ripple colony CAST A LINE [ ༄ ] LONER PATROL

the wind rumbles with a distant storm. the meadows are greyed today, air thick and humid despite the occasional gust of cool wind gusting from the north. clouds roll overhead, slow and murky. he and his patrol had sent out at dawn, yawning and bleary - eyed ; he’d pulled himself from the tangle of his deputy’s limbs and into the bitter morning air. the atmosphere bursts with water not fallen, frizzing the ends of his bicolored coat uncomfortably in moments. the leader licks a curl at his chest as they step through the tall grass and tangled reed, coat dampening with condensation. he sets out with little to worry about, he imagined — the loner was already frightened off by the lead’s patrol, surely. he could imagine no one foolish enough to stay when seen, scented as they had been.

nearby, a slosh of still - disturbed mud paints a tragic collapse, and he thinks briefly of smokethroat planting directly into the cavern of muck he’d made. a strange scent, nearly hidden beneath the stagnant water and heavy soil. a jumble of scents, clanless and unfamiliar. the pressed mud tapers slow where grass bursts to life yet again, brimming from the rainy remnants of puddles dotting the marshy ground. " at least we.. know where they were. " the leader speaks, words slow as he imagines the bath of mud and bits of tattered tall grass. cicadastar lingers about the side of the clearing, the scent lines leading away from their sprawling meadows trilling with.. something. a muddle of smells, of scents and faces. he blinks.

” keep an eye out — there may be more than one. “

  • i. this is open for any ripple colony cat, but wait for at least two patrol members to post first! outnumber them! the colony will likely be on ‘ patrol ‘ as well, creeping closer to the borders looking for better a source of water upstream..
    @Petalnose @Cindershade @Sablepaw @Hazepaw and @ICICLEFANG

  • ˖ ⁺ 。 ˚ ⠀ CICADASTAR⠀⠀−−−c−−−⠀⠀king of the rivers.
    m. he / him. black smoke & tortoiseshell chimera with intense salt - blue eyes. a handsome, looming tom bearing patchwork black - silver curls that fall over his slim figure in loose, shining rivulets, broken with white and glossy from his fish diet. descending from a heritage of overtyped oriental shorthairs, cicadastar stands unusually tall amongst his peers, and holds himself with a tragic grace, poised and prim and ever - aware of how he is being perceived.

    gay, mated to smokethroat. smells like wet stone & moss.
    speaks with a german accent. 43 moons, ages every 50 posts.
    penned by antlers

  • cicadablueoutline.png

  • "speech"
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Though there’s a taste of rain in the air, the humidity is stifling. The early morning does nothing to assist with the oppressive heat in the air. The sun is low, but it feels as though Iciclefang and her patrolmates are swimming through a tepid pool of water. The earth becomes squishy with mud and disturbed ferns beneath their paws, and Iciclefang’s gaze sharpens as Cicadastar speaks. “At least we… know where they were.” Her pelt prickles uncomfortably as the RiverClan leader tells them there may be more of the outsiders in their wetlands.

What kind of loner makes a nest in Clan territory? You’d have to have the nose of a newborn kit not to know this land is claimed.” Her voice is kept low, following Cicadastar’s lead. She tastes the air, frowning at the calamity of scents bombarding her glands. All of them unaffiliated with any of the StarClan-chosen five Clans.

She flexes her claws, ignoring the uncomfortable sensation of sodden grit sinking between her pads.


Petalnose followed close behind Cicadastar, gaze scanning the territory around them. The morning dew dampened her paws and the condensation made the air thick. She carefully drank in the flowing scents around them as they tredded along.

Her ears pricked forward at her leaders words, a hum of agreement and obedience rumbling through her. "Already on it." She responded, dark gaze scanning the direction the scent led. There was an odd amount of loners within the scents around the same time, something that didn't speak normal to the lead warrior. Normally loners didn't stick with many felines, atleast in her experience in scenting them. It intrigued her, questions rising in her head in wonder. But one really stuck out most to her, why would they tresspass? Was something being planned amongst the loner lands?

