It's the colors that catch her attention. Brilliant hues one only sees in the dewiest of newleaf flowers or the artificial gloss of Twoleg items—colors that most certainly do not belong on any living, breathing being. And yet, they're flitting between the dark, staid neutral hues of the pines as easily as a properly colored bird should—snatches of blood - brilliant red, rippling gold, deep blue layered in oil brushstrokes of daubed color. Doeblaze pauses mid - step and peers blankly up, watching as quite possibly one of the largest birds she's ever seen—seriously, why the hell is that thing so big?—and undoubtedly the most colorful breaks out from the boughs.

Its strange beak cracks open to emit an awful shriek and she winces, loping near the rest of the cats that make up her Twolegplace - border patrolmates—alongside @PRIMROSE. and @cloudypaw~ , of course. The thing wails horribly again, pinwheeling above as if to taunt the cats—some huge, blindingly red mockery of all that nature holds dear. She stands in quiet shock, trying to resolve the sight of the strange beast with the steady comfort of the pines around it—a comfort she thinks she's newly learning to appreciate with each flap of brilliant wings.

" Don't see that every day, " she finally notes, her weary voice's twang sharpening with unabashed surprise. It screeches again and her ears feather back against her head with a grimace. " It's loud and it's huge. Probably going to scare off all the prey with those noises, " she notes with the tug of a frown, though she's not so foolish to propose they interfere with the behemoth bird's display. The thing's damn near as big as an eagle and seemingly twice as loud, both to the eyes and the ears. " D'you think it's some kind of Twoleg thing? "

OOC : Someone's scarlet macaw escaped from Twolegplace. Feel free to write it eventually heading back that direction, so it won't be a permanent nuisance!
"Pretty," Kite whispers as they watch the large bird, their inky head tilts back and their maw parts with disbelief. It is one of the most gorgeous things Kite has ever seen, arguably. Their attention had been drawn upwards due to the ear-piercing shriek that broke through the forest chatter. The bird wheels, round and round and even as Doeblaze comments that this creature will scare away all the prey, Kite still cannot rip their eyes away. Though their eyes follow it's movement, so does their head as it slightly moves, following each movement the restless animal makes.

"Hm?" At the mention of twolegs, Kite turns their attention upon Doeblaze. Small ears prick and Kite nods stiffly, mewing, "I saw... into their dens... smaller, much smaller, colorful birds. This one is... fantastic!" Mossy eyes turn upwards once more and and in a swift movement, Kite bounds forward, as though pushed by some unknown force. A feather! A ball of shadows, the tabby dives beneath where a feather has fallen from the bird- perfectly red, scarlet like blood- and here Kite waits, watching the feather twists down... down... down. As soon as it settles on nettles, Kite picks it up and trots back to the patrol. Their tail twists with prevalent happiness.

  • black tabby with a small stature and compact muscles ; TAGS
    — 38, ages every 21st
    — peaceful powerplay allowed

Chickbloom always felt…weird…whenever he had to patrol the twolegplace. The former kittypet had a tendency to zone out once the white wooden slats and slanted roofs came into view, lost in thoughts of the past and questions over if he’d made the right decision.

The coward was thankful on two counts, though. One was because - in recent moons especially - he’d grown less and less self-critical over abandoning that life. Silversmoke’s survival, Edenberry’s return, it all served to soothe the anxiety that came with that self-reflection. The other? Chickbloom was just happy that the route never took them past his old nest. If it had, the whelp wouldn’t quite know what to do with himself.

Speaking of not knowing what to do, that patrol’s scheduled soul-searching was suddenly interrupted by the screech of what must have been a vengeful spirit. In stark contrast to Kite, the skittish Scottish Fold dove for cover (which just so happened to be Doeblaze’s flank). After a few moments had passed and the whelp was certain enough of their survival, a pair of amber eyes slowly raised up from behind the she-cat to peer at whatever they’d disturbed.

