private CAST LIGHT ENDLESSLY \ foxglare

Featherspine was not one to look a cat in the eye and immediately parse their feelings- she had never been good at knowing, nor caring, what sorrows struck her Clanmates. If he could do it, so could they - push away that pain in favour of work, and if their minds stewed in the dusk then so be it. He saw shadows in the night, let his mind overclock when faced wih silence and slumber, but he could still hunt and provide for WindClan. And every minute of the day he could, he would- even when crisis steeped the surroundings. It was the bare minumum as a warrior, to provide and to contribute ... at least, the bare minimum for what Featherspine expected of herself. Daughter of the leader, of the medicine cat- apprentice of a now-late lead warrior. To sully her blessed blood, her good fortune, her thorny claws... she wouldn't dream of it.

Thus, when she noticed emotions, it was when they were harming ability- that she saw in Foxglare today as they bounded the moor together, hunting. He had not seemed quite as alert as he should be- he had been quiet, a little distant. It was impacting his hunting, and ... well, wouldn't do. Narrowing her eyes, Featherspine strode over with fleet, soft steps. Right- he had been the one to find spatterings of, apparently, Cottonsprig's blood across the grass. "You're distracted," she pointed out, with a lash of her tail- however, behind steeliness there was something a little softer- concern.

✦ penned by pin
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