Her ears swiveled slowly in search, her head held high confidently as she patrolled. It seemed as if they were nearing something or someone but she couldn't quite figure out where. Her gaze turned to her leader, seeing if he could confirm her concerns, "I think they're close by." She spoke lowly, then gazing over her shoulder to see if her clanmates agreed upon her suspicions. Hopefully it wasn't just an old scent she picked up mixed amongst new.

She nodded in agreement towards Iciclefang, huffing softly. "They must have mouses for brains.. or starting something on purpose."

The colony wasn't doing too hot and the elders had suggested to look upstream for water. In any case, she was not going to sit around and let them suffer a fate with no water. Sure, they couldn't fish that well and whatnot but they needed a source of water at the very least. A strange scent was becoming strong, which meant one thing. Either they were running into some sort of monster or another group of cats. After all, they moved around, so why wouldn't other colonies exist? Whatever the case, she would turn to one of her colony mates. "Something's here. Could be dangerous"

She would tread forward with claws unsheathed in the event that whatever they would run into, she was prepared. To be met face to face with a group of other cats was surprising but not alarming. Geez, at least it's not a wild bear or something. It is only natural they would be apprehensive. That came with the territory. Loners would be on guard until it was established who was in what group and if they were just passing the area or what not. Sometimes loners would join their colony and they would grow. What group is this? Is it a new one?

Woefully unaware of the clans, she calls out to the group of cats assuming they are loners as well. "Hey! What's your group called? I've never seen or smelled y'all before. Passing through the area or somethin'?" Claws remained unsheathed, still apprhensive of the cats in front of her. Can't be too trusting.
It's not easy being the strangers here. They're all (mostly) doing their best to eke out a pale shadow of the lives they led in the mountains, but there's something wrong here, too. A flood swept the mountains messily clean of the Ripple Colony's existence, but an abundance of water doesn't seem to be the issue in— well, Lin's taken to calling it the Winding, on account of how nothing's gone smoothly straight since they dropped paws here. What's more, they might not be the first cats to do it. This is the first time he's laid eyes on any residents, and he's no mind-reader, but he gets the impression they aren't thrilled to have neighbors.

"Can't speak for anyone else, but I've definitely got at least one mouse cuddling up to my brain. I like when they tell me secrets." He smiles without showing his teeth, crouched a careful distance away. He couldn't hear much else of their conversation. Pity; he's sure it was very friendly.

Lin's not alone at least, and truth be told he's glad for it, even if Sasha is...Sasha. The others are a bit more comforting, anyway. Lin isn't confident the strangers wouldn't take the chance to learn firsthand whether he's actually got any rodents in his head. "Where've you been? Pretty sure these guys live not too far from here. Your nose might could use a looking-at." He shakes his head before glancing back at the unfamiliar faces, wariness hidden behind curiosity.


  • [ OOC ]
  • lingering dusk. named for x or will be named y
    —— amab male. uses he - him - his pronouns. thirty-seven moons.
    —— a member of the ripple colony ╱ will eventually join riverclan.
    —— x

    a rusted black smoke rosette and chocolate tabby chimera with green and citrine eyes. missing part of his back left leg.
  • "speech"
Voices, she hears. New and strange. Her pelt prickles uneasily and her gentle humming comes to a stop. She sits by the riverside amongst the reeds and trickling water, small figure likely hidden quite well. She was aware of the presence of other cats nearby, but what choice did they have? They had no home and were still coping with that loss. For Ballad, it was her second home lost. Knowing that these cats might be looking for a fight caused her stress, and she looked to the water as if for guidance.

A voice in her mind told her to stay hidden. Most cats were bigger than her and with more than one, she would be torn apart. The comments about them having no sense stoked a fire, though. What do they know? They know nothing. They didn't ask to be here, if it were up to her, she'd be back by the sea with her family, nestled in the little cove they once called home.

