camp CARRION CALLS / name discussion, apprentices only


Mar 12, 2024
He can count on one paw just how many of his denmates will be leaving the den soon - given they pass their assessments, of course. Their inevitable promotion to freedom and warriorhood is one that interests Pipitpaw, but not in the typical way many would think. He's curious as to what names Orangestar would give them all - after all, they are each among the first to be blessed by Orangestar herself, instead of the late Blazestar. There's something exciting and encouraging in that, right? Lest their white and orange leader be rather awful at suffixes.

He has a brief thought - would he like his name better if it had a different suffix? Perhaps Pipitwhisker would make him happier, or Pipitbreeze even. He shrugs off the feeling.

"Have any of you considered what your names will be when you graduate?" he asks his peers, still chewing the morsel in his mouth.​

Owlpaw paused at the question, setting down her paw that she was using to clean her face. She scrunched her nose while watching Pipitpaw, well technically she was watching them, but rather she was watching the morsel that he was still chewing.

"I haven't really given it much thought." She confessed, blushing in embarrassment at the fact that she for a moment had forgotten that graduation included a name change. While it was a big aspect of graduation, she had been too stressed out over the concept of graduation at all, let alone all the things that come along with it. "If I had to think of one right now… Maybe Owlswoop? Hm... Maybe not after saying it out loud, I think I don't want to set expectations about it." Realisation dawned that she had no clue if said peers had any thoughts about their names. What did everyone want to be called? If they had expectations anyways, maybe there were others who hadn't considered the concept yet.

While her curiosity was landed towards her graduating peers she couldn't help but draw her attention back to Pipitpaw. "Why do you ask? Are you taking suggestions in advance for your own graduation?" Owlpaw tilted her head as she looked at her, then looked away to avoid staring at the morsel again as she felt her attention start to drift to it. Opting to resume her attempts at cleaning her face in an attempt to provide herself a different thing to focus on rather than the apprentice and their food.

drowsypaw isn't sure that he's thought about that. he struggled enough when he became an apprentice and now having to think about what his warrior name would be? hos warriorhood was approaching sooner than expected– he doesn't feel ready. he's not ready, if he's being honest. what good would he be as a warrior if he can't even fight to protect his clan? his family? he doesn't like to think about it. his tongue nervously grooms down his chest fur, tail twitching as he turns to the younger apprentices.

"i don't think i've thought about it, not really. maybe wh-when i was more k-kit aged b-but..."

he doesn't wanna say that he doesn't even think he's going to become a warrior. not like lupinepaw and crowpaw who seemed as if they'd be great warriors. jealousy sits within him for just a few moments before he pushed it away fully. he can't be thinking like that.

"i am s-sure whatever name you both get, it w-will be very cool."

Oddpaw paused his grooming, he flicked his copper gaze from his task. He was lounging in his nest, flicking an ear to hear Pipitpaw's words of names That holds his attention for a minute, lifting his head from a forelimb he tilts his head at the sudden question. "I haven't given that one a thought.." He spoke up, with a small shrug. The concept of his own name change wasn't really swirling in his head these days. He's warriorhood is approaching soon, but he isn't all that stressed out about it now that he thinks about it.

The calico's tail curls around his sliver and cream splattered frame, he laid his head down on his nest with a small huff. "Whatever names you'll all get will be awesome." He watches his older and younger denmates with half-lidded eyes.


  • no ref yet </3
  • ( uh.. i don't get it ) ODDPAW : apprentice of skyclan
    — amab ; HE / THEY ; currently 10 moons
    — bi-pan / single / not actively looking / open to flirting & crushes
    — a medium-furred silver and cream calico tom with copper eyes
    action , thoughts , "Speech, ac7d88"
    — smells of caramel frappe & chilled stone

    -tags / @ on discord for plots
    - penned by calzone

-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ- When he approaches the situation, it was only natural to find a spot next to Drowsypaw, shoulders bumping before he hovered just an inch or two to their right. Owlpaw and Drowsy were both as close to being a warrior as he- and yet, Falconpaw couldn't find a name he even begun to reflect on as possible for himself. He wonders briefly if he wanted to be named after his own father, a figure he hadn't seen since he was a pawful of moons old...

