pafp CASSANDRA - Halfkit

Takes place prior to the Clans leaving ShadowClan

Softkit had been slowly adjusting to the marshy scents of ShadowClan, but she could never see herself getting fully accustomed to the strange place. She missed the warmth that seemed to radiate in ThunderClan's nursery, how that warmth seeped into her bones and made her cozy even on the chillier nights. Here in ShadowClan there was none of that warmth, or if there was, it was a type that wasn't for Softkit to have.
The small kitten had briefly spoken with some of the kits from the other Clans that were seeking refuge in ShadowClan, but one that had caught her attention in particular was one Halfkit, who seemed quite full of herself - though Softkit couldn't knock her for having confidence. Her father had always told her that being confident was a good thing to be, even if Softkit thought that Halfkit took it a little too far sometimes. Still, what drew Softkit to Halfkit wasn't her boldness; it was something that Halfkit had mentioned during one of their first encounters with one another.
"Halfkit," Softkit said gently as she padded towards the other she-kit, blinking cruiously. "Is it really true that your sister died in here?" A very forward question, but one that had been on Softkit's mind since she had first heard Halfkit utter the words. A question asked with all the tact of a young girl who had yet to experience death in any form.


Halfkit had, if she is being honest, almost entirely forgotten the lie she had told to Bearkit. Not make-believe in its entirety but enough that she felt no qualms about the half-truth that had slipped from her tongue. At the present moment, she lays in her nest picking out pieces of stray moss from between her toes. With so many kits in camp you would think one of them would want to play with her but no. Most complained about being tired, about wanting a break to take a nap. Fatigue weighs heavy on her own bones but she has always been the stubborn type.

Mismatched crystalline eyes flicker upwards as a pale figure approaches her and immediately she recognizes the face standing in front of her. At this point, she knew just about all the names of all the kits who lay in their camp, eating their meals, sleeping in their nests. This was Softkit, from ThunderClan. And she wanted to see what StarClan was really like according to the fun fact she had shared about herself.

A frown crosses her split face for a fraction of a second at the question the she-kit asks her. "What?... Oh, that" and she lifts up one socked paw and waves it as if dismissing the very thing "No that was a lie I told Bearkit to try and scare him." she had wanted the kits to go running screaming from the den, vowing to never return, but it had not worked in her favor not even a little bit. "She is dead, that part is true, but she didn't die in here so it's okay! Her ghost isn't like comin' to get ya or anything." was Softkit still afraid that her sisters ghost was coming to haunt her? Is that what this was about?