“Can…can b-birds even b-be pets?” The anxiety-riddled tom asked, imagining how much quicker he would’ve quit that quiet life had that crimson thing been his only companion. “What - y’know - w-what would you even call them? B-Birdypets? Flappypets?” Flutterpets sounded cute, but Chickbloom kept that one to himself.​

Despite the fact that Owlheart prided herself on knowing birds, that knowledge only lended itself to denizens of the forest. Clearly this had to be a bird, it had feathers, wings and a beak. Too colourful to attribute to any bird that she had seen before, it amazes her enough to compel her to stand completely still. Not breaking eye contact with the squawking creature, she scrunches her muzzle at the noise. Doeblaze was most likely right, she would be surprised if the loud display of noise didn’t scare any prey away. “Should we… Try and scare it off?” Her tone is quiet, speaking in a hushed whisper as if she would potentially scare it away, she didn’t want to just yet. There was a desire to study it, to try and figure out what kind of bird this could possibly be.

Her gaze shifts to Kite as they return with a feather, a flicker of envy ignites within her. Nothing that would form a lasting ire, just disappointment that she didn’t even think about trying to go for the feather first. “Do you think I could look at that sometime?” It wouldn’t hurt to ask right? She tilts her head as she stares at the new warrior, offering a pleasant enough smile. Hopefully they didn’t think she was going to run off with it or anything like that, she would never do something so horrid. Is it a Twoleg thing? Probably, she wouldn’t be surprised if it was, they seemed to have such weird things come from Twolegplace lately. Fantastical looking birds would not be the most surprising thing to think about if they come from here.

She thinks to ask Chickbloom, he doesn’t seem to be any wiser compared to the rest of them. She glances at the tom curiously (did he duck in cover again? Didn't that happen with the bats too?) “I like Birdypets, it sounds cute” there was a pause as she winces from another particularly loud high pitched screech “...Or Noisypets, Loudpets maybe?”
" Pretty, " Kite murmurs, tipping their head back as their jaws fall open in unabashed wonder. She pauses, ruefulness rippling across her face . . . she'd been so caught up in the logistics, in the practical considerations of the large bird and the issues it might pose, that she hadn't given much thought to its aesthetic appeal. Her head tips sideways, lonely lush eye studying the pinwheeling creature. It is quite pretty, when you think about it . . . a luscious spill of the kind of colors they don't usually see in the dependable dark greens and dusky browns of the pine forest. The tabby concedes with a nod, " I guess it is pretty, well, pretty. " The bird emits another ferocious squawk and she winces, adding with a rasp of humor, " Its voice sure isn't. "

" Huh, " she murmurs as Kite affirms her theory. " Wouldn't be the weirdest thing to come out of Twolegplace, certainly. " Her brow raises when Kite darts out in a bundle of dark fur to scoop up a crimson feather, but she doesn't discourage them; the bird doesn't appear disturbed, not that she'd be able to tell the difference with the way the thing is screeching. " Oh, nice find. "

Chickbloom joins the flock ( ha! ) of warriors watching the circling bird in a more unorthodox way—the skittish tom dives behind her, making the tabby flinch, the claws of her forepaws sinking into the earth below. The fur along her spine settles slowly as she glances down at him, his round eyes emerging comically from behind her shaggy back to stare at the creature. " Your guess is as good as mine, " Doeblaze mrrows, squinting up at the squawking thing. Its brilliant artificial - looking pelt certainly seemed like a Twoleg invention. Owlheart's comments reawaken her more practical side and she flicks her ears,.

" Maybe, " she murmurs. Perhaps one of them could climb a tree and yowl at the thing before it scared every piece of prey in the forest, although that might invite the ire of the bird, comical as its colors may have been. " Noisypets certainly seems fitting, " the warrior remarks with a quiet snrk of amusement that's quickly overtaken by another well - timed screech. The thing's enormous wings flap harder and it begins to chart a rough course towards the smog of Twolegplace, dislodging needles along its haphazard path. Every couple fox - lengths is punctuated by a high - pitched squawk and a subsequent wince from the patrol members. Doeblaze grimaces, mrrowing, " At least it seems to know the way home. "