Her paws feel heavy as she drags herself to the peak of Highrock, green eyes dull and ears pulling back against her head. It's been a few sunrises since they'd buried her son and the wound is still raw. She'd sobbed for Gray Wolf and for Morningpaw. She'd grieved them both and felt a sorrow like she'd never felt before. But this? Her own felt different. Not worse, just different. She'd nursed him at her belly, raised him to be loyal and brave and honorable. Bearing his father's name, he had been a strong, respectable warrior. And now, Graystorm hunts with StarClan, at the side of the father he'd never known and guiding Morningpaw like a good uncle should. The thought at least comforts her enough to take in a shaky breath, her claws sliding out of their sheaths to grip the stone beneath her. Her faith in StarClan grounds her, and before she begins the meeting she sends a silent prayer to her family in the stars.

"All cats old enough to catch their own prey join here beneath the Highrock for a clan meeting!"

She forces strength into her voice though those that know her well will recognize the hollowness in her words. There are warriors and apprentices to name today, though - she won't let her grief ruin this moment for them. They'd waited for this day and she will draw strength from Graystorm in StarClan before continuing, "As you all know now, ThunderClan's forests harbor a threat. It's been discovered that these creatures are boars and they seem to be passing through. They will attack to protect their young, they-" She has to stop, her eyes squeezing shut to prevent tears of falling. Breathe in, breathe out. Breathe in, breathe out. "They are dangerous. Patrols, keep your senses sharp and try your best to stay away from them until they've moved on. Please, everybody be careful. I can't lose anyone else." Her eyes swim as she gazes across the gathered cats, forcing her chin to remain held high. She's their leader, a beacon of wisdom. She cannot break.

"But as a reminder that ThunderClan remains strong in the face of adversity, I call forward Stormypaw, Pebblepaw, and Cloudypaw." Her voice booms through the ravine as she summons the apprentices forward, seeming to calm herself as the familiar ceremony flows from her lips. The three littermates are living, breathing proof that strength can come from anywhere. Former kittypets, now about to become ThunderClan warriors, and one of them she had the pleasure of training herself. She is sure Flycatcher is proud of his kin. "I, Howlingstar, leader of ThunderClan, call upon my warrior ancestors to look down on these apprentices. They have trained hard to understand the ways of your noble Code, and I commend them to you as warriors in their turn. Stormypaw, Pebblepaw, and Cloudypaw - do you promise to uphold the Warrior Code and to protect and defend your clan, even at the cost of your life?"

// calling up @STORMYPAW @PEBBLEPAW @Cloudypaw for warrior ceremony <3

This month's activity shoutouts go to @Flycatcher @BERRYHEART @Flamewhisker @Sunfreckle @nightbird @RACCOONSTRIPE @Sunnyday @WOLFWIND @crowflower @Roeflame . @KILLDEERCRY ; @LICHENPAW
Thank you all so much for your high activity!

The Wild Boar Migration event is officially underway! See here for details.

He was astute enough, and knew his mother well enough, to surmise that this meeting and the announcements she would have to make would be a difficult one. Mountainous. Big Mama had always had a stony strength about her, something immovable- but no rock was unbreakable. Anyone with sense would see the cracks forming- but she was braver than most to even attempt to cover them up. Berryheart himself stayed close to his den, remembering the cloying, suffocating stench of rosemary that he had used to disguise the deathly miasma that had clung to Scamp's pelt.

She begs them to be careful. Commands it. He had more sense than to disobey.

How sad that a warrior ceremony should be haunted by tragedy; that the memory of a wonderful day for three apprentices would be overshadowed by a razing loss. Blue's kin, coming of age- he was sure the deputy would be pleased. Kind eyes that barred away his sorrow gazed from afar upon the trio of Stone-fur, Stumbles and Claws, attempting to reming himself that, despite it all, ThunderClan still thrived beneath his mother's watchful eye. Beneath the star-sequinned eyes of his kin, too.



Blizzard Fang takes a seat close to Highrock. It can be a literal pain in the neck sitting so close, having to crane your head upward to view Howlingstar, but in his older age hearing began to fade. At least he wasn’t as bad as some of their elders… but not too many moons now and he’ll be sitting right where they are. A shiver runs down his spine.

Eyes widen in intense interest as the tabby announces the cause of Graystorm’s death, a boar. He notes to keep an extra eye on Lichenpaw when they go out, he’d hate for anything to happen to the apprentice after they’ve already gone through so much.

