private carousel of life // addervenom

Cottonpaw finds herself getting more used to approaching her siblings again. After the disappearance (and subsequent death) of Harrierstripe, she felt that they drifted from one another unceremoniously - and shortly thereafter she simply... avoided them at all costs. If they arrived in her little corner of the medicine den she would freely help them with whatever ailment they've arrived with, but the she-cat finds herself nearly incapable of being normal around the very cats that may know best what she's going through.

She's had something of a heart-to-heart with Bluefrost, which may be the exact reason why she spurs herself to find her only remaining brother. It doesn't take too much to rope the tom into an herb gathering patrol (or maybe it does, but she ignores much of his resistance.) It's a long walk towards the thunderpath, where she hopes to gather some broom, and she flippantly asks the tom, "Say... are you and Whitedawn a thing yet?" Blue eyes flick over to the tabby tom to gauge his expression, "I mean, I feel like the two of you have been padding after each other since we were kittens. It's weird you've not melded your nests together or anything."

He kept to himself much of the time. Doing whatever duties were required of him before trudging off to be alone. It was easier that way, given everything that has happened since the fall of Sootstar and the loss of their brother. Guilt and shame were constant behind the dark broody mask he wore, a ravenous cycle of turmoil that lasted day and night. Time passed but days and weeks simply melded together in a blur. He was a bitter cog in the wheel of society that preferred to keep his head down most days. His once blazing passion reduced to pitiful smothered embers. So, it came as a surprise that Cottonpaw actively sought him out. A herb patrol she called it, but the thought of being alone with his younger sibling turned his stomach sour. What could she possibly want with him?

Lagging several lengths behind Addervenom was lost to the woes of his mind as Cottonpaw led them closer to the thunderpath. A soft muffling stirred him from intrusive thoughts. She was talking? For how long? "...What?" He grumbled unceremoniously, struggling to capture the topic at hand. Amber eyes blink to manage some level of clarity, ears pulling forward to actually focus this time around. She was staring at him now and he found his brows screwing tight in the midst of her sentence. Several heartbeats later and the tabby finally catches on. Whitedawn. The albino was possibly one of the only cats in his life he didn't believe harbored ill intent towards him. But what Cottonpaw was implying now teased an airy scoff from his chocolate maw. She was reading too far into it. Besides, Whitedawn never gave any indication that there could have been something more to his knowledge and why would she? "We're just friends Cottonpaw..." The tom rumbled, averting his dull gaze to peer across the thunderpath for roaming monsters.

When the path was clear he spared a glance over his shoulder. "Why does it matter anyway?" He asked gruffly, although his tone held no sting. "Why do you care?" Loomed on the edge of his tongue, threatening to escape, though the bars of his teeth acted as an effective bridle. After all this time spent in mutual silence between each other why break it with questions of relationships?
»»———- windclan warrior / sixteen moons old / he/him ———-««
Cottonpaw's gaze falls to the wayside when he finally gathers what she speaks of. The apprentice's spirit dampens only slightly at first, eyebrows knitting together as she diverts her personal path to inspect some white headed blooms. Addervenom begins as his normal standoffish self, however as he continues, his tone deepens. He watches the thunderpath, be it for monsters or ShadowClanners she doesn't know. But his gaze turns back towards her finally, and she gauges his expression as something more confused than frustrated.

She doesn't fear him. He's her brother - the one that stayed. If he wanted her dead, then he has the chance to commit then. "I care," she starts pointedly, brows still furrowed, "because you're my kin. And Whitedawn - she's my friend," I think... she swallows, because although she can't find fear for Addervenom, she can for Whitedawn and how the she-cat may feel about her. Her ears twist back for a moment, but they right themselves soon enough as she continues to inspect the flowers.

"You two have been close since we were made apprentices - three seasons ago." More than, even, but she doesn't think being particular is necessary right then. "Sometimes... sometimes I see Sootstar and Weaselclaw in you two. You know... when they were both alive, and their ranks didn't matter for a moment..." She dare not linger. She dare not think too hard of their parents and their respective demises, hoping to leave the implications at that. "Did I miss a mark? I could be wrong," she diverts, finally looking back at her brother.​

He held his sister's gaze as she pointedly answered him, tufted ears teeter on the brink of flattening as he stared her down. She cared. Or so she claims. But no matter how much he tried to convince himself that she didn't, he failed to find a crack in her fortitude that would solidify his judgement. But it still made no sense to him. There had to be more of a reason than simply being kin and Whitedawn being her friend. Otherwise he'd picture Cottonpaw running off to go play matchmaker with every cat that had close friends.

"You two have been close since we were made apprentices - three seasons ago." Reeling internally his blocky muzzle twists with a deep frown. She was keeping count too? "So what?" He fired back in the same pointed demeanor, growing steadily defensive. Finally, her gaze falls back to the herbs of the field much to his relief. Her pestering made him feel like a swarm of ants were crawling through his pelt, making his mind concoct scenarios that didn't exist. But she continues on, speaking of their parents and their rare moments of outward affection. His frown deepens in remembrance but he recalled their tender moments well.

Again, she implies something he does not have the courage to face and Cottonpaw's tapering sentence is met with swift denial. "I don't know what you're talking about." He lied, straightening his posture. As Bluefrost's twin meets his gaze Addervenom he answers promptly. "Your mark might as well be in kittypet clan, Cottonpaw. Now, how many more of those little flowers do you need?" He asked, desperate to change the subject.
»»———- windclan warrior / sixteen moons old / he/him ———-««