private can't reason with them | palefire


stalwart guardian
Mar 27, 2024
જ➶ Since the incident that involved his sister the tom has been quite, withdrawn. Taking this time out to actively think about how he feels on the topic given what has occurred. He already knows from the looks that some of his supposed clanmates have been throwing around. It does brother him, like the constant prick of a thorn and honestly he feels like they have no right to it. His sister is young, they both are. Mistakes happen even given the severity of it. How was she supposed to know that the forest was riddled with such beasts like that. Especially so close to camp. Frankly as selfish as he knows this sounds but he is grateful that she had ventured away. It's a twisted thought but if she had not left then the possibility of her losing her life at that moment could have been elevated extremely. For what else could she have done save for lose her life? Yet of he said anything of the sort outloud he partially believes that they would have wanted her to give her life for Thunderclan.

The frown that alights his jaws is tense as he steps over the many nests in the warrior's den. Ice blues shift over the other sleeping forms of the cats there before he lifts a grey paw and gently taps at his sister's shoulder. "Hey, come with me for a walk." It's not a command as she can refuse if she needs her rest. They can always talk later on but he hopes that she will follow him as he leaves from the den and heads out toward the entrance of camp. A small pause and a look over his shoulder before he slips out and into the forest that they call their home. A place where his paws have touched many times and he takes in a deep breath before releasing it and beginning with his normal quiet voice. He never raises it. Not unless he is truly emotional. "I just wanted to make sure you're alright after everything that happened. They shouldn't blame you so harshly..." Even a new rule was added to the warrior code because of it. That bothers him.