, drops of life that she sacraficed to avenge Blazestar. He carried the staining now, even as the scent of fresh blood found him. Ears twitched, head rotating, vision peering through the pines. Falconpaw's vision stared, stretching for a long moment. He was even sure that his mentor had mentioned something to him, but Falconpaw headed in the direction of the scent.

His breathing slowly grew more ragged with tragic realization. Black fur heaped up in a mess, chin pressed to the frozen ground. Stained with that red- like mother, like son? Was this kind of cruel joke? "Drowsypaw." He started. Maybe this was some kind of payback for have helping Drowsypaw's mom, regardless of what life-saving it might have been. He was just being got back at, right? Right? Guilt surged, pain twisted his heart. Drowsypaw didn't deserve this. Not right now, Starclan, why?

"Drowsy." He called again- Falconpaw finally moved, jogging to the side of the younger. Nose pressed against his neck and nudged. Vision swept up, and down the length of the other apprentice- no, the red stemmed from wounds. Wounds, viscous ones at that. "Help!" Falconpaw's head whipped towards his mentor, towards anyone. "I can't carry him alone. We need-" Unlike that strange edge of calm when he was helping Bobbie, there was a nervous choke. He inhaled sharply. "We need to get him back. Please."

Vision dropped to the apprentice again. "Drowsypaw, wake up, please. I need to hear you're okay. Talk to me." Falconpaw's words were quiet, filled with an undeniable pain.

// @GREENEYES mentor tag!

[penned by dallas - ]
———————————— ☀.°✧ ALL AT YOUR PAWS
Preoccupied with pressing his cost against a tree, Dogbite was absorbed in his duty, trying to anchor himself in the simplicity of the task. However, the abrupt call shattered the calm, and he practically barreled from his position behind a trail of undergrowth. His blue eye caught sight of the crumpled apprentice, and Falconpaw's attempts to steady them intensified the urgency. The stench of a coppery tang filled the air, triggering Dogbite's immediate response.

Without wasting another breath, he rushed to the youth's side, his face contorted with a mixture of fright and concern. Please, not him. Not like this. Flashes of Bobbie's marred face, blood pooling into the grasses, practically seized his heart. Glancing at Falconpaw, he hurriedly gestures with his head and speaks with a firm, hoarse voice. "I've got him. Take someone with you to grab Dawnglare and Fireflypaw. Do not go alone." The possibility of the assailant still lurking nearby prompted a cautious approach, and Dogbite prioritized the safety of the paw'.

Turning his attention back to the injured apprentice, he aimed to gently nuzzle beneath their side and hoist them onto his back. Soft murmurs escaped him as his chest twisted with emotion. Praying the unconscious youth could hear him. "It's gonna be okay, Drowsypaw. Just hang on." The guilt of not noticing the commotion earlier gnawed at him, but Dogbite pushed it aside, focusing on the immediate need to get Drowsypaw to safety. He couldn't let another cat die, and whoever did this would meet a far worse fate. There would be time for reflection later, now, the priority was ensuring their clanmate's well-being.

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  • ———✧———​
    ✧ LH cinnamon tabby w/high white one blue eye
    ✧ child of npc x npc ; sibling to crescent and bear
    ✧ skyclan warrior ; ex-loner ; mentor to littlepaw
    ✧ 32 moons old ; birthday 07/01 ; ages realistically
    ✧ AFAB ; nonbinary ; he/they
    ✧ pansexual ; polyromantic ; single
    "speech", thought, attack, powerplay
    ✧ peaceful powerplay allowed
    ✧ penned by tasmagoric
anger makes you stupid . stupid gets you killed .
“Drowsypaw!” He barked, voice echoing throughout the forest as panic slowly set in, burning molten scanning the pine trees in his haste to find his apprentice. Come on kid, where the hell are you? The patrol had been simple enough, but in a turn of events, his apprentice vanished and the scent of blood high in the air nearly drew a loud snarl, muzzle rippling like angry waves that crinkled the scarred flesh in a silent sneer, teeth-gritting until pain coursed through his jaw at the pressure. Come on, kid. He repeated, helm whipping as he traveled further, closer to camp when Falconpaw’s voice echoed, causing his heart to drop into his stomach.

His shoulder burned from the sudden jerk of motion, kicking up foliage to reach his apprentice, bloodied and wounded, Dogbite at his side telling Falconpaw to fetch Fireflypaw and Dawnglare. “Damnit, kid!” He snapped, not out of anger, but pure born fear. He couldn’t lose another. He couldn’t. If the stars wanted to punish him then fine, but what did Drowsypaw do to deserve this, just like his mother that it nearly drew a bitter laugh from the warrior. Of course. His muzzle crinkled, reaching to press his nose against Drowsypaw’s helm, tongue rasping against the fur-tasting ichor that welled into harrowing grief. Damnit.

He had promised to keep the kid safe and guess where that got him? He breathed shakily, pulling away from his apprentice with a silent rumble, expression borderline fierce, nothing like the wavering storm of calmness he so often wore. “I’m here, kiddo.” He rumbled. “You’ll be fine once Dawnglare ‘en Fireflypaw gets a good look at ya.” He whispered, helm twisting to Falconpaw. “Come on, kid.” He jerked his helm toward camp, already setting off to fetch the two, teeth clenching at the mind-numbing grief that weighed heavily on his shoulders. Some mentor I am, eh?