She runs her claws through the fur on her neck. As the patrol draws closer, Ballad can no longer ignore the sense of danger that plagues her. She should run. But where? She presses herself against the ground, hoping they pass her by. Though it seems Sasha is not as keen on staying hidden as she is, and she figures it was pointless to hide now that these cats know they are here. She rises to her paws and weaves through the reeds.

Laying eyes on the patrol, she blinks slowly. She is not at ease, but her eyes do like what she sees.

"The tides have gifted us with lovely neighbors. I can only hope they mean no harm, as we mean none." She says softly.​
Goldfish happily prances alongside with the colony group, aqua eyes wide as she takes in everything around them. The territory here was green, greener than their old mountain camp, and despite the waning amount of water it was still beautiful. Breathtaking, Goldfish finds her eyes wandering a little bit as she walks. It's hot out, too, and Goldfish wants nothing more than to dip herself further in to the water. But... She's sure the others wouldn't be so happy so she keeps her urges to herself, paws prickling with excitement.

And then Sasha stops, says something about something being here. "Do you think it could be friends?" she meows, albeit a little stupid, she sniffs the air. Hey... Sasha WAS right! There was a weird cat scent coming and they reveal themselves, and Lingering Dusk is talking about a mouse in his head, a rebuttal to the pretty white and brown tabby. "Thats um-im-impossible! Nuh uh, you can't have mice for brains." she protests back at them, wide eyes flicking to Yua as she talks.

The tide...? Yua was funny. So was Broken Moon, but she thinks they're kind of the same. Strange way of speaking, but Goldfish liked them either way! "Hi, neighbors!" she'd call, waving her tail excitedly. She doesn't make a move to go forth, flicking a large ear as she tilts her head at the others. "You think they know why the rivers low?" she gasps in excitement, startled by her momentary smartness. Maybe they should ask! No... Goldfish would let the others talk.
She turns to Lingering Dusk exasperated, "Er what? You know what, you do you Lin. If you like the mouse in your brain, then all's good." She will simply not understand why he said that. How'd he bring a mouse and brains in the equation? Goldfish appears to be confused about it too. You and me both Goldy. Her line of thought is disrupted when he tells her that she may need to get her nose fixed. Fur stands on end and she hisses, "Clearly not around here! Sheesh, not all of us go this far y'know! And you never know! They might be like us, might be moving somewhere eventually." It should be clear that she's not upset at Lingering Dusk, it's more so the fact that she has to defend herself. She's been staying mostly in camp or going down to see if she could find something. Especially not after that one time she went too up and ran into... WAIT A MINUTE!

The group in front of her smell start to smell familiar and it becomes all too apparent why. Let's just play it cool. Yua thankfully comes out of hiding to join them, offering an olive branch to the group in front of them. She doesn't have much to say to that, considering she doesn't want to fight these cats. She doesn't they are helpless to lose against these cats, but no one has said or done anything to suggest violence. Golfish adds on to greet their neighbors, which she supposes that is the correct term to call these cats.

At the question of whether or not their neighbors know, she shrugs. "I dunno, maybe? We're out here trying to figure out why too, so it would be nice if they know something. If not, then guess we'll just have to figure something else out." Perhaps their neighbors were thrown for a loop with how casual they were being. Asking questions and conversing amongst each other as if they hadn't just crossed into their territory. Granted, the colony was clueless to this fact. Sasha herself turns her attention back to their neighbors. "Like Goldy said, you know why the rivers low?"
It was an easy choice for Coyote's Heart when talks of patrolling to look for signs of water began; the last thing he'd want is to just sit idly by when he could be helping out the colony. The patrol has a good amount of members, too, which makes them feel more at ease. They had to find out the problem, and hopefully it was an easy solution. What they didn't expect, however, was finding some other cats who seemed to be united, as well. The banter picks up quickly, and he mostly stays silent in contemplation. Was the lack of water an issue for them too? Some of the others assume that they already know, but he wasn't sure. "Let them get a word in first, at least." They're used to these kind of antics, but he's not sure the strangers would be as appreciative.

