catch me if you can ★ gossip

"Hey, so like, weird question but who in the clan do you think is the most attractive?"
It was an innocent enough thing to bring up in idle gossip, she lounged on the ground near a few of the other daylight warriors who were waiting to be assigned their duties due to arriving too late in the day to be assigned to Orangeblossom's usual patrols; Hazelbeam herself had just come back from a decently successful hunt when she overheard them. Her blue eyes widened in delight, always happy to partake in some fun chatting with her clanmates when given the chance. As for the question it took a bit of thought as she mulled it all over in her head. Plenty of cats here were good-looking, especially given her first thought of a forest cat was something scruffy and disheveled and maybe even a little too gaunt to be anything but a stick. Not to say she didn't often still see the outline of ribs, especially during such a harsh season. It didn't take from anyone's looks really, she'd come to appreciate the signs of surviving a hard life like scars and patchy fur. It was more admirable than homely.
"I think Duskpool is very attractive." The black and blue molly said, pausing in the middle of grooming her shoulder to add her own commentary. Judging by the looks she was given her opinion was apparently quite unlike what was expected and even frowned on in a way. Why? What ws wrong with Duskpool?
Hazelbeam felt herself flush hot beneath her pelt, every hair rising on end in embarrassment. Was it really so strange? There were plenty of cats she thought were very nice to look at and respect! Like Howlingstar! The ThunderClan leader was a distinguished warrior, the gray of her muzzle complimented her- "Oh StarClan I'm into older cats."


  • dgliaf2-3be19ce0-a52c-4594-9760-2625938b95a4.png
    —⊰⋅ Daylight Warrior of SkyClan
    —⊰⋅ She/Her
    —⊰⋅ SH Black/Blue Chimera w/blue eyes
    - Does NOT wear her witch hat while hunting or on patrol.

Cherrypaw didn't know what she expected when she asked the question. Certainly she wasn't expecting a daylight warrior like Hazelbeam to name the cats she personally thought attractive, but she wasn't expecting her actual answer either. "Duskpool?" Cherrypaw daintily covers her snicker with a paw. "But he's, like, a grandpa. Great StarClan, his kits are probably older than you," she goes on to say, one brow slanted with doubt. Perhaps the senior warrior was handsome beneath the web of scars and the drained hollows in his face, but since they were there she wouldn't know. It's not like she really cared about what the warriors thought about each other, anyway.

Maybe it's just her, but does Hazelbeam's hat tip forward ever so slightly to cover her dawning cheeks? The apprentice relishes in the older feline's embarrassment. This wasn't the intrigue she hoped for, but it was intriguing nonetheless. "Oh my stars, why?" she laughs, bewildered but keenly amused. She'd never say Silversmoke was onto something with his unjustified dislike of the daylights, but maybe only strange cats made strange choices. She only hopes Edenpaw wouldn't chime in saying they also thought Blazestar was attractive too or something.​
Gossip is intriguing. As someone who likes to collect information and be in the know about things, its existence is invaluable to Shiori. He makes a point to listen and join in whenever he's not busy - whether that be actually performing duties or being a nuisance towards his ever-despised nemesis.

The question of the most attractive cat in SkyClan was brought up, and though he didn't really have any interest in thinking about his own answer - especially considering that he knows it and he'd likely take it to his grave. Instead, he listens - and is quite shocked to hear his own father's name come out of Hazelbeam's mouth.

His copper eyes widen, and he's quick to open his jaws to tell her not to make any moves on his father when Cherrypaw speaks, mentioning the fact that Duskpool's kits - himself included - are probably older than the daylight warrior. He takes a moment to process this, blinking slowly.

Maybe it's his lack of sleep impairing his rational thinking skills, but Shiori, internally, registers this as Cherrypaw also calling him old. He makes a mental note to complain about it later, but for now he quickly shakes his head in an attempt to get his bearings.

"I could be younger, or I could be older," he jokes, knowing fully well the latter is probably true. "But, to each their own. Who cares if you have a thing for older cats? As long as don't actually make any moves on my father, you're allowed to admire anyone you want."


It is lost on him that the pair are discussing love. He knows what's gossip, he's heard of it before. The problem is that it is not fact and it drives him mad. He wants to fling a cat because they couldn't just say that another has made them upset. In other words, he hates gossip when it dances around an issue. It is only enjoyable when it is clear. Something that doesn't unpleasantly scrape against his skull in distaste. Hazelbeam's words are clear, although he doesn't give any input. Attractive means they look nice? Hmm... An image of Duskpool surfaces and he doesn't get it. When he looks at the Duskpool in his mind he wouldn't say that the tom is bad looking. Does that mean Duskpool is attractive to me? His voice follows close behind Cherrypaw's, "Duskpool is attractive?" He stops there and listens to what Cherrypaw has to say. It's true that Duskpool is old and has many kits. He's not even sure who are Duskpool's children.

