The days spent in WindClan's territory had given Halfpaw a certain affinity for the taste of rabbit. They didn't have the same as the moor-land ones here (though sometimes, if one was lucky, you could catch them if they ventured across the border). The closest thing she had found is the marsh rabbit. Even those are exceedingly rare though, so it is a special day when she wakes that morning and spots one on the fresh kill pile. She had had that marsh rabbit in mind all day while she went out on patrol, while she trained diligently with her mentor and then finally the moment came and despite all the odds, it was still there. It was a big piece of prey but perhaps she could share with one her littermates or older siblings. (Just not Ashenpaw blegh).

She makes a beeline for the fresh-kill pile. mouth already watering as she thinks about the meal she is about to have, but before she can get there the unthinkable happens. A flame pointed figure is dragging the rabbit from the pile. Immediately, she lengthens her stride, blue eyes narrowed and tail lashing furiously behind her "HEY!" she calls out "Singepaw don't you dare even think about eating that! That rabbit is mine." Images flash in her mind from a different time she had uttered those words, a thunderpath border spanning between her and the cat who had taken something that had also been rightfully hers. "I'll fight you for it" and then her eyes narrow, a challenging smile playing upon her lips "Unless, of course, you're too mouse-hearted and then if that's the case I guess I'll just take it" she shrugs her shoulders as if it were the most nonchalant thing in the world, as if her blood wasn't boiling and her paws weren't itching for a fight. It did not matter to her that Singepaw was a couple moons younger than her, he had something she wanted and she had every intention of taking it.


  • 74005637_Mkbfa9PMK58YlSi.png
    A fluffy she cat who's fur is half cream tabby, half blue tabby split by white. Her eyes are two mismatched shades of blue, with one being a light icy blue and the other being darker in color.
    Easy in battle + still learning how to fight
*+:。.。 When Halfpaw had gone missing back when they were kits, Singepaw couldn't say he missed her. Nothing personal, he neither fully grasped the situation nor had he known Halfkit well enough to feel her absence in any meaningful way. Nothing had changed since then, save for a passing urge to ask her what it had been like in Windclan. But what did he need THAT information for? Shadowclan was already crawling with enough annoying cats to piss him off for a lifetime, he didn't give a rat's tail about those he wasn't obligated to fight beside! So for the longest time, Halfpaw simply remained outside of Singepaw's radar...until today, it seemed.

The boy was used to getting yelled at, so hearing his name shouted at him with such vitriol wasn't anything new. Still, he'd been doing his best to play the 'Good boy' card so - what was her problem? Tightening his jaws around the rabbit he'd pulled fair and square from the pile, he'd glare daggers at Windclan's lost ramson as she bounded at him like a bat out of hell. "Suck on some frog lumps! I got to it first!" he shouts back, "last I checked the fresh-kill pile was for everyone - oh, sorry, for shadowclanners not runny-nosed brats!" Aw man it felt nice to let himself be..well, himself! Throwing insults was so cathartic he almost handed the girl the rabbit just for letting him vent!

But that would mean he'd lose out on what someone else wanted, and if Halfpaw wanted it, then this rabbit must be worth something! So he clung to it tighter, dropping it only to place a protective paw on it while he bared his teeth at his peer. But his ears would quickly snap up when she offered him something he couldn't refuse. A fight? Seriously? He looked around, then squinted at Halfpaw, a smirk already growing on his maw. This didn't seem like a trick to ruin his well-executed good-kid streak so...flexing his paws, the boy would push the rabbit aside, clear from getting stomped on, before lowering himself into a crouch.
"Alright then rabbit-kisser, you're on! First to get the other to say 'mouse-heart' gets the rabbit!" he shouted, barely finishing his sentence before lunging forth with a kick of his hind legs. This time would be different from when he wrestled with Snowpaw. Although Halfpaw was older and more experienced, this time Singepaw had some training from Pipitclaw to give him some sort of edge. He could do this! And when he beats her, he'll beat up Snowpaw, next!

Singepaw would aim to barrel into the girl, his goal being to bite her shoulder and hopefully push her down in an attempt to pin her right away.

