sensitive topics captain ashes | limping bird


run, baby, run
Apr 28, 2024
જ➶ tw for animal suffering

Stupid useless thing. If it had just left her alone it wouldn't be like this now. It's not her fault but the bird's for bothering her so incesssntly. The molly had been making her way back to camp with the prey she had hunted down. Collecting it back up and she was going to show Willowroot the fat water vole she managed to spring up. Really all Midnight wants to do is make her mentor proud despite her disdain for some of her clanmates at the moment so she puts all of her drive into this outing. All she did was slip her way around the beech copse and a loud twittering began. Her eyes narrowed at the sound but she paid it no heed till the feeling of feathers smacked her head. For the moment she doesn't bother with it and instead keeps making her way but then it happens again and this time tiny talons clip against her head. She pauses then, a glint of danger in her eyes and she drops her prey to the ground. There she angles her head up to see the bird coming back down for a third time. To smacks her spine and that is when she has had enough. "You aren't thinking. You are only prey." The bird comes down for another try at shooing the predator away akd the apprentice is quick to reach up and clasp the bird in her grasp. It screeches and struggled but Middy doesn't let it go.

Instead she drags her claws across it's wings, staining them red and ripping out feathers. A snort leaves her muzzle as she lets the bird to then and it fumbles around. Trying to fly off as blood drips from maimed wings. Well she hopes it can't get back to the nest because with the mother's warmth the children will wither. For a moment she stares at the bird, eyes half open and heavy lidded. She thinks of herself before she suddenly snorts and shakes her head. No, unlike that bird she is thriving. She is no prey animal and she sneers as she uses a paw to smack the bird and send it tumbling. Anger blossoms and she thinks to shake the bird up but stops herself to at least habe some reasonable respect for the creature.

Disgust is what coated her insides.

Mismatched golden gaze was starkly settled upon the one who found it tempting to toy with her food, to destroy a body that was meant to carry life and sustain those within camp. Blood dotted the ground, the panicked tweeting and cries. Anger is what coiled next, rearing it's ugly head. Why did it make her angry, as she stepped from the low brush to see the scene? Perhaps it wasn't as much anger as it was disturbance, but there was no reason to torture. Claythorn hadn't even thought twice about killing her mother. Why a bird?

She moves as fast as a snake, teeth lashing out to snap the bird's neck, ending it's life. She was far from the mentor of this ink-stained apprentice, but she was going to make it clear, her position upon this. "Does this entertain you, Midnightpaw, to toy with the life of prey?" She asked, her words deliberate. Vision lifted from the now dead bird to the offending apprentice.

"It's awful manners, beyond the fact it only estranges you as a strange cat. One who tortures it's prey before bothering to kill it." Claythorn stated, her tone bored and solidly empty. She lowered her head, picking up the bird with gentle jaws, cradling the prey like she would the scruff of a kit. A life scorned. What a horrible life. A grunt left her as she turned her head, decidedly to head back to camp. Eyebrows twitched, vision shifting towards the apprentice again.

"Who taught you this behavior? Torturing a life so much smaller and defenseless, as compared to you and your claws?" She ventured to push, a rarity for the new warrior. Claythorn was still half turned to look at the apprentice, jaws clutching the body of the bird, ears slowly rotating backwards.
  • "speech"
  • fYfRn8Y.png
  • CLAYTHORN she/her, warrior of riverclan, eleven moons.
    LH chocolate torbie with mismatched golden eyes, scars across her right cheek and over her left ear. cold exterior and threatening glares, built for stamina/battle and not swimming (tall/muscled)
    mentored by darkbranch (npc) / / mentoring no one
    no current love interest / / only child
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by dallas ↛ dallasofnines on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

Troutsnout was not someone get angry and typically give someone second chances, mostly because Magpiepaw was Midnightpaw's friend. Her nose scrunches as she watches she watches the black and red apprentice torment a bird who was only trying to protect her kids, and for once Trout is clearly disgusted at someone. Magpiepaw would be getting a stern talking to about hanging about this, and she would be talking to Willowroot about teaching her apprentice sternly about the warrior code. They were not rogues who tortured and left their food to rot, they were blessed by Starclan for every meal and this was hypocrisy to the warrior code that was implanted.