Dew doesn't really want to be taking part in this search party, but he knows he won't be able to get out of this one without the elders telling him off. With the days growing hotter against the young tom's pelt and the river sinking lower with each passing day in this new home of theirs, Dew can't imagine the council would be too happy with him if he'd stayed back and lounged in the shade instead.

So, he follows the rest of the Ripple Colonists along the river - Sasha and Goldfish, Lingering Dusk and Yua, among others. Boredom sets in nearly right away. Searching for where the water went? It sounds... pointless. Couldn't they just wait for the rain to fill the rivers? It didn't seem all that long off, with the humidity that sits in the air, that rests along the silver of his fur.

However, the monotony of this search party washes away with the scent of something new, with Sasha warning of potential danger. A curious gaze pulls the tom's head up, leaves him searching for what this danger could be. Or... Friends, as Goldfish insists. Either way, searching for water is no longer boring with the newfound curiosity approaching.

And it comes in the form of other cats. A gift from the tide, as Yua calls them. Maybe so. They might not be able to find a higher means of water, but this feels like a sufficient enough prize for the search party to come across.

He looks to Sasha as she speaks to the strange group of cats - their neighbors. Asking what their group's name is, asking if they're just passing through. Did their home get flooded too?

"Neighbors," he greets them with a bow of the head, before looking to Sasha. "The Tide Colony...?" If they don't supply a name, Dew thinks that would be a good enough assumption for one. Fitting, with the low river they've been found beside, with Yua's own words of their blessing.

And it's Goldfish asking about the river, asking if they might know why it's so low. Perhaps, perhaps. He's not the one to ask of course, but as Coyote's Heart speaks, he waits for their answer with a heightened interest in what's happening, far more than what he started this patrol with.
(=〃ﻌ〃=)ノ Mouse trots behind the rest of the party, short legs struggling a bit to keep up; she puts on a brief burst of speed here and there to match pace with everyone, more excited to be patrolling with the adults than annoyed by the disparity. Not that she isn't taking this seriously amid her childish enthusiasm. The river is sad, according to some of the others, and it's up to them to appease it and figure out what's been upsetting it so. But that doesn't mean she can't enjoy her time out here while doing so! Yellow eyes dart this way and that, and she lags further behind or wanders off every so often, attention caught by various leaves and insects and other such things.

It's her own thoughts that distract her as the patrol stumbles across a group of strangers, however; the little molly nearly marches right into one of the other colonist's hind legs before she realizes everyone's stopped walking. With pricked ears she peers around the figure, eyes widening at the sight of the unfamiliar cats. Though some are wary, Mouse is curious above all else; plenty of friendly strangers have joined the Ripple Colony in the past, so what's there to be nervous about? Maybe there are friends to be made here, stories to be heard.

