sensitive topics can't you see that you're lost without me? ― injured joiner


because faith is mine
Jun 30, 2024
Today started out normal for the rogue; waking to the sunrise that managed to catch his eyes between the tall twoleg buildings, his older brother, Terzo, slumbering beside him. He remembers prodding Terzo with his paw, and his brother grumbled as he opened one green eye. It took some convincing to get his older brother to get up, but the two of them trailed off. They were scavenging for food; fresh prey isn't easy to come by in the twolegplace, but they wouldn't stoop down to the level of a house cat. Copia thought he smelt a rat when a silhouette came into their view. His gaze landed on a familiar feline, a former kittypet called Dewdrop, whom lived alongside Copia and Terzo. "I'm sorry Terzo... Copia. Sorella has decided the order must go on without you." Sorella—the "head" of their rogue group— ordered the execution of her very own sons.

Dewdrop barreled into him with claws outstretched, but his older brother tackled their assailant. Everything happened so fast; the two felines got into a scuffle, fur flying everywhere, and before Copia could find a way in to fight Dewdrop off, the former kittypet's claws torn into Terzo's neck. His ears rung as he cried out, and Terzo's form crumbles to the hard ground, as their assailant turns his gaze onto Copia. He barely gets to blink before he finds himself dodging his opponent, and a moment later, he finds himself pinning their attacker to the ground. He wishes he did more damage than a slash to the shoulder, but he felt shock when Dewdrop kicked him off— and proceeded to retreat.

Not even a second went by before Copia found himself at Terzo's form, the older tom breathing weakly. By some miracle he manages to reach Copia's gaze, and his breaths become more labored. "Copia... You need to.... get out of here...." Copia shakes his head— no no no! He can't leave Terzo here! "Before he comes back... with reinforcements. Please Copia.... I can't let her kill you... too..." Terzo's breath rattles, and his head goes limp as the life fades from his green and gray eyes. "Terzo?" He prodded his brother like he did this morning, but this time he gets no reaction. He is unable to stop tears from rolling down his face, and he rubs his head against his brother's limp form, not caring if his white paws get stained by Terzo's blood. "May Nox welcome you into the shadows, my brother."

Copia's heart races as his paws move quickly, his wounds stinging. He wishes he could've spent more time with Terzo, and his heart aches at the thought of leaving him in that alleyway. Dewdrop will return to the alleyway. If the former kittypet has any respect left in him, he will take his brother's body back to their mother and father. She wouldn't let us rot, right? He can only think as he struggles to move through twolegplace— he needs to get out of here, Terzo will be pissed if he gets killed too!

It feels like forever, but the bloodied tom's mismatched eyes land on a dense forest of pine. His paws are stained with blood that isn't his own, and the adrenaline that coursed through his veins begins to fade away. He steps over an invisible border line; unable to smell the scent over the smell of Dewdrop's, Terzo's and his own blood that cling to his fur. "Terzo..." Copia's voice chokes into a weak sob, "I'm so sorry, Ter—" His voice trails away as his mismatched eyes roll into the back of his head, his limbs growing weak.

Copia's form collapses onto the soft grass, just waiting to be found by some SkyClanners.

  • he has two wounds: one on his shoulder, and one on his left hind leg! They will scar :3c
  • 84816042_5g6XM8E1aT85s8Y.png

    artwork by me
  • Copia
    33 moons
    experience: shadowing
    backstory: [HYPERLINK]
    biography: [HYPERLINK]
    pixel by nopeita <3
    cisgender male [he / him]
    eyes: green & gray(blue)
    pelt: black smoke with low white
    fur length: long
    parents: sorella and nihil (rogue npcs)

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Black thorns shake the ferns as Thistleback makes his way, a trail along the border is set at a brisk pace for he was not marking but simply combing over some prey scent trails. He approaches the base of a pine and readies himself to scale it but there is pause when the scent of a stranger all but floods his senses. He pushes away from the tree and slackens his jaws, eyes thinning to slits of suspicion.