" Have you no respect for the life Starclan blessed us with? " The warrior spats, her mane ruffled in anger. Her claws sheath and her ears feel anger for the life that Midnightpaw openly disrespected. Her teeth grit in anger and what little respect she had for the apprentice was gone. She was being mentored by a former lead warrior, someone with an amazing reputation and this is how she used Willowroot's teachings? " Do you not understand the warrior code or any of Willowroot's teachings? " She angrily inquires, her claws flexing in the dirt underneath her as she faxes this first time emotions. " A warrior hunts for prey only to be eaten, and we thank Starclan for its life, you spit on the warrior code. "

The docile feline sees complete red in the moment as her ears are pinned back, fangs revealed as she takes heavy breaths. " You actions are a complete disgrace of a Riverclanner. You will never be a warrior with how you act like a feral beast. " Troutsnout is angry, she's fuming. Her chambray gaze is icy cold and fill with an unknown hatred, a glare that could slice one in half. " Stay away from Magpiepaw. They don't need the horrible influence from a pathetic excuse of an apprentice like you. " The warrior snaps as she spins on her heels, her fur fluffed in rage as she stalks away before she says anything else. She needed to relax and maybe seeing the kits of Robinheart, her siblings or even Slateheart would cool this flaming rage in her heart.

This was not her.

/ in & out !
  • Wow
Reactions: wolfie

I HEARD, I HEARD ACROSS THE MOONLIT SEA — The scene unfolds before her and its enough to make anger burn in her chest, she's about ready to approach when Claythorn beats her to it. Beepaw parts the reeds as she steps forward to lock her gaze onto Midnightpaw after her brute-like display, both of her ears angling themselves forward as she does her best not to sneer at the other apprentice. Troutsnout snapping at the apprentice is enough for Bee's jaws to part to let out a chuckle not from amusement but the fact that this dumb she-cat had the gall to speak boldly about Lichentail becoming leader and Smokestar being dead. This apprentice is a disgrace to the code and Willowroot's teachings, the older molly deserved an apprentice that didn't drag her name through the soil with her petty behavior. "You're truly a piece of work," Beepaw finally says in a chilled voice watching the other apprentice through narrowed pupils awaiting to see how she would respond to both reactions of the two young warriors. Her whiskers twitch, her claws pinprick the soil underneath her paws, and her feathery tail lashes behind her carefully.

"How many more codes would you be willing to break? Were you even going to bring the bird back after you tortured it?" Her snout scrunches with disgust and lips peel back in a silent snarl there was no saving the molly considering there had been three of them to bare witness at what she had done. Beepaw still remembers the words uttered by Midnightpaw, the other didn't need to finish her sentence for her to understand. She isn't a naive child anymore but nearly a warrior and truly, the other spat on the codes as well as the leaders that had made them to be followed and accepted amongst the other clans. Midnightpaw isn't any different from the fallen tyrant moor queen, Sootstar... Perhaps it's an extreme comparision but the eay that Midnightpaw acts, its not the way a Riverclanner would behave.

"You're a fucking joke." The river royal snaps her jaws as her frigid words slip from her mouth and she watched Troutsnout leaving after claiming that the apprentice was not to see Magpiepaw. Beepaw has to practically bite down a laugh though a faint smug grin tugs at the sides of her mouth before vanishing in seconds. A soft tsk sounding from her mouth and she turns her gaze to Claythorn, she nods to the young warrior in subtle respect.


  • bKn8fx1.png
    shorthaired black smoke molly w/low white and mismatched eyes
    oftentimes comes off as untrusting of those around her, closed off, and not the easiest to engage in conversation with, she's not easy to befriend. all her opinions are IC only.
    10 moons old; ages the 10th every month
    sexuality unknown; currently interested in no one
    currently being mentored by smokestar
    firstborn daughter of cicadastar and smokestar
    sister of cicadapaw and cricketpaw
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    peaceful powerplay allowed
જ➶ Someone else swooping in and killing her prey sends a fire up her spine. Simply because how dare they. The bird had clearly been her's and she knows they knew it especially when they asked her about it. Her muzzle curls with disdain before she shakes her head just slightly. "Hardly entertaining but it got what it deserved." The girl shrugs her shoulders then before looking at the bird clasped in the other's jaws. Her muzzle shifts then as Claythorn talks about her being estranged as a cat who tortures prey before killing it. Venomous ambers narrow and her eyes cut to the ground. Gaze landing on the vole that she had been so proud of catching just recently. Now everything feels like nothing about that matters. "The bird started it. Not like they are defenseless either, otherwise it wouldn't have tried to attack me." She doesn't back down from what she did in regards to the bird but she can acknowledge the wrongness of it. She is about to grab up her kills when another voice shouts up like a horrid cacophony. Midnight's eyes snap up to look at Troutsnout and she hisses sharply at the woman. "It was one bird! One measly little pathetic piece of prey!" Her annoyance is clear as she looks at Troutsnout who pushes and keeps going on about the warrior code. "How do you know what I was going to do with that bird? How do you know I wasn't going to kill it and bring it back. The warrior code doesn't say anything about how the prey dies."

