pafp casual chatters ♡ checking in and chatting


continue to love ♡ 10/25/2023
Feb 20, 2023


It was a peaceful day after the past couple of days of occasional rain showers. The young queen was lingering by the fresh-kill pile, curled up as she took the time to pluck the feathers off a bird. Occasionally, she lifted amber hues to look around for her children, as well as Acornkit and Oakkit. She hoped they were staying out of trouble, even if the latter was the one more prone to it. Lost in her brief thoughts, she startled lightly at finding Raccoonstripe at her side, blinking owlishly as she realized the tom had spoken to her. "I'm sorry, I was lost in thought, would you mind repeating that?" She responded with a soft, sheepish smile.

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Wrenflutter sits alone, lost in her thoughts, absently picking at the feathers clinging to her piece of prey. Perhaps she'd wanted a moment alone, away from the feral creatures who gnaw her tail and pass her their fleas. Perhaps she'd wanted some time to herself, quiet and peaceful. Raccoonstripe ruins any intentions she might have had to seize her solitude, though; the moment he spots the beautiful young queen alone, he makes a beeline for her. His flank brushes hers in a greeting; it's clear he startled her. "Would you mind repeating that?" she asks, and he grins widely.

"Anything for you, lovely." He clears his throat and gives her a disarming grin. "I just thought I'd come keep you company so you can talk to an adult for a change. I bet it gets awful lonely in the nursery." He settles beside her, clearly settling in for a long conversation. "Say, why don't you let me take you on a little walk? I'm sure we can get someone else to babysit for a sec... in fact, I know we can." His smile turns sly. "@Moonpaw , come over here and make yourself useful!"

// sorry moon

Amber hues blinked widely in surprise at the small endearment, yet the tom had sped ahead with his words before she could properly think of a response to it. It was an offer of company, a change of interaction compared to the bustling horseplay of kits that were often a common sight for her. "I mean it isn't so bad..." She murmured softly. It went unsaid at the common visits from her dear sister, Crowflower. Though the tuxedo molly was often off training her apprentices, one of them being one of her many little ones. "Why don't you let me take you on a little walk?" It wasn't a bad idea, really. The queen hadn't strayed out of the camp too much as of recently, barely going beyond the thorny outer walls. Her ears twitched as the tom called over his apprentice, and she glanced briefly at the near-bare bird between her paws. "I suppose a walk wouldn't hurt... I wouldn't want to inconvenience Moonpaw though..." She spoke softly, inclining her head to the side. While Dovekit was easy, she wouldn't deny that Oakkit and Acornkit were a tad bit of a pawful. Especially to an apprentice that didn't interact with them often as far as she knew.
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Her name is unexpected as they had just finished their training early so she had no idea what else it was her mentor wanted of her but when he finished speaking she realized her work was never truly done was it.
Her expression remains strained, neutral, and she tries not to let the brief flicker of irritation she felt show itself when she realized what she was about to be asked to do. Arguing would get her nowhere with Raccoonstripe; he liked his apprentices subservient and quiet and without Wildpaw there to drown out everything with his boisterous nature she was now the only target left. Still, her defiance was quiet and subtle, a slow rise to stand and moment to groom her ear before she walked over with a painstakingly slow gait to delay the invetiable as long as possible.
It wasn't Wrenflutter's fault she was being told to do this, so the smile she offered the queen was a warm one at least. "I've watched Skypaw and Duskpaw a few times before when they were kits, I think I can manage." If Acornkit or Oak-kit tried to bite her she'd sit on them. Put her large ragdoll size to some good use. And then tell them that Raccoonstripe's tail would drop pretty feathers if you bit it enough times.
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ACORNKIT — the cow jumped over the moon .
As the days went on, the Fawn she-kit was spending more and more hours outside of the nursery, whisking around camp with cryptic mumblings on her maw.
Today, she was busy building a bouquet of feathers- only a few had been stolen from the warriors den.
Eagerly bouncing up and down she waits for the warrior to wrap them up in twine for her, blurbing out a stuttered “thank you” before setting off to seek out her mother, more than eager to show her art off.
What she arrives to, though, is more than displeasing.
Raccoonstripe, wearing a weird expression, trying to whisk her mother away.
The clutter of feathers drops from her tiny maw with a frustrated thump.
Sunken eyes widen in offense at the blasphemy that leaves the toms maw. Moments after he’s settled beside her, Acornkit takes her own seat, right in between her mothers forepaws.
She doesn’t think she could ever muster the courage to speak to the lead warrior in any defiant matter, but the glare she sends him is deathly, the ears flattened against her head only throwing salt in the wound.
She doesn’t spare a glance towards Moonpaw, too wrapped up in her quest to send the tom running with her death stare.

Raccoonstripe's smile widen at the soft-spoken she-cat's hesitance. "Inconvenience her? She'd love to babysit." His grin grows almost mocking as Moonpaw trudges forward dutifully, slowly, not a spark of enthusiasm on her face. He supposes he can't blame her; Oakkit and Acornkit are feral beasts. It's likely akin to babysitting a squirrel and a dog.

He says, "Exactly, and your siblings have turned out... great, so far." Though with a name like Skypaw, there isn't much positive he can say about that particular niece.

The rustling of a kit near Wrenflutter draws his attention. One of the wild children was glaring his way. Raccoonstripe's whiskers quiver. "Uh... hi." What else is he supposed to say? Dismissively, he flicks an ear and turns back toward Wrenflutter. "Well, we should be off then. We can hunt along the way."

WE'RE GETTING LOST! Killdeercry's ear twitched in interest of the conversation going on with Raccoonstripe and her sister. The dark chocolate she-cat wouldn't jump to bite the lead warrior off of Wrenflutter right away. Instead she remained where she was to eavesdrop on Raccoonstripe's intentions, keeping her back toward the pair. She felt the tension in her chest start to rise the more he spoke, even so far as to drag his own apprentice to babysit so they can run off. Killdeercry struggled to keep her fur flat, not trusting anyone's intention with her little sister. Especially not the obnoxious loudmouth that was their lead warrior.

Through gritted teeth Killdeercry lifted her head and turned toward the pair as Moonpaw accepted being saddled up with her niece and nephew. Part of her wanted to take the role from Moonpaw, let the apprentice do her own thing instead of letting her get thrown into whatever demand Raccoonstripe had for her.

"Don't rush off so fast, I need to stretch my legs too." Killdeercry rose to pad over to the pair, twitching her tail over her back and smiling to her Wrenflutter. "It's been so long since we got to walk together! And I'm sure Raccoonstripe will be a great scout for danger while I get you back into the swing of a warrior." She purred, giving an affectionate lick over Acornkit's ear as she passed her. "Will you be good for your aunt? I'll bring you home the biggest feather I can find, might be an owl this time." Moonpaw gets an appreciate glance for her mentor-induced sacrifice. — tags
  • Angry
Chamomilepaw is not one to meddle in the affairs of ThunderClan's warriors - the gentle tom is much to busy daydreaming to catch onto schemes and ploys and flirting and the likes. He catches snippets of conversation as he finishes up his duties for the day, his paws carrying him to the freshkill pile to deposit a mouse he'd caught after training with his mentor. Cham is not particularly close with anyone gathered, though he recognizes quite a few of Hawkshiver's family members. Maybe he can gain more of his mentor's respect by showing some kindness to the large tom's kin? "I wouldn't mind helping keep an eye on the kits while you go for a walk," the apprentice offers, his soft sage eyes drifting from the adults to Moonpaw and then finally to Acornkit. He was rather fond of Acornkit and Moonpaw was similar in age to himself - it could be fun spending time with them.