carcinization ✘ invasion

There were no words to describe the monumental relief he felt at simply being able to fish again. He had caught a few significantly decent sized bass now laying on the shore dead and waiting to be delivered back to camp, but the dark tom could not help but indulge some basking before doing so; sitting in the shallows with water up to his chin and enjoying the heavy beat of sunlight from above that spread over his scalp and warmed his ears. The water was still cold, but not so cold it was unbearable and he closed his lone eye to take in the comfort of newleaf's return.

A pinch, sharp, hit his side and he jolted from his blissful meditation in sudden alertness with a gasp of surprise. Before he could swing a paw down to see what caught him another jab to his other side nearly stumbled him facefirst into the water; what was happening? Smokethroat stood, water rippling down from his back as he rose up above the river shallows to find himself coated in small muddy brown to russet-colored little crabs. They clung fast to his pelt even as he spun around to try and sling them off and he realized the gentle push of the river flowing over him had distracted him from the little bastards clambering onto his pelt. Stepping backwards he nearly tumbled over from the rolling pebbles beneath his paws, one clawed paw raised to swat at a crustacean dangling from his shoulder to find they had a grip like a vice and were reluctant to let go no matter what he did. Furiously Smokethroat turned to stomp to the shore, rolling onto the ground heavily to crush as many of them as he could, sending on skittering from his neck ruff to his ear where it latched on and set him yowling in surprise.
He hated them-he hated these things-he was so sick of them!!!
"GET! OFF!" The inkspill of a tom thrashed, slung his head from side to side rapidly and kicked his legs to try and dislodge the invasion of terrible pinchy creatures who had swarmed him; looking very much like he was having some kind of fit from a distance. "GETOFF-!!!"

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Oh, it looks like a fit alright.

Ashpaw watches, flabbergasted, as Smokethroat seems to lose his entire mind all at once. She's heard stories of elders losing their minds before. And Smokethroat is pretty old, she figures ... no one less than sixty moons could possibly be that crochety. But that's supposed to be a gradual thing. Not a sudden fit of craziness!

"Uh ... Smokethroat....?"

She breaks off from the fishing patrol she's attending, perhaps with clanmates in tow, and calls his name as she pads closer — wary, pupils wide — and discovers as she approaches that he isn't just having a fit, he's — he's —

Are those crabs?

Without meaning to Ashpaw bursts out giggling, tries to tamp it down — she can't laugh, StarClan's sake he'll give her extra chores for weeks — but he is covered in tiny crabs. What the heck? This isn't a serious issue, is it? They can't, like, kill him? Or get his other eye or something? Wait, maybe it is serious. They do have those little pincers.

She searches for the scent of pinecones and salt, for the world's prettiest calico who must be around — his apprentice would be here, right? And Iciclepaw always knows how to handle things...

"What do we do?" the ginger tabby says, half frantic and half amused, to whoever else has stumbled onto the scene. "He's — he's — holy crap."

—— " i found gold in the wreckage "

  • @willowroot mentor tag

  • - 9 month old orange tabby with green eyes
    - apprenticed to lead warrior willowroot
    - crushing hard on iciclepaw
    - happy-go-lucky, mischievous, hardworking
    - very friendly, but defensive of riverclan!
    - "speech"
New-Leaf has already brought so many—well, interesting things. Everyday it seemed to be something new that she had stumbled upon, from Hyacinthbreath smashing a WindClanner's head into a rock, to Snakeblink wedging himself into a Two-Leg paw and unable to get out. Cindershade had also taken the time to fish, but this time with @Sablepaw in tow. She had been showing her how to use the terrain around her to her advantage in fishing with the sun hanging high overhead. The fresh-kill pile was full, but she was itching to score her favorite delicacy: trout; to share with her similarly dark apprentice. The warrior had been poised along the banks with her, the reeds and cattails providing perfect cover for them both, their long tendril-like stems arching over the water's edge. She had managed to catch a minnow and a carp, but no trout this time. Sablepaw had also managed to catch her own fish to add in as well.
She had just snacked upon the freshly slipped minnow with the young molly, discarding the fish bones and grabbing the carp to bring back to camp when an all too familiar shouting grates her velveteen ears. GET OFF-!
Had WindClan descended upon him again, wanting revenge for Juniperfrost? The shadowed woman flashes her eyes to Sablepaw before racimg along the shoreline, fish clung tightly within her jaws when she finally enters the scene.

There was no WindClan. There was no tinge of blood in tne air. It was just Smokethroat, rolling along the pebble-laiden earth, spitting and yowling. Cindershade immediately drops her kill to edge towards him, catching the familiar sight of Ashpaw on the other side of him with a look of concern. "Smokethroat! What the hell are you going on about—" Her rasped voice raises over his yowling, only to be cut short when she sees small muddy brown colored things crawling along him, one grasping a hold of his ear like a vice grip. Ashpaw begins to giggle, but not Cindershade. Her jaw clenches harshly, fighting the urge to burst into a tearful cackle as it bubbled at the back of her throat. Ashpaw is clearly worried, but also fighting back her own laughter. What to we do? He's—holy crap. "Don't you mean holy crab—?" Oh, there it went. She breaks into a series of cackles and howls, tears streaming down her dark face as she hobbies over to him. "Smoke—Smokethroat, stop! Don't be so crabby about it." Oh, the jokes keep spilling and she can't stop. Why was she making puns right now? What in StarClan was happening to her? Was this his punishment for laughing at Snakeblink? Was she next on the list of karma?
She tries to clear her throat, biting back more laughter that threatens to spill from her pursed lips. "Uhm—well, if we try to pull them off, he's going to lose an ear for sure. Maybe I can—oh stop moving, dammit!" She tries to grasp a hold of the crustacean hanging on his ear, hopefully able to crush it in her jaws but the tom won't stop thrashing about for her to grasp on.