Her gaze is heated now but it falters when Troutsnout tells her she can't hang out with Magpiepaw because of her behavior. Her expression drags down briefly and her maw shuts before she sharply looks away. No, she can't tell her that she can't hang out with her friend. And then Beepaw shows up and speaks their piece. The molly has had enough then and her vibrant gaze snaps to the other. "I don't need the words coming from a parentless kit. Thanks. Worry about yourself." Her words are a cold snap as she glares at Beepaw before she grabs up her prey and quickly shifts to leave them both far behind her. All this over a bird. Spouting to her about the warrior code. She knows what it says and their jumping to conclusions riles her up even more.

//sorry guys ;-; ic opinions, she's bad + she's out

she does not see what happens. even if she had, she is lily - soft still ; unweathered and unhoned, to be melded into the sort of warrior that could handle these situations herself. she is late to approach, drawn with swiveled ears towards the sound of troutsnout's furious voice rising above the babble of foam - dotted shores. she emerges from the greenery wraithlike, embittered phantom observing stonefaced through the brunt of midnightpaw's ever continuing nonsense. she snaps and seethes, a distinct twinge of shrill embarrassment blaring through the apprentice's temperamental snarling. she watches the bird instead ; each word a scratching drone, unimportant as the tongue that carries them, unimportant as the body it belongs to. tormented. blood spatter, though thin, flares too red in her peripheries. she feels it's broken wings upon her own back, beaten creature, bloodied creature. her breath shudders darkly, feels her belly turn with the wrongness of it. give thanks to starclan for its life, she thinks, repeats, mantra - like in her mind. give thanks to starclan, ” while we may, but the stars.. will never forgive you. for this. “ a hallows whisper, somber as hooded eyes allow. suffer do the children of the unloved, and midnightpaw seemed most unloved of all.

she does not rouse to anger. a damned life seemed enough punishment enough.

still, she flicks her tail as midnightpaw trudges past her and into the greenery ; scurries, a mouse from between the claws of fate. ruddy eyes threaten to roll, but she instead softens her gaze towards beepaw. claythorn mumbled angrily, troutsnout was stalking off and lichentail lingered near but not near enough to cuff the apprentice as she should. the girl hopes they heard anyway, was listening just beyond the sedge so those gathered would not have to be the one to tell her a riverclan apprentice was engaging in.. this, ” if only something.. could be done about her now. “ said low, near whispered as she passes her cousin, somehow pointed despite her slow, quiet droll. nonchalant, woven in billows of pollen breath -- too sweet for misdeed. still, her gaze lingers on mismatched blue - orange luminaries. blank as ever but telling, telling, whispering ; siren song of retribution, a way paved in the gouge of claws for a chance at redemption. her paws flex and quick as it had come, the moment is gone. shellpaw sniffs, shrugs as if to say can't have it both ways, expression flattening and paws moving to find her mentor in the greenery again -- intent on filling the deputy in on midnightpaw's abhorrent behavior.

  • i.

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    frail alabaster molly with lilac striping and watery amber eyes.
    she is pallid ; platinum splotched with ribbons of dovey lilac curls, wisped ends like memories of a distant shore and plush enough to conceal the juts of malnutrition beneath. tufted elderdown fur conceals a body worn fragile by tumultuous youth, too thin in some places and round with baby fat in others. her face is short - muzzled, framed half mast by eyes coined rheumy, rosen amber. the anemic cold pink - purple at tender paws and nose tell a lifetime of sickness, further made obvious by the feathering weakness in half - whispered tones.
    CHRONICALLY ILL ; prone to wheezing, nose at a constant drip from longterm illness - induced nasal polyps. not contagious.

