camp Cashmere Canonball | Intro


This train never stops!
Mar 9, 2024

Hah if he could just go out on his own and leap after some toads or Starclan he'd be fine even stepping in some mud and makin it squelch it'd be much much more entertaining then staying in camp all day waiting for his mentor to take him out like a pent up dog needin' a walk. Normally he'd be all for being lazy, Starclan normally he reveled in being able to do nothin' more then catch some z's but now it felt like less of a choice he was making and more of a forced decision. He didn't like it when it wasn't his choice alone. He got why, he had no desire in running into those nasty rogues he had no chance at fighting them off especially not alone. Sadly Chilledstar had a point and he was not about to call their bluff and sneak out only to be demoted to a kit, he'd been called one enough for bein' as tiny as he was already. He'd just deal with the boredom he'd think of something to do and if not he'd find someone to entertain him, there were plenty of hotheads he could dance around and tease, he'd be happy just chatting too but he's to lazy to get off his butt right now. He was making himself enjoy this lazy day, he had to so why not.

For now Opossumpaw languishes dramatically on his back, all stretched out real comfy like. To keep himself occupied and likely to the annoyance of others he begins to hum and "sing" rather loudly a "Bah hmmmmmm bahbah bummm hmmmm" sound, he's certainly not a singer his voice was nice enough but it seemed like he was intentionally trying to sound bad.

  • zXLwBeR.png
    Opossumpaw He/Him, Shadowclan apprentice, 6 moons
    Tortie-point tom with pale cream fur and blue eyes
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by Kedamono@legmeatt on discord, feel free to dm for plots. ​

[ ༻❄༺ ] The rules of having to stay in camp unless with warriors or their own mentor had been there for the safety of their younger members. So many of their own had been injured, from the death of Comfrypaw to Nettlepaw, and Bloodpaw as well as Singepaw's own injuries for leaving camp alone and inexperience, it should be considered a good thing that Chilledstar place these laws in. Yet, it did feel restrictive, you're not truly free, safe or not, the camp feels like a way to restrict them.

Of course there were ways to keep ones minds busy, even if it was something as tedious as cleaning the elders den or reinforcing the nursery, it was something. So, seeing Opossompaw just laze about and doing a bad rendition of trying to sound bad on purpose, she all but had to roll her eyes before dropping a mossball near the tom's face.

"Help me clean the elders den or... we could spar" they offered up. Anything to get the other to do something besides laying on his back and humming poorly, and hey he'd have some entertainment, right?

  • "speak""Thoughts"
  • Snowpaw She/Her, apprentice of Shadowclan, 8 moons.
    Lithe long hair blue lynx sepia with high white, and yellow eyes. Stubby tail, permanent resting bitch face
    Hailfreckle x Mudsplash
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted (ask first) / / underline and tag when attacking
    see battle info here
    penned by Ryn@/Rynnaro on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

you can count on me

Hemlocknose himself had a bit of restlessness in him. Opossumpaw's humming pretty solidly expressed his own mood as well. Sure, there was peace in having nothing to do for a bit, but peace breeds boredom. And creativity. Snowpaw offering tasks made the senior warrior smirk. "Sparring would be fun," he quipped, flicking his tail around his paws.
Slowly, slowly, Marblekit’s confidence in her surroundings has expanded. She never knew some of her Clanmates were actually nice cats wearing dour pelts and faces, but she has befriended her denmates and Onyxpaw and even, unexpectedly, Chilledstar. There were still cats who did not like her—Betonyfrost, for one, and Pipitclaw—but Marblekit is coming into her own as a ShadowClan kit with every burgeoning newleaf day. She is Siltcloud’s daughter, but she is also Lilacfur’s daughter, and Lilacfur… Lilacfur is a lead warrior, not a traitor and a murderer. The good can outweigh the bad, she whispers to herself sometimes.

She approaches the group of cats in camp without fear, drawn to the gathering by Opossumpaw’s strange noises. It’s lilting, humming with words and harsh, interrupting syllables. She finds she actually likes it. “We could spar, or you could show me how to sing that song,” she mews, throwing both Hemlocknose and Snowpaw a wide-eyed look.

  • ooc:
  • pcAn1D5.jpeg
  • Marblekit, she/they w/ feminine and non-gendered terms.
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — 3 moons old, ages realistically on the 1st.
    — mentored by n/a ; mentoring n/a ; previously mentored n/a
    — shadowclan kit, formerly a rogue. siltcloud x lilacfur, gen 3.
    — currently mated to n/a.
    — penned by Marquette.

    sh fawn tabby with dull green eyes. bossy, brazen, outgoing, conniving, mischievous, skeptical, spiteful.

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Gigglekit is visibly torn between the two options that are now being presented to Opossumpaw, as if they were her own to decide on. Sparring, or being taught how to sing along to the tune that Opossumpaw had been humming only moments before. Then again, Gigglekit figured that she wouldn't be allowed to spar with the older cats, so maybe Marblekit had the better idea.

"Yeah! You should show us how!" Gigglekit chirped, making sure that her opinion was out in the open and known. She sidled up next to Marblekit, giving her cousin a big grin to show her support of the idea. Gigglekit had never really paid much attention to music and songs before, but now was as good a time as ever to start - that way, she and Marblekit could have one more thing in common!


