CASTLE ON THE HILL — casual thread


Mar 3, 2024
The chocolate torbie point sits by the river's edge as the border patrol takes a break to grab a drink and rest on this particularly bright and clear day. The sun's light casts a remarkable glow down onto the pines as well as the rippling waters, but all Lionpaw can do at the moment is stare into his reflection and think about everything that's happened lately. The scar across his face serves as a reminder that his half-brother despises his very existence. His siblings in ThunderClan would be forever considered competition before they would be considered kin. He would never even have the chance to meet his half-sister, Moonwhisper.

Gloomily, the apprentice watches the wavering image of himself upon the surface, a feeling of bleakness and perhaps self-loathing rotting in his gut. It was such a pretty day, but Lionpaw might as well be a walking storm cloud.

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    an apprentice of skyclan, lionpaw is seven moons and is mentored by crowsight. he is the son of doeblaze and blazestar. an amalgamation of his parents, lionpaw exhibits splashes of ginger and chocolate tabby patterns against a thick, longhaired cream pelt. 
ᯓ⚘ "Cheer up, young'un," Oakrumble bellows from besides Lionpaw, a feathery tail settling on his shoulders in a comforting manner. She glances down at the water, her reflection besides his and smiles so he may see it, a toothy one with her unfortunate overbite. The she-cat had seen the way his paws dragged on this patrol, his spirit apparently diminished.

"D'ya need to get anything off your chest.. hm?" She's not sure if the 'paw would be comfortable sharing anything with somebody unfamiliar, let alone a clanmate much older, but the sentiment is there and positive. Oakrumble struggles to see anyone so young and innocent seemingly struggle with such big feelings.

  • ooc–
  • OAKRUMBLE —— skyclan warrior, she/her or they/them, 56 moons

Howlfire hadn't really spoken much to her half brother since his recent scarring at the paws of a ThunderClan cat. She wasn't sure if he was genuinely avoiding her, or just keeping to himself, perhaps wallowing in his simple mistake.

The chocolate torbie pads up beside Oakrumble and Lionpaw, giving them a little nod of acknowledgement, before settling down beside them. Howlfire was glad for the little reprieve from their border patrol. She had no desire to swim, not nurture such a talent, though she could admire the sights of the sun shining down upon the rippling river. She listened quietly as Oakrumble pressed Lionpaw to see if he was alright, and her amber eyes look over the older she-cat's shoulder, curious what his response would be.
With the youth so absorbed in his thoughts, Lionpaw barely hears Oakrumble's initial greeting. The chocolate torbie point perks up, surprised to see a clanmate appear so suddenly next to him, "Huh?" Oakrumble was nice, if not a little rough around the edges, though he was not particularly close with her. He certainly would not divulge his inner feelings now.

"Oh, uh... no. I was just..." Lionpaw scrambles for an excuse, his tongue only tying up with Howlfire shows up as well. The apprentice wonders if it would be worth talking to his older sister about what he is going through, but at the same time, he does not want to burden her. It was probably best to just move on. "... lookin' for fish." He didn't know if he was truly fooling anyone; any cat with a keen intuition could likely pick up on the fact that something was bothering Lionpaw, as much as he refused to acknowledge it.

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    an apprentice of skyclan, lionpaw is seven moons and is mentored by crowsight. he is the son of doeblaze and blazestar. an amalgamation of his parents, lionpaw exhibits splashes of ginger and chocolate tabby patterns against a thick, longhaired cream pelt. 
( ) she's fairly certain she is one of four cats who knows who the lionpaw's attacker's identity. ever since her friend's breakdown on the night of the gathering, stormpaw has been hovering gently by his side whenever she can. she feels honored that he'd trusted her at all with such precious information, but her main motivation behind her clinginess is protection. the blue and white girl has never felt like much of a fighter, and of course, lionpaw is a moon further into his training than she, but something compels her. he's her first ever friend besides her siblings.

all this to say, the girl is not far away from the riverside when lionpaw is approached by two older warriors. odd eyes glimmer with curiosity and worry as she looks up from where she's been crouched, recovering from a particularly rough hunt, with no prey to show for it. getting to her paws, the delicate girl pads softly over to the scene, settling herself on lionpaw's unoccupied side. she brushes her fur briefly against his, hoping the other won't flinch away from touch. a meaningful gaze meets the sky-hued eyes of the older apprentice, worry clear in furrowed eyebrows. as he makes his excuses, stormpaw's maw quirks up slightly, taking the hint. "d'ya think you could catch one? it seems very hard."

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    blue tabby with low white and blue/green heterochromia a long-furred blue feline with darker blue curling stripes that splash across her chest, flanks and tail. white floods the fur around her neck, the tip of her tail, stomach, and paws. dual hued eyes of sky and forest make her pretty in an innocent way, and her body is small and lithe, although her fluffy fur makes her look larger.

It is clear Lionpaw seems a little unsettled still. Howlfire considers pushing him for answers, though decides against it in the company of others. Perhaps if he was amenable to such, she would try and get her brother to one side and have a word with him, though she could not say for certain how well he would take to that, especially if she began immediately with his scar.

She smiles softly, when Lionpaw mentions he was looking for fish, before chuckling when she hears Stormpaw asks if she thought they could catch one. "Well, I think an apprentice like the two of you might be able to," Howlfire mews, looking at the two of them in turn. "That's when RiverClan teaches their own how to fish." The torbie pauses to give Oakrumble an amused, "I think Oakrumble and I are a little too old and big to start fishing. We'd scare them all off!"

If the body kept the score, then scars were surely the greatest prize of all. To Chrysaliswing, there was hardly any dishonor in scars, for they were merely markers of a life well lived in the wild. He, himself, had littered himself with the proof of scuffles and battles and wars, cicatrices of mistakes and martyrdom alike all strewn upon his pelt. The chimaera's eyes swam towards the scar that had not been there before, face marred as if with pockmarks melded from wood and sand, an appearance unbefitting of a man so young and downy. Lionpaw seemed troubled by it, at the very least, though the Skyclan warrior could hardly imagine why. "Leave that to Riverclan. Skyclan has no business in the water." Chrysaliswing grumbled as he padded over to the crowd, though the man had noticed his own reflection in the water. Riverclan is so lucky to be able to see themselves all the time. Well, maybe not. I wouldn't want to look at myself every day. A scowl seeped onto his maw, as though his poisonous thoughts would rot at even the core of himself, bleeding outwards.

  • OOC:
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  • —— CHRYSALISWING / He/They / 27 Moons
    —— Warrior of Skyclan / Mentoring n/a
    —— A long-haired tomcat with chimaeric patterning. His left side is fully black and his right side is black splotched with sunset-orange. He has complete heterochromia, with his right eye being a bright green and his left eye being a glowering yellow.
    —— Abrasive, temperamental, and critical. Approach at your own risk and engage at your own cost. Despite this, he is a hard worker and quick to call out what he finds wrong.
    —— Penned by Tempest. Contact on Discord (naruk4mi) for plots and threads.