// @Marigoldkit @wrenflutter But she's also returning back with the other cats on her patrol aside from blizzard fang and nightbird, who went to find the kit's mom! Please wait for Wrenflutter to respond before posting!
Her heart can't help but swell as she carries the small kitten into camp, taking care as she pushes through the bramble entrance so the small tom doesn't get scraped. Behind her, the rest of her patrol follows, all likely just as worried as she is. First Oak-kit and Acornkit, and now this little one? What is happening in the forest to orphan so many kits? She can only hope Blizzard Fang and Nightbird are successful in finding his mother, but if not, she knows just the queen to take him in.
Howlingstar can feel the stares as her clanmates notice the strange kit dangling from her jaws. She casts them a glance, brow furrowed as she shares their concern, before making a beeline for the nursery. Only one queen inhabits the den right now, but her paws are still kept full with the two she has so graciously adopted. Knowing Wrenflutter, she would not mind another to nurse. The dark-furred tabby stops just outside the den and carefully sets down the kit. Her fluffy tail curls around him, keeping him close to her plump belly as she trills into the den, "Wrenflutter? Can you come out for a moment?"
Her heart can't help but swell as she carries the small kitten into camp, taking care as she pushes through the bramble entrance so the small tom doesn't get scraped. Behind her, the rest of her patrol follows, all likely just as worried as she is. First Oak-kit and Acornkit, and now this little one? What is happening in the forest to orphan so many kits? She can only hope Blizzard Fang and Nightbird are successful in finding his mother, but if not, she knows just the queen to take him in.
Howlingstar can feel the stares as her clanmates notice the strange kit dangling from her jaws. She casts them a glance, brow furrowed as she shares their concern, before making a beeline for the nursery. Only one queen inhabits the den right now, but her paws are still kept full with the two she has so graciously adopted. Knowing Wrenflutter, she would not mind another to nurse. The dark-furred tabby stops just outside the den and carefully sets down the kit. Her fluffy tail curls around him, keeping him close to her plump belly as she trills into the den, "Wrenflutter? Can you come out for a moment?"