
❀ 08.06.2024 ❀
Jun 11, 2024

.·:*¨༺ ❀ ༻¨*:·. Impromptu hunting patrols were an uncommon occurrence, especially in late green-leaf, but a solo patrol wasn’t Morningcloud’s usual memo. Bugpaw had been given a pawful of chores to handle in camp before they’d join a dusk patrol later in the evening, and the peach-furred warrior had never been a fan of her own paws being idle.
She was hot on a mouse's scent trail, brushing through thick, damp undergrowth on the echoes of distant scurrying. It had seen Morningcloud earlier on and gone flying, but the large-footed warrior was too stubborn to simply give up on catching the meal. She persisted in following it, slipping through emerald foliage with a silence that betrays her large size.
The hunter and hunted are playing their game of quiet chase right towards Snakerocks, but Morningcloud is growing closer.
Her target has come to a hesitant stop in its scuttling, searching for any direction other than forward. The ThunderClanner takes her chance, and succeeds, having barely crossed the cusp where the undergrowth thins and gives away to the barren area surrounding Snakerocks.
As she gathers her prey, Morningcloud notes the swathes of lavender and gray behind the blanket of clouds in the sky, it is time for her to return.
Before she can depart, there’s a flicker of something that doesn’t quite belong in her peripheral, small whispers have begun to intertwine with crickets chirping. She recognizes them, barely visible in the dim-lit thickness of the forest ground. “Poppyfoot, is that you?” Morningcloud calls from around the mouse’s body, squinting to distinguish her clanmates companions.

  • MORNINGCLOUD she/her, warrior of thunderclan, 25 moons.
    large, fluffy peach-toned Maine coon mix with citrus-yellow eyes.
    mentoring N/A
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by Noor@toyangel on discord, feel free to dm for plots.


For once, the quiet apprentice was able to leave the side of his mentor to go out on a patrol with others. Whether it was because Bigfang hadn't heard him when he asked or that he simply didn't care didn't matter to Sproutpaw, for when he saw the opportunity to go on a patrol with cats like him - cats that weren't kittypets - he jumped on the opportunity. It just so happened that the cats crowded around him in the small patrol were also like him in the need for making ThunderClan better the way it was supposed to be - with wild-born cats being the only ones allowed in, the only ones there. Kittypets were too soft, and with the way Morningcloud realized all too late that others were following only proved that to the tom.

Tail lashed behind him as he stalked forward, narrowed eyes focusing on the lone warrior in front of them as his maw clamped shut. Claws dug into the ground before he was glancing over to the warriors with him, waiting for one of them to make the first move, waiting for one of them to do something whether it be simple words or worse so that he could follow suite. Sproutpaw was never a leader, and after the recent exile of cats he enjoyed the company of he didn't want to be a leader now with so much on the line.

  • --
  • SH chocolate tabby/lilac chimera w/low white, heterochromia, folded ears
    rarely talks, listens to conversations
    9 moons old; ages the 20th every month
    bisexual biromantic ; interested in no one
    currently being mentored by Bigfang
    not easy to befriend/interact with; slow to anger, slow to calm
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    easy in combat due to age
    peaceful powerplay allowed

-ˋˏ ೋ- A little ways ahead of their group, Poppyfoot swallowed a caustic breath. Since Howlingstar had exiled good, loyal cats from the clan things had been out of balance. The air fell stiff, chatter lacked the spark of Redflower's wit, and the honour he'd had once felt in serving his leader and clanmates had been put to flame. Now it burnt, steady and acrid, in the base of their throat. It was a loathing, a fear, the warrior had never felt so keenly before but- well it was because everything was going wrong! And the cats he had once put his faith in to guide them weren't putting a stop to it. They were sympathisers.

Outsiders, kittypets, it was clear as snowmelt, were the cause of the unrest. Before all this, they hadn't taken them as a threat. Watching a softpawed newbie fumbling a catch would draw out a laugh. In recent moons though, more and more joined the clan's ranks, and complacency rotted them from within. Now, stalking Morningcloud's messy hunt, not even a smirk wrought their snout. It wasn't funny anymore. As the kittypet secured their catch, indignation spurred him forward, a wild look tossed to Sproutpaw beside him.

Poppyfoot, is that you? A frigid laugh bled from them at the acknowledgement. "Took you long enough. The gall, to walk around like it's nothing. Like this forest is your home." He was rambling, he knew, but the sight of prey, thunderclan prey, in Morningcloud's paws stoked something. Wrong. The word clanged within, a warning. Waxy claws scratched the warm stone.

"Well-" Petulant fury crimped his spine. "Well it's not your home! You kittypets, you've done nothing but ruin it, got respectable cats- my sister exiled" And that had to change, and if Roeflame and Howlingstar, Leafhusk and Flamewhisker- those blind fools- weren't going to do it they had to. All of them had to go, be ripped up at the root like they'd tried- like they'd done to his family.

