advanced CARVE THROUGH THE DARK // night-hunting

A periwinkle sky settles over the journeying cats. Stars begin to take shape, twinkling in the twilight as a cold breeze bellows through. Figfeather’s ears fold as she feels her skin burn against the wind’s ice cold claws, fur prickles and her teeth chatter. Soon leaf-bare would be upon them once more… leaf-fall always seemed to go by far too fast, many of the trees have long been barren of any leaves. She cannot imagine what it must be like to be fur-less like ‘them’, Figfeather finds she envies the long-furred cats more than ever.

She fears if she just stands around her whiskers will turn into icicles. The tripedal she-cat stands and gives her companions a quick invite, ”I’m going hunting to get my blood moving. Any of you are welcome to join me.” Otherwise they know her, she’ll be back in ample time with fresh-kill.

Disappearing into the night, Figfeather sprints across the open land. Her maw propped open as she tastes the air for any sign of prey, she smells rabbit, pheasant and a mixture of different types of rodents. Her mouth salivates at the fresh, warm scent of a mouse. She angles her ears until she finds a heartbeat coming from a patch of tall grass. Lowering herself into a crouch her rear wiggles in anticipation before launching herself forward, the grass rustling in her wake. The mouse shrieks as she hooks her claws onto it’s tail and flings it into the air.

It lands onto the ground with a soft thump, stunned. Figfeather wastes no time to deliver a kick killing blow by nipping firmly into it’s neck, it struggles and suffers no more.

She appears out of the grass triumphantly, a warm purr rumbling in her throat showing her content with the catch. Awkwardly and with little balance she digs out a small hole to bury her catch, and then turns to hunt more. She’s all too aware of the yipping of coyotes close by, she takes extra caution to stay clear of them. They’ve had too many run-ins with canine-creatures as of late, she’s not looking to have another. Expertly she avoids them, only to hear the hooting of an owl. Amber eyes narrow and she wonders if she shouldn’t just turn around, claim her mouse, and call it quits for the night. She wasn’t looking to become anythings dinner. ​

  • » Figfeather
    » SkyClan Warrior
    » She/her . AMAB
    » A red tabby she-cat with a mangled leg.
    » ”Speech”thoughtsattack
  • » A foe in battle whose ability to strategize can shift tides.
    » Excels in strategizing and pre-planning her battles.
    » Fights defensively and aid her clan to victory.
    » May powerplay minor harm. Can powerplay healing

Fernpaw had agreed to come along, rather raucously- since starting the journey he'd been observing, had been learning, and once-never-known skills regarding land hunting had started to stick in his mind. What he hadn't anticipated was that hunting under the cover of night was going to be much, much harder. Splitting off from the group, in the quite it was not difficult to find purchase on prey... but equally, in silence it was much, much harder to sneak up on it.

A mouse, nearby- it was a frigid scent but a fresh one, made colder by the night air. Limited depth perception and bad periphery crafted his situation in poor favour, though- he stalked toward the mouse with a narrowed eye, only able to actually spot its shape when he was a little too close for comfort. The mouse saw him- he watched its beady, gleaming eyes stare right at him for a heart-piercing picosecond, and then it was scurrying off. Fernpaw leapt after it with a fairly poised pounce, but his paws made no purchase.

Though there was no-one around to see it, handsome features crumpled into a sheepish smile.

Poking his head up at the sound of an owl-call, Fernpaw searched for Figfeather in the veil of darkness. Toward her he sent a hushed question- "Any luck?" Knowing Figfeather, she probably didn't need luck- he imagined she was much more of a hunter than he was. Still dressed with the lighthearted sting of failure, he tacked on, "Harder than it looks..."
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