/ @DAWNGLARE @Fireflypaw
thought speech
Cries of panic; a strained call for his name. Too much of this, he has heard as of late, and the stars offer them no break to mourn their dead leader. As if Leaf - Bare did not already pluck indecently at their skin, the rogues in the area intended to puncture. Not for the first time, Dawnglare is rushing forward with cobweb wrapped around a forearm, only now, his eyes were dark and his heart pounded wildly. Drowsypaw is slung over Dogteeth's shoulders. He thinks it a blessing, that Drowsypaw is not terribly far from camp. But oh, he ponders how long he has dragged himself along like this. Dawn streaked its way down his and Dogbite's coats both. Did the trail end here, he wonders?

" Help — help him to camp. Quickly, quickly! " Blazing death has left him irritatable, each and every breath one unappreciated; one too slow. If Fireflypaw has followed, undeniably, he would know the routine by now. Perhaps, only for all the injuries like this he's seen sustained as of late — Hawkpaw, Wolfpaw, Bobbie — he has the uttermost faith that Drowsypaw will live. It would've been too much to ask the same from Blazestar, of course. Somehow, he had ensured that those claws ensnared themselves properly. " The eye... " near imperceptibly, he mumbles. It seemed each and every rogue had an obsession with tearing eyes and ear - membrane, but for Blazestar, it had to be different. Fatality, bite full of all the poison WindClan had to offer.

" He will live, " without needing to be asked, he would say. This is how it would go, out of the cruelness of fate. They were lucky to evade death, except in the time it most mattered. It is a cruel joke he is certain of.

  • geLHt4I.png

  • ( I'M AS ALIVE AS HER BEARD IS LONG ) DAWNGLARE Medicine Cat of SkyClan. Mentoring Fireflypaw
    𓆩♡𓆪 He / him , deeply confused by the use of other pronouns
    𓆩♡𓆪 Currently 61 moons old as of 2.1.24. Mated to Mallowlark

    Unsettling and strange, Dawnglare bears a unique perception to the world and stars above on top of a generally unpleasant disposition. Holds others to uniquely impossible standards and himself undeniably above the rest. Delusional and very much stuck in his ways. The death of his closest friend has helped him none, in this
    Mood is decided by dice - rolls per thread, with the exception of some important threads

the sounds of their voices are all faint. he doesn't even remember slipping into this state of unconsciousness, half sleep, but as soon as he can, he's jolting awake. the scent of dogbite is the strongest, given he's on the tom's back. and somehow, still, the movement is enough to scare him. he tumbles off the larger tom cat, wincing as he hits the ground, but still quickly stands up, looking around through an eye clear, and an eye blurred. sleeping already? not quick to learn your lesson, huh, kid? he shakes his head, looking from falconpaw, to his mentor, to the medicine cat, and back to dogbite.

"i-i... can walk... d...don't..."

he's dizzy, and confused, but he can still walk. he's fine. he's fine... he will be fine. that's more than what he can say for his mental health, or his own mother. he hadn't meant to wander away from duskpool. maybe if he didn't... then...

"it... hurts."

he tells himself, really, but in his confusion he can't feel a lot. fear, mostly. he's so scared. he presses to his mentor, stumbling every few steps, and craning his neck back go double check. was he safe? was she still watching? why did he feel like he was still being watched? if he told anyone, she said she would kill him so... she had to be watching him, right? but why? not even the stars have answers.

STATUES AND EMPIRES✧°.☀ ————————————
Dogbite shows up, ordering him to head back to camp. They were still blissfully alone, and for the first time since he was young, he felt panic close up his throat. He forced breaths down it, eyes widening as he turned his head just in time to hear Duskpool's shouting. His head nodded, moving to head towards camp, Dogbite already carrying Drowsypaw back. His ears folded back as he heard Dawnglare's snap, looking back towards Drowsypaw. There was too much happening. He couldn't process this.

Fuck. Fuck, fuck, fuck! He watched Drowsypaw slam to the ground unceremoniously, struggling to his paws. Falconpaw watched near helplessly as the other apprentice found his mentor's side. So, instead, he shifted his attention to the forest around them as they made a short trek back to camp. What was there to really think? Drowsypaw was injured. Dawnglare was here, Dawnglare would help him. Duskpool and Dogbite could carry him. Greeneyes was here somewhere but... what had done this? Who?

Falconpaw bit down on his tongue, blue eyes narrowing as he continued forward, head lowered. "It's okay, Drowsypaw." He murmured, not so-unlike a private conversation they have had. "I know it hurts. When we're in camp Dawnglare will help." Falconpaw was trying to give him support, as best as he could. What more could he do then that? He had been Bobbie's legs back to camp. He had been Drowsypaw's shoulder the other night- now he was trailing behind them all, intent on taking up the guard from behind.

