Sep 3, 2023
➼ Nightswarm kept themselves relatively busy, whether it meant in the form of hunting or patrols, the longhaired feline was oftentimes not seen in camp due to it. They were briefly speaking with another warrior but caught movement from the corner of their eye and noticed that it was one of the apprentices, Nightswarm took note that she wasn't being followed by her mentor and felt a frown tugging at the edge of their mouth. They cast the other warrior a quick apologetic look before excusing themselves and following after the younger feline, Nightswarm shakes their head as they huff under their breath "Toadbrain." The apprentice could very well end up running into a rat or even worse, a fox could easily snatch up Honeypaw and nobody would know until they found the shredded remains of the young cat. They shoved the thought aside stepping further into the marshes trying to track down Honeypaw and it isn't long until they spot her circling a few trees and Nightswarm stops in their tracks trying to figure out what the fuck she's doing.

Their paws shuffle momentarily before approaching slowly as they part their jaws to speak "You aren't supposed to be out here by yourself." Nightswarm can't help but frown at how unintelligent Honeypaw could be, they were already dealing with several sick cats and they needed all the paws they could get with providing the clan with the resources it needed not... Observing trees. Their snout wrinkles briefly not wanting to be the one to ruin Honeypaw's fun but she could potentially put herself in danger if she continues to sneak out like this and it makes them wonder how many times had she gone out without her mentor being there with her. They could simply herd her back with a warning and hopefully not get anyone else involved or that's what they hope for. "It's not safe out here for an apprentice especially without your mentor." Nightswarm adds drawing closer, a part of them wanting to cuff Honeypaw over the ears but refrains from doing so believing that their stern words should be enough to sway the apprentice into heading back to camp.

/please wait for honeypaw to reply
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sweet like honey
———— ( ) ————
Sneaking out of camp had been something Honeypaw had been doing for many moons of her apprenticeship. It had started as a challenge between apprentices, a dare to see if she would be able to sneak out without her mentor noticing. As it turns out, Honeypaw had been assigned an incredibly inattentive mentor. Not in the sense that Honeypaw was poorly trained, but rather, her mentor didn't keep quite as sharp an eye on the girl as she needed for her troublesome tendencies. Cherrywhisker would spend a little too long eating, would get a little too invested in conversation with a friend, and Honeypaw would take the opportunity to slip out of camp and trod the marshes, avoiding patrols. Honeypaw did her best to still respect her mentor while finding a way to get whatever it was she wanted - Cherrywhisker had more or less become a secondary mother to Honeypaw, as the girl spent more time with her mentor than she had her own mom.

Her mom had remained in the nursery with her second litter, leaving Honeypaw in the paws of someone else for the next five moons as she learned all the necessary tools for survival. Recently, Honeypaw had been reassigned mentors. Cherrywhisker had fallen ill, grabbed by the unforgiving claws of yellowcough that had her hacking up blood and struggling to breathe around lungs full of fluid and mucus. Cherrywhisker had been stuck in the medicine den, alongside Honeypaw's mother Littlebird. Both her parent and her parental figure had been whisked away from her, but despite it all her training couldn't stop. Her apprenticeship couldn't pause for the fact the cats she loved were ill and dying over the lack of lungwort. No, she was expected to grow big and strong for whoever survived. She had been handed off to Ferndance to continue her training. Honeypaw liked Ferndance well enough, for all the older molly's eccentricities - no one else indulged Honeypaw quite the same - but she didn't have a spot in Honeypaw's heart quite the same as Cherrywhisker had.

What had started as a nasty habit had turned into something of a coping mechanism.

The sundrenched molly had once again slipped out of camp while Ferndance was occupied (or so she thought), but she needed a new hobby that wasn't collecting rocks. As much as she could barely resist walking past each shiny stone that caught her attention, it would require moving in and out of camp and putting herself at higher risk of being caught. Instead Honeypaw was drawn to the burnt sycamore, determined to climb up again and see if she could make it further than she had before. Her determination fizzled out as soon as she had placed her paws on the trunk, remembering the fear (and, though she'd absolutely never admit it, embarrassment) of being stranded so high.

