About a day had passed since the final betrayal of Hyacinithbreath, and while Sootstar has exiled cats for much worse she was done allowing cats blatantly disloyal to her remain in WindClan. Hence far it has done her clan no good with all of the constant in-fighting and now that was beginning to show on border patrols... StarClan's sake. This was her clan, Sootstar created WindClan, she was WindClan, and no one was going to tell her how to lead it. Sootstar lived her power and that was obvious, but she believes despite her brute force and militarist ways that she does her best to lead her clan.

With the way the stars shone tonight, it was quite obvious to the leader that they were in approval. WindClan would remain and continue to be the strongest clan under her rule... but these cats who didn't want to pledge themselves to her needed to go. They were carrying far too much extra weight, giving away far too many resources for cats who cannot even bother to back her on a border patrol anymore!

Enough was enough, if she didn't cut these cats lose they'd eat her clan up from the inside out like parasites. What better than to renew vows under the starry night sky?

"All cats old enough to race the moors gather below the Tallrock for a clan-meeting!" Her typical meeting yowl is scent out into the cool air. Sootstar goes quiet for several minutes ensuring everyone was pleasant, she was going to toss as many of the disloyal cats remaining to the winds as possible.

Once she was certain she looks down upon them all with narrowed eyes. "I'm awfully displeased with this clan as of late. We've always had our quarrels, sure, but the bad rabbits in this clan are starting to get too comfortable. Loyalties appear to be at a low despite everything I've done for this clan. Some of you scold the rogues for their barbarity, but they are the newest members of this clan yet show me more respect than some of you who first joined me. It's disgraceful and StarClan frowns as they look down upon you all." Certainly there was no one shocked by her words? The air has grown filled with tension before, but not like this.

"The bunch of you act as if you are my prisoners, as if you did not ask to join this very clan and take the vow to remain loyal to WindClan and I. I am ceasing quarreling. I want to protect and defend the cats who wish to be here. Who wish to call themselves WindClan, who wish to serve StarClan and I, Sootstar! Do you miss kin in other clans? Does your heart yearn for them? Do you wish to flee? Again, now is your time to go and no harm will befall you. If you are ungrateful for what I aim to give you now you will not be deserving to be apart of an even stronger WindClan... and under me I promise that you shall see one!"

They didn't scatter when she told them this when Hyacinithbreath was exiled though, so she'd push them to rid WindClan of their weight further. "Everyone who desires to stay in WindClan must step forward and re-vow to be loyal to StarClan and I. You must promise to respect and listen to my judgement, as StarClan chose me to wear the crown as WindClan's ruler." No, they had not chosen Hyacinithbreath, they hadn't picked Honey, they had not picked Emberfang, and they had not picked any of the other cats who cried she was unjust and unfair!

Again she scans the crowd, "To anyone who cannot do that, do not make a scene. Grab whatever you need to, say your brief goodbyes, and be on your way. We commence now- in no specific order. If you are loyal to WindClan, to StarClan and to me utter your words to the stars." And Sootstar watches them, watching for anyone who merely just spoke the words yet did not appear to truly mean them.

//WOOO hopefully the last likely filled drama thread for a second but i felt like something like this was needed mwhaha!
on that note! While IC conflict is fine and you can make whatever kind of character you like, it is encouraged to have an OC who can handle Windclan's atmosphere to be comfortable RPing here. Going forward exile and rebellion plots will need to be spaced more appropriately and be less common to avoid the clan being in a constant state of tension. Sootstar's reign has a year to go and we are unlikely to see ic change on the environment until then ^^


( primary character / "speech" / ic opinions )

· SOOTSTAR, female — she / her
╰ ‣ 32 moons . pisces. ages on the first
╰ ‣ windclan leader . marsh-born . believes in starclan
╰ ‣ former soldier of the marsh group

· DOMESTIC FELINE, smells like heather and wet dirt , status — 100%
╰ ‣ blue smoke . scarred chest, difficult to see through fur . green eyes

· ESTJ-A ❝
EXECTUTIVE ❞ , Slytherin, Lawful Evil
╰ ‣ Cunning, brash, fierce, confident, self-reliant, envious & selfish
╰ ‣ finds great difficulty in relating to others . can be cruel, usually shows mercy to those she can find sympathy with
╰ ‣ Appreciates titles such as "miss, m'am" etc