At least not all was gloomy in ThunderClan, three apprentices are called forward to receive their warrior names. Stormypaw, Pebblepaw, and Cloudypaw, his eyes find the trio quick and he looks at them expectantly.
There was a burial for Howlingstars son, Graystorm, and its something that she had regretfully done before. Littlekit and Rainkit, oh, they should be here, sitting besides her, but they're not. And just as she had lost a son and a daughter, she cannot imagine the grief Howling feels. It's hollow, and it eats you up inside. Truthfully, she thinks Howlingstar and her children are stronger than her, still able to put up a façade for their clan.

Tansyshine nudges Crystalkit out of the nursery, wrangling her remaining son towards the meeting as they pick out their spots. She sweeps a protective tail around him, pulling him close, knowing that anything can happen. Especially as Howlingstar begins to deliver the news on what killed Graystorm. Boars, she says, they're just passing through- Tansy's anxiety begins to spike. Theres no discussion on the 'what ifs', theres no discussion on what would happen if they burst through camp walls. I think i'm gonna be sick, comes her inner dialogue as she squeezes her eyes shut, takes in a shuddering breath. She doesn't want to scare poor Crystalkit, nor does she want to dwell on the fact that she could lose her last baby. She'll make a plan later, and she'll throw Crystalkit all the way in to a tree if she has to.

Warrior ceremonies are next, but shes still on edge. Cloudypaw, Stormypaw and Pebblepaw, she remembers when they had first joined. Her eyes turn upon them, waiting for their 'i do's', and as soon as say it, her voice would rise in quiet celebration with the others.

Shiningsun melded himself into the gathering crowd upon heeding the call to the meeting, though he was well aware of the solemn atmosphere that hung in the air. His patrol that day had been lucky when encountering the boars, even despite Killdeercry's stupid and reckless actions, they had all made it home alive. But the same could not be said for Kindleheart's patrol. The golden tom lowered his head as grief descended over him as he thought about poor Graystorm. The warrior's nest now lay cold and empty in the den like a haunting reminder.

The tom took a moment to send a silent prayer to their lost comrade before straightening himself up and putting on a brave face once more. They had to remain strong and they had to do better to avoid further hardship. Life still had to move on, and he tried to focus on the fact that some of the apprentices were about to become warriors. He picked out their forms within the crowd and he watched on with a look of pride. He remembered they had fought bravely during the dog attack, grew up together, so he was eager to have them join him again in the same den.


Flycatcher settled down below following the call of Howlingstar. There is a sombre edge to this meeting. The clan is in mourning for one of their own, and the cause of their fallen clanmate's death continues to haunt them in the forests around their home.

Howlingstar begins the meeting by mentioning the threat of the boars. Flycatcher listens with a neutral expression, making a note to be extra cautious when assigning his own patrols in the coming days. The last thing they wanted was any more injuries or worse occurring. He had to commend Howlingstar for remaining resolute in the initial half of the meeting, despite mourning for her son. Flycatcher isn't sure he would have been able to stand tall and keep his voice even whilst mourning one of his own children. At least there is to be a happier note to the meeting when Howlingstar calls forward his nieces and nephew. Finally, the time has come for them to become warriors! Flycatcher sits up a little straighter, and eagerly awaits the announcement of their warrior names, watching them with pride.
Cloudypaw had worried for so long that day might never come.

She had not taken to clan life easily. Every lesson had been a struggle and every step of the way she had nearly tripped. During the terrifying, dark days of leafbare she had been too scared to even move. And yet, the night she almost ran away she had instead resolved to do whatever she could to become the best warrior she could be. Then when the dogs attacked she had put that promise into action.

Even then her doubts had not left her. With her own progress going so slow, she had worried her siblings might have to go on to be warriors without her, while she trained for another moon or two. She worried she would disappoint everyone.

Now though, the day was here and she had nothing to be afraid of anymore.

As she stepped forward to meet Howlingstar, she couldn't help but puff up with pride. It was an odd feeling for her, and she felt it might be a bit conceited of her to be this pleased with herself. She couldn't help it though. After all she had struggled with her training, and all the hard work she had put in with Flamewhisker, she couldn't help but feel a bit confident.

With breathless excitement she listened as her leader recited the words she had heard said to so many other apprentices before her. Eagerly awaiting the question she had be ready to answer for so long, the question she had be so scared she would never be asked.