    Cismale — He/him — Questioning sexuality
    4 moons — Ages 1 moon every month on the 2nd
    NPC x Duckshimmer (brother to Swallowkit, Sneezekit)
    Shadowclan — Kit
    Apprenticed to Pipitclaw

    Physically easy | mentally easy
    Attack in bold #b8312f
    Can be power played just ask
    injuries: faint scars on flanks from an owl attack



His words send an instant fire running through her veins "I'm more of a ShadowClanner than you could ever dream of being." she spits out. Didn't he know who she was? Her father was Smogmaw, the deputy and her mother was someone she was told stories of near constantly growing up. Nevermind the brief stint in WindClan and her complicated feelings about it. To her very core, the marsh was her home. That's why she had chosen to stay in it... right?

He obliges with what she wants though, barreling into her with a speed in which she did not expect. A snarl pulls at her lips, one she hopes scares him. "You're just an annoying, insignificant kit I can take you with my eyes closed!" she taunts. He wasn't even old enough to leave camp and yet here we was, talking like he was king of the swamp. She'd show him.

Teeth sinks into her flesh and she cries out in frustration and rage but Halfpaw is able to writhe and jump away before he can pin her down. She uses her height over the smaller apprentice to her advantage, taking long strides that carry her quickly as she circles like a predator before going in for the kill. She faints a blow to the left before aiming to the right. Not anything too serious, not yet. She's just getting started, after all.

// using dice to determine how she fights but you dont have to!
For defense I rolled a 7 but for attack I rolled a 4

  • UnubgZp.jpeg

  • 74005637_Mkbfa9PMK58YlSi.png
    A fluffy she cat who's fur is half cream tabby, half blue tabby split by white. Her eyes are two mismatched shades of blue, with one being a light icy blue and the other being darker in color.
    Easy in battle + still learning how to fight
*+:。.。 Singepaw grins precociously, all teeth and sparks as she sees the same in the older apprentice's eyes. Oh yeah, this is gonna be a good one! Seeing that he hit a nerve, he jumps to keep poking it, for nothing makes a battle more fun than personal stakes. "Oh yeah? Oh yeah? That's why you're still chasing rabbits?" Maybe he was pushing too hard, but Singepaw couldn't wrap his head around Halfpaw having doubts about her loyalty to Shadowclan. But a button was a button, and Singepaw was happy to smash it hard and repeatedly just to see what sort of reaction he'd get out of the deputy's own pride and joy.

He smirks as he manages to get his bite to land, her cries - thankfully not of pain - music to his ears, victory now in his sights. But soon enough, like an eel she's pulled herself free and it's Singepaw's turn to hiss with frustration. His heart thumps in his chest as he watches her circle, spine arched as he follows every movement, every twitch. But there's more jubilation than anger in his gaze, the smirk dancing on his bared teeth one of competitive excitement than malicious scorn. "and yet I landed the first blow! And i haven't even gotten as much training!" his jeers are only silenced when she finally lunges. He's about to snap his teeth on the paw aiming for his left when suddenly she yanks it back to reveal her feint! He gasps, but like a mink he's surprisingly agile enough to dodge the worst of the hit, only receiving a graze for Halfpaw's efforts. Laughing boisterously at his lead in this fight, he makes the mistake of growing cocky as he repeats the same attack as before, though the intended tackle is much clumsier as he overestimates their height difference.

Speed was more on Singepaw's side, not brute strength, so the boy was left wide open as he charged at Halfpaw again!

  • //I love that idea! Alright I got
    defense: 6/10
    attack: 2/10

    Cismale — He/him — Questioning sexuality
    5 moons — Ages 1 moon every month on the 2nd
    NPC x Duckshimmer (brother to Swallowpaw, Sneezepaw)
    Shadowclan — Kit
    Apprenticed to Pipitclaw

    Physically easy | mentally easy
    Attack in bold #b8312f
    Can be power played just ask
    injuries: Throat bite, flank scratches, various cutes [pained until 04/03/24]



Singepaw is lucky that he is only a moon or so behind her, that her only formal experience with a real fight is the scrap she had engaged in when she was a kit and the one she had fought in when that very same loner scum playing as a clan cat had taken her catch from her. She had been angry then, but now? Now she keeps herself in check, remembers that fighting is about strategy, about keeping a level head so that she can come out on top. Singepaw prods, but she doesn't listen. No one would ever dare question her loyalty unless they had frogs hopping around in their brain. She may have been stolen away, taken to WindClan as a kit, but her blood was more ShadowClan than his and she would prove it.