Opossumpaw had closed his eyes momentarily as if getting into his non-groove only for them to lazily peer open as a moss ball is dropped right in front of his face. He still doesn’t care to roll onto his paws, still happy to have his tummy to the sky as if there was no worry in the world - no murderous rogues stalking the borders with a taste for apprentice blood. He blinks up at Snowpaw, they said something to him he just had hardly heard it or chose to metaphorically plug his ears purposefully. Yeaaah neither of those were his thing, sparring might be fun at the start when it was all banter for him but being pummeled totally not his thing. Between that and the elders he’d take picking burrs off the stinky elders - though he thinks if the spar is completely informal no mentors watching then he could say and do whatever he wanted and run away when he started taking hits. Much to think about.

For now he hits them with a signature "huh?" playing the part of a mousebrain often worked for him surprisingly.

Well he couldn’t act for long, Hemlocknose brought up sparring again and finally and almost reluctantly he flips over back onto his paws. "Maybe…I’d have to warm up though. These muscles are all sorts of relaxed almost to relaxed" he remarks, he’s not as muscular as some of his peers not in the ways that aid with combat. He can run mighty fast however if that counted for anything in the swamp.

He’s attracted a gaggle of kits with his musings of song, they’re enchanted by it like he’s the lame pied piper and they’re his fuzzy little rats. But they’re cute, kits never seized to make him laugh and lighten his mood. They give him an excuse to worm out of activities he wanted and all but asked for but also didn’t want to do. He smiles and makes himself comfortable again, tucking his paws beneath his chest.

"Singin’ comes from the heart, the best technique is to sing what feels right. For me my heart tells me to make funny sounds" he explains voice playful, his smile turns into a smirk "and remember to be as loud as you can, so everyone can hear your beautiful voices"

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Lollygagging. Dilly-dallying. Apt descriptors for the spectacle on show in ShadowClan's hub. Sprawled out like a twisting root mere moments ago, Opossumpaw further scorns any notion of productivity when he rises to his dappled paws and instead treats his gathered crowd to personal anecdotes. Like-minded kits and apprentices, not to mention Hemlocknose for an inexplicable reason, all the while gawk on in rapt amazement.

A twitch ruptures the reservation in Smogmaw's eyes just then. He isn't quite certain why this scene bothers him so. Sure, these select clanmates are a little wet behind the ears, but it is not as though the clan is facing some dire dilemma that commands its full focus. On the contrary. As the swamps teem with frogs and similar varieties of prey, the fresh-kill pile does in tandem; ShadowClan has never witnessed such abundance and prosperity. Comfortable times have befallen the marsh cats, and idle antics have proliferated in turn.

Mind, ninety-nine-point-nine percent of the cats present couldn't even leave camp on their own to catch a frog if they desired to. So why, then, does the sight before the deputy consume him with such... frustration? He cannot place it. It is a reasonless fact. And yet, Smogmaw is a tom who prizes rationalism and efficiency above all else, so the irrationality is particularly galling.

"So, what is it, then?" A perceived fallacy in Opossumpaw's explanation pulls him close on surly strides. "Do you sing for yourself, from your heart, or do you simply sing for attention's sake, all loud and such?" Amber eyes fixate on the apprentice's blue pair, expectant and blinking slowly. No intent to intimidate lingers in the tabby's gaze; merely pure inquisitiveness, fashioned by his distinct aloof mannerism.

It'd left his lips in a dry monotone which bordered on accusatory, but more than anything, he's genuinely curious. It may strike the reader as a shocking revelation, but Smogmaw has never sang a song in his life.

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Opossumpaw’s explanation has Marblekit engrossed. He tells them singing comes from the heart, and while Marblekit isn’t positive she understands, it sounds right. The pale tawny she-cat nods her head as though she’s absorbed the information. “Be as loud as we can,” she echoes thoughtfully. What should she sing about? What’s in her heart? She tries to look, but her head is buzzing with too much excitement to find anything concrete.

Gigglekit’s approach is met with a friendly, if subdued, smile from Marblekit. Her younger cousin chirps her agreement enthusiastically. She blinks at the lilac tabby she-kit, mewing, “We can practice together! What do you want to sing about, Gigglekit?

Before the two of them can commence, however, the ShadowClan deputy approaches on languorous paws. His face is set in his characteristic scowl, though Marblekit no longer fears his approach. He had been kind to her when she and Sycamorekit had first been brought to camp, and Lilacfur respects him—this she knows. Still, his question to Opossumpaw seems to her to be missing the point. She prods Smogmaw with a tiny paw. “What’s in your heart, Smogmaw? Will you sing with me and Gigglekit?

  • ooc:
  • pcAn1D5.jpeg
  • Marblekit, she/they w/ feminine and non-gendered terms.
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — 3 moons old, ages realistically on the 1st.
    — mentored by n/a ; mentoring n/a ; previously mentored n/a
    — shadowclan kit, formerly a rogue. siltcloud x lilacfur, gen 3.
    — currently mated to n/a.
    — penned by Marquette.

    sh fawn tabby with dull green eyes. bossy, brazen, outgoing, conniving, mischievous, skeptical, spiteful.