private CASTLE OF THE FOUR GODS | campswift kids

Apr 26, 2024

"Aren't you guys worried that we won't be good apprentices?"

Upon the eve of the fated day, Merlinkit's eyes glowed with worrywart light in the darkness, as though the morning ardor had predestinated upon downy features and owlish face. The moon hung upon the gloaming as a sliver of brilliance, like even it hid from Merlinkit in her direst hour. Still, it illuminated the blue sepia tortoiseshell's fur and the bodies curled around Swiftdawn's side. The molly could hardly sleep with the thoughts of what was to come haunting her every second, as if the dusk of her fate fell heavy upon her shoulders, and she trembled and faltered underneath its deafening weight. The pounding of her own mind had become so unbearable that she nudged her siblings awake, fearing that it would sooner tear her bird-bone body apart than ever cease its madness. Anything to relieve the preconceived burden upon her spine, anything to save her from herself. For many of her denmates, tomorrow was a momentous and prosperous day, but Merlinkit feared it like the fruit feared its decay. It was inevitable, for it was the course of all kits to follow, and yet she couldn't help but hesitate at the door. The outside world scared her, and she wished she could stay at her parents' sides forever. I don't want to be an apprentice! The tangles in her head seemed to culminate into the apex of an idea, braided and brazen against her skull. Her heart threatened to beat right out of paper-mache chest.

( Retro to apprenticeship! Sorry it's so so late! @WOLFPAW @sunnykit @BASILPAW! )
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While Merlinkit hid, Wolfkit wished to jump out and let the world know that they were ready. It was an impulsive decision, by the time they recalled that they did not want to hunt or hurt, the idea that they could explore the territory with a new mentor replaced the problem. Orange eyes slowly blinked open at their sister's prodding, squinting at the darkness of the Nursery. It felt crowded within the rounded walls, too many kittens, too many grown-ups; within the tangle of limbs and sleeping bodies, it was still easy to find the tortoiseshell - it wasn't like the siblings were ever far from each other. They groaned at the intrusion to their sleep, frowning in disapproval but unable to bring themselves to outright protest. Her confession came too quickly for them to stay mad, instead, they were reminded that tomorrow was their big day, and a new surge of adrenaline woke them right up.

'I wanna know my mentor. It's gotta be someone nice... and who can teach be to be a great warrior...' They immediately thought that their dad was a phenomenal option, or maybe even the leader of ThunderClan herself - but both options were perhaps out of reach. They shook their head and tilted their head towards Merlinkit, trying to make sense of her concern. "Aren't we supposed to be bad?" Wolfkit was ready to learn, but they didn't think they were ready to kill birds or beat up evil cats, not when they didn't know a hunter's crouch from a keeled-over-sick stance.

"Like that's the point of learning isn't it? To be better?" To become better. They attempted to nudge Wolfkit with their head, unsure if they'd connected with her chest or cheek as he comforted the other. Maybe Basilkit or Sunnykit would have more doubts, but for now, there was a gap between WolfClan's Leader and Deputy, one that could not be breached until they'd learned what it meant to be afraid. "I think we'll be good... ok, maybe."