· SOOT CLAW x PEBBLE BREEZE, sister to Pebblenose
╰ ‣ heterosexual. romantically interested in Weaselclaw
╰ ‣ mother to windpaw & sootpaw
╰ ‣ mentor to sootpaw & coyotepaw
╰ ‣ average fighter . skilled hunter .
╰ ‣ will start fights . unlikely to flee .
╰ ‣ attack in underline . penned by user @ava.
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At the call of Sootstar shes almost frozen in place, moss bundled in her jaws as she returns to give an NPC a new nest, ears swiveling forwards in curiosity. The large somali bushes her feathered tail, makes her way over, smooths down stray chest fur and sits before the queen of the moors. She shuffles her paws idly as Soot's voice carries itself through camp and for the most part Moth can brush it off her shoulders because it did not apply to the woman.

But she wants those to swear loyalty and Moth rises to her paws with a flick of her tail, a large smile on her face. Windclan had been her home since she came from the marsh group, Sootstar her leader, an admirable cat. Moth would be more than happy to serve the blue furred woman. "I, for one, don't have a problem saying this: glory to Sootstar and the clan she has built!" petty, maybe, but if Soot got rid of the weaker links then its one less cat to worry about betrayal. "I will forever be loyal to the cat, to the clan, that has let me call this place home." she says it proudly to the stars with warmth in her heart. Her pledge is no fur off her back but as she steps back she eyes those who have stuck around. Only time will tell if they truly mean it.
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╭── ⋅ ⋅ ── ✩ ── ⋅ ⋅ ──╮

Only a few days ago, Weaselclaw would have stood with Mothmeadow, chest thrust forward, praises sung high as the wind. As it is, the tabby scowls at his leader, aching all over, his ear freshly stripped of its cobweb covering and tingling strangely with the wind caressing its torn edges. Pledge, she says. Loyalty. What good is loyalty when he can be cast aside for trying to feed his Clan?

Initial frustrations, they are, and he stares at her, then at Mothmeadow, as their words are spoken. He does not rise to bow to Sootstar, but he does push himself to four paws.

Despite her outburst at him, in front of the Clan, he still loves her. He does not know if they will ever be together that way again, but he loves her. He will never not love her, and there's nothing he can do about that.

"I've pledged myself to you time and time again. Nothing's changed." It's all he has to give right now. Feeling weak, wheezy, he settles back down, burning blue gaze whipping throughout the gathered crowd. Would those who had sympathized with Hyacinthbreath actually leave?

- ,,
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Yewberry felt sick. He shivered in the cold as he looked up at Sootstar and was faced with a decision he had considered plenty of times. Stay or go.

If he had no friends, he'd have gone. But now, he wouldn't leave them here with these rogues. His mind was made up. If he had to become like them to stay with his.... His kits, then he would. Sootstar would not tear them apart, no matter how good at breaking families apart she seemed to be.

He swallowed. His expression was dull from crying his eyes out from Hyacinthbreath leaving.

"I am loyal to Windclan and you, Sootstar. I believe in Starclan and have total faith in them." He said. His voice was tired and he struggled to make eye contact, but honestly, he was never good at that.

He felt a pit in his stomach. He didn't sound sincere at all. He even tried! He hoped he wouldn't have to raise his voice. His voice wasn't good at that.

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When her leader calls for a meeting, Echolight only shuffles outside of the nursery, simply refusing to waddle over to the base of tall rock- but that she had a good excuse for.
The lilac queen had no doubt Sootstar was going to bring up the past half-moons events, and there wasn’t a flicker of surprise in her eye when the smoked molly did. Perhaps, what follows next shouldn’t have been a surprise to the calico either, but her brow furrows slightly, and she takes a sharp inhale.
Sootstar was right, she held none of her clan prisoners, they still had free-will, Echolight could leave with her family if that’s what they wanted, they could be free of Sootstar’s militant and sometimes unmerciful ways.
Still, Echolight pauses, her eye trailing to the depths of the nursery where Daisykit was bound to pop out anytime, all the way to the medicine den where Dandy might be perched, the small scar typically hidden under parted chest fur tying him to that den, to this camp. She looks for Leechpaw in the crowd, then Yewberry, who had not once spoke up against the rumors of him being the sire to her children- something Echolight had selfishly accepted. A feathered tail fans across her swollen stomach, one that would limit her ability to make it out of the territory, especially with the freezing snow and ice.
Still, her gaze looks to her family, but she cannot gauge her reactions from the distance she is at, she has to make the decision without her family’s council.
A flutter in her gut, a rustle from the nursery where her daughter rested behind her, perhaps even a returning glance from Leechpaw or Yewberry- they all blend together as Echolight uncomfortably shifted to her paws.
"I pledge the entirety of my loyalty to you Sootstar, Windclan, to my clanmates and our leading council." Her words are clear, and though she does not raise her voice loud enough to stand particularly out against the blend of the others voices, her expression does not display an ounce of ingenuity, as she meant what she said- her loyalty was to her clan, to her children’s lives that would be put in danger if they were to leave all she had ever known.
She sits back down, hiding a grimace. She is not a prisoner here, but she has built a home in Windclan, extending past her blood family and the moors itself- who would she be to abandoned her loved ones? Her chosen family?
Having said her pledge, Echolight turns away, back towards the nursery, too drained to remain even with a distanced attendance.