The smell of iron and rogue, permeates and drives him forth suddenly with hackles lifted on his shoulders. Lips peeling over his gums, and a low growl already churning in his gut. These rogues, their paws stained with Skyclan blood already. It made the older warrior’s blood itch, his restless pursuit of retribution was one soaked with hatred and ambitions alike. He had written his own life’s intent to the stars the day he laid Kuiper to the crows.

Thistleback spots in time a dark long-haired cat as it slumps to the ground and appears to be losing grip on consciousness. The piebald’s snarl dissipates, and grey eyes quickly scrape over the forest surrounding the bloodied mess searching for any accomplices or assailants to the stranger and finds the forest now quiet. Unfamiliar, every breath drawn over his tongue tells of nothing but the twolegplace alleyways. A scent Thistleback knew like the tip of his own tail, having hailed from there himself.

Lacerations paint over the flesh of the black smoke cat’s shoulder and hindleg, Thistleback approaches with claws sinking back into sheathes " You couldn’t crawl somewhere else to bleed, lad? You’re sure to attract a fox " his voice is harsh, seemingly lacking the compassion for life. " who are you, and who are you running from? " he speaks, not knowing if the other could or would answer but speaking it nonetheless. " This is Skyclan, and I won’t hurt you if I don’t need to " he states, a small effort to assure the trespasser he wasn’t to be harmed further.

  • MqZ0nzd.png

    forty-eight mns. EVENT TRACKER | IMPORTANT INFO
    — Former Lead warrior of Skyclan 12.22.22 - 06.2023
    Devoted to Deersong 9.29.22
    Father of Coyotecrest, Eveningpaw, Briarpaw, Damsel, Sunflowerpaw, and Rosepaw.
    — mentoring none formerly Snowpath & Quillstrike
    — very muscular piebald black and white tom with spiky fur and cold silver-grey eyes.
    voice & accent
    OPEN for Dice battles | 🎲 stine#3004
  • bVBPWus.png

eggbounce & 15 moons & male & he/him & skyclan warrior

How dangerous, eggbounce wonders in growing horror, must life be as a loner? Mind flashes to patchwork pelt and pleading voice, and though it is not prickles who lies in front of him this time worry still churns in his belly. At least in skyclan he knows he has his clanmates to rely on, if he's ever surprised or- or ambushed, or whatever it is, exactly, that has injured this stranger. Tail puffed up in nerves, he's far more skittish and anxious in his approach then thistleback, fretting to-and-fro as he looks between the two. " What do you think happened? Will they be alright? "

actions & " speech, " & 'thoughts/quotes'

( I ' M G O N N A B E T HE O N E Y O U U N W R A P )

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Strangers seemingly could not stop themselves from a short dalliance across SkyClan's border, and what begins short rarely stayed short at all. It's some sort of invisible charm Dawnglare could not hope to find himself. A sense of magic that bled out along with the last leader. And this one... what coats his paws is nothing short of repulsive; ruby red and stinking something so familiar. It was true that every cat bled, but not all blood was equal. Whether he washed his paws or not, his wounds would perpetuate it still. He grumbles rare agreement with the two - toned tom, a grimace casts something critical upon the wayward soul. " You're tracking something nasty, " he drawls. Velvet ears flick forward and back.

