camp carry my heart .. surprise

It had been far, far too long since Hazecloud has so much space to herself! The warriors den always felt crowded after every season with new waves of apprentices graduating. The mountains had been no better, especially considering the necessity to huddle for warmth in the thickest snow.

The nest before her of course lacked any of the trinkets hidden within the moss now abandoned in the warriors den. Yet to be carefully, quietly collected and moved into the willow-armored den. There would be time for that later of course. For now she must speak to the one remaining queen within.

The molly gracefully parted from the nursery's entry beside another queen, her expression alight with cheer from their current conversation. "... It's been so long, I've missed sharing a den with you!" Hazecloud gasped excitedly as she turned to look at @apricotflower. She flattened out the moss before her and worked on kneading out the stubborn rigidness from the cold. "I never realized how much bigger it looks from the inside. It's quite deceiving from out here, but I suppose it helps when it will be just us."

She realized too late she hadn't controlled the volume of her voice, careful to keep their conversation quietly between themselves but the molly didn't outwardly appear any way aside from pleasant content. Whichever of her Clanmates overheard would not be rewarded with any detailed explanation, but by now the truth would be quite simple to see. Though Hazecloud was unassuming in size from her heavy coat, the roundness of her belly was more distinct than before.

//talking to apricotflower! no need to wait for apri's post though ^^

Dipperpaw is not the type of cat that often spends time in the nursery, nor does she ever wish to be a resident of said place. Her dreams lie elsewhere, with the river. Freedom. Being a queen would never suit her, she thinks. Prey brought to you all day, too round to even be able to clean your own nest and then when the kits come too tired from looking after the young of the clan. What Apricotflower does is nothing short of admirable. She was a permanent resident of the nursery, something she could never even imagine. Today, she finds herself in the milk-scented den raking out moss, taking old bedding so that it may be replaced by something new. She does not mean to eavesdrop, she really doesn't, but Hazecloud speaks so plainly, and if it was a big secret then she thinks the warrior should maybe get better at whispering.

"It'll be more crowded when the kits come" she replies, her tone even and steady despite the inner turmoil that coils her heart. She had seen the looks passed between the warrior and her mentor. Were these kits hers? Would Lichentail still have time for her even after these kits were brought into the world. It didn't matter, she tells herself. She'll be a warrior soon anyways. Still, she feels a small pin prick of jealousy, of slight anger. "It is brave to make the decision to have little ones this close to the cold moons" she observes. Her own parents had been such fools. It is why their third sibling was not with them today. He had not been strong enough, born sickly she remembers. Back then she had resented him because Swantuft never let her play with him and then one day he was just... gone.
Kits? Previously meaning to pass by Hazecloud and her friend without interruption, Feathergaze's attention is drawn by stoic Dipperpaw. The silver molly glances back curiously. She hadn't really looked at Hazecloud recently, but as the pieces fell into place everything became much clearer.
"Oh, how wonderful! Congratulations, Hazecloud," she purred, a rush of warmth and velvet flowers flowing through her chest. Was the timing a bit, unfortunate? Certainly. But not much could dampen Feathergaze's spirits when kits were on the horizon. "They're going to be beautiful, and grow up strong, I'm sure of it."​
Redpath returns once more to camp from a fishing trip, but unfortunately she came up empty pawed. Maybe the fish are also cold and hiding in their little fish dens for warmth. Understandable. But they still need to eat and her skills are best suited for the river. When she comes back to camp she feels discouraged, guilty for not bringing anything back. Truthfully, she had come back for a short rest to warm her paws that were beginning to feel numb from standing in the freezing waters for so long. She was planning to head back out to hunt on land.

But she overhears something interesting in the direction of the nursery. Ears twitch and she looks over to see Hazecloud and Apricotflower..... What does Hazecloud mean...Just us.....