"I, Howlingstar, leader of ThunderClan, call upon my warrior ancestors to look down on these apprentices. They have trained hard to understand the ways of your noble Code, and I commend them to you as warriors in their turn. Stormypaw, Pebblepaw, and Cloudypaw - do you promise to uphold the Warrior Code and to protect and defend your clan, even at the cost of your life?"

"I do." Cloudypaw stated with a small smile, like a ray of light shining through an overcast sky. She was so happy she felt like she might cry.​
Stormypaw stands beside her brother and sister, head held high and tail up in the air. There is a determined gleam in her eye as she steps forward at their leader's call. Moons of hard work has led up to this moment. When she arrived, too bold and outspoken at ThunderClan's border with her siblings in tow, she bore the soft and plump body of kittypet who had never killed a piece of prey or lifted a claw against an enemy in her life. Now, that pudginess has given way to a toned, athletic body, carved by Barkjaw's intense training both in the trees and on the ground. Her pelt, once perfect and velvety, is now adorned in scars earned from her many tumbles from the trees and skirmishes with other clans. And her throat, once restrained by a pale blue collar, is bare to the world. She looks nothing like the wide-eyed kittypet that turned up six moons ago. She looks like a warrior.

Howlingstar recites the ceremonial words and alongside her siblings she sets her jaw and confidently promises, "I do." She means it from the bottom of her heart. ThunderClan will always have her loyalty. It's her home, and the home of those she loves most: Cloudypaw and Pebblepaw. Until she gives her last breath, she will serve this clan.
The three apprentices state their oaths and Howlingstar smiles; this moment is a ray shining through the clouds in her mind. She lifts her eyes to the sky briefly, almost as if she's searching for Graystorm in the dark clouds that cover the sun before closing her eyes to recite the following words, "Then by the powers of StarClan, I give you your warrior names."

She takes care to make her way down the Highrock, stepping carefully as lacks the necessary energy to leap down without hurting herself. Once her paws touch the dirt, she first approaches Cloudypaw, the apprentice of one of her respected lead warriors. She comes to a stop and meets the she-cat's hazel eyes with pride filling her own. "Cloudypaw, from this moment on you will be known as Cloudyfur, for your fluffy gray pelt. StarClan honors your kindness and devotion, and we welcome you as a full warrior of ThunderClan." She leans forward to rest her white chin on top of the she-cat's head and waits for the ceremonial lick of her shoulder before pulling away with a small smile.

Next, she moves to stand in front of Stormypaw, who meets her eyes with an intense look on her face. The tabby hums in amusement and announces, "Stormypaw, from this moment on you will be known as Stormywing, for the way you fly through the tree's branches. StarClan honors your loyalty and courage, and we welcome you as a full warrior of ThunderClan." Like before, she rests her muzzle on top of her head and feels the small she-cat lick her shoulder in respect. When she pulls away, she can see the girl smiling even bigger and she smiles back before finally standing in front of her own apprentice.

She gazes at him with pride - the second apprentice she has trained up to warriorhood. The second kittypet she has molded into a ThunderClan warrior. Though he was insecure and nervous, she knows he is ready for this next step in his life. "Pebblepaw, from this moment on you will be known as Pebblestep for your swift and agile paws. StarClan honors your work ethic and compassion, and we welcome you as a full warrior of ThunderClan." Beaming, the pride she feels for him is enough to momentarily conceal the grief for her lost son. She presses her muzzle firmly to his head, murmuring, "I'm so proud of you." When she pulls away, she leads the clan in chanting their new names while climbing back on top of the Highrock. "Cloudyfur! Stormywing! Pebblestep!"

When she's returned to her perch and the chants have died down, she next turns her attention to the nursery, where a pair of kits eagerly await to be called forward. "Acornkit, Shinekit, please approach the Highrock." When they do so, she gazes down at them with a soft gleam in her eye.

"Acornkit, you have reached the age of four moons and it is time for you to be apprenticed. From this day on, until you receive your warrior name, you will be known as Acornpaw. Your mentor will be Flamewhisker. I hope she will pass down all she knows on to you." She finds the ginger-furred lead warrior in the crowd and tips her chin to her. She will go straight from one apprentice to another; Cloudyfur is no longer in her care so she will be entrusted with a brand new apprentice. Few warriors are as reliable as her, after all. "Flamewhisker, I know you just finished Cloudyfur's training, but I have every bit of faith you will pass on all you know to Acornpaw just the same. You will be her mentor." She waits for the two to touch noses before she shifts her attention to little Shinekit.

