can't tell me nothing [intro - open]


astronaut in the ocean
Aug 7, 2022
OOC- trigger warnings for some heavy content. if your sensitive to light mentions of child abuse/death then don't read.


Well, he did it- he was free. It was a reality he wasn't sure he'd come to terms with yet, still half expecting to hear the angry shout of his fathers voice before the orange tomcat appeared to drag him home. He knew it wasn't possible, that Bronze didn't didn't even know about the clans let alone Twins- no, Quills split decision to run away and join them. Even if by some hilarious twist of fate his parents were looking for him, they'd never find him out here. And quite frankly, that was fine by him. Quill had absolutely no interest in going back to live in that fucking hellhole with that joke of a family. They hadn't even wanted him there anyways, and the mere act of existing around his father had been enough to make life unbearable for everyone around them.

No, leaving had been a mercy, to both himself, and to the family he'd left behind. The loss of his sister had been a tipping point there'd never be a return from, and he was pretty sure they'd all known it. His father had already hated him and now he hated Quill even more, and while his mom loved him in her own way, he knew that every problem she'd ever stared down in life had been a direct result of his own existence. The only one left that he'd felt anything for other than resentment was his older brother, Luca. The ginger tomcat had always treated him like his brother even though they both knew the truth, and he'd had to sit there and watch as their family went from being a happy unit to a warzone where anyone was liable to get caught in the crossfire.

With Quill out of the picture though, they could all start to heal- himself included. Weather his parents chose to work things out or separate, he knew the loss of another child would force his mother into action to preserve her final one. She'd always had trouble having kits, a single one in every litter she'd ever had, and Luca had always been her baby boy. And Quill? He could finally just be done with it. Leaving hurt, but it also felt good. To not be surrounded by the heaviness and to be walking on eggshells, ready to bristle and swing at a moment notice, it was nice.

So what if Skyclan was a little weird and wanted him to have a new name and worship the stars? At the end of the day they were -otherwise- exactly what Quillpaw wanted: something normal. They went hunting, patrolled their borders, picked ticks off each others, shared prey. It was calm and orderly and just what his mind needed after all of that in order to regain some sanity.

With a yawn the tom rose from his nest and made his way outside, slipping into the warmth of the sun and stretching out his lanky, muscular form. Waking up in the forest was nice. Birdsong, a gentle breeze, the smell of grass and trees all around him. It was a lot nicer than the constant noise of twolegplace, and he found a nice sunny spot to sit and groom his fur before he had to go out and do whatever it was Skyclanners did all day. Of course, no matter how much he groomed it to get rid of the unruliness that had settled from sleep, the black fur along his nape refused to lay entirely flat, spiking up as it usually did until he just gave up on it.

Well, time to start the day.

skyclan - male - 6 months - bisexual - homoromantic - single - very tall tabby tomcat with broad shoulders

It was weird not sleeping in the nursery anymore. His parents had never been particularly cuddly; as soon as he was big enough they'd told him to sleep in a separate nest, so it wasn't that he was no longer near them. No, it was the surroundings- the switch from holly to fern that forced green eyes wide with wild worry first thing in the morning before his mind settled on the conclusion that he had simply moved. That slice of his soul that wanted to cascade into panic about being whisked away and imprisoned somewhere malevolent had to be tempered, and it was generally cured by bolting out into the morning air effective immediately.

And it was bolting. Mismatched legs a blur, he took in a gulping gasp of fresh air, feeling mild tranquility run through him and lay his knotted fur flat. Collapsing into a seat, the tom attempted to work through some of the more matted patches of his pelt, where white tangled in a tango with chocolate. A hopeless exercise, though... all he ended up with was a mouthful of fluff, spluttered out with a grumble. It was then that he spotted- oh, what was his name, Quillpaw?- rising to his feet, nearby enough to have seen his entire scrappy morning routine. "Hi," he choked out awkwardly, voice a hitching pitchy shake, in some attempt to make himself look a little more well-adjusted and normal.
penned by pin ✧

Aww, he felt a bit bad for Twitchpaw over there who tried to greet the new guy with a brave face. It was quite obivious though the new promoted apprentice was having an inner nervouse breakdown or something similliar to that. Hawkpaw could sorta relate to them since sometimes he wished he could laze around somewhere in a tree in peace without someone calling out after his name all of the time. He was always surrended by other cats being a quite popular face around here and even if he never openly complained about it sometimes it would be nice if he could have some alone time to himself. Oh wait. Maybe he wasn't like Twitchpaw at all. He was just to lazy for conversations sometimes. He was sure the lil guy loved company deep inside.

Hawkpaw decided to do a good deed for today to help Twitchpaw out a bit, at least so he not needed to face this new apprentice of thiers all by himself. Maybe it would help them out?. The two wheren't exactly close so he had no clue really how helpful he actually would be was the thought that counted, right?.