He shrugged the thought off in favor of speaking softly instead. "Not much point mulling over it when I don't get to pick it myself, right?" He stated towards the crowd of other apprentices. His ear twitched, a gentle nod given towards Oddpaw. "Oddpaw is right, though. Whatever they end up being, Orangestar is sure to pick ones that fit well." He was as he ever was- the spar with Cherrypaw and the conversation with Lupinepaw right after was nearly easy to ignore. Blue eyes blinked softly, then switched towards Drowsypaw.

"No thoughts at all? Something like Drowsydove or Drowsylight may fit." Falconpaw nearly immediately contradicted himself- he wasn't going to be able to pick Drowsypaw's name, but still, can't blame him for trying, right? His watchful eyes had caught the nervous lick to his friend's chest. Falconpaw put a smile on his face, a genuine one. "Pipitpounce would a mouthful. Owlswoop is good, though." His head dipped gently.
  • "speech"
  • FALCONPAW 🌧 he/him, apprentice of skyclan, eleven moons.
    LH chocolate lynx point with deep blue eyes, and a long scar on his left cheek down under his jawline. pushes his 'hair' back. very long legged, half oriental moggie.
    mentored by greeneyes / / mentoring no one
    padding after lupinepaw / / brother to spottedpaw and sagepaw
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by dallas ↛ dallasofnines on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

𓍊𓋼𓍊𓋼𓍊 〰 If they were being honest, Edenpaw had their reservations about the approaching moon that would highlight the ultimate success or failure of all their hard work. They'd shown up in SkyClan ready to learn with the same amount of time to dedicate to it as their peers and still... still they did not feel equal. It had taken until nearly their tenth moon just to catch anything at all and fighting was an even more abysmal subject of learning. The tumultuous passing of Tawnystripe, to the gentle paws of cheerful Hazelbeam, followed swiftly by a startling loss of the Twoleg nest they'd spent their whole life in...

It seemed fate was not kind just because Edenpaw chose to be kind to everyone else. StarClan, if they were even there, was cruel.

"You think Orangestar's been sitting in her den just... pondering good ideas? I wonder if she'll turn to Twitchbolt for ideas... Hopefully the both of them combined will come up with something nice for everybody," they offer, finding a seat beside Owlpaw.

"I think I'm the only daylight apprentice graduating this go 'round... Won't that be something! Think they'll let me put a nest in the warriors' den? I'm sure that the territory sounds beautiful at night in the early months of newleaf..."

Laid upon his back his listened idly up until this point, mouthing a stark white bone with little hope of getting the marrow out. It lolled around lazily, clacking against ivory fangs as he eventually flopped to lay on his side. "Yeah, it's just like Falconpaw said, it doesn't matter because we can't pick. I think it's messed up personally. How come we can't name ourselves? Especially since we've worked this hard to become warriors in the first place." It felt like a slap in the face to have someone else name you whatever they wished. Perhaps when he was younger it had it's appeal. But now? He was a little irked by having no involvement with something as life changing as his future name.

Clan life was overrated he felt as the days continued to drag on. Perhaps Doompaw had the right idea about leaving skyclan after all. Plaguepaw's head finally tilts to where he could lay turquoise eyes of the group, singling out Edenpaw as they pondered nest placement. "I mean, I'm sure they would. You'd still have "warrior" in your title so why not place your nest there." He mouthed around his bone, slowly sitting up to rest on his elbows.
-ˋˏ✄┈┈┈┈ skyclan apprentice / twelve moons old / he/him ┈┈┈┈
The black smoke apprentice notices the crowd that's gathered and decides why not join them. Owlpaw is there and so is Oddpaw so he's not going to have the worst time. He decides to take a seat next to Oddpaw, not thinking much of it. The discussion is about names and he can't say he is surprised by it. After all, a huge group of them were going to become warriors. This meant that the warrior's den was going to be a lot more cramped than usual to make space for them. You think Orangestar would order the clan to make a bigger den for us? He doesn't voice this thought, listening on as everyone gives their opinion about future names. To no one's surprise very few have thought about it.

