border can't resist it ✧ skyclan patrol

Orangestar hasn't forgotten about the fox which had stolen two of Blazestar's lives, leaving SkyClan short a leader before his time. She thinks of his kits, curling up for the night at Bobbie's side, and wonders if they might run into either of his ThunderClan offspring here. At least, the SkyClan group of this patrol promises to be a good learning experience. Springpaw and Blazingpaw haven't gotten along in the past, but the presence of their mentors should serve to temper that.

However, the fact that Johnnyflame had mentioned he and Katniss had scented a wolf somewhere nearby is cause for concern. She remembers the deer that Howlingstar had told her and Sorrelsong about last moon. Had the presence of the benign herb-eaters brought something more sinister into the forest? Orangestar shudders. She hopes not. She doesn't mention that concern, deeming it unnecessary information for now.

"Springpaw." Orangestar asks of her apprentice, pausing to brush her side along the trunk of an oak tree. A small tuft of white fur comes away as she does and she frowns at it. Is she losing her leafbare coat already? Returning from her momentary lapse in attention, she continues her question. "Why do we mark our borders?"

  • @Springpaw @Hazelbeam @edenpaw ?! @Coyotecrest @BLAZINGPAW but no need to wait<3 this is set retro to the gathering but after the wolves have been baited!
  • 68451166_mY2BOSe6hTLMAcu.png

    ORANGESTAR ✧ she/her, leader of skyclan | nine lives
    " a scarred white-and-ginger she-cat with brown eyes."

    — single ; mentoring springpaw
    — speech is in #E3B2A9
    tags | art by pin
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⋆˖⁺‧₊☽◯☾₊‧⁺˖⋆ skyclan was generally one of the less tumultuous borders, whether raccoonstripe had been thoughtful of that in his assignments or not she silently thanked her mate. nightbird didn't feel like stirring things up today, not between the mess thunderclan had been through and the upcoming gathering. it was all rather draining, for once in her life she yearned for a friendly patrol.

by the time tall pine trees came into view, skyclan had already situated themselves at their post. how lucky they would be today, in the presence of none other than the neighboring clan's leader. she hadn't seen much of orangestar since returning home from the mountains, but leadership certainly suited the orange and white molly.

"orangestar," nightbird hummed a quick greeting as she marked along a fern, tail dragging the plant until it brushed the ground. her curtness was not to be rude, contrary to her beliefs about many other outsiders of thunderclan she held a good amount of respect for skyclan's leader. there just wasn't much energy left in her small frame to strike riveting conversation. early mornings and late nights had made the lead warrior grow weary, and somehow the list of things to be done still outweighed hours in the day.
  • ooc ↛
  • NIGHTBIRD she/her, lead warrior of thunderclan, 31 ☾'s
    a small black smoke molly with a single white paw and pale silver eyes.
    mate to raccoonstripe / / mentor to none
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking ↛ see battle info here
    penned by vayle@vayl3 on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

Coyotecrest's maw parts slightly to drink in the scents of the forest. Deeming it clear from predators he finally turns to his son, spotting Blazingpaw not too far from him. With a wave of his tail he gestures toward the thickening underbrush that marks thunderclan's side. "Blazingpaw, what makes skyclan's territory different from thunderclan?" The cream warrior asked as he rubbed against the bark of a nearby pine. Mint green eyes catch the movement of a fern and by it Nightbird as she marked her side of the border. A cordial nod is tossed the lead warrior's way before turning to whisper to his apprentice. "That's Nightbird, she's one of thunderclan's lead warriors." After shaking himself out Coyotecrest straightens his posture. (apprentice tag @BLAZINGPAW )
̶̶̶̶  «̶ ̶̶̶ ̶ «̶ ̶̶̶   skyclan warrior / twenty-one moons old / he/him  ̶ ̶ ̶»̶ ̶̶̶ ̶ »̶ ̶̶̶  
Wildheart had been tagging along with the ThunderClan patrol as a way of keeping himself busy, at least for a time. Plus he imagined that he had been urged out of the camp as a way of avoiding irritating his clanmates during their time of grief and slow recovery following all that had happened. Grieving hadn't happened for Wildheart, at least not yet. Some part of him remained in denial, or rather he refused to buckle to his heavier emotions. For now he maintained his usual prickly front.

