pafp Cartoon crash sound || Collision

Red fur stands out against the snow as Sparkwing creeps along the forest floor, hot on the trail of a mouse who hasn't been frightened away by the deer herd roaming the forest. Fortune shines on him, he thinks. He hasn't caught anything decent in days, and he has a good feeling about this mouse. Quietly he prowls, each step a careful one as to not crunch the snow too loudly. If foxes could hunt with such red fur in the snow, then so could he! He has to catch this mouse. His self esteem depends on it. Closer and closer he creeps, until he can see his target.

The mouse sits unaware in a small clearing, a berry bush seeming to have its attention. Sparkwing is so focused on the mouse however, that he is unaware of Falconheart, who happens to be tracking the very same mouse. With a quiet spring, he lunges for the rodent.... At the same time Falconheart does.

His expression as his eyes catch Falconheart's is one of wordless surprise as the two crash into each other, scaring the mouse away and skidding on the snow into the berry bush the mouse had fled into.

"AUUGGH. IM COVERED IN BERRY JUICE..." Sparkwing exclaims, though he's not mad. At least berry juice is good. "Are you okay? Are you also covered in berry juice?" He asks Falconheart. Sure, it sucks they missed the mouse, but a clanmates well being is more important!

𓍊𓋼 It isn’t that Falconheart’s not paying attention, it’s just that he’s paying too much attention to things besides his immediate surroundings. After finding all the deer across the territory, he’s rattled to his core, and being outside of camp means that he has to be on high alert all the time. The plodding of hooves, the frost-breath snorts, the snapping of twigs—his ears are pricked, listening for any sign of deer nearby. He doesn’t hear anything, thankfully, and so he pounces for the mouse he’s been tracking. Somewhere between looking and leaping, Falconheart makes an error. Too late, he sees a familiar red-striped pelt, a fluffy form, and blue eyes meet his for a heartbeat before they both go crashing into one another. The impact knocks the wind out of him, and he doesn’t even have the time to panic before the two of them slide directly into a berry bush.

Sparkwing shouts, lamenting the fact that he’s covered in berry juice, and the cream tabby’s heart stutters in his chest. Oh no. The other tom isn’t mean, but he’s big, and that’s enough to worry Falconheart. "Ah—I’m sorry!" His quick apology comes out as a wheeze, ears flattened against his head. But Sparkwing seems to be more dramatic than angry, even asking if Falconheart is okay, so he responds quickly. "I’m fine, I’m fine! Are you?" He waves a paw stained with purple-red at the other tom, trying to gesture that he’s truly alright. He finally looks directly at Sparkwing, at the colorful berry juice that now decorates his already-bright pelt, and he can’t help but let out a short laugh. "Yeah, I’m, uh, covered in it, too. How did you… how did you get berry juice all the way to your face?" He still feels bad for running into the other warrior and getting him all dirty, but at least it’s berries and not tick bile or something.
ThunderClanners couldn't seem to get out of each other's way lately. Martenmask thought back to Mothsqueak running into him by the fresh-kill pile with a slight ripple of amusement. The towering chocolate-and-white tom had also been out hunting, though he had at least not been in pursuit of the same mouse that caused all the trouble. Rather, he had unsuccessfully tried to take down a blackbird, earning a disdainful cheep and a single lost feather for his efforts. It had been while stalking away from his lack of luck, swishing his great cloudy tail to and fro as he nursed his disappointment, that he spotted his fruit-splattered Clanmates. Concern briefly flashed across his white-blazed face, but quickly a look of curiosity and amusement replaced it. "Were you two trying to attack the berry bush?" asked the former kittypet with great interest, leaning in and sniffing some of the splattered juice. The sweetness of it stung his nose, reminding him uncomfortably of things his Twolegs used to eat, and he swiftly leaned back. "I think it worked, if so. Look, it's bleeding everywhere!" a pretty poor-quality joke, but Marten chuckled at it anyway. "Oh! And, err, are you two alright?"
another day, another decent hunt. for the first time in what feels like forever, a vole dangled from leafhusk’s jaws. on her way back to camp, shouting in the distance caught her attention, so she made a quick detour. screams in the middle of the forest don’t bode well for her. what she finds in the clearing is not a horrific crime scene, but instead a fiasco leafhusk doesn’t get right away. for starters, the berry juice briefly made her think he was bleeding profusely. the vole drops from her mouth as it lowers agape, her neck fur bristling. but, once she actually examines the scene, leafhusk’s fur smooths itself out and she lets out a loud sigh. "i thought you were attacked by a rabid mouse," she chuffs, shaking her head. "how’re you going to get that off?"

patrol with her brother had always been interesting, and that hadn’t changed regardless of how old they may be. she hears them collide before she sees him — hears sparkwing exclaim something loud and complaining and she lifts her head, trying to temper the little flare of annoyance at the sound of a fluttering bird nearby. so much for that.. twotoned paws bring her towards the scene of the collision, stretching her neck to look over leafhusk and spot them. her brother, and his unfortunate victim — falconheart. it could have been worse, she supposed. it’s be a lot harder to untangle the tom’s mess if he’d sent, say, nightbird into the berry and bramble.

so, she lets herself snort a little giggle, ducking her head to hide a mischievous smile in the thick of her chest fur. she was still a sister at heart, ” alright, break it up. y’all can cuddle ‘n pick the berries out of eachothers fur back at camp. “ she coos teasingly, batting her eyes wide and playful at the two because — what, it wasn’t like sparkwing was capable of a relationship anyway. she wasn’t even sure if he wanted one, he’d never said anything about it. besides, the tom had the attention span of a squirrel, and falconheart’s deputy mother kept more of an eye on him than anyone else. the tortoiseshell shakes out her pelt, flicking her tail upward at the twos questions. it was still a pretty dramatic fall, and she leans to help either of them up, ” you’re okay, though? ya didn’t hit your head — again — didja, sparkwing? “

  • i.