The ombre tom would look towards the other apprentice, "Is that a bad thing? I thought it doesn't matter. Hazelbeam says Duskpool looks nice. I don't think his kits make him less or more attractive?" Clearly someone is on a whole entire different planet than the rest. He is simply not getting it. Hazelbeam stating that she was into older cats only threw him further in confusion. Cherrypaw seems to get it. He doesn't doubt her considering she knew more about these things than him. Shiori thankfully explains that it doesn't matter if someone likes older cats.

As well as giving Hazelbeam a warning not to make any moves on Duskpool. "So I'm allowed to admire anyone? Also... Why would Hazelbeam want to wrestle with Duskpool?" Does Shiori not want his papa to get hurt if Hazelbeam spars with him? That doesn't make sense though? I don't think Duskpool is that weak...
  • — crowpaw / skyclan apprentice / masculine pronouns / 7 moons
    — undecided / single / not looking / open to flirting and crushes
    — long haired black smoke with hazel eyes with polydactyly
    — may powerplay minor harm / can powerplay healing
    biography / @ on discord for plots
    — penned by velou
Slate was not known to be a partaker in gossip, especially when the topic of love and relationships was concerned. He already disliked the public displays of affection forced upon the rest of the clan by cats when they were in love ( such as Blazestar and Bobbie — blegh ), so why bother sticking his nose into business that wasn't his? So what if this cat was caught staring at another cat, or if someone else was expecting that one cat's kits? It sure as hell didn't matter to him. Slate wasn't sure why his clanmates took such joy in discussing it among themselves.

However, his ears cannot always control what he hears or doesn't hear. However, today's conversation seemed to slightly differ from what was typical — attractiveness. No, not necessarily fully-fledged kitten crushes, but simply how good another cat looked or didn't look. Why talk about how attractive your clanmates were, especially when you were expected to work alongside them? Talk about weird. Although... he'd be an outright liar if he claimed that someone did not immediately come to mind.

Hazelbeam instantly drops the name of Duskpool, kickstarting the gossip session and earning some questionable stares from his apprentice and Shiori. If Slate had half a mind to tease ( or even care ) he'd bring up the fact that he and Duskpool shared very similar appearances — both large, hulking toms with orange eyes and charcoal pelts littered with scars. They looked as if they could be related, the only difference being that Duskpool sported splashes of white. However, he would dare not joke about anybody — especially Hazelbeam — finding cats like him attractive. Besides, Slate already knew that his opinionated personality turned his clanmates against him like hounds from a skunk. If anybody were to think of him in such a matter, he'd be baffled if it was for his demeanor alone.

His amber stare flicks toward Crowpaw as he asks question after question, clearly oblivious to the world of romance — he was about as dense as Silversmoke was ( but, somehow, he had still managed to court Auburnflame ). Does Crowpaw seriously not know what Shiori is referring to? Wasn't he about that age when the apprentices started making obsessive goo-goo eyes at their peers? Anyway, Crowpaw shouldn't call it wrestling ( that somehow made it sound worse ).

The lead warrior rumbled toward the trainee, "He means flirting." Slate was about as dense as a wooden log, but he knew what these things were. He just... never did any of it. Once upon a time, he had possessed a rather brash, roguish charm that seemed to work to an extent — he doubted it still would.

    —— he/him; lead warrior of skyclan; former rogue
    —— bisexual; single; not looking
    —— hulking, scarred charcoal-black colored maine coon with amber eyes
    —— "speech", thoughts, attack
    —— link to full tags; @ on discord for plots.
    —— penned by beatles
𓍊𓋼𓍊𓋼𓍊 〰 If it weren't for the fact this was Hazelbeam we're talking about, Edenpaw might've been perfectly content to turn on their heels and walk quickly towards the nursery to avoid any real work or conversation today. But something about the way the witchy feline tenses under observation suggests she might need some saving... and who were they to deny her?

Crowpaw suggests something about wrestling Duskpool, which they openly scoff at. That old fart can't keep himself out of danger long enough to wrestle anyone safely... he'd probably just rip open fresh wounds and pass out in a puddle on the floor again. Drizzlepelt would probably yell at him for being irresponsible or stupid or reckless (all seemed true). It would be a very souring experience. "Duskpool might wither to dust if you look at him too long honestly," they interject just before Slate can explain what's actually being discussed.

