pafp Can't Catch Me Now ☆ Starclan...lesson?


Slave to self-righteousness
Nov 1, 2023
*+:。.。 "Crabkit! Crabkit wait, don't you want to learn about Starclan!?"

When Asphodelpaw was Crabkit's age, he practically lived for any information he could get about Riverclan's history. His parents would tell him stories about the great battle, Starclan's arrival, and the forging of colonies to clans as bedtime stories or to keep his restless little paws still. Although he wasn't there for any of the events as they were woven into existence, he believed them full-heartedly and would imagine himself being better prepared than most should the same events - mainly Starclan touching down- happen again.
He'd figured the best way to bond with Crabkit would be to share the same story-telling experiences...kits love history lessons, shouldn't they?

Instead, the newest addition to Riverclan seemed hell-bent on making this a game of tag instead of a proper sit-down storytime. Maybe he just needed to get out his energy? But Asp swears they've been running around camp for hours now! Dizzily, the apprentice would skid to a halt, whirling around to and fro, searching for his clanmate. Aha! There, behind a rock, a pair of cream and ginger ears! "Crabkit, seriously, you'll love it, just - hold on a second -" but off the kitten goes, leaving Asp coughing in his dust. Starclan almighty, children were fast!
With a reluctant whine, the young man bolts again after the child, wondering again how he got himself into this situation!


    DMAB— He/Him — Unsure
    10 moons — Ages 2nd moon every month
    Mentored by Crashingtide
    Riverclan — Apprentice

    Physically hard | mentally medium
    Attack in bold #9fc3fc
    injuries: None currently
𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 The apprentice chases after him, and yet the kit manages to run even harder. His little chest heaves, panting breaths leaving his mouth as he calls back to Asphodelpaw, "Nuh uh! You gotta catch me!" When he gets the chance, he ducks behind a rock, hunkering down with a soft giggle. He’ll never find me now! He doesn’t want to learn about StarClan—he wants to play tag! For a heartbeat he thinks that he’s finally lost the older tom, but then he hears pawsteps approaching the rock, and off he runs again. The apprentice calls out to him, saying that he’ll love it, but Crabkit doesn’t want to listen to stories right now!

He can hear the apprentice running after him, and he’s starting to get tired. But he doesn’t want to get tagged, so he has to keep going! He slows to make a sharp turn, and he can almost feel Asphodelpaw’s breath against his tail. Oh no! Throwing his head back, the ginger-splashed kit lets out a loud, "AHHH!" He then lowers his head, closing his eyes so he can go even faster. He can’t get tagged now!
  • Haha
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