[penned by dallas - ]
———————————— ☀.°✧ ALL AT YOUR PAWS
"What happened?!" Fireflypaw shrieks as the smell of blood wafts to his nose, swiftly following after his mentor to check on the wounded. As Drowsypaw gets aid from the others to stand, he says he can walk- and Fireflypaw's frown he unknowingly had seemingly deepened with the words being spoken around him. He turns to his mentor, worry evident in blind blue eyes.

"I'll run ahead and get the herbs ready." Fireflypaw quips to Dawnglare, before turning tail and rushing back to camp to prepare for their new guest. They would need marigold, wet moss for the wound to clean, cobwebs.. Goldenrod, right? Hm. Perhaps they could prevent infection early. He sure hoped so. ​
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Everything began to speed up as more cats joined the commotion, and Dogbite did his best to stay mellow in the maelstrom. Duskpool's distressed voice carried a harrow tangibleness. Not long ago Dogbite had been in the older tom's own paw steps. I will not let him die. I promise. Silently, they nodded with gratitude as Duskpool took Falconpaw to fetch them. Despite the frantic thrumming of his heart attempting to jackhammer its way from its confines, his legs moved onward. Carefully, he maneuvered the short trek towards camp just as Dawnglare and Fireflypaw breached through the undergrowth, a shocked shout made his torn ears flatten.

A twinge of relief pulled from their throat, despite the holler, and quickly he relayed the current predicament. "It's Drowsypaw, he was attacked. We need to make sure everyone in and out of camp knows to stay together." His nose crinkled with frustration. "I've no idea who or where this cat is, either." The sudden urgency in the medicine cat's voice alone was enough to make him put pep behind his step.

Albeit the statement of him living was enough for the panicked roaring of Dogbite's blood vessels to cool. Hauling the youth as trickling crimson began to stain his pale pelt, felt eerily reminiscent of Blazestar's corpse just a pawful of days ago. As Drowsypaw began to stir on his shoulders, the warrior halted, surprise highlighting their scruffy mug as. Craning his neck back to stop their graceless plummet, but the paw' had already slipped down. "Shit." They cursed softly between gritted fangs, fright evident in their bristling pelt. He wasn't convinced for a second this kid was alright, but it seemed Falconpaw was already a step ahead. There was clearly no point in arguing with the delirious state of Drowsypaw. Sweeping to the Apprentice's empty side, he aimed to lean into them, offering his side as a steady wall to breach against.

Murmuring in a genteel nature just above Drowsypaw's head. "Come on, it's just a bit longer. If you can't walk any further, there's no shame in me carrying you." He prayed the reassurance was enough to fuel the injured paw' ahead. Fireflypaw's swift exit was enough for him to know things would go south quickly if he didn't receive proper attention.

  • ———✧———​
    ✧ LH cinnamon tabby w/high white one blue eye
    ✧ child of npc x npc ; sibling to crescent and bear
    ✧ skyclan warrior ; ex-loner ; mentor to littlepaw
    ✧ 32 moons old ; birthday 07/01 ; ages realistically
    ✧ AFAB ; nonbinary ; he/they
    ✧ pansexual ; polyromantic ; single
    "speech", thought, attack, powerplay
    ✧ peaceful powerplay allowed
    ✧ penned by tasmagoric
anger makes you stupid . stupid gets you killed .
He will live. He breathed, unaware he’d been holding it, tension bleeding out of his frame to stare at his apprentice with mixed emotions, unwavering protectiveness surging forward, wanting to wrap the small fry up and hide him away from the world because stars he was only a kid. He didn’t need this, not when his mother was in the medicine den baring similar wounds, nor having to witness something as gruesome as this, but it was life, as unfair and awful as it was and sometimes kids had to witness it firsthand, but that sure as hell didn’t mean he was fine with it, not even the slightest. He breathed, molten hues taking on a fierce gleam. Whoever had done this—Duskpool wasn’t someone who willingly let their emotions get to him, but that didn’t go to say he was some heartless monster that never cared, but whoever did this, well, the smokey warrior would make damn sure they never saw the light again.

“Shit, kid!” He muttered, burning molten zeroing in on the matted blood that coated Drowsypaw’s helm, tension building back up. “It’s alright, kiddo. Ain’t gotta have to be carried, but let Dogbite help ya. He’ll steer ya right, just gotta hold on a bit longer, eh?” He rumbled, padding up to the other side of Drowsypaw, helm lowering to nudge gently at the apprentice’s flank, urging the other forward. “Come on, kiddo. Let’s get ya fixed up and I’ll tell ya a few stories about life before the clans once yer looked at.” He added after a heartbeat, glancing at Dogbite with a thankful nod, not before his gaze slid to Falconpaw, brow rising in contemplation. “Almost there, kiddo. Just a few more steps.” He encouraged, just hoping to stars that it didn’t go south, even if hoping was a sure place to wager negative emotions, but hell, at this point, the warrior would take anythin’ just to see Drowsypaw alright.

“Falconpaw. Come help Dogbite, I’ll hang back en make sure whatever it was didn’t follow.” He jerked his chin toward the wounded apprentice, stepping away with a flick of his tail, burning molten lingering on his apprentice. He trusted Dawnglare to do his job.
thought speech