"Maybe this is a lesson you can learn. How that feels." Tail sharp as their words, Poppyfoot sought the eye of the others around them. Retribution, that's what they'd dole out. But as the taste of it crept onto his tongue, the warrior couldn't help but crave something more, to take more than just her home.
-ˏ— ღೋˊˎ-

  • ooc -

  • poppykit / poppypaw; POPPYFOOT — he/they
    — thunderclan warrior
    — 14 moons / ages every 15th
    NPC x NPC - sibling to Redflower, Foxfang
    — nonchalant, self-satisfied, sociable, spiteful, cowardly, loyal to a select few
    ↳ penned by detectlife

    Poppyfoot is small but lanky, their pelt a dense mahogany. White scrawls up one of his front paws and chest, merging with the irregular markings on his face. Ash-green eyes peer at those who pass with scrutiny.
    ↳ chocolate tom with low white​


So let's pretend we like each other

How sad it was just to witness Morningcloud's absentmindness, oh how she had not noticed them all until now, and how Yewflame's claws flexed slightly until she finally realized she was indeed not alone, she called for Poppyfoot and he snorted before making his appearance known as well, plumed tail swaying to the side before he lifted his chin slightly, a dark smirk danced on his lips as she stared at the other coldly. "Should've stayed with your twolegs, kittypet" he stated calmly as he glanced towards the snakerocks and then back to Morningcloud with a slight snort.

"If Howlingstar cannot purge this clan of filth then, we'll do it for her" he hummed looking down at the other. There was no one here to save her now, no patrols to interrupt them from this, Morningcloud was alone, aside from them of course yet they weren't here to join the outsider, no not at all. "Perhaps there should be more than just a lesson, Poppyfoot" he expressed before glancing at the molly. If she were to live, she would just tell Howlingstar what happened here tonight. No, they could not allow the kitty-pet to walk away alive from this.

"I don't think we'll be letting you get away today, not with your life at least" he chuckled darkly. Oh how he thurst fo fill the blood of outsiders between his claws, to exact revenge for his parents by showing no mercy just as those outsiders had on her kin. Yewflame took a step forward eyes darkening slightly as if he was ready to pounce on his target.
Ploverhop is dead. Skyclaw mourned the former kittypet in the same way he mourned the death of prey - which is to say, not at all. To purge ThunderClan of this effective illness is their right as true ThunderClanners - and to him, a tom borne of another Clan's blood, another lifestyle bleeding from his veins... It is only right that he may reclaim and correct the wrongs surrounding himself. It's for the betterment of him, for the sake of the Clan. Howlingstar will understand, he thinks. But thoughts of his grandmother sour as he, too, parts the undergrowth to stand beside his friends. He glowers at Morningcloud - still kitten soft around the cheeks, destined to run off when the going got too hard. Skyclaw wouldn't let that happen.

"Haven't I said this enough?" Skyclaw says, stalking forward to break rank from the others. His claws sink effortlessly into the dirt beneath him. "Cats like her don't need reminders. When they die, StarClan does not accept them - for they are not real Clan cats." His tail lashes, and his shoulders tense visibly. "They have no one to report to in death. On top of that... there's no sense in playing with your catch," he says. And all at once, he bunches his muscles and launches - should Morningcloud run, he gives chase, lashing his claws out to shred her hindlegs. If she doesn't, if she fawns and falls beneath his claws... Well, he doesn't give her the light of day. Just as he did Blazestar, the tom hunches over and latches his teeth into the meat of her throat. All at once he rips back, aiming to tear everything he can from the warrior.

.·:*¨༺ ❀ ༻¨*:·. [TW for graphic descriptions.]
Poppyfoots harsh words make Morningcloud flinch. He had always been the cynical type, though there was a certain chill in his tone that made the warrior take an uncertain step back, electric optics creasing with confusion and shock, masking the fear that has begun to take root in Morningclouds chest. “I’ve been here longer than you’ve been alive.” She replies against her better judgement, still too proud to let the young warriors words slide over her. A plumed tail lashes, sweeping at the forest ground behind her. Pupils flicker to Sproutpaw, and there’s a small flicker of hope that his mentor would be the next to draw forward, virtuous Bigfang. Instead, the slinked form of Yewflame comes crawling out from beside his patrol-mates, and Morningcloud is nearly dumbfounded at what he has to say. Her two-legs?
I don’t think we’ll be letting you get away, today. Not with your life at least. It all clicks then, and the gasp that bubbles from her throat is involuntary. “You- Plover…oh-!” oh stars, no.
Muscles tighten beneath down-feather fur, and Morningcloud’s mind kicks into fight-or-flight.
And she does, before Skyclaw can finish his perilous monologue, the warriors hind legs finally begin to work, giving the molly a powerful push off of the ground.
Skyclaw is smaller, faster. ”No-!”
His claws find her heels effortlessly, and it gives the young warrior the edge he needs to bring Morningcloud into the soil. The peach-shaded warrior is forced to roll, but with her defeated compliance a powerful forepaw would also be brought swinging, aiming to grasp onto anything- even if just her killers fur.
As fangs plunge into flesh, Morningcloud will never know if she had been successful in her attempt. If she could have shrieked, it would have been piercing, instead only a choked gargle is able to leave her lips as her throat fills with her own blood. When let go from Skyclaw’s jaws, Morningclouds head falls back to the ground with a heavy thud. The dying molly’s limbs and chest writhe against the pain, body forced to convulse with each pulse that beats more blood everywhere it shouldn’t be. Still, she refuses to let her eyes close, refuses to let Skyclaw out from under her glassy gaze. Faces flash behind flickering hues, Bugpaw, living amongst murderers.
Finally, the last of the kittypet blood her body needed to cling onto life was lost, seeped into the soil of her forest home. Morningcloud was dead.

  • MORNINGCLOUD she/her, warrior of thunderclan, 25 moons.
    large, fluffy peach-toned Maine coon mix with citrus-yellow eyes.
    mentoring N/A
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by Noor@toyangel on discord, feel free to dm for plots.