He awaits an explanation, or a come with us. The things often came packaged, and with it, Dawnglare ought to mentally tally his things... It isn't up to SkyClan to care for this toms problems. A wonder, it is, that Eggbounce doles questions to Thistleback that should fall from the very mouth of the one that ushered them forward. " You talk of him as if he isn't in front of us, " he remarks. Lacking the pity the other clipped his voice with, he asks, " What are you mm-muttering about? "
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don't raise your voice . improve your argument .
“Hate to break it to ya but the kid’s passed out.” He announced his presence, timbre deadpan watchin’ the stranger with crinkled brows, molten hues flickerin’ to stare at the three SkyClanners. “Doubt yer gonna get the answers ya want.” He breathed, shakin’ a woolly pelt to stave off the worst of the heat that seemed damn well determined to remain attached to his backside. “Either we go about draggin’ the kid to the upwalkers to deal with or we bring the kid to camp.” On heavy paws, Duskpool padded toward the youngster, scannin’ the kid’s body, takin’ note of the two wounds with a rumblin’ hum.

It ain’t the first time he’s seen an injured feline waitin’ on the border to be saved, wastin’ herbs and time, but it’d be a different answer if it’d been leafbare. Duskpool would have dragged the bugger back to twolegs ( as much as he disliked the idea ) till one of the upwalkers noticed and scooped him up to take care of ‘em. With a rumbled grunt, the obsidian warrior squinted, woolly plumage curlin’ languidly before takin’ a perimeter check with a slow sweep of fiery hues.

He wasn’t that heartless, but foxdung didn’t it irk him a bit seein’ an influx of strangers — his littermate among the wayward soul that crept to SkyClan in search of somethin’. “Wounds don’t look too bad, but I ain’t an expert, best we can do is patch the kid up and see just what the hell he was doin’ before comin’ here and passin’ out and send him on his way.” Not botherin’ to glance at the others, Duskpool broke away from the crowd, expression deadpan, “I’ll scout along the border to see if anythin’ nasty came along, but those look like somethin’ a cat did.” Woolly plumage pointin’ toward Copia’s limp frame, the obsidian warrior set off, maw droppin’ slightly to take in the air, smellin’ nothin’ but coppery sludge and SkyClan.
thought speech
Copia can feel himself slipping in and out of unconsciousness, when his ears prick at the sound of paw steps heading towards him. His heart races in panic for a quick moment— did Dewdrop somehow find him? The tom tries to force himself onto his paws; if this is Dewdrop, he should at least fight back before the former kittypet kills him. His mismatched eyes blink as unfamiliar paws emerge out of the pine, and his bristled fur seems to relax. It isn't Dewdrop, thank Nox. The tired tom can only think as he sways, and his ears pin back to his skull as the piebald tom speaks. A second cat approaches him, and the rogue steps back as they get close— step back! "Er, I'm awake." He says to the tom that scans his wounds, but he doesn't get to say much more as the older tom slinks off. No way am I going back to the twolegplace, Dewdrop will find me for sure. Or another order member will— they're probably on the lookout right now!

He looks back over at the piebald tom. One of the first things Copia learned from his brother was to be wary around strange cats— even new recruits to the order. He had his full trust in Terzo, he respected his mother and father but his trust in them had been faltering, and it seems like their trust in him broke beyond compare. To say the least, the injured tom keeps his guard up— the piebald cat might not be attacking now, but what if he changes his mind? "Who are you and who are you running from?" His ears prick as the tom speaks, and for a moment Copia hesitates.

So, this is SkyClan? Copia heard rumors about the clan— clans? Never once did he interact with them, his rogue group tended to stay in the twolegplace, but he heard about them from other rogues and even some loners. He heard that the clans were even more dangerous than rogues... and tear apart cats dare to cross into their territory. To say the least, Copia felt a little... shocked when the next set of words left the piebald's mouth. "This is Skyclan, and I won’t hurt you if I don’t need to." "I apologize, I did not realize I was in your territory, heh," Copia comments, and his mismatched eyes glance over as two more SkyClanners lurk over. I'm outnumbered now. He thinks for a moment, before focusing back onto the first warrior. "I am Copia," He finally gets himself to answer Thistleback's questions, "Er, running away from family." How would he even begin to explain his situation? It would probably sound unreal— what mother would have the stomach to kill her own sons? The order must move on without you. He recalls what Dewdrop said, and his heart twists. He was really that worthless to her? Terzo was that worthless to her?