Redpath's expression brightens as she bounces over to them. "Is it true? You're expecting? Congratulations!" She chirps happily. She knows this is the worst time to have kits, but she's still happy for Hazecloud. She can't wait to meet her kits! "I'll make sure to bring extra nesting materials to keep them warm!"
bounceheart ✧ she/her ✧ riverclan warrior (=˃ᆺ˂=)

More time than she would like to admit was spent in that nursery. Especially when the kittens were still so little; with their springy paws, unkempt fur (no matter how hard their mother tried to slick it into place) and wide baby-blue eyes.
But the nursery had been cleaned out by the new meeting, and Smokestar's urgency to get their kits trained up to apprentices before leaf-bare really hit. So Bounceheart was accepting the barren nursery - she had even tried to clean it up a bit the night after that meeting. It's a good thing - they are old enough to learn to hunt. Plus, in the apprentice den, they will have more warmth. There's so many trainees.. So. Many. Trainees. It was as though they were being overrun by apprentices. Fresh faces for the warrior's den was good, but she worried that maybe they were made apprentices too soon? Or had she lost track of time, and the kits had grown before she could realize?

Seeing a couple of furry behinds sticking out of the Nursery, she let the curiosity get the better of her and made her way inside as well. There, she realized the rumors were true - "Wow, congratulations, both of you." New life was good no matter the season.

FIGHT SO DIRTY BUT YOU LOVE SO SWEET — Beepaw returns not far from Redpath and felt disappointed that she hadn't caught anything either still she tries to keep optimistic though her attention shifts over to the nursery where there are a few voices speaking, curiosity getting the best of her as she pads closer with both ears pricked forward. Her eyes focused on the sight of Hazecloud, taking note of her round belly, and then listening to the cats around her saying congratulations does it dawn on her that the journey cat was expecting kittens during leaf-bare too. She had believed that nobody was fishbrained enough to bring forth frail kittens during such harsh weather, food becoming more scarce, and just... Why? A part of her wants to ask but instead bites down on her tongue glancing at the warriors around then her gaze turns to Dipperpaw. Beepaw clears her throat awkwardly before parting her jaws to speak "Congratulations Hazecloud." Her voice genuine despite the frustration that bubbled underneath her soon adding with a slow nod, "I'll make sure you and Apricotflower get any of my catches first."

Redpath had already offered to bring her extra nesting material so that was the least that Bee could do and offer her own, she thinks about the kittens and wonders how small they'll be. Her mind wanders briefly thinking about Cicadastar and how he had introduced fish to her for the first time, surely, a moment like that would be shared by Hazecloud and her brood. She didn't think about who the sire was until Bounceheart spoke and she frowned slightly with a blink of her eyes, she hadn't thought about who was the mother or father of these kits. Another fishbrain. The river princess thinks to herself.

  • beekit_chibi.png
    ₊· ͟͟͞͞➳ shorthaired black smoke molly w/low white and mismatched eyes
    ₊· ͟͟͞͞➳ 5 moons old; ages the 10th every month
    ₊· ͟͟͞͞➳ sexuality unknown/too young
    ₊· ͟͟͞͞➳ currently being mentored by smokestar
    ₊· ͟͟͞͞➳ daughter of cicadastar and smokestar
    ₊· ͟͟͞͞➳ sister of cicadapaw & starlightpaw
    ₊· ͟͟͞͞➳ "speech", thoughts, attacking
    ₊· ͟͟͞͞➳ peaceful powerplay allowed
And there is what Lichentail had prepared him for it but it still soured his mood immediately upon notice. Hazecloud had moved to the nursery officially, his lone orange eye narrowed in thought and he considered not going over at all but eventually his interest won out and he approached carefully behind Beepaw to peer inside.
"Congratulations." It is quiet, not dismissive but not truly enthusiastic - a subtle acceptance and understanding. "I hope you have seen Ravensong already about this." It is lightly scolding, he had already said his peace to Lichentail who he assumed carried the sentiments to her mate and there was no use continuing to overthink what was happening whether he liked it or not. It added to their struggle, both knew the foolish burden they had placed on their clanmates simply because they could not wait a few moons before starting a family proper and when Hazecloud was free from the nursery she could face her own punishment then. Until that time he wanted these kits taken well cared of, he wanted the queen checked in on by their medicine cat as frequently as necessary and as his daughter already made clear they would ensure they had the best chances of making it by hunting what they could and carrying on the code. That his own older kits might have to go hungry some nights as a result of this was at the back of his mind, but they were strong and capable. They'd manage this leafbare somehow, they had to.
"...I see someone cleaned in here already, if you need extra nesting feel free to grab whichever apprentice is loitering in camp and put them to work." He had seen Bounceheart in here earlier, she was probably the one who had gotten things freshened up after the last meeting and he gave her a quick nod before lifting his head and turning to take his leave, head raised and voice tossing back as he departed, "I mean it about Ravensong, get looked over as soon as you can."