Flirting? Involuntarily, their eyes flick to Cherrypaw, a rumbling in their belly mistaken as hunger when it was definitely not that. "Miss Hazelbeam, you know, you could have like.. your pick of the forest," they mew cheerily, a pleasant compliment (not the first they'd ever given her either). "I think it'd be hard to start a family with someone halfway to the elder's den though..." Nevermind if Hazelbeam even wanted kits, Edenpaw just assumed everyone wanted them.​
Drizzlepelt wasn’t one for gossip, but he didn’t mind participating either, as long as it’s not too mean-spirited. Sometimes he feels so closed off in himself that he doesn’t pay enough attention on others, and drama is one of the easier ways to catch up to speed. It’s nothing like that right now though, just the topic of cats they find attractive coming up. Hazelbeam’s honest answer of Duskpool catches him off guard though, especially from someone like her. Though, it’s not like he has that much of an impression of the black and blue molly. She’s only here half the time anyways, and he’s bad about making new friendships.

While everyone else gets in their own opinion, he has his head tilted, both wondering how she would like his old mentor like that but also trying to figure out who he finds attractive. Well, he can talk about the ladder after he says his piece. “Aren’t you like, the same age as me? Or around there? And you like my dad? Well, to each their own, I suppose!” He wasn’t about to actually shun her for her choice, especially since even Shiori doesn’t. It is kinda funny hearing all the jokes about Duskpool’s age, though. But back to his own feelings…

How honest should he be with his feelings? Well, it’s not like he has much to lose, really. He doubts anyone has feelings for him anyways, so them possibly hearing doesn’t bother him. “I think… Greeneyes is pretty cute. After he helped me a few moons ago I really saw how charming he can be, and since then…” Drizzlepelt finds himself stifled, unable to say much more. “Oh, and I was crushing on Fireflypaw for a bit when I first joined. I think I just wasn’t used to cats being… nice to me, though? So I mixed up happiness for infatuation. Totally understand why someone would like him, though…” He chuckles as he thinks of Sparrowsong.​

As soon as he caught wind of Hazelbeam's admittance, the swarming reactions ferried on the breeze, Twitchbolt's face bore stark, absolute bewilderment. Well- it was none of his business what made one cat attracted to another. He already had enough issues there, with- not understanding why in his own relationship. His eyes stung, unblinking against the cold air, with plain shock. Gingerly he padded over, stopping at Drizzlepelt's side, absolutely barraged at all the admittances. It was like it was hailing information that he shouldn't know.

The apprentices not understanding what an old cat was and calling Duskpool ancient was... to be expected, especially out of the mouths of Cherrypaw and Edenpaw, who always spoke their mind as if holding their thoughts in would kill them, but- Drizzlepelt and Hazelbeam, openly admitting who they found attractive? He completely and utterly could not understand it. How, how did saying something like that make you feel anything other than the wish to be dashed across the Thunderpath?

Woozily, he glanced between them. The stress of it, taken in on their behalf, was robbing his breath from him. "How- how, even... how could you admit that?" It was so unfathomable to Twitchbolt, he was almost amazed. Weren't they embarrassed? Didn't acknowledging the feelings make them want to squash them!? "I mean- how could you just say it? I, I could never, It'd kill me... how aren't you dying?" No, he didn't disdain them... but it was just unfathomable.

And now he had this knowledge. It was- already eroding away at him, he already felt like he shouldn't have it, StarClan on high...
penned by pin ✧
Walking into the scene was never part of Dogbite's plans for the day, and his friendly tail wave marked his entrance into a gathering of cats. Curiosity fueled his gaze as he spotted Twitchbolt, joining him and catching the tail end of a conversation that seemed to revolve around Drizzlepelt confessing interest in Greeneyes and Fireflypaw.

Feeling somewhat out of place, like a thorn in a cat's pad, Dogbite recoiled and sat on his rear with a befuddled expression. Blinking owlishly with his blue eye, Dogbite cleared his throat and reluctantly added his thoughts to the conversation. "Yeah. I think some thoughts are best left private." Shyness washed over him, fueled by a sense of humility. He had already made his presence known, and backing out felt impolite.

His maw settled into a line as he surveyed the surrounding cats—Slate's mild face, Hazelbeam's curious tilt, Cherrypaw's slanted brow, Shiori's bemused glint, Crowpaw's spacey stare, Edenpaw's flirtatious quip, and Drizzlepelt's contemplative musings. It all felt a bit overwhelming for the older feline as a particular she-cat's icey gaze flickered in their mind.