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Like always when Sootstar stood upon that Tall rock and demanded all of their attention Sunsetbreeze would shortly follow to stand at the front with pride. His loyalty towards them was unwavering. Didn't matter that he had liked Hyacinthbreath at the end to depart them with his final words to them. At the end of the day his loyalty remained with Sootstar. It displeased him to hear how his clanmates had been so disrespectful towards thier Queen even going so far to embarass thier leader in front of the other clans...Some of his clanmates clearly needed to learn some discipline. A deep frown settled on beautiful features, unfitted on such features like his. Sunsetbreeze could do nothing but agree with what Sootstar was saying. Ungrateful fools didn't deserve to be here to serve underneath Sootstar to call her for vile names like children who was throwing tantrums. It was stupid, and they shall all feel ashamed of themselves. Sootstar who had given them everything they now had today. Sunsetbreeze would happily pledge his loyalty to their Queen again, and again, as many times Sootstar would demand it of them. He would follow them into the dark if that was what she wanted him to do.

Sunsetbreeze waited on his turn and when it finally arrived he would step forward and do what none of the other cats had done this far. He would lift up a paw and kneel himself down to bow to her. " I, Sunsetbreeze warrior of windclan pledge my loyalty to you Sootstar just like i did the first day we meet. You showed me kindness when no other cat would even look at me. You saved my life and for that my life belongs to you. I will serve you , windclan and starclan to my final breath." He would slowly stand up again and looked up to thier leader who shine so brightly there she stood rightfully on Tall Rock. He would give one final dip of his head to her before he turned leaving the stage for next cat, and his eyes were burning.

Sootstar was upset, let down by them all and Sunsetbreeze couldn't help but feel bitter about it. He would make sure this never happend again.

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This was stupied. Why did he have to pledge his loyalty all over again just because of somebody else's screw up?. Leechpaw would huff, his expression grim looking as he looked out over the crowd until his eyes found Echolight. His expression would soften a little bit by the sight of her, giving the queen a nod of his head. He had no idea of the worries that haunted his former mentors head at the moment but he was not in agreement with her. Leechpaw had never once thought any of Sootstars decisions had been unjustified. He was grown up and raised with a firm paw, learning early on that actions had consequences. Sootstar was the one who kept this clan together, and so what if her leadership was stricter than from the other clans?. Would they all rather have a over friendly leader who let anyone in who come onto thier moors like skyclan and thunderclan did?. No. She was smart and knew how cruel and ruthless this world was. They might all be to blind to see to busy searching for flaws but she was making sure they all survived that order was in place because without order everything would fall apart.

Leechpaw was relieved to see Echolight pledge her loyalty to Sootstar constantly having this fear she would end up like her sister Ember. He could deal with most cats leaving him but not her. If Echolight would end up doing what Hyacinthbreath just had would destroy him. Out of all cats who could abandon and leave him behind....he would not be able to take it.