  • OOC can go here.

  • 57913530_r2t3y4lghl4FDra.png
    —⊰⋅ Leader of RiverClan
    —⊰⋅ He/Him
    —⊰⋅ Black tom w/vitiligo & one orange eye.

bio ₊˚✧ ゚. Bitekit rises from where he's nestling to take shelter from the cold, at first with annoyance, ready to shoot down the hustle and bustle, when the conversation draws him closer to the entry of the nursery, inviting him to poke his head out. He regards Hazecloud with a surprised curiosity, stepping closer to the very familiar Apricotflower. The busy location has his eyes flickering about the warriors and apprentices. As soon as he hears it - the word 'kits' being thrown around his jaw drops. "You're gonna be in here soon?" He asks, head cocking. "You're having kits?" The brawny tom spares little mind to the season, wrapped up in the news, which seems all but confirmed from the comments from the others.

With the knowledge that him and his peers with soon be moving on to the apprentices den, he can't shake the sinking feeling that things are going to happen in where he used to reside every night without him. There's going to be new faces sleeping where he once slept. It won't be their space anymore. Knowing he's moving further away from the familiar dwellings has him shifting uncomfortably. He's not sure why the realization is so surprising, but he's never allowed himself the time to linger, let anything settle. Too far ahead for him to reflect on with any semblance of 'that's happening', he offers no congratulations.
⋆ ✧    ·   ⋆ ✧    ·   ✧ ⋆     ·   ✧ ⋆

A tail flicks back and forth in silent contemplation, staring after the cloud-like figure of a new occupant for the nursery. She can see her lips move into a cheerful smile, settling down to fluff out a spot to rest. A place she'd stay for moons, leaving the deputy to rest in the warrior's den without the warmth of stone-colored curls. A soft sigh escapes her then, her shoulders tensing to recognize the swirl-decorated form of one of her apprentices- Dipperpaw had proven to be an exceptionally observant girl and that was enough to make her itch like she'd already been caught.

Whatever Hazecloud says- or maybe it's her presence in the nursery at all?- it summons a crowd like a whirlpool with the silver molly at the center. Most faces seem alight with words of congratulations on their tongues. She cannot help but glower, certain almost immediately these are not genuine well-wishes. If even she could recognize how abysmal their reckless timing had been, everyone else could too.

Smokestar's brisk pace to join in suggests he was not yet satisfied... That he had words for the other half of this decision. Lichentail's ears flatten, hoping her forth-coming admission would spare them some sort of public outcry. Whatever phantom of the chimera king she expected does not rear its ugly head... the collection of RiverClanners remains soft, even if some of their gazes betray moments of frustrated thinking. Whatever he says, she does not try to eavesdrop... but....

She has been staring after them too long. Anyone with a pair of eyes would notice her sulking if she didn't get up to play it off as curious watching. Getting to her paws, the point trotted nervously towards the nursery, casting her leader a small glance as he quickly departed. Smokestar certainly hadn't raised his voice loud enough to yell... maybe he wasn't sick of looking at her anymore too?

Perching at the entrance to the nursery, pale eyes linger on Hazecloud, turning the corners of her lips up in a small smile. "A chance to rest your paws after a long journey," she muses. It feels awkward, to just stand there looking at her... but the staggering amount of eyes keeps her frozen firmly in place- no headbutt to be shared, not a passing lick across her forehead. "Did you tell your sister?"