"Shinekit, you have reached the age of four moons and it is time for you to be apprenticed. From this day on, until you receive your warrior name, you will be known as Shinepaw. Your mentor will be Flycatcher. I hope he passes down all he knows on to you." She looks down, where her deputy sits at the foot of the Highrock. "Flycatcher, you are training Burnpaw well, and I know you have handled two apprentices at the same time in the past well enough. You will be Shinepaw's mentor and I expect you to pass on all you know to him." She watches as the two touch their noses and feels warmth grow in her heart. The clan continues to grow and thrive, even when tragedy strikes. Graystorm would be proud to watch these ceremonies. As the clan chants the names of the new apprentices, Howlingstar is already seeking out a certain young tom in the crowd.

"Finally, I have one last ceremony to perform. Boulderdream (NPC) has decided to retire. He was mentor to young Brackenpaw, and since there must be no delay in the training of our apprentices, I shall appoint Brackenpaw's new mentor immediately. Raccoonstripe, you, too, have proven you are very capable of training two apprentices at once. You will continue Brackenpaw's training; I expect you to pass on all that you know to him." She watches the two meet at the front of the crowd and touch noses before she dips her head to her clan.

"That is all. This clan meeting is over." And just like that, she feels heavy once more. Instead of climbing off the Highrock to converse with her clan as she usually does, she turns tail and disappears into her den. She needs to be alone in her mourning.

// @Acornkit . @Flamewhisker @Shinekit @Flycatcher @Brackenpaw @RACCOONSTRIPE
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Today was the day her kin were to become full warriors of ThunderClan. Stormpaw had not been this excited since her own apprentice ceremony. That had been three moons ago now—she could hardly believe it. The little tricolor kitten pranced up to take her seat. The threat was heavy in the air, and Graystorm's death remained a gloomy reality but Stormpaw wanted to be excited for Pebblepaw, Cloudypaw, and Stormypaw. It was not their fault they would be named so soon after a tragedy. There would be time to mourn Graystorm after.

Chest puffed up with pride, eyes shining as she imagined herself in their places (what would her name be, she wondered!). Stormpaw made sure her voice was among the loudest of the Clan.

"Pebblestep! Cloudyfur! Stormywing!"


Today was supposed to be a happy event, one a cat would look back on as an elder with a soft smile. Shinekit had looked forward to this moment for a long time, but as the moons, then days, then hours, then minutes, and finally seconds drew closer to their endpoint, a worm of doubt began to gnaw away at the kit’s enthusiasm.

Now that it was here, the shaft of sunlight was certain he wouldn’t make it to the end of the ceremony. After all, it felt like his stomach had been turned inside-out, fashioned into a gory nest for fear to rest.

The worst part was his pelt. Always untamable, Shinekit had spent the better part of the day flattening it to the point it practically looked drawn onto him. Every part was perfect, except for the tuft at his side. It was the same as a few days ago. Back then, it was made clear by Dovepaw, Flycatcher, and Crowflower that encouragement words weren’t enough to squash his fears (or, more importantly, the fur). The matter had gone unresolved, and now Shinekit was standing before the leader of Thunderclan with a stupid flame sticking out of him.

The usually cheery tomcat was certain he’d be reprimanded for his shoddy appearance, maybe even held back, but the shaft of sunlight sighed in relief as Howlingstar made no note of the tiny detail, only to be begging for breath seconds later when his mentor was revealed. Flycatcher was the deputy! The second in command! Surely the newly-christened apprentice couldn’t handle such a high-profile mentor, right?

Still, on shaky legs, Shinepaw nervously approached his new teacher. They’d talked before, but now the dynamic was all different. What was the proper amount of respect to give? He was practically a grownup now, the sociable cat should know this! Overthinking and deciding to play it safe, a shaky, uncharacteristic stammer left Shinepaw’s lips. “I promise to do my best, Sir” he said with a (slightly over-dramatic) bow of the head.​

The warrior names of nieces and nephew are announced and Flycatcher's chest fills with pride. Cloudyfur, Stormywing, and Pebblestep. All fine warrior names and perfect choices to reflect the growth and development they had gone through since coming here. "Cloudyfur! Stormywing! Pebblestep!" He cheers, voice ringing out across the clearing. He is certain if their mother were here her voice would be loudest of all.