Her assumptions that she would be alone were horribly mistaken, and maybe Honeypaw should've visited a less incredibly frequented spot if she had actually wanted to get away with this. Her mind was simply too occupied elsewhere to fully think about planning her rulebreaks out. Her tufted ears fall back as her paws fall from the tree as though it had heated her pawpads, copperblood eyes wide as she turns to stare at Nightswarm in surprise. "Oh, uh, hi, um... yeah.... Hi Nightswarm." Honeypaw stumbled badly over her words, desperately seeking an excuse. She could try lying her way out of that, but she knew it'd land her in even deeper trouble. She certainly didn't want to hear any of it from mister goody-four-paws Clearheart, either (his input was only valid when it was in her favor, after all). "I was just... uh....." Oh Stars, even if she told the truth it was gonna sound like a lie! "I just wanted to come out and climb trees. Collect some bark for my nest. I know it sounds crazy! But I wanted something else than rocks!" Her tail flicks nervously behind her. "Youuuuuuu... won't tell Ferndance, right?"

She knows Honeypaw, of course, as she knows all of her denmates, but Comfreypaw has never noticed the way the sunkissed she-cat slips away from camp. The charcoal tabby apprentice would hardly have blamed her for doing so; camp is a depressing pit now, full of tension and mourning and thick with sickness. Still, finding her alone, mentorless, while out on their patrol causes Comfreypaw to bite back a mrrow of surprise. Why wouldn’t she just have asked Ferndance if they could go collect some bark?

She shoots Rosemire a look, wondering if he would have fretted if she’d vanished from camp like Honeypaw. It would be nice to have someone care where she was at for once, she thinks. Perhaps she should try it. Perhaps Honeypaw has the right idea.

If you ever need help in the future, just let me know!” She smiles kindly at the ruby-furred she-cat. “Bark in your nest, though… whatever for?

  • mentor tag @rosemire pre-symptoms!
  • comfreykit . comfreypaw
    — she/her, apprentice of shadowclan
    — bisexual ; single
    — short-haired charcoal tabby with amber eyes
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — penned by Marquette
    — art by Meadowllark
Honeypaw's smart in trying not to lie to Nightswarm and they appreciate their honesty even if the shaky words tumbling from her mouth are rather odd to say the least. Tree bark for her nest? That seemed awfully uncomfortable the more that the warrior thought about it but they decide it's best for them not to question it and Comfreypaw had already spoke their thoughts. They didn't see the point in collecting random garbage from the marshes to put in ones nest, someone else would see a collection and they'd simply see it as hoarding and the makings of an uncomfortable nest to lay in when night fell. When Honeypaw asks if they won't tell Ferndance, they quirk a nonexistent brow at the red molly and flick an ear "It would be best to tell her. For your own safety," They bluntly reply with a small shake of their head if anything they feel that they're being rather merciful in not getting Chilledstar involved, the leaders wrath would likely be worse that whatever Ferndance could provide Honeypaw.

"The last thing we need is a foolish apprentice getting out of camp and potentially getting herself killed. We already have enough sick cats in our ranks," Nightswarm adds flicking their short tail to the sides and they meant it every word that slipped from their jaws, their words are harsh but to even remotely ensure the safety of the molly they would need to be. Honeypaw could be there helping the clan by hunting prey with her mentor and the rest of the apprentices yet finds herself here, of course, they do not know why she does this and feels that it isn't in their place to ask to begin with. Would they would've done the same and used getting out of camp as a coping mechanism? Possibly. It's not a thought they welcome for long, the thought of their deceased mother causing a soft ache in their chest. "It's for... Your safety." They repeat seeming distant for a mere heartbeat before returning to their usual monotone and half-lidded gaze.
———————————she/her | menacing ——————————
Scalejaw had been idly listening to Nightswarm's conversation with the other warrior, settled in a corner. Her eyes had been half-lidded. One of the few moments of rest she had gotten after a number of cats had fallen ill and their responsibilities had to be dished out to those still on four paws. But when Nightswarm's head turned, a worried look encased his face, her orange yes opened and lifted towards the younger. Curiously, she pushed to her own paws, languidly following.

She was aware that the others likely arrived before her, but Nightswarm was not one that could be easily swayed. Arriving late, Scalejaw leaned against her left side of legs, faint amusement dragged her lips upwards, though it didn't truly reach her eyes. "Nightswarm is correct, young one." Scalejaw spoke, her tone even.

She held no point of seniority over the younger warrior besides her age, but it didn't hurt to tack on another thought of two. "Something tells me this isn't your first time doing this." Scalejaw padded closer now, her head cocking as she waited for an explanation from Honeypaw. Whether or not she'd get one, she didn't know yet.


[penned by dallas].