He waited for a while longer, until finally he decided to step forward himself, that grim look still present on his maw. " I sacrificed my life for this clan when i fought a hawk. I recently fought a fox to defend one of my clanmates. " Sure, in that moment he hadn't cared about anyone of them when he had lunged himself at that hawk that had left this nasty scars on him completely blinded by his own selfish greed of vengence but no one knew that so he could twist that truth around to his own gaining sake. He didn't really care. When he had fought that fox though it had all been to protect Periwinklepaw. " My vows to you, and to windclan stays the same just like the first time i spoke them. If you ever question my loyalty to you Sootstar or this clan just ask me to prove it and i will. I believe actions speaks louder than words." He had never meant to stay in this clan for as long as he had but it was different now. If he wanted his family to join here one day he had to show he was fully committed to this clan, to her. He would turn hoping that was enough to convince her instead he looked out over the crowd with a snarl. " And to anyone else who dosent approve of Sootstar as our leader, get the fuck out. We don't need your sniveling bullshit so stop wasting our time we have mouths to feed. " Tch!. Leechpaw started to walk away after that with a lash of his tail. If they wanted a more soft life then why didn't they join the kittypet loving clans like thunderclan and skyclan?. He was sure they would love it there.

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What worth would it be to leave? His home all his life, the place he had been born, all for a new age? And then, if he did leave- were he and his family not surrounded at all angles? Clans in all directions, five of them, and they were part of one. That one settled upon their moor, his moor- he could not leave it. What would they do, then? His life was here- it had always been here. And as Echolight stepped forward, granting her pledge- well, he could not leave her either. Not now.

What a waste of time it would be to leave! Hawk-battling, prey-catching, new-naming. So forward did he skip, as bounding and gleeful as ever. "I pledge my loyalty to StarClan's judgement. To you, and WindClan!" And down did he bow his head. StarClan was Her, the mother. And he already knew the Mother approved of Mallowlark's choice, and her own choices in leaders and medicine cats. What had Dawnglare said? He'd rip her head from her shoulders. Then he'd been talking about Honeytwist, but the image made him laugh nevertheless. What a commotion that would be!

Back did he step, vision fixed. Her head remained stationary.
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Galeforce could feel his gut twisting with deepening anxiety as the meeting was called, and even more so as Sootstar spoke. So, this was the game she wished to play? The temptation to walk away from her and from WindClan was tempting, but what chance did he stand out there alone in the middle of leafbare? And... could he bring himself to walk away from Sunsetbreeze? The tom turned his head and he watched the other warrior give their pledge of loyalty. He was always so loyal and willing to do as Sootstar wished. Galeforce was not.

He swallowed back the lump forming in the back of his throat as he took a step forward. "I pledge my loyalty to StarClan, to Sootstar, and to WindClan." His voice didn't carry any of his usual pep or energy. Though how could it when he carried no willingness to this charade? He just didn't want to be cast out, and he didn't want to leave the clanmates he had grown close to. He would merely endure for as long as he could.
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He has found himself consumed by the lives of these clan cats. The unfamiliarity of it had faded quickly. They were much like rogues themselves– how strange to say as such. A group intent on their own gain, their own future. And what use is it to any other? What they could take, they deserved. In this he supposes he honors Sootstar (whose name, he must admit, he has yet to grow accustomed to; strange traditions, as they are). To each their fate, their destiny. The both of them would chase it in tandem, for as long as their tales twined around one another. Not that she or any other need know that condition. As far as those in this clan might see, he is growing to be a fine warrior, warm in word but bold of heart. Clever and wily, but as willing to bend as a young sapling beneath a storm's weight.

He will learn, and so too will they learn.

With his posture proud and his unwavering gaze never leaving the leader above him, even as he bows his head to a respectful tilt, Sunstride (who has not yet grown accustomed to his own name) calls attention to himself. He strides forward from his place at Wolfsong's shoulder, leaving the familiarity with a passing brush of his shoulder, and meets her fearlessly. "Sootstar. You have given us a home and a name– you have taken us in for this time of trouble, and have treated us fairly throughout it all. Of this I swear: you will have me at your side for the time that you continue to treat us this fairly." He does not speak of StarClan. Though he had seen, and though he learns, their faith was still as foreign as their names. Perhaps with time, he might swear to them as well. For now, at least, the tom may only hope that Sootstar will forgive the missing words.