After the new warriors come new apprentices. He is surprised at Flamewhisker being assigned a new apprentice so soon but he knows his mate to be a reliable and dutiful mentor. He is certain she will train Acornpaw well. When his own name is called out again Flycatcher has to admit he was a little surprised. However, regardless of how much of an initial shock it is, he takes the news that he will be mentoring Shinepaw well. As Howlingstar said, he had already juggled two apprentices before and had managed himself well. Shinepaw seemed a bit more skittish than his previous apprentices but he hoped in time he would come out of his shell more. Perhaps even Burnpaw could help in the short time they would be apprentices together. He touches noses with his new charge and smiles gently at the slightly over-dramatic bow of his head. "I look forward to training you, Shinepaw," He said, widening his smile.
"I do." They were words that didn't feel real, not in the context of things. To earn a name when the meeting was overshadowed by the death of a true ThunderClanner felt wrong, and even as he stared up at his mentor, Pebblepaw struggled to be happy for himself. A name wouldn't make him a warrior, not in his own eyes, not in the eyes of his clan. He struggled not averting his attention to find the worst of the kittypet haters in the crowds, as if their disappointment would somehow justify his own. A withered posture did little to suggest he had grown from his days as a timid child that jumped at shadows, but Pebblepaw had changed in other ways that they themselves didn't recognise. When someone was in danger, they could call upon the bravery of LionClan itself to ensure that animal's safety. Diligently, he listened to his siblings recieve their names first. Cloudyfur, for her appearance. Stormywing, for her ferocious speed throughout ThunderClan's treetops. Then, Howlingstar's gaze fell upon him and he felt his heart stop beating within his chest. His mentor had been endlessly patient, if there were any misgivings about his performance, now would be the time to speak them.

Pebblestep for your swift and agile paws. Oh, that was... that was nice! The words that followed were even nicer! A glimmer of appreciation sparked in his eye as a muzzle pressed into his forehead, his leader's words burning into his ears. She was... proud of him? His mouth parted slightly from the surprise and as she licked his shoulder and the clan began to rally for their news names, the lilac tom let out a choked noise. This wasn't a kindness he deserved, he'd failed to protect a clanmate from RiverClan, and he'd never been able to improve his stamina, yet... yet... StarClan, couldn't find any more excuses for himself to not be happy in this moment. A tiny smile began to creep up his maw as he sobbed quietly, a dilute paw consistently rubbing away the tears in his eyes that seemed to form from the way he scrunched up his face. It was difficult to pay attention to the meeting in such a state, and distracted, Pebble realised he would have to celebrate with his siblings later. For now, he would revel in the euphoria of his new name: Pebblestep, of fleet foot and mind.

Raccoonstripe sits solemnly before the Highrock as his Clanmates gather. His expression is stony, stoic, but the set of his jaw and the agony storming his dark brown gaze give all away. He now knows the cause of his brother’s death, and it helps with nothing. He cannot fight an enemy who could stove through a cat’s body with one tusk. He cannot get vengeance on a creature he cannot kill. It causes him almost as much pain as losing Graystorm does, to know there will be no revenge.

Howlingstar is still affected. She remains noble, her dignity intact despite her loss. She performs the new warrior’s ceremonies—Flycatcher’s former kittypet kin. Pebblestep, Cloudyfur, and Stormywing are proud despite the sadness that cloaks their Clanmates. He cannot find it in himself to be happy for them, but he will not begrudge them a proper ceremony; it’s hardly their fault Graystorm had been a hard-headed fool. “Pebblestep, Cloudyfur, Stormywing,” he calls half-heartedly.

More ceremonies. Shinekit becomes Shinepaw, mentored by Flycatcher; Acornkit becomes Acornpaw, apprenticed to Flamewhisker. Raccoonstripe’s expression is unreadable when Howlingstar asks him to mentor another cat. Brackenpaw. He finds the oft-sullen tabby in the crowd and dutifully pushes himself to his paws to graze his nose. “We’ll leave camp soon so I can figure out what you do and don’t know,” he says, his voice brisk despite the dragging movement of his paws. “Ensure you’re prepared.


ACORNKIT — the cow jumped over the moon .
Despite the soft-toned explanation Acornkit had received the night before from Wrenflutter, it did nothing to quell the nerves the child had now.
She’d have to move into the apprentices den, the only soothing fact being her siblings were there- but so was everyone else.
She barely registers that she’s being called forward until Howlingstars expectant eyes flicker to her. Gingerly, Acornkit steps forward, eyes focusing on Howlingstar as the leader speaks.
Acornpaw. She is Acornpaw now. When her mentor is revealed, the relief that loosens her shoulders is noticeable. She turns, the same sheepish gait holding on to her as she shuffled toward the ginger warrior, Apples. Flamewhisker is her real name, but Acornpaw could never rid of the nickname she had subconsciously given the molly at first-glance.
Despite her sharp features, Apples was kind, Acornpaw knew this for a fact.
"Uhm. Hello."