A smile plays upon her own features as she circles, as she watches with a flicking tail tip, her body low to the ground to center herself just like she had been taught. When Singepaw leaps for her, it is with the same move he had used before and she could almost laugh at how piteous of an attempt it was. Could he make it any more obvious that he didn't know the first thing about a real fight? Where was the challenge, the on-your-toes thinking that she had been looking forward to?

She rushes forward to meet his charge, using her larger size to her advantage as she bowls into him and throws all her considerable weight into the move. Her aim is to pin him to the ground, teeth inches away from his neck but her features still pulled into a smile "do you give up?" or would he be successful in throwing her off so their dance could continue?

// defense : 5
attack : 5

  • UnubgZp.jpeg

  • 74005637_Mkbfa9PMK58YlSi.png
    A fluffy she cat who's fur is half cream tabby, half blue tabby split by white. Her eyes are two mismatched shades of blue, with one being a light icy blue and the other being darker in color.
    Easy in battle + still learning how to fight
*+:。.。 It would seem much like his choice in insults, his attack would have no effect besides to make him look like the nincompoop that he was. In his naivety, he'd almost expected the girl to flinch away at his awesome, flawless even, tackle, but when she'd instead pushed forward herself, meeting his unstoppable force with her own, the confidence immediately drained out of him. Was she tried to smash their heads together!? He lets out a yelp before promptly having the wind knocked out of him, her larger size an eagle's deadly swoop to his puny peregrine dive.

End over end he rolls, thoughts as dizzy as his perspective. He has enough time to think - crap and she kinda smells nice before his head is knocked on the hard ground with a warning breath on his neck. When he looks up, spitting grit and frustration, he sees only a massive smile on her dual-colored face, and for as irritated as he is thathe'd just lost...he can't help but return it. "I say it should be on the record that you've got training from two clans, a deputy AND a moon ahead of me" Singepaw hisses, but his eyes are sparkling as he enjoys the breathlessness in his chest. A good spar was good for the soul! And though his mind lurches dangerously to the memory of how wrong everything had went with his spar with Snowpaw, he forces himself to focus and be glad that this one was much less complicated.
"Fine, I yield - but I ain't saying 'mouse-heart'" he announces, holding firm to some semblance of digni-
"Damn it!"

With a laugh, he kicks at Halfpaw's tummy, hoping to shove her off, "Go get the rabbit already! I didn't want it anyway" Once she's hopefully removed herself, the boy will sit up and shake himself off. As he watches her retrieve the prey, he'd mew, "You're pretty fun to spar with. Next time I won't lose" Big words considering he still has a slight wheeze to his breathe. "Who taught yah to circle around like that? Kinda reminds me of, like, when birds get ready to swoop on somethin'. Made it hard for me to get into a battle stance, it was really cool!"

    Cismale — He/him — Questioning sexuality
    5 moons — Ages 1 moon every month on the 2nd
    NPC x Duckshimmer (brother to Swallowpaw, Sneezepaw)
    Shadowclan — Kit
    Apprenticed to Pipitclaw

    Physically easy | mentally easy
    Attack in bold #b8312f
    Can be power played just ask
    injuries: Throat bite, flank scratches, various cutes [pained until 04/03/24]



The satisfaction of winning is not dulled by the fact that Singepaw is also smiling. No, in fact it is with a pang that she realizes that this fight reminds her of the time her and Nettlepaw had rolled around together, when as a kitten she had jumped out at him in a childish attempt to frighten him and he had allowed himself to be pinned by her inexperienced paws. For a moment, pain tugs at her heart as she envisions cinnamon fur under her paws rather than bright red flame points.

His words are quick to snap her back to reality and, trying her best not to let anything show she good-naturedly lets out a huff of exasperated amusement. Wether he said mouse-heart or not was of little consequence to her, what mattered was that she won. Her victory is not cheapened by the fact that Singepaw had less training than her either "All is fair in war" she quips back, winking with her icy blue eye as she throws her head back and lets out a victory laugh. She was getting stronger, smarter. But it definitely did help that Singepaw didn't have as much experience.