"Hi." She pads closer to the strangers, staring up at them through round eyes, disregarding Coyote's words.​
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Trailing within the patrol, she follows behind Cicadastar with a swaying tail in rythmn to her gait. Lately she has been more quiet than usual, hooded eyes instead of sharp—her ire more smoldering as if doused by the pelting of rain. But as Cicadastar rounded up his patrol, chose her among a few others and her apprentice—that exhaustion that plagued her dark features had now fallen. Her usual alertness had returned, verdant gaze returning to it's luster and sharpness akin to tempest blades. Loners had been seen on their territory and it was to be investigated. Her gait is swift now, velvet ears pulled forwards as she glides over sodden grass and mud that squelches beneathed her knuckled toes. By her side, her apprentice keeps in step at her flank. She had mentioned for Sablepaw to keep sharp, to remember her training and the lead warrior knows she will do well. This was her first mission, a special patrol and she'd do well to act accordingly and impress the phantom that led them.
Brewing clouds rolled overhead, casting the meadow in a shade of dulled pewter. The air is thick, laden of moisture that clings to her sleek figure and the growing reeds surrounding them. Thunder rolls in the distance with a promise of an oncoming storm of the early morning, yet the persevered despite the circumstances. A clearing gives way, muddied with puddles of stagnant water and upturned soil. Cindershade observes the imprinted paw steps of a strange scent, reeking of musk and stagnant water. Her muzzle twitches, lips curling in distaste. Cicadastar's call brings her attention to him and she nods with a hum, falling in step with Petalnose with a dusted nose towards the ground. "I'm not sure. They'd do well to return to wherever they hail from, though." A low growl rumbles in her throat in reply to Petalnose and Iciclefang's question, stopping at what seemed to be more prints in the mud.
Her tail sways, beckoning Sablepaw to follow. "Do you smell it?" She murmurs to her, eyes trained pointedly to the swaying grass before them now. Shrouded paws prowl over laden earth, seamlessly dancing along with the stalks of grass that tickled her flanks. "They're certainly close by. Do you hear it? Voices." Her own rasped tone grows hushed into a lowly hiss, pointed gaze staring towards where a movement was now seen. She makes the outline of another feline not too far, followed by others and her fur prickles with unease. Ivory claws splay against the soft earth beneath her, the hairs along her nape and spine rising to that of quills. Blackened lips pull back tightly, revealing white teeth that gleam against her face. One by one, more loners appear and they all speak—some to them, some to each other. She cannot make out the nature of their speech, only the voices that carry with the wind.
Finally, one calls out to them and she is in step beside Petalnose with a lashing tail, chin held aloft as Sasha speaks. "This is our land." The lead warrior calls out, low and threatening—a warning. "You've been trespassing on RiverClan territory." In regards to her next question, suggested from someone called Goldy—weird name. A name resonating like a kittypet and her ears flatten against the crest of her helm. A kit grows more curious than the latter, daring to step closer with a greeting. Cindershade lets out another growl, taking a step forwards before returning her attention to the woman who spoke. "If we did know, we certainly wouldn't tell you." Her head whips towards the gangly tom, meeting a glacial gaze with her own; a silent question hangs in the air, waiting for their leader to speak. What are your orders?

north had separated herself from the group after catching the trail of a vole. she remained in earshot, yet more focused at the task at hand. she hadn't even heard the approach or chatter of another group until her prey dipped away, hiding somewhere she did not catch. the lynx point lifted her head, tufted ears swiveling for a subtle scurry, but she only heard voices. foreign ones.

quickly, she made her way back. six strangers stood, all exuding some form of hostility. blue ears twitch to angled themselves backwards as she joined the head of the group just as mouse pushed her way through to greet the strange felines. her frosty gaze rakes over the others, fur threatening to stand as a shadowy molly growls a warning in response, taking a step to the child. north narrows her eyes, in a few steps she is up by mouse, a banded tail placed protectively in front of her chest. "mouse, dear, why don't you head to the back? she tried to force a gentle tone, but an urgency pushed at her tongue. nobody was aware of their intentions, best to not have a child at the forefront of whatever was to go down.

she turns back to the thorn-tongued molly. said that they were on riverclan territory, the words were new to her. "we don't want trouble with your 'riverclan', just passing through," she mewed, voice level yet chilled by the discomfort and uncertainty of it all. there would be no hints of deceit in her expression, it was the truth after all. hopefully this group would be able to see they meant no harm by their passage, let them return home without any issues.
frond | 23 months | female | she/her| physically hard | mentally medium | attack in bold #674099
Green eyes are wide and her posture calm, when Frond pushes her way forwards. "So eager to fight - that's not very nice," she says, her slow lilting voice scolding as she speaks to Cindershade. Head tips to the side, her tail flicking slowly as it rests against her spine. It seems as though she is utterly calm, completely unphased and bothered by the sudden hostility. "We followed the river here from our homeland when it flooded. Are you not willing to share? The river gives life to us all - why claim it as only yours,"

She's always been one of the calmer of the group - nice to everyone, always keen to give and share what she has. But should any of these strangers make a move against the others, the woman will not hesitate to bring them down - needs must, and violence will be met with violence. It's simply the way of the world. "The river grows tired, and we only wish to know why," she adds, nodding along at norths words.