( ) The news of Graystorm's tragic death had spread throughout the camp like wildfire. She hadn't been particularly close with the other tom, but she knew that he was the leader's son, and a loyal warrior. The call for a meeting would have surprised her, but she knew that Howlingstar wouldn't hold back the three apprentice's warrior ceremony. She sat beside Flycatcher,a and gazed up at the black tabby. Her eyes rounded with sympathy as she picked up on the hollowness of Howlingstar's voice. Life wasn't fair...why had Starclan called her kit home?

Cloudyfur, Stormywing, and Pebblestep

Three fine names, for three fine cats. Even though she wasn't related to them by blood, she still considered the trio her family. The sympathy temporarily vanished from her gaze, and was quickly replaced with pride. As soon as Howlingstar was done announcing their names, she drew her head back and chanted their names, hoping to be one of the loudest. "Cloudyfur! Stormywing! Pebblestep!" she called out. hoping to catch Cloudyfur's attention somehow. I'm so proud of you. Her first apprentice to become a warrior...she wondered who she would teach next.

It seemed she wouldn't have to wait for long. As the meeting went on, Acornkit became a -paw, and to her surprise, she was assigned to mentor her. Part of her was surprised, but not by much. There was so many young cats, that it seemed silly to think she had even considered not having an apprentice for a moon or so. She rose to her paws, and padded towards the young she-cat. Her gaze was warm as she leaned down, and touched noses with her. "Hello, Acornpaw. I can't wait to teach you everything I know."
The dull words of Howlingstar ring out in the clearing, though it remains strong as before—that certain strength seems to elude her. One couldn't help but to not notice, though he has no snide thoughts of it. Grief was a despicable thing, something Brackenpaw hadn't really had the chance to taste yet and naively hopes he never will. But of course, no one had such streak of luck. Graystorm, from what he's seen in his short life, was always an exuberant warrior and sharp tongued just like himself. Brackenpaw didn't know him, but he held mild respect for his superior and the last thing ThunderClan needed was a loss of one of their warriors to those boars. Apart if him wondered what they looked like, what type of beast resided in their territory now? First dogs, now these rumbling beasts. He hadn't the slightest idea, but given the state of the tom's wounds, they were much larger than anything he's seen before.
He's silent through the ceremonies mostly, though his eyes involuntarily roll at the sound of the trio of kittypets receiving their warrior names. He says nothing, not chanting if name utters upon his lips but a sour grimace twists upon his lightened features. How they were able to pass their warrior assessment way beyond him, and he nearly scoffs at Stormywing's new name and the meaning behind it. He remembers just days ago when she was boasting about the Great Sycamore, and he quickly dismissed it. She was still soft, still a kittypet in his eyes. They all were.
A chocolate tail tip flicks to and fro as Howlingstar goes on and on, his impatience starting to get the better of him until his old mentor's rings out in the air. Elder's Den? It's about time. That old bag of bones could hardly walk the territory without getting winded. Who would his new mentor be? Ice-capped paws knead at the soil beneath him, his claws creating small divets into the ground on anticipation. He could only hope it's someone he'd like. Someone to push him.

Raccoonstripe, you, too, have proven you are very capable of training two apprentices at once. You will continue Brackenpaw's training; I expect you to pass on all that you know to him.

Glacial eyes then lift in surprise and excitement churned into one, the hairs along his spine tingling as he searched for the shadow striped warrior, finally locking his gaze with his. He studies the lsrger tom as he trudges over, expression flattened with stoicism and grief darkening his chocolate gaze. His excitement soon extinguishes as he remembers that Graystorm had been his brother, and there was a possibility that his new mentor may not throw all he had at him. No! This is wrong! You're supposed to be like you're old self like I wanted! Brackenpaw wanted to scream out, to throw a kit-like tantrum and stomp off into the apprentices den. But he did not. He remains still and begrudgingly returns Raccoonstripe's nose graze with his own, though the discomfort is evident in her flattened ears. The roughness of his voice catches the young apprentice off guard, it's edge still sharp as a cool blade that flares a bit of hope in his chest. Perhaps in his grief, the tabby tom would push him. He can only hope. "Don't worry, I will be." He returns the remark with his own crisp tone, dipping his head in respect.