The curse of letting her excitement get the best of her quickly showed its face as her peers caught onto her words. It started with Dipperpaw, an attentive girl that couldn't let the slightest breeze go unnoticed. Hazecloud had been much the same at her age, more social of course but always watching. The intent of her words aren't missed- the molly is not blind to circumstances of her oncoming litter. She is not blind to the consequences her Clanmates families endured this time last season.

A small part of her is in defiant disbelief that it could happen to her. She had left the safety of her Clan, accompanied with cats that had shed her Clanmates blood without remorse and they were not even the scariest faces she had seen. She had survived unfathomable events and StarClan had gifted her each day with another breath. Surely they would not punish her after all she had done?

"They will be strong." She spoke with emphasis after Feathergaze's good wishes, but her eyes were on Dipperpaw when she spoke before facing the others. Echoes of congratulations followed after the other and Redpath had kindly offered to treat her to better nesting.

"That's very kind of you Redpath, Beepaw. I'm very lucky to have Clanmates like you all. And Bounceheart you've done an amazing job keeping things tidy in here." Warmth shined in green sights before they turned up to see Smokestar behind his kin, the affection in her gaze becoming guarded. Lichentail may have spared her the details of how furious he had been at her admission, but word of her punishment had given her enough of an idea. The silky-furred molly selfishly believed they deserved some mercy (as if being allowed to remain wasn't mercy enough), but these thoughts would never find a voice to share.

His directive was clear and his tone not at all what she was expecting. Another mercy lost to her recognition but she would prefer this blasé speech over yowls and admonishments. "I have, and I will continue to." She glanced around the many faces that still remained, thought of her friends within the warriors den. "I have a lot to be grateful for, being looked after so well. It will not be taken for granted." It was a promise. These kittens would be strong.

Her leader departed and quickly and followed with her mates arrival just as Bitekit caught on to what was happening. Hazecloud smiled gently as she answered. "We'll be denmates too, Bitekit! My kits will arrive by the time you're ready to be an apprentice, though. So it's just going to be me for now."

Lichentail rigidly remained where she stood and now the roles have switched. Where's my affection? I've been waiting all day just to see you. Thoughts that surely once prodded uncomfortably at her mate when they were younger and Hazecloud was a far more incompetent mate. Her irritation is subtle, a constant twitch of her tail-tip as she kept her claws flexed into the bed of moss.

"No, I haven't had the chance to tell Rosewater yet. She's been busy taking care of Dappleleaf. The usual." Coded speech for 'I can't get here alone from that crone.' A coveted display to redirect suspicion of where her true annoyance may lie. "Oh- gosh I must have forgotten some things from my old nest. I really do appreciate you all for coming to see me and for your support but I have a lot to prepare for! I'll be more than happy to share prey and talk later, though." A hurried dismissal now that she was feeling the effects of the crowd. She wanted to be alone, she wanted to be with her mate, she wanted both at once but she contained the frustration of her confusion from lashing out instead.

A water shrew clung between her jaws as she trotted across camp. A growing crowd of passing congratulations in the mix of frustrated and questioning looks made her slow to a stop. Petalnose kept her distance, but her gaze scanned the situation. Hazecloud had driven obvious attention and Lichentail lingered close beside. Hazecloud had seemed to have an obvious change to her conformation at a longer gaze, telling her everything she should know. Petalnose shifted her attention between the two for a moment, a frown of disappointment pulling her tar black lips deeper. A slow furrow of her brows was made as if she were to speak or scold, however, she turned without a word in her resumed pace.

It was a deeply selfish act in her eyes. No matter how well she had got along with Aspenhaze, if baring children had been a choice, timing would be the first of her decisions. Her own mother's selfish desires driven the litter to struggle within the first stages of life. A lesson she learned young not from her own faults; being the youth that was impatiently brought into the world.

It was difficult to give congratulations. Petalnose hadn't known whether she had wanted them to learn their lesson or hope the kits didn't struggle as terrible as her own tightknit family. She only hoped it could be both. She hoped prey was abundant enough for the safety of their clan. There would be abundant hope for the unforgiving season.