  • ———✧———​
    ✧ LH cinnamon tabby w/high white one blue eye
    ✧ child of npc x npc ; sibling to crescent and bear
    ✧ skyclan warrior ; ex-loner ; mentor to littlepaw
    ✧ 31 moons old ; birthday 07/01 ; ages realistically
    ✧ AFAB ; nonbinary ; he/they
    ✧ pansexual ; polyromantic ; single
    "speech", thought, attack, powerplay
    ✧ peaceful powerplay allowed
    ✧ penned by tasmagoric
Last edited:
❪ TAGS ❫.Gossip.
Oh what fun. Usually Cloverjaw partook, although more covertly. He liked having knowledge of what was going on in the clan, just not the title that came with it.
He sat, grooming himself an approperate distance away. His tail flicked with each flick of his tongue. Duskpool huh? Yeah... he supposed he could see it. But why? Was it personality or something just more... simple? Being his mate would be benefical - he was well known and well respected. Being closely associated with him would open more doors for a cat, but he didnt think that would really cross Hazel's mind.
Before he could get a chance to ask however, the hat wesring cat was absolutly eaten alive by the group. He snorted at many of their comments, some of his reactions well hidden, some not.
Satisifed with his front paw, Clover moved to his chest. He could tell Hazel what he thought, that would be nice and honest, however he might lose respect from a few clanmates. Sorry Hazel.
"He is quite old." He agreed, not really of the mind to pluck low hanging fruit and add something more creative, but he still had to ask. "Why though? You just like Silver Pelts?"

Ooc// on mibile formating and spelling might not be the best​
*+:。.。 //wAGH ninja'd ;w;;

Gossip, it's what made the world go round, spinning the forest on it's head like a sycamore seed! Orchidpaw strutted over as soon as he overheard, his expression aglow with joy as his fellow Skyclanners laid their souls to bear and others responded with opinionated nervousness. He takes his seat by Cherrypaw, a purr rumbling in his chest as he catches the glimmer in Edenpaw's eyes when they briefly look at his sister. It could be that Cherrypaw simply caught their eye, but it's quite a coincidence how similar of a look Cherrypaw had for them during the recent meeting. Friendships are a thing to be treasured, but Orchidpaw knows a softness to a gaze when he sees one! But two leaves aren't enough to fill a canopy, so he'll leave it at that...

"It's quite admirable to be truthful about your heart's desires, actually" Hazel eyes aglow, the young tom would gravitate his gaze cheekily to Edenpaw and Cherrypaw. He may not have enough pieces, and could very much be assuming wrong, but the potential to tease was present and - really, how could you not expect him to take it? "You only have your one heart, why hide it behind nerves?" He curls his tail over his back, letting his gaze drift over those present, then purrs confidently, "Actually, I think the cats I find the most attractive are Drizzlepelt and Crowpaw. Who wouldn't? You both are quite handsome" There was no rule against naming names that were present, right? He leans his chin on his paws, gracing both toms with a wink and hoping his smooth smile does it's job to hide the slight burn beneath his cheeks. Confidence, Orchidpaw has learned, is born from learning how to fake it first and worry about nothing later. There's no better way to master that than with practice!
But he's not immune to the fear of opening oneself to rejection. This could end in quite the humiliation for Orchidpaw, or it could keep the conversation light and get some smiles out of his clanmates. A worthy risk, surely!
Plus, who doesn't like compliments?

Although, now that he's come this far...
"Although... I very much wouldn't mind wrestling with you, Edenpaw" he says with an amicable laugh, referring to the more wholesome established definition of 'wrestling' being akin to 'flirting' - keep conversations work-appropriate, of course! But all the while he watches Cherrypaw from the corner of his eye, eagerly hoping to see any potential for a third leaf to bloom. C'mon Cherrypaw, show a hint of green in those spots!

    DFAB— He/Him — Unsure
    9 moons — Ages 1 moon every month 28th
    Son of Orangeblossom and Ashenclaw
    Skyclan — Apprentice

    Physically medium | mentally medium
    Attack in bold #bf8924
    injuries: None currently
Crowpaw has no words for Eden's response. He is old, but I don't think he would crumble to dust? The imagery of old Duskpool crumbling into dust is somehow oddly amusing that lips curl into a smile. He's able to stop himself from laughing, but he'll think about that for a few days now because of Eden. Then, Slate captures his attention. "Flirting?" He tilts his head in confusion towards Slate (it's surprising that for once he doesn't look upset at Slate). What's flirting? He hopes his confusion is enough to pass along the message that he has no clue what flirting is. He may have already seen it (coughs in throwing lighthearted shade towards Bobbie and Blazestar), but he wouldn't have known at the time that whatever weird advances happened was flirting. Slate had unleashed a whole other world for him, which spikes his interest. Although truth be told once he's been told more about it he would either be frustrated or puzzled by it.

