pafp carry band-aids on me now // seeking advice


maggotpaw & 09 moons & female & she/her & shadowclan apprentice

Chilledstars words have unnerved maggotpaw more than she'd like to admit - pelt prickling. An unknown illness, a sickness which cannot be treated - and the white-faced feline can only think back to magpiepaw's recent warnings, his 'omen'. Perhaps it hadn't been his usual strangeness after all, perhaps starclan was coming to claim them - well, she won't go down without a fight. But... you cannot fight sickness with claws and teeth. no - she needs soemthing more.

heavy paws carry her forwards and into the medicicne den before she's even fully mad up her mind to, long tail swishing anxiously - she's clearly unsettled, despite her blank-faced stare. "Magpiepaw," she starts, only to pause as she tries to find the words - pink tongue scraping the backs of sharp white teeth. "This sickness - this death, that is coming for you, for us, how can I avoid it," she's willing to do anything, she thinks - she has too much she wants to do, too many plans, to much greatness to waste on a life only half lived.

No - starclan cannot have them, not yet.

  • Actions && "Speech," && ' Thoughts/Quotes '

    ooc: please wait for @Magpiepaw
    tw/cw: —
  • — a massive tabby she-cat with striking turquoise eyes, there has always been something not-right about her. cold and apathetic, and more than a bit unhinged, the monster that is maggotpaw is a volitile presence within shadowclan. she seems strangely taken by magpiepaw, putting herself in role of both tormentor and protector.

    — physically medium && mentally hard
    — non-violent powerplay allowed && healing powerplay allowed && minor injury powerplay not-allowed
    — please attack using [b][color=mediumpurple]action here[/color][/b] and tag account


To say he is a little more frazzled than usual would be a vast understatement. Magpiepaw does not know what to do. For once he fails to find an answer, even a nonsensical one he pulls from the air, there is not a single solution to the problem that looms over them and frankly he's a bit at his wits over the entire thing. Starlingheart was especially stressed, with kits still young and the clan nursery compromised with Halfshade's sickness he finds there is no end to the wheezing and breathless clanmates strolling in and out of their den for aid. They had nothing but honey and hope to spare and he turns at his name with wide eyes and a tail that is more bristle than brush, crooked at his back and puffing out in high alarm.
"I don't know..." He says simply, frayed at the ends and voice strained because he doesn't He has no clue. One would think StarClan might send them a sign as they had the garlic tht warded the vermin, but nothing had caught him as particularly pointed nor has his mentor mentioned a thing. The black and white tom's tone trembles, he dislikes not knowing things but he especially dislikes not being able to try and learn; he doesn't know where to even start.
"...we've honey for sore throats, broken voices....comfrey for breathing...but nothing to stop it." The bears had been much easier to deal with than this. "Maggotpaw, if you feel unwell...find me quickly."