He glances over at the younger SkyClanner from the three, whom wonders what happened to him. He keeps his maw closed, but the velvet tom makes a remark, and then they shift his focus onto him. "What are you mm-muttering about?" "My brother," He reluctantly answers, "We were, eh, attacked." Guilt briefly flashes in his mismatched eyes, but he tries to hide it. They can probably connect the dots on what happened. For an awkward moment, the tom stands quietly as the SkyClanners seem to analyze him, and the tom begins to think. He doesn't know these SkyClanners, but he definitely doesn't trust the rogues back in the twolegplace.

His wounds sting and throb— if he wanders off, his wounds will get infected. He isn't certain if he would survive, and he wouldn't even have the support of his former group. They'll kill me on sight. Copia tries to hide a grimace, But would they even think I wandered off to the pine forest? In that moment, he reluctantly decides he "trusts" these clan cats more than his own flesh and blood.

"I need, eh, shelter." He says as he takes a weak step forward, mismatched eyes on the three SkyClanners. Would they even take him in? He can't be sure, but he steps forward anyway. "Eh, I can hunt for you. I can't go back there. To the twolegplace, heh."

  • 84816042_5g6XM8E1aT85s8Y.png

    artwork by me

  • Copia
    33 moons
    experience: shadowing
    backstory: [HYPERLINK]
    biography: [HYPERLINK]
    pixel by nopeita <3
    cisgender male [he / him]
    eyes: green & gray
    pelt: black smoke with low white
    fur length: long
    parents: sorella and nihil (rogue npcs)

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’ what do you think happened? ‘ Thistleback shrugs and shakes his skull as Dawnglare interjects toward Eggbounce. " probably just in shock " he shakes his head, eyeing the other briefly and noticing the warrior’s coat fluffed up with anxieties. The piebald lashes his tail sideways and aims to touch Eggbounce’s shoulder. " please go inform Orangestar, and bring someone of her council " he softens his voice to the warrior as he issues instruction.

Duskpool arrives on the scene, suspecting as Thistleback had suspected himself at first- that the stranger had lost consciousness, but it appeared it was merely exhaustion. The tom moved, an attempt to stand, and Thistleback’s lip twitched with natural reflex to bare his teeth but he schools his maw. The older warrior suggests dragging him to the twolegs and Thistleback rotates his jaw, not enjoying the idea for toting the cat all the way to the twolegplace right after a long patrol in the heat. " good… but be careful " he calls to Duskpool as the southern-tongue disappears having suggested he scout along.

"I apologize, I did not realize I was in your territory, heh," " I can tell " Thistleback lowers his hocks to the ground, a sit that can easily turn into a spring should he need to resort to action. He listens quietly now, metallic stare unmoving and meeting dual-colored eyes as if trying to see the truth through their soul. ‘Er, running away from family.’ nicked ears flick with interest.

" my condolences, Copia " he assumes the aforementioned brother, had not made it. " there is no battle so hateful as one between kin " his brows knit together pensively. Copia continues, asking for shelter. " This won’t be my decision, and if you’re given shelter- you will do more than hunt " he steps forward. " Dawnglare, would you take a look? " he turns his head to the odd medic. " He is a medicine cat, he knows wounds. " he assures Copia.

  • MqZ0nzd.png

    forty-eight mns. EVENT TRACKER | IMPORTANT INFO
    — Former Lead warrior of Skyclan 12.22.22 - 06.2023
    Devoted to Deersong 9.29.22
    Father of Coyotecrest, Eveningpaw, Briarpaw, Damsel, Sunflowerpaw, and Rosepaw.
    — mentoring none formerly Snowpath & Quillstrike
    — very muscular piebald black and white tom with spiky fur and cold silver-grey eyes.
    voice & accent
    OPEN for Dice battles | 🎲 stine#3004
  • bVBPWus.png