"Don't you go back to your twolegs at night Edenpaw?" Maybe his words wouldn't come off as offensive had Silversmoke not been his mentor. The inquiry is not unfounded. Daylight warriors he knew went home to their twolegs. Edenpaw wasn't a daylight warrior yet, but she had to have gone home. Unless she's planning on becoming a full time warrior here? "Either way, I'm sure you're allowed to have a nest in the warriors den. It doesn't make much sense if a warrior can't have a nest in the warriors den." His opinions align with Plaguepaw, not seeing how being a Daylight warrior meant she was denied being a warrior. It was in the name for crying out loud!

He thinks back to Plaguepaw's views on names and while he can sort of agree, he doesn't think it's as horrible as they make it out to be. "I would hate it if Orangestar gave me the name Crowpelt or Crowfur," he meows abruptly. "Those are boring names. I'd hate working hard for something so lame. As long as it's a cool name I don't mind." Plaguepaw is not forgotten as he turns to face them. "There are cats who ask for their name to be changed. If we really don't like the name she gives us and think of one we like better, I don't think Orangestar will be mad. She's very nice."
  • — crowpaw / skyclan apprentice / masculine pronouns / 11 moons
    — undecided / single / open to flirting and crushes
    — long haired black smoke with hazel eyes with polydactyly
    — may powerplay minor harm / can powerplay healing
    biography / @ on discord for plots
    — penned by velou

Peachpaw had been listening to the group from a few strides away, half listening to the other apprentices and half daydreaming about how amazing, strong, and cunning she would be as a warrior. Excitement even spilled out of her thoughts into her paws as Peachpaw pranced over . Peachpaw could hardly wait to get her name! Even though she started only a few moons ago and becoming a warrior was a long ways away.

The latest opinions turned the discussion around and brought the pale-colored she-cat out of her dreaming. Becoming too tempting not to share her thoughts, she sat next to Drowsypaw. She couldn't believe her ears! "But Orangestar naming you is like getting a gift," Peachpaw protests. "For all your hard work, any name would make me happy because it was a name thought of just for me." Peachpaw finished with a nod. 'Plus, it might hurt Orangestar's feelings after all that time thinking of a good name,' but she kept that thought inside.

Although the question had fallen from his maw, he hadn't anticipated so many of the others to delve into it so readily. Some appear noncommittal to the idea of a new name - as if it's a mere stepping stone in life rather than a major event. While others, like Edenpaw, are taking the milestone with pride. They have a right, he thinks; after all, they will be the only daylight warrior made (unless another crops up soon enough.)

Falconpaw says that Pipitpounce is too much of a mouthful, and the chocolate apprentice agrees with a grimace, "Too many puh sounds with that one," plus, he doesn't think himself a successful tree climber. He's passable, but not quite perfect. It's Crowpaw who gives him pause; they may request new names, should the ones that Orangestar not be good enough. Maybe...

He tucks the idea away. He looks towards Peachpaw, an eyebrow quirked, "So... you wouldn't mind being called Peachrot? Or Peachdirt?" Each suffix has a worse connotation than the last, and he doubts that Orangestar would be so cruel. Nonetheless, he tests the water with drops of curiosity.​
𓍊𓋼𓍊𓋼𓍊 〰 Immediately their ears fold back alike airplane wings to glare at Crowpaw. So what if they usually went home to Twolegplace at night? They liked to stay the night in SkyClan from time to time! And they'd be even more eager to if it meant having Cherrypaw to share a nest with. "Well I still like to hang out here sometimes... I've spent the night before," they reply with a frown. He doesn't seem adamant about fighting that point though and digresses they should probably be allowed to, which is enough to get rid of their sour expression. Yeah... It wouldn't make sense for me not to have one.

Peachpaw seems equally enamored with the idea and, unsurprisingly, Pipitpaw is a little too literal about it. Sighing softly, the black and white apprentice aims to playfully cuff the dusty furred boy over the ears. "There's no way Orangestar would name anyone something that awful, you're just being... uh... obtuse... about it." Flicking a bobbed tail back and forth, they supply another suggestion, "Pipit's a bird yeah? Why not Pipitwing?"