" Sup dude, you most be the new guy everyone has been gossiping about." he wore a relaxed grin as he approached so he could stand beside Twitchpaw, and for a brief moment he would cast down a side glance at them to give them a little wink like he was trying to say 'i gotcha pal' or something along that line. His attention would soon fall upon the younger apprentice again though looking them up and down. Hmmh. He suppose the gossips around this tom hadn't all been empty words, huh?. Smirking to himself Hawks titled his head to the side a bit, thinking. " Ya name was Quill, right?." He was quite sure he was right about that one. Anyone who had a bird related name wasn't difficult for him to not remember because birds were damn cool and so was anyone who was named after one. They where a real delicates as well. He loved everything about birds, eating them was included. Quill for sure had a hella rad name.



To be perfectly honest, Quill had all but forgotten that Twitch was the Deputys apprentice. His decision to target them for answers had been spur of the moment, and it had been sheer coincidence that it had been the nervous apprentice that had come racing from the den after him.

From a distance it was probably just a tad bit comical to see the pair attempting a conversation, one a twitching, rambling mess while the other was as blank as a stone wall, just patiently waiting for them to finish ranting out their reply. In the end, Twitchpaw was met with a casual shrug of the tabbys shoulders. "They've shown me the borders but we haven't really done anything else." he replied, not really having any clue what he was supposed to be doing when Torchthroat wasn't training him.

Twitchpaw was quick to backtrack though, declaring that Quill wasn't necessarily supposed to be doing the same thing as him, to which tom would frown somewhat. "Then I guess I'm not doing anything right now." he snorted, letting his haunches lower as he took a seat among the pair. If the adults weren't going to teach him the daily routine then he wasn't going to break his back trying to figure it out on his own. He'd take Twitchys advice and just wait around until someone gave him instructions- they couldn't exactly give him trouble for it, and if they did he'd sure as hell argue.

"What sort of stuff have you guys been learning? Anything cool?" he asked with a raised brow. He wanted to learn to sharpen his fighting and climbing skills, but Torchthroat hadn't started him on any of that yet, which made things particularly boring for Quill since his attention span was practically zero when it came to subjects that didn't hold an interest for him.

skyclan - male - 6 months - bisexual - homoromantic - single - very tall tabby tomcat with broad shoulders
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Twitchpaw was not self-centred enough to settle on the conclusion of staring, but it was odd that Quillpaw had already been looking at him. Green eyes stayed steadfast for the return greeting, and he was prepared for that to be that- but the monochrome tom before him apparently had other ideas. His neck spasmed to the side, a namesake Twitchpaw barely appeared to note, and he regarded the other apprentice with glassy shock for a few long, terrible moments before Hawkpaw's easy tone loosened the atmosphere. What did he want? Why as he asking him about stuff- as if he would know! Jut because he was the deputy's apprentice he was meant to know stuff- was that it?

"Waiting. To be told where we're going- fuh-for training. Have you not- not gone out with your mentor yet?" It was a rambled mess of words, hurried and wound into one big ugly spitball. His attention- outwardly displayed by his frantic eye movements- flickered back and forth between Quillpaw and Hawkpaw, their conversation a much easier and less consequential one. Oh, Hawkpaw got the easy way out! A good deal in life, where he could just talk. Why couldn't Twitchpaw do that?

His teeth tightened, grinding with an irritating noise. "Rrr- I dunno for sure what- what you should be doing though, that's just what I'm doing. I could be totally wrong. I could totally be wrong, dude."

Aha, that would cover his bases. Mostly. That way he wasn't giving out misinformation and no one could scold him. Despite the certainty he had that he had relieved himself from responsibility, the bicoloured tom still trembled slightly, caught off-guard by the sudden interaction. He still wasn't used to people wanting to talk to him.
penned by pin ✧


To be perfectly honest, Quill had all but forgotten that Twitch was the Deputys apprentice. His decision to target them for answers had been spur of the moment, and it had been sheer coincidence that it had been the nervous apprentice that had come racing from the den after him.

From a distance it was probably just a tad bit comical to see the pair attempting a conversation, one a twitching, rambling mess while the other was as blank as a stone wall, just patiently waiting for them to finish ranting out their reply. In the end, Twitchpaw was met with a casual shrug of the tabbys shoulders. "They've shown me the borders but we haven't really done anything else." he replied, not really having any clue what he was supposed to be doing when Torchthroat wasn't training him.

Twitchpaw was quick to backtrack though, declaring that Quill wasn't necessarily supposed to be doing the same thing as him, to which tom would frown somewhat. "Then I guess I'm not doing anything right now." he snorted, letting his haunches lower as he took a seat among the pair. If the adults weren't going to teach him the daily routine then he wasn't going to break his back trying to figure it out on his own. He'd take Twitchys advice and just wait around until someone gave him instructions- they couldn't exactly give him trouble for it, and if they did he'd sure as hell argue.

"What sort of stuff have you guys been learning? Anything cool?" he asked with a raised brow. He wanted to learn to sharpen his fighting and climbing skills, but Torchthroat hadn't started him on any of that yet, which made things particularly boring for Quill since his attention span was practically zero when it came to subjects that didn't hold an interest for him.

skyclan - male - 6 months - bisexual - homoromantic - single - very tall tabby tomcat with broad shoulders