  • 22786037_79RwX98iXaYMr17.png
    ooc: @WOLFSONG
  • SUNSTRIDE. named for his coloration and his bold chasing of fate.
    —— cis male, uses he - him. thirty-four moons old. warrior of windclan and former rogue.
    —— cautious of clan life, but an apt learner. encourages close bonds between clanmates.
    —— loyalty uncertain, cares for those surrounding him. undoubtedly closest to wolfsong.

    sunstride is broad and bold– a creature standing above most of windclan, though not a beast beyond its borders, with fur that flames red at its base and deepens to a burnt amber with every whorl and stripe. his eyes, in comparison, are a pale summer's blue, still as bold as the rest of him.
  • "speech"
sootpaw has never questioned his loyalty to his homeland; his mother did not raise a snake in the grass. windclan is his pride, and sootstar, his legacy. everything he does? he does it for his clan. these disloyal dogs should start taking notes from him, and learn their place. even within the great council, it reeks of insubordination. weaselclaw, hyacinthbreath, honeytwist... all cats who did not deserve the marks they bore across their chest.

sootstar calls for her clan's attention, and sootpaw has a suspicion that this meeting would be tied to hyacinthbreath's betrayal in some way. the small tom worms his way to the front of the crowd gathering, curling a plumed tail over petite paws as he sits. olive eyes do not waver from his mother, who delivers a simple command; pledge your loyalty, or leave in peace. others begin to rise around him, and sootpaw watches them carefully. some with an uncertain furrow in their brow, and some with a hint of finality in their voices.

those who showcase precarious hesitancy should be shown to the edge of the moors, sootpaw thinks. there's no room for doubt in another's loyalty; look at what hyacinthbreath had done with such doubt.

but sootpaw doesn't believe he has to do anything for sootstar to know of his devotion. although, he should set an example, shouldn't he? him, the prince of the moors, the son of the great sootstar, is expected to be a role model. so he rises to his paws, his head raised high and his chest puffed out. "i pledge my undying loyalty to you, to the moors, and above all, to starclan," sootpaw declares, watching his mother's expression for any hint of her approval. "everything i do, i do for this clan."
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Sootstar is beyond pleased, the vows from her clan-mates sending her into a state of content. Yewberry briefly earns an disatisfied look, what type of vow was that? It didn't sound very proud or confident, did she need to keep an eye on the warrior? For now she does not utter a word.

She is proudful of those who vow boldly, Sootpaw her son, especially. There is a smile upon her maw, "And with your loyalty, I vow to keep WindClan strong and in the graces of our ancestors." A promise of her own, one that she meant with all her heart."But I'm going to need help- help from everyone but I am looking for cats who especially want to step up to plate for their clan. WindClan's council dwindles, I'm looking to add more cats to it... so know that I am watching. Those who work hard for the clan, to keep us orderly and safe, shall be rewarded!" Perhaps that will spark some motivation.

"That is all, the meeting is dismissed."


( primary character / "speech" / ic opinions )

· SOOTSTAR, female — she / her
╰ ‣ 34 moons . pisces. ages on the first
╰ ‣ windclan leader . marsh-born . believes in starclan
╰ ‣ former soldier of the marsh group

· DOMESTIC FELINE, smells like heather and wet dirt , status — 100%
╰ ‣ blue smoke . scarred chest, difficult to see through fur . green eyes

· ESTJ-A ❝ EXECTUTIVE ❞ , Slytherin, Lawful Evil
╰ ‣ Cunning, brash, fierce, confident, self-reliant, envious & selfish
╰ ‣ finds great difficulty in relating to others . can be cruel, usually shows mercy to those she can find sympathy with
╰ ‣ sole key to her heart is loyalty, if you have her trust, she often shows a completely different side of herself. Aggression tends to manifest from her extreme paranoia
╰ ‣ Appreciates titles such as "miss, m'am" etc

· SOOT CLAW x PEBBLE BREEZE, sister to Pebblenose
╰ ‣ heterosexual. mate to Weaselclaw
╰ ‣ mother to Windpaw & Sootpaw
╰ ‣ mentor to Sootpaw & Coyotepaw
╰ ‣ average fighter . skilled hunter .
╰ ‣ will start fights . unlikely to flee .
╰ ‣ attack in underline . penned by user @ava.
The woman stirs below the Tallrock, maw damp as she beams. Their mighty leader, with lives a'plenty, speaks out, demanding vows of loyalty and Nightmareface wonders who wouldn't follow her! Hadn't they all seen her die and come back to life like some- some god? The moment she'd watched her rise from the dead and strike down Gin, she'd known who the true ruler of the rogues was. The one who promised them a moorland full of plump prey! The bicolor warrior leaps to her paws, driveling as she yowls, "Long live Sootstar!" A haunting cackle shortly follows. Whoever promises her and her sweet Palethroat full bellies and land to roam and dominate earns her praises.
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