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    f. she / her, daughter of sunfreckle and rabbitnose. large, fluffy cream - ribboned tortoiseshell with seaglass eyes. larger than life! each and every part of her is broad ; wide in everything from her face to shoulders to her feathered tail, something reminiscent of her father’s kittypet heritage in the square of her chin and hulk of her figure. she appears illusionarily fluff - ridden at first, thickly pelted in shades of fire and soot, long & tangled, knotted with undergrowth — seeming soft and pudgy, and she is.. that figure curving into hard, hidden bulk along heavyset flanks and well - muscled limbs. a characteristic lack of personal space leads her to a slouching, touchy posture, often inclined to lean or bump against her peers.
    prone to bouts of explosive emotion. all opinions are solely in - character and during these times, often untrue or said only in anger.

Even splattered in berry juice and covered in all sorts of leaf litter and twigs, Sparkwing still smiles and laughs along with Falconheart. "I'm good!"
Did he have berry juice on his face? He licks his muzzle to see. Immediately he is hit with the sweetness of the juice that stains his fur. "Dunno!" He laughs. It's probably because he went headfirst into the bush. "But it's good!"

Of course, all the ruckus attracts their clanmates. Not that Sparkwing minds, what happened was too funny for him to care. Look at him. He's a huge mess. Leafhusk, Martenmask and Freckleflame bare witness to the tomfoolery that has transpired.

"I'm sure the berry bush will be fine," He says to Martenmask after his joke, then pats the bush. "Right, bush? Right." This bush can fit SO many berries in it. Surely he only smashed through like, a few. Leafhusk asks an important question. The berry juice is easy to get off... But the twigs and leaves embedded in his fur might take a little extra work.

"We'll figure it out! At least it will taste good with the juice at least!" He says. "Easier than dealing with a rabid mouse!"

Sparkwing begins to wiggle his way free, the bush tugging at his pelt as red furs are likely left behind. Freckleflame's words go mostly over his head. "My head is fine, but why would we cuddle????" He asks, completely clueless to what she was insinuating. "What if we get STUCK TOGETHER?" Yes. If they cuddled, the sticks and juice would stick them together and they would become..... Some kind of amalgamation!!​

He had been a little too far away to see the collission and by the time he arrived both cats were upright and stained bruise-red colored with Freckleflame making a remark about returning to camp. Obviously they had been terribly injured by this plant that still gently shook in the aftermath of being tousled so violently. Leafhusk had said something about an attack and Martenmask even pointed out they had spilled the wretched things blood already. Not one to leave a job unfinished the apprentice lifted his head up high and raced over.

"Is this BERRY BUSH GIVING YOU A HARD TIME, SPARKWING?" He asked, voice pitching into a shout as he approached stiff limbed and stomping with all no pounds of intimidation to his bristling blue coat. Pigeonpaw sized up his opponent with a sneer, black lips curled before he launched himself at it, teeth clamping down onto a branch and shaking his head to give the abbhorent thing a lesson in why you shouldn't mess with his mentor and also really cool older brother. The resulting shaking sent berries flying, flicking across the area and dappling the coat of any cat unfortunate enough to be too close to his brazen display. Between clenched teeth he delivered his ultimatum, "You will PAY FOR YOUR CRIMES!"


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    —⊰⋅ Apprentice of ThunderClan
    —⊰⋅ He/Him
    —⊰⋅ LH Blue smoke w/white & blue eyes.

𓍊𓋼 To Falconheart’s dismay, the noise of their collision—and the subsequent shouting from the two of them—has drawn a bit of a crowd. Martenmask and Leafhusk both seem surprised, though at first they both look concerned. It makes sense that they would worry upon first seeing Falconheart and Sparkwing’s predicament. With all the deer around, and the fact that they’re covered in bright berry juice, it’s understandable that they could think the worst of the situation. Falconheart knows that if he were the one to stumble across two clanmates splashed in red, he would certainly be panicking. Freckleflame, however, seems more amused than worried—she makes a comment about cuddling, and were it not for the thick juice that stains his face, the cream tabby’s expression of embarrassment would be all too obvious. Blue eyes shift to Sparkwing, but the other tom just seems confused by the insinuation.

Sparkwing licks some of the berry off his muzzle, and the cream tabby considers leaning closer to help clean off the rest of his pelt. But then he thinks of Freckleflame’s teasing comment again, and pale ears droop against his head. No, That would be… totally weird, wouldn’t it? He doesn’t need the tortoiseshell she-cat to make fun of him again, even if it’s for a different reason. "I’m fine," he repeats in response to Martenmask and Freckleflame’s questions, though they might be directed more toward the other tom. The larger tabby probably took the brunt of the impact, after all. As Sparkwing answers Leafhusk’s question, Falconheart wonders the same thing. The berries are one thing, but the twigs and sticks he can feel caught in his dense pelt are another. "I can, uh, help you get the sticks out—if you want? But only if you help me." The idea of getting stuck together doesn’t sound impossible to fix, but with the danger of deer around, it probably wouldn’t be good to get stuck together. And besides, it would be mortifying…

Pigeonpaw is the next clanmate to approach, ready to back up his older brother. The tabby tom has no time to react as the blue and white apprentice leaps at the bush, gripping a branch in his teeth and shaking it ferociously. "Ack-!" More berry juice splatters across his face, and his freckled nose wrinkles as he attempts to lick it off. Of course, Pigeonpaw is only trying to help, but he’s done more to dirty them than clean them off.