Foxtail's training session with Pebblepaw didn't go exactly as planned today. He planned to spend most of the day on battle training— they were only at the basics, but he wanted to ensure Pebblepaw grows familiar with the battle moves before they move onto a more advanced set. Unfortunately, they weren't long into their session when numerous voices reach his ears, and they sound tense, angry, insulted. "...W-what's going on over there?" He murmurs out loud, as he looks over to see a helpless bird underneath Midnightpaw's paws, and his ears flatten in horror as he watches it twitch in pain. It's feathers are ripped out, and he can easily make the conclusion on what happened. Mightpaw was treating the robin like it was a toy. How.... how sickening! Anger flares in his olive green eyes, but Claythron is quick to action and kills the bird before he can even move. The bird goes limp, finally free from it's suffering inflicted by Midnightpaw.

Numerous cats scold the apprentice, and he can't feel surprised when she isn't receptive to their words. He frowns as she seems to defend herself, the bird started it? He wants to scold her— wants to tell her that it's more than one measly piece of prey. That prey supplies them with food and energy; the clans wouldn't be able to survive without them! They must respect all life in the forest; even to the tiniest mouse. But as he opens his mouth, the troubled apprentice scoops up her prey and races away— from both the scene and accountability. He closes his maw, knowing he must not be the only cat to feel.... disturbed by what just went down. He shakes his head with disappointment, before turning back to his apprentice. "S-sorry Pebblepaw, Let's c-continue with our training session..."

  • in & out! apprentice tag @PEBBLEPAW
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    credit to skaicraft (via insta) for the artwork <3
  • Foxtail
    experience: trained
    backstory: [HYPERLINK]
    biography: [HYPERLINK]
    credit to clangen for sprite <3
    cisgender male [he / him]
    eyes: green
    pelt: cinnamon/chocolate
    fur length: long
    parents: dawnflower and redfur (riverclan npcs)
    19 moons


I HEARD, I HEARD ACROSS THE MOONLIT SEA — The way Midnightpaw tries to make excuses to justify her actions and its enough to make the older apprentice roll her bicolored gaze at the other, she's quick to snap at both of the warriors saying that it's a measly piece of prey. Her snout scrunches as she speaks coolly and straightens her posture so that her shadow towers over the rude molly "We thank Starclan for the prey, we do not spit in their face and toy with the creatures that keep our bellies filled." Even kittens knew this law that had been passed on by one of the other leaders and it had been presented by her father, she swallows down a growl when the other begins to gather her catch and in her direction dares to call her a parentless kit. "And you're an unloved one clearly." She stings back like her namesake hoping that her cold words pierce into the departing apprentice and lets out a low breath, her ears angling backwards when Midnightpaw's completely gone.

Her attention shifting over to the smaller form of her cousin noting how her copper gaze locks with hers and the words that slip from Shellpaw's mouth makes her claws slip out to dig into the soil. "It'll be done." Her own hushed whisper draws out from parted jaws and it's a silent promise, the firstborn daughter of the river kings would not take to this disrespect lightly. Midnightpaw was truly getting on her nerves and if she truly thought that constantly bringing up either of her parents made her appear better than others then she's failing terribly at it. Beepaw wanted to pierce tooth and claw into the other molly but she would keep her cool, she watches her kin disappear into the greenery once more and she takes this as her own sign to leave. With a quick sweep of her feathery tail, Beepaw makes her own departure and disappears into the foliage provided kindly by newleaf. Something will be done... If not by Willowroot or Lichentail, it'll be me. She vanishes through the growth and made her way back to camp.

/ out


  • bKn8fx1.png
    shorthaired black smoke molly w/low white and mismatched eyes
    oftentimes comes off as untrusting of those around her, closed off, and not the easiest to engage in conversation with, she's not easy to befriend. all her opinions are IC only.
    10 moons old; ages the 10th every month
    sexuality unknown; currently interested in no one
    currently being mentored by smokestar
    firstborn daughter of cicadastar and smokestar
    sister of cicadapaw and cricketpaw
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    peaceful powerplay allowed