RiverClan, he hears a dark-furred neighbor refer to themselves. What an odd name, RiverClan. What even is a clan? Dew thinks the name he came up with was better, more fitting than --

"Wait," the young tom starts, a frown beginning to pull on his face as he steps forward - a movement not only made to make himself heard but to keep little Mouse from stepping too close to the neighbors they face. Unfriendly, nothing like what he thinks Goldfish had hoped for the group of cats to be. Even Dew can see that, past his own curiosities. A haze-furred tail swishes, urging the child to move back. "Your land? We've never seen you around here."

How could that even be? Had their search party gone further upstream than what Dew had imagined? The tom doesn't think he's seen any proof of anyone else living around here before, not until, well... now, at least. With the river growing sleepy, and their new neighbors refusing to share the cause of its illness, Dew can't help the unease he begins to feel.

Would they have to leave this home too?
In every situation you give me peace
Lofty ashen clouds of grey loom overhead, growing thicker by the hour with the promise of rain along the horizon. A cool breeze ruffles ebony and ivory pelage, combing icy tendrils throughout her fur. Her pastel gaze remains alert and sharp, eerily similar to the lead warrior she loomed so close to. Although it remained well hidden, her heart thrummed with nervousness. This was her first special mission, a patrol Cicadastar entrusted her to be part of. This was her chance to be a valuable asset, to place all of her training into motion. There was no doubt Cindershade would be watching her performance closely. The river king leads the way, escorting them closer to where a muddle of varying scents all clashed together and grew increasingly stronger.

Her nose wrinkles a tad against the pungent scent. "Do you smell it?" The words of her mentor drift into her ears, leaving Sablepaw to respond with a curt nod. "Yes," She had to agree with Iciclefang, how could they have possibly missed their scent markers? A throng of hushed voices catch her ears next and before long the invaders are spilling out of the grasses one by one. Sablepaw's pelt bristles slightly between the width of slender shoulders, periwinkle eyes sizing up each individual. Cindershade is quick to inform them that this was indeed their turf, riverclan's and riverclan's alone.

As a white splashed tabby offers rebuttal Sablepaw parts her previously pursed lips. "It doesn't matter if you saw us or not. Certainly you must have scented our markers where the territory begins. Then choose to blatantly cross over anyway." She voices, tone glacial as she takes a step closer, standing at her mentor's side.
Don't gotta be afraid because you're in the lead
TAGS — Lean muscle ripples beneath his short-cropped blonde pelt as Hemlock brings up the caboose of the River Colony's patrol. There are surely stragglers even beyond him, but the half-faced tom cares not. Rather, he finds a bitterness on his tongue that he was not one of the few cats to first approach this other river group; for apparently their welcoming committee has found barbs where he would liked to have extended laurels. Then again, maybe it is not their own fault-- these other cats seem to have tongues as sharp as Posey's.

Thankfully, Hemlock thinks himself even-keeled; a presence as neutral as the gray morning itself. If he is truthful, he cares not for this twisting serpent stream; his home lies in the ashen wastes of the glades he'd hailed from, and he'd only cut through the mountains in an attempt to survive his injury. What does he care for these land disputes? Thick black lips set into a mild frown, but his displeasure runs deeper through him than he shows. This squabble seems useless-- they aren't looking for trouble, but a solution to the receding river waters. For as apathetic as he felt about the thing, it did provide the best source of food around the craggy cliffs that the river colony had settled into. What did it matter that they crossed through RiverClan land, whatever that entailed? He thinks back to his life before (as if he did not do so enough already); the way his mother and father had fiercely protected their own hunting grounds against other rogues. Maybe he can understand, then... but he still doesn't like this approach.

