catch and release | hunting skills

As per Howling Wind's request, Flycatcher stood in the centre of camp about to invite some of his clanmates to join him in brushing up on their hunting skills. With the weather getting colder and prey getting less and less Flycatcher agreed it would be good to sharpen those skills in preparation. Although there was no telling exactly how the prey would run in the coming weeks they needed to be prepared lest starvation be a credible threat to them.

Shaking out his fur briefly, Flycatcher cast a brief look around before raising his voice. "ThunderClan!" He called. "I am leading a lesson in refining our hunting skills. If you would like to join me please step forward."

@. Roepaw . obligatory tag don't worry about joining if you don't want to though!

Well... it wasn't her fault Flycatcher wasn't more specific!! Hahaha... she was so sneaky wasn't she? Ragwortkit cannot help but giggle as she steps forward as asked, interested in learning more about hunting. An elder has instructed her before on how to pounce properly with a leaf, but she wanted something more! Besides... all the kits were being boring right now... something about how "you're too bossy!!"? Pfft... okay...

This was more cool anyways, and maybe she'll actually pull it off by keeping real silent in the small crowd that gathers! If only her kitten fluff wasn't still blatantly visible, then maybe Flycatcher would gloss right over her.


( primary character / "speech" / ic opinions )

· RAGWORTKIT, female — she / her
╰ ‣ named for her health & strength at birth .
╰ ‣ 4 moons . ages on the ??
╰ ‣ thunderclan kit . loner born . believes in starclan

· DOMESTIC FELINE, oak and maple trees , status — 100%
╰ ‣ blue furred . long-hared . a very furry head, chest, and tail

· ESTJ-A ❝
EXECTUTIVE ❞ , Hufflepuff, Lawful Good
╰ ‣ Kind-hearted . Honest . Loud .Justice-seeking . People-pleaser . Gullible . Empty-headed . Humorous
╰ ‣ Though she is all brawn and no brain, Ragwort tries her best and carries a bleeding heart to all whom surround her. She takes the role of "big sister" with her siblings and friends, never failing to have their backs, take care of them, and defend them when needed (sometimes even jumping the gun). While she doesn't offer the best emotional support (not due to a lack of trying) she gives the best hugs and is great at giving cats distractions with her shenanigans.
╰ ‣ finds minimal difficulty relating to others . wears a bleeding heart

· GRIME x CINDERFROST, sister to toadkit, prowlingkit, hollykit
╰ ‣ unknown sexuality.
╰ ‣ poor fighter . poor hunter .
╰ ‣ will start fights . unlikely to flee .
╰ ‣ attack in underline . penned by user @ava.

Roepaw herself had been finishing up her first and last meal of the day when she noticed her mentor creep into the clearing to… just stand there for a second.
The cinnamon striped apprentice tilted her head curiously, watching the warrior shake his fur before actually beginning to speak.
Ooh… she supposed extra hunting practice wouldn’t hurt, even if she got the one on one lessons- she had to feed her clan somehow.
She has barely closed the gap between her and Flycatcher before a familiar puff ball of blues and greys catches her peripheral- not so stealthily squeezing itself into the small crowd.
She gives Ragwortkit a subtle but mischievous wink when she passes her younger sibling, opting to sit somewhere away from the kit- if Ragwortkit’s plan were to undoubtedly fail, Roepaw made sure it wouldn’t be her fault!

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{ } Soooo, she doesn't really need a lesson, but who is she to pass up the opportunity to judge how someone else teaches. Clover stretches out as if it's a luxurious sunny day (and not cold enough to make her want to cry) before falling in league with the expedition. Of course, she can't go quietly. Wouldn't it be, like, so fun if she could rile the kids into teasing him to make this all a major pain in the ass? Sounds great to Clover. "I'm surprised you can take your eyes off Flamewhisker long enough to remember what food even is. Congratulations, by the way," she giggles into her wrist. Thank Starclan they finally put a bow on that. Watching hopeless romantic losers praddle along is so excruciating to the more self-appointedly couth of the clan. "So, what are we hunting?" She shrugs and yawns, treating it casually even though she's well aware of how dire it can really get. That's a total vibe killer though so boo on that, especially in front of the green noses.

He is pleased when he spots his apprentice padding over, nodding his head in approval at Roepaw's presence. She has barely crossed the gap between them before Flycatcher spots a familiar flufflball of a kit tagging along. Flycatcher wouldn't bring Ragwortkit along, of course, but he couldn't help but be amused by her attempting to join and thinking she didn't stand out like a sore thumb. "Sorry, Ragwortkit you can't come with us," Flycatcher told her, trying his best to let her down gently. "But don't worry, little one, sone you and your siblings will be able to join us."

His attention then turns to Cloverfield who has come over to join them, making light of his relationship with Flamewhisker. "Oh, ha ha, very funny." Flycatcher smirked, rolling his eyes playfully. "As for what we're hunting that remains to be seen. I mostly want to see your stances and techniques, see if there's anything that might need improving."