casting shadows .. sootstar

Oct 14, 2023
Sunlight was hidden underneath a thick layer of clouds that morning. With the overcast of trees lining their path, catching a warm patch of sun was like finding a mole in a cave-in.

It was hard to stay still with so much change suddenly shifting around them. The chaos within the moors was at least theirs. It was still their home, he knew at the end of the night he could rest in the same place as he had countless moons before. Now his coat itched with sand, when he could find sleep it was disturbed with fallen leaves. The brush surrounding them rustled with nocturnal creatures yet he couldn't find any desire to wake up and hunt until the forest fell silent again.

His path had set itself on wandering where it was acceptable. He had not been placed on anything specific, work was hard to come by with such limitations placed on them. It did not take two entire Clan's to maintain prey and patrols, and even then the boundaries between themselves and ThunderClan were tender and distant. They were sure not to linger or mingle with one another as if they were in the light of a full moon. The most distance he had felt, though, was from their grieving leader.

In his wanderings he had come across Fourtrees. In his wanderings, he had found Sootstar. Her small grey form shadowed in the overcast. Hollowcreek did not turn away but instead came closer in his approach, careful not to approach from behind. "We will prevail." He is matter-of-fact in his tone, undeniable truth as though he had seen the future himself. "This is not the worst thing either of us have endured. Even before StarClan." His ears twitched as he caught scent of something ahead, tiny paws skittering across hard soil. Hollowcreek diverted his approach to follow it, keeping his body low and using the barrier of ferns to his advantage.

Heavy paws landed on a mouse and his teeth quickly snapped at its neck. The taste of preyblood alerted him to the hunger in his belly. Hollowcreek returned to Sootstar with it, dropping the mouse between them. "Here, I can't remember the last time we had a meal together." Code be damned, it would be foolish to waste another of her lives from starvation, not when they had other threats at large.


Sootstar could not manage standing around in ThunderClan’s territory for so long, it was not unsual for her to leave the clan to Sunstride and wander off. The blue leader was more than antsy to get her land back, and quite furious that ThunderClan hesitated to help them get it back.

Hollowcreek is here aswell to her surprise. Solitude had been the most appealing company as of late, but if she had to share a presence with anyone, let it be an old friend and a long time commrade.

She snorts at his assurance, ”Perhaps, but nothing so degrading.” her nose wrinkles in discontempt. ”ThunderClan is too slow to help. If they don’t raise their claws with us soon, WindClan will alone.” Sootstar would’ve waged war by now, but Wolfsong insists the clan needs more time to lick their wounds.

Sootstar glances down at the mouse, the thought of the code not even crossing her mind. She dips her head appreciatively and takes a bite, then courteously pushes the mouse in Hollowcreek’s direction. ”It’s been quite awhile.” She agrees, not even recalling the last time she’s shared tongues with the tom. That was far from surprising, however, Sootstar seldomly joined in on evening washings and gossipings. Her way of participating had always been eavesdropping from the peak of Tallrock, grooming herself- or with the aid of Weaselclaw.

”Why have you made your way out here anyways? Sunstride not call for you to patrol?” Her inquiry lacks accussation, if the warrior was skipping out on anything she hardly brings herself to care. ThunderClan land was not hers to take care of, even in appreciation to their ‘kindness’.
  • » SootSootstar
    » WindClan Leader
    » She/her ․ Mate to Weaselclaw
    » Tiny blue smoke she-cat with green eyes.
    » "Speech"thoughtsattack
  • » A high-stamina foe who can be difficult to hit.
    » Excels in quick, short moves.
    » Fights to kill and maim
    » Fatal attack of choice is an underbelly dive.
    » May powerplay minor harm. Can powerplay healing
A warm amber gaze watched as her expression changed to reflect her distaste at their predicament. Hollowcreek is more in control of the emotions he put on display, remaining more neutral while the lashing tip of his tail showed proof of his irritation. There was little he could disagree with, ThunderClan was useless in their aid other than the absolute bare minimum of providing shelter. Did they believe WindClan did not deserve redemption? To reclaim their place among the fields where they belonged?

Every undermining, unsustainable bit of help they gave was tucked away for later use. Hollowcreek would remember it all if the time ever came that ThunderClan was at their border with nowhere else to turn. We could shove them all to Horseplace and see how they feel. The image of the stout-legged cats trying to dodge stomping hooves and charging sheep might have brought a smile if he were in the mood for such delights.

He dipped his head in gratitude when it came to his turn, the warmth of prey simmering his bitterness. "Sunstride..." He spoke too soon, mouth still full. He took a moment to swallow before continuing. "I don't think there's enough to do for every cat here. I patrolled with Bluepool earlier, seeing if the rogues tried to follow us at all, thankfully it seems they're not interested for now." Hollowcreek brushed down the fur on his chest, tongue swiped across the preyblood on his maw.

"You know, this reminds me of when Rain's kittypets drove us back to the heart of the marshes. We underestimated them, thought they were all fat off of kittypet rocks and soft. I worry if we do the same with the rogues we'll end up just as bloody as we were all those seasons ago." He sighed in a tired, defeated tone. "There has to be a way we can overpower them, even with half their numbers. Maybe we could lead our own invasion against them, lure badgers right into the thick of them." The suggestion is halfhearted, laced with his own doubt, but another fantasy that brought him amusement. ​

Sootstar is put mildly at ease with the report that the rogues seem disinterested in tailing them into ThunderClan. They might be now, but for how long? Cats of ThunderClan claimed they had been bothering them for some time too, how long until they dove into the forest with their claws outstretched?

She listens to his comparison and nods in agreement. He was right, perhaps if they had not underestimated the rogues they would not be in this predicement. Sootstar certainly would’ve tried harder to drive them out, even with the grief of Weaselclaw heavy in her heart. ”We won’t make that mistake again.” She affirms with a strong lash of her tail.

A half-amused snort escapes her at the light-hearted mention of using badgers at their army, ”That would be an idea. Yet once they’ve slaughtered the rogues we’d have to take care of them.” She sighs, ”If only ThunderClan would help. But with word of Howlingstar being sick I can’t see that happening. The only cats looking out for us is ourselves.” Not even StarClan watches for my clan anymore… if they did, WindClan would not be in this mess.
  • » SootSootstar
    » WindClan Leader
    » She/her ․ Mate to Weaselclaw
    » Tiny blue smoke she-cat with green eyes.
    » "Speech"thoughtsattack
  • » A high-stamina foe who can be difficult to hit.
    » Excels in quick, short moves.
    » Fights to kill and maim
    » Fatal attack of choice is an underbelly dive.
    » May powerplay minor harm. Can powerplay healing