pafp CASTLE ON A CLOUD (bringing kit back to camp)

// @Marigoldkit @wrenflutter But she's also returning back with the other cats on her patrol aside from blizzard fang and nightbird, who went to find the kit's mom! Please wait for Wrenflutter to respond before posting!

Her heart can't help but swell as she carries the small kitten into camp, taking care as she pushes through the bramble entrance so the small tom doesn't get scraped. Behind her, the rest of her patrol follows, all likely just as worried as she is. First Oak-kit and Acornkit, and now this little one? What is happening in the forest to orphan so many kits? She can only hope Blizzard Fang and Nightbird are successful in finding his mother, but if not, she knows just the queen to take him in.

Howlingstar can feel the stares as her clanmates notice the strange kit dangling from her jaws. She casts them a glance, brow furrowed as she shares their concern, before making a beeline for the nursery. Only one queen inhabits the den right now, but her paws are still kept full with the two she has so graciously adopted. Knowing Wrenflutter, she would not mind another to nurse. The dark-furred tabby stops just outside the den and carefully sets down the kit. Her fluffy tail curls around him, keeping him close to her plump belly as she trills into the den, "Wrenflutter? Can you come out for a moment?"
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It had only been midday when Howlingstar had arrived with a tiny new member of the clan. Wrenflutter had been bustling around a lot earlier in the day, but by time the hunting patrol had returned, she had shooed Oakkit and Acornkit into the nursery for a nap, with her accompanying them. She had been in the midst of dozing when she caught the light trill of someone calling her name. Lifting her head, she blinked sleepily and sniffed the air, catching Howlingstar's and the faint scent of milk. Carefully rising to her paws, she slipped out and focused her gaze on the leader. She was minorly concerned by the scent, having not seen the tiny source of it. "Yes, Howlingstar?" She responded politely, scanning the older molly curiously. Had something happened on the patrol?
დ ♡ დ
Tybalt followed closely behind Howlingstar, eyeing the kitten worriedly as the leader lowered him to the ground. He was so tiny. Eyes barely open and already, the little tom had lost everything he’d ever known.

At the leader’s call, a bleary-eyed Wrenflutter emerged from the nursery and looked expectantly at the gathered cats. Tybalt’s gaze lingered on the small bundle for a few moments before he turned his attention to Wrenflutter and spoke.

“We found this kit out in the territory,” he told her. “Blizzardfang and Nightbird went looking for his mother, but he…” the tom trailed off, his tail swishing anxiously as he spoke. “We don’t know if they’ll find her.” He knew the kit had said his mother had left him, but Tybalt didn’t want to speak it into being true. It could have just been a misunderstanding. “He’s cold and hungry. Do you…could you take him?”

The question came in a soft voice, a tone scarcely heard from the normally abrasive tom. The appearance of the lone kitten seemed to have temporarily softened his prickly demeanor. The safety of the kit was far more important, and he knew Wrenflutter already had her paws full with both Acornkit and Oakkit to look after.
The very young kit takes in all the sights as he's held, since before this he was often told to stay in place, and he couldn't really walk anyways. Getting used to his vision not being just darkness was a little hard, and he felt so small with how big everything was in comparison to him. At the same time, it was magical, and he's in awe especially of the trees as he's taken into the camp.

He doesn't say anything as Howlingstar's tail wraps around him, enjoying the closeness as his shivers slowly settle. He's still a little scared, but it's better as he's being shown real concern, maybe even more than his mother did. Sometimes it felt like she didn't care, especially for him. He doesn't want to think about it any more though, and as he's addressed, he gives Wrenflutter a tiny nod.
The hardworking queen slips out of the bush and Howlingstar meets her stare with her own solemn gaze. As clanmates gather around to see what is happening, she shifts her tail, revealing the tiny kit better to Wrenflutter. Before she can say anything, however, Stagstrike speaks up. The leader looks to the young warrior in surprise as he addresses the queen with the story, and surprise morphs into irritation as he makes the bold request. "Thank you, Stagstrike - you may leave us now," She asserts pointedly, casting narrowed eyes upon him. A warrior as inexperienced as he has the audacity to ask the queen of such a thing? It's a large request, and not one she is impressed that he made himself. There is a reason she had come to Wrenflutter herself for this.

Once the warrior leaves, she returns her gaze to the silvery brown she-cat, her expression apologetic. "It is true, though. He was alone, his mother's scent stale. He needs milk and a queen's tongue now, and if the stars are kind his mother will be found and can take him with her. But if not...well, I know I've already asked you to take in Oak-kit and Acornkit, and your paws are full. But you're the only one who can nurse and raise him, right now." She watches the she-cat carefully, stifling a grimace as she asks this monumental favor of her.

The sounds of chatter from outside the nursery draws Flycatcher over. The deputy pads over slowly and lingers a few pawsteps away, green eyes flickering over those present and trying to interpret what happened having missed Stagstrike's full explanation. He looks at the young kit and his curious expression softens. "Poor little thing," He says softly. Howlingstar is entrusting the care of the kit to Wrenflutter, though Flycatcher notes that Stagstrike makes the request, asking it of her as though he is a closer relation to the kit. "Hopefully nothing serious has befallen his mother," Flycatcher muses, before looking towards Howlingstar and Stagstrike. "Where on the territory did you find him? I can inform the patrols to keep a look out for any trace of her in the coming days," Flycatcher offered.