As his gaze found the SkyClan patrol he slowed himself in order to keep pace with their own, but also so he could talk to his apprentice. "That's SkyClan, and their leader Orangestar is that one." There wasn't much else to say in truth, mainly because he didn't exactly care about the kittypet loving neighbours. Though unlike previous encounters with SkyClan he aimed to avoid delving into any arguments. He could be... amenable, sometimes.

//Apprentice tag @FAWN

𓍊𓋼𓍊𓋼𓍊 〰 Springpaw certainly is... a softer molly in nature than her mother (in Edenpaw's opinion). They do their best to be an upstanding citizen in her presence, a shoulder to lean on and an example of what a good apprentice should look like. What they should strive to be. Blazingpaw too, who has only recently been freed of the confines of camp, accompanies them and the bicolor cat flashes him an excited smile.

"ThunderClan's probably the easiest one to patrol," they reassure the two younger cats, "They're usually pretty nice... probably because you guys go with them to the Gathering regularly- kinda requires an amount of respect and kindness."

If only every other clan held the same morals in mind- RiverClan. Well... to be fair it wasn't the whole of the fish-eaters. Just one particularly ugly, nasty little tom. Looking towards Hazelbeam with a small squint of their eyes, they wonder what her opinions on the other clans are... they don't remember if she's already shared them. But the sound of ThunderClan mentioning Orangestar brings another thought to mind.

Twitchbolt had made sure they weren't on patrol with Silversmoke or Slate. At least he seemed to no longer be holding a grudge against them then... sparing them some unnecessary internal struggle with cats who couldn't hold their tongues about hating their guts.​
lucky for orangestar, and the rest of the skyclan patrol- the wolves are no more. it is business as usual (is it?) for the cats that walk amongst the oak forest. leafhusk follows along the border patrol, watching the trees thin out into the patrol of colorful cats. she could pick up which cat was the recently appointed leader with how she stood, tall and commanding like she owned the pine trees.

leafhusk rubs her cheek on some bark, turning to her apprentice when she finished. "pop quiz. tell me one unique thing about skyclan." she chirps, giving him a rather open ended question so he wouldn’t fail too badly.

apprentice tag @adderpaw hi​
Adderpaw found himself beginning to grow fond of these border patrols. Though surrounded by a multitude of clanmates, the silence that -- though not more common than the casual conversation in order to be aware of their surroundings -- hung over a patrol was like biting into the sweet flesh of a rabbit. This was one of those moments, the tomcat's shoulders swaying back and forth in a relaxed manner next to Leafhusk. He felt as though he could walk through the forests now, like they truly had taken back the land from their antagonists. Little did he know that Orangestar was bringing some news that would uproot those pleasant expectations.

The tabby sniffled when approaching the SkyClanners, flicking an ear as he met eyes with Leafhusk, pondering her question. He honestly didn't know too much about the other clans; his former mentor was more focused on trying to make the apprentice actually learn something in his trainings, but who could blame him? "It's common knowledge, but SkyClan is the only clan that allows kittypets the choice to live a dual life. They come during the day to provide for the clan and going home to their twolegs at night. They're called 'daylight warriors,' and don't often have a traditional clan name." Though lacking intelligence, Adderpaw did have a striking memory and found it easy to recall the description his mentor had given to him just a few trainings ago. The look of pride was easy to spot on the apprentice after his little blurb, chest extended with air as he tried to make himself as big and tall as he could. He had to show these SkyClanners he knew a little bit of something to hopefully impress them, at least. The apprentice eagerly awaited Leafhusk's confirmation as he turned his gaze to Orangestar and let it fall towards the tuft that had nestled onto the ground.​

Springpaw follows dutifully alongside her mentor, doing her best not to look in the direction of the red-furred tom who she is certain would always be a burr in her side. She's quieter than usual today, grumpy about the fact that she was put on the same patrol as Blazingpaw, and upset because she was not looking forward to being on a border patrol in general. She had heard horror stories about the other clans and she had decided that all of them were only in it for themselves, that the only cats who could really be trusted were other SkyClanners. But then Edenpaw's voice is in her ear, telling her that ThunderClan is the easiest to patrol and that they were on good terms with the forest cats. Still, Springpaw could not help but be wary, but at least the fur along her spine finally lays flat and she stops jumping at every single noise.