Blonde tail flicks dismissively at the RiverClanners' aggressive chorus. The tom settles in at Sasha's side, flicking an ear at Lingering Dusk's musings, trying not to allow his stifling need for control of the situation to grasp his tongue too harshly. Sablepaw spits something about crossing borders, and finally Hemlock feels his questions ball in the pit of his throat and bubble out his ivory teeth: "And what does it matter?" Single gray hue levels Cicadastar's, his brow furrowed as he hopes to find an answer in the fog-hued tom. "The river is low, and we are investigating. What does this have to do with you all?"​
Close to Hemlock's side trots Tempest, blue eyes wide and taking in the scenery around them as they pad further upstream than they have before. The lowering river has reached a point of concern, or so the elders say, so she's been haphazardly invited to the exploratory group. It doesn't take long for them to be discovered, a pawful of strange cats regarding them with suspicion and hostility for trespassing. On what, unmarked land? Brow furrowed, Tempest parts her jaws, and manages to catch a scent ... but it's further away than she'd expected. She scoffs quietly; so protective of a boundary the colony hadn't crossed ...

"C'mere Mousey." Tempest coaxes the younger molly, twitching her whiskers in an inviting way to her younger friend. Half her attention lingers on Sablepaw, suspicious of the black-and-white cat who seems close to her own age yet keeps ignoring the Colony's explanations. "Are y'all just ignoring us when we keep saying we're trying to figure out why the river's trickling to a stop or are we using the wrong words?"

// mobile
(=〃ﻌ〃=)ノ Mouse's ears flatten, thick fur bristling as a dark-furred molly returns her greeting with a decidedly unfriendly growl. Reflexively she takes a step back, shying away from the other's threatening approach, and looks up with some relief when North and Dew jump to her aid — as if the former's tail is a real form of protection. The placebo is comforting enough. Her yellow gaze quickly flits back to the scary molly, though, and fear mingles with confusion as she tries to process where all of this aggression is coming from; it's an attitude she rarely encounters, probably never has to this degree, and it feels entirely unwarranted. Why can't they just be normal and nice?

She's happy to oblige North's request and then Tempest's, slinking over to her companion's side and leaning against her flank. From there she listens far more attentively than she had in the beginning, silently observing the discussion. These cats are awfully concerned with borders for some reason, to the point that they're barely acknowledging the problem at hand. Who cares about stupid land when the river's sad and needs fixing?

The scruffy kitten stands up straight and tries to look intimidating to back up Tempest's words, but with her smaller-than-average height, baby face, and the clear unease coloring her expression, it really doesn't look like much.

although her hearing is not what it used to be when she was younger, pepper was not deaf to growing commotion coming from closeby made up of voices both familiar and unfamiliar. the ticked tabby, having been sprawled out on a dry patch of grass partially dozing, carefully rolled themselves onto their stomach before fully getting up in order to investigate the situation. "now what's going on here. . ." she mews to no one in particular, head sloping to the side as the elder takes in the sight of her fellow colony members standing before another group that seems to be a little less than friendly.

pepper hobbles through the throng of cats, giving whoever she passed a brushing touch against their flanks as she makes her way to the front where she can finally take in the folks who have come to meet them. from what could be gathered, it seemed like they settled upon claimed land that belonged to another group who called themselves riverclan. a seed of worry plants itself within their chest, they don't want this to escalate to something beyond their control but trusts that even the most hot-headed of her colony will remain calm even in the face of hostility. "what my companions are saying is truth, we aren't here to cause any trouble for your riverclan." she rasps, flicking her gaze over each of the patrol members. "i'm pepper, one of the elders who watches over this group. like frond said, our old home by the mountains had gotten destroyed by a horrible flood and it drove us to come here. we were never aware that another colony was already here." a plumed tail would swing low, brushing against the tips of grass blades as she spares a sideways glance to those standing nearby. pepper wont bother parroting what was already said by others that being the concern over the receding river and if these riverclan cats had any clue why.

  • out of character things.

  • pepper. of the ripple colony.
    110 moons.
    afab, demi-girl. she / they.
    demiromantic lesbian.