pafp carnivorous | sneaking extra prey


May 3, 2023

Mismatched eyes screw shut as an unholy rumble vibrates within the depths of his belly. Hunger bellows, pleading for a nourishing meal within the empty shell of his stomach despite already eating once today. By the time Plaguepaw opens his eyes again he's staring at what little remains of the freshkill pile. The queens have already eaten, the kits too, if he remembered correctly. Would it really hurt to take just a little something? A tiny morsel more? Temptation gnaws at his heels the moment he witnesses a clanmate approach the pile and grab a vole for themselves. No one besides himself seemed to pay the warrior any mind. Perhaps he could slip by and grab something unnoticed too. He'd never know unless he tried and he would certainly make an effort before the pile vanished altogether.

Long gangly limbs snap into motion the moment his mind is made up. Scuttling across the way the patchy phantom lays his eyes upon a rather plump looking mouse despite the noticeable chill lingering the last few days. Lowering his head he snatched his prize, gathering the attention of another that came forward to grab a meal of their own. Offering a nervous smile he dipped his head in quick greeting before slipping off to a lone corner. Dropping the mouse between his paws he began to scarf down his meal, hunched over and forked tail waving with delight. It is not until a darkened shadow looms closer that the apprentice looks up to face his mentor. "Oh..." He squeaked beyond his mouthful. "Hey Quillstrike." He managed as evenly as possible in spite of the heavy hammering of his heart. Did he know? Had the tom noticed him eating earlier today? Either way, he was determined to finish this meal. Even if it meant lying to do it. @QUILLSTRIKE
-ˋˏ✄┈┈┈┈ skyclan apprentice / eleven moons old / he/him ┈┈┈┈