"We mark the borders so stranger cats or other clan cats know not to trespass onto our territory" she answers simply, though her blue eyes dart towards the undergrowth where a dark-furred she cat emerges. Instantly she shrinks back, wishing herself a shadow so that she could escape the gazes of these strangers. She doesn't want to be here right now..

Coyotecrest introduces the first she-cat as Nightbird, a lead warrior of ThunderClan and finally does Springpaw open one eye to glance at her. She was small framed but there was a certain muscle to her that suggested that she was not to be underestimated. Her gaze flits to another cat as she quizes her own apprentice and the scene makes her blink. ThunderClan was kinda like SkyClan in a way, she realizes. Maybe they weren't so bad after all? Feeling brave, she walks up to the border and does her best to imitate the same movement she had seen her mentor do, the bark tugs at her cheek fur but it's not an entirely unpleasent feeling and when she's done she looks to Orangestar, studying her mentors face to try and discern whether she did a good job or not before she rejoins the rest of the patrol.
  • WopM9br.jpeg

  • 75005842_oJ0pLADrUXc7c6L.png
    A small she-cat with fluffy black and white fur and bright blue eyes
    Easy in battle + has little to no formal battle training
It wasn't often that Palefire got to interact with Skyclan. It seemed like every time she was sent out on patrol, she ended up encountering Shadowclan. She was a bit sick of seeing the marsh-dwellers by this point, so being assigned to a patrol through the forest they shared with Skyclan was like a breath of fresh air. The young warrior brought up the rear of their group, admittedly keeping her distance from Nightbird for the time being. Her former mentor had been ignoring her since that night with the wolves, and she knew there was a confrontation coming between them at some point, but she wasn't ready to face it yet.

She honestly hadn't realized that they'd come across a Skyclan patrol until she heard Nightbird's voice greeting Orangestar. The lilac-furred molly lifted her head to find a rather large group of felines standing on the other side of the border, with many faces that she'd never seen before. In fact, apart from the gatherings, she'd only ever met one other Skyclan patrol, and that had been when they'd come looking for a fox. She never heard whether or not they found it. Palefire decides it's probably best that she stay quiet and not risk causing any more trouble, but she does offer a small smile and a wave of her tail in greeting to the other group. Of all the clans they bordered, it seemed like they had the easiest relationship with Skyclan.

  • PALEFIRE she / her, warrior of thunderclan, 13 moons
    lh lilac lynx point w/ low white and blue eyes. tall and slender. built for speed and agility.
    currently emotionally volatile, all opinions are strictly ic and likely spur-of-the-moment
    single, open to relationships / / mentor to no one // mentored by nightbird
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking.
    penned by limerence@limericks. on discord, feel free to dm for plots.
"Good." Orangestar affirms, pleased by Springpaw's answer. Her ear twitches, listening to the ThunderClan apprentice give his own reply to his stern-looking mentor. Respectful, a very neutral response that isn't derogatory towards their daylight warriors. Smart kit. Orangestar gives a small nod of approval, just enough that the apprentice would see it. Somewhere to her side, Coyotecrest asks his own question of Blazingpaw. With no more questions for Springpaw currently, and Edenpaw's reassurance likely comforting to the younger apprentices, Orangestar swings her attention back towards a familiar muzzle.

"Nightbird." She responds, a polite twitch of her whiskers accompanying her meow. It's nice to see her again. The sunkissed leader gestures to the small she-cat at her side. "Have you met my apprentice, Springpaw? Springpaw, this is Nightbird. She's one of ThunderClan's lead warriors."

  • 68451166_mY2BOSe6hTLMAcu.png

    ORANGESTAR ✧ she/her, leader of skyclan | nine lives
    " a scarred white-and-ginger she-cat with brown eyes."

    — single ; mentoring springpaw
    — speech is in #E3B2A9
    tags | art by pin
The bushes behind ThunderClan's warriors rustled as Cormorantswoop slipped through them, her massive form making its way over to the border. Sharp green eyes narrowing slightly, Cormorantswoop greeted Orangestar with a respectful dip of her head. ''Orangestar,'' She greeted kindly, though her voice was firm. ''How fares SkyClan? We haven't seen much of you around here.''