He says to go get the rabbit and she does, but not because he had told her to but because her mouth is still watering just thinking about biting into it. She drags it over by the scruff and settles down with it between her paws, glancing sideways at her fellow apprentice. "Well, if there's going to be a next time I'll have even more training by then I bet. And I don't like to loose so you better get used to it!" he quips playfully. At his next question, she looks down at the rabbit, picking fur off it's body absent-mindedly with her claws. The truth was she had seen the move used by two warriors sparring in WindClan's camp. "I just saw it once" she says with a nonchalant shrug of her shoulders "Yknow maybe you should watch other cats spar sometime, maybe then you'll learn more than just the one move" she adds with a snicker, Predictability in a fight could very easily be your end, you had to think on your feet, strike fast and in places and ways your opponent didn't expect.

Hey do you wanna share this with me?" she asks, suddenly not wanting to be alone. There was once a time where her and another apprentice would have spent moments together like this, a different set of blue eyes peeking out at her from a white masked face. Without him here she felt so much more... alone sometimes. "I wouldn't be able to eat this all by myself" she supplies, pushing the rabbit so that it rests in between them.

  • UnubgZp.jpeg

  • 74005637_Mkbfa9PMK58YlSi.png
    A fluffy she cat who's fur is half cream tabby, half blue tabby split by white. Her eyes are two mismatched shades of blue, with one being a light icy blue and the other being darker in color.
    Easy in battle + still learning how to fight
*+:。.。 She winks at him before letting out a boisterous laugh. Something about the sight makes his chest twinge, like she'd barreled into his chest again, leaving him struggling to catch his breath. But it's only for a moment, and it passes before he can think hard about it. Rolling his eyes, Singepaw would stick his tongue out at the deputy's daughter, responding, "For now, anyway! Just remember Halfwit, the tides of war can always turn" He watches her get off and head towards the rabbit, rolling to his feet and shaking the tension from his ruffled coat. Swiping down a few stray hairs, he lets out a snort at her rebuttal. "We'll see about that" he sneers, mind flashing to his plan with Bloodpaw, "ill catch up before you know it - sooner, even" More than ever, he can't wait to enact his plan to prove himself to everyone - especially so he can get into his training sooner lest Halfpaw always gets the win!
However, a part of him perks up when he realizes that there's a promise in that threat of a next time. Does - does that mean Halfpaw didn't dislike sparring with him? Probably just because she got to win It's nice.

"You saw it once and you learned it that quick!?" Singepaw gasped, plopping back down onto his belly, making himself comfortable as Halfpaw plucked at her winnings. Singepaw was never much of a fan of standing back and watching, explaining, "I'd rather be the one getting to throw the punches than sitting on the sidelines!" What better way was there to learn? But if Halfpaw got this good with observation alone, then maybe Singepaw shouldn't knock it 'till he tried it? "If you say so" he huffs, but genuinely starts to consider asking if he could watch Pipitclaw train with another warrior. Ooh - maybe Chileldstar? He could bet leaders have some of the best movesets!

Daydreaming about a badass fight between his mentor and leader almost risks the flame-point from not hearing Halfpaw's offer. He looks up, surprised when he finally registers her question. "hah? With me?" he begins, laud in his bafflement. But he pauses, noticing something then. There was a...a something in her expression. He probably wouldn't have even caught it had it not been the second time he'd seen it today - that same something appearing in her eye before she covered it up with a raucous laugh.
"Fine, scoot over there, tiny-gut" he says, licking his lips as he cheerily plops himself down beside her, amazed that she claimed to not be able to eat the whole thing. After that bout of exercise and his overall growing pains, Singepaw was confident he'd eat the whole animal and maybe half of another! Eagerly, he takes a massive bite, not even bothering to peel the fur off first, and thoughtfully begins to chew. It's much denser than the frogs he's used to - this animal more muscle than fat - but he can't say he hates it. As he chews, he looks sideways at his sparring partner and asks, "What's up with your face? Straight to the point. Swallowing, he explains, pointing at her with his tail-tip, "you look like you lost even though you literally just beat me. You good?"

    Cismale — He/him — Questioning sexuality
    5 moons — Ages 1 moon every month on the 2nd
    NPC x Duckshimmer (brother to Swallowpaw, Sneezepaw)
    Shadowclan — Kit
    Apprenticed to Pipitclaw

    Physically easy | mentally easy
    Attack in bold #b8312f
    Can be power played just ask
    injuries: Throat bite, flank scratches, various cutes [pained until 04/03/24]