Everything from this point onwards is cats joining and what has turned into a small group questioning Hazelbeam has turned into a whole group discussion about crushes and other things his brain has a hard time keeping up with. I am learning new things. Green eyes is pretty cute according to Drizzlepelt and... Drizzlepelt had a crush on fireflypaw? A crush. He knew what that meant. That meant Drizzlepelt wanted to be mates with Fireflypaw? Unless that was more than a crush. Okay so maybe he didn't know what a crush exactly was, but he isn't sure how to feel about this news. I guess Drizzlpelt is okay? Anyway, it is important to remember that Drizzlepelt once had a crush on Fireflypaw who knows if the tom still had one.

Twitchbolt and Dogbite show some apprehension? "Can... Can Drizzlepelt not share?" He was not aware that there was a rule not to share opinions on cats. If Twitchbolt or Dogbite told him yes there was a law against it he would understand completely and then tell Drizzlepelt not to do it again. However, it was a little odd in his opinion that this couldn't be shared. Drizzlepelt can't help who he thinks is pretty cute or has a crush on for a bit. Therefore, he speaks up in Drizzlepelt's defense, "What's wrong with saying it?"

Ears flick while Cloverjaw speaks. Seems like multiple conversations are happening at the same time. Finally, Orchidpaw makes himself known. Cherrypaw's brother. Crowpaw instinctively turns to look at tom. Even though he and Orchidpaw have days where they don't get along, Crowpaw can't deny that Orchidpaw has a certain aura that charms. He nods in agreeance with the other apprentices words, thankful someone is able to say how he feels in more eloquent manner.

What he is not prepared for is his own name coming out of Orchidpaw's lips and being called handsome. Never mind that the other apprentice has flashed him a wink and a smile. If Orchidpaw is expecting rejection he is wrong. What happens is that Crowpaw stares at him for a long pause before blinking slowly. "I think Orchidpaw is charming and handsome too." Keep in mind that he says this with a straight face, unaware if Orchidpaw actually harbors some more than friendship feelings towards him.

Then, wrestling is brought up again (the wholesome definition) he perks up. Poor Crowpaw unaware that Orchidpaw only brings it up to make Cherrypaw jealous. The black tom is visibly excited and moves beside Orchidpaw and adds, "Can I wrestle with you and Edenpaw too?" Would it kill someone to stop these children from saying wrestling?
  • — crowpaw / skyclan apprentice / masculine pronouns / 7 moons
    — undecided / single / not looking / open to flirting and crushes
    — long haired black smoke with hazel eyes with polydactyly
    — may powerplay minor harm / can powerplay healing
    biography / @ on discord for plots
    — penned by velou

Silversmoke was not going to entertain the idea of a conversation about crushes, he never would've dignified Hazelbeam's confession with a response unless his apprentice got involved... unfortunately for him, the black smoke jumped right into the conversation, no holds barred. Like a kid waiting for their dad to finish talking to a friend, the spotted tabby lingered on the outskirts of the gossip circle, tapping his paw impatiently against the white-dusted earth. He didn't even think he needed Crowpaw for anything at that point, he'd just heard the apprentice's confusion and lingered to make sure he didn't get the wrong ideas from his enamoured clanmates. A question was posed that caused the Lead Warrior to clear his throat, ears twitching uncomfortably. "Flirting, complimenting someone... but not in the normal way. It's like... letting them know you want more than just a friendship with them, but vaguely. I don't know, it's never made much sense to me." Flirting was a dance, sometimes reciprocated, to avoid being the first to say what you were thinking. It'd taken him time to admit how he felt to Auburnflame, but he couldn't remember flirting, not by his definition of the word. It'd been a blunt confession, pre-dated by conversations about their history and hobbies.

Wrestling. Eyes shifted to Orchidpaw, then to Crowpaw, fur bristled protectively. He meant no disrespect to Orangeblossom, it was not her fault her son was the way that he was, but Crowpaw could do so much better than Orchidpaw. Nostrils flared in disapproval at the pairing, then, his apprentice asked to wrestle with Orchidpaw and Edenpaw. He blinked once, blinked twice, then, felt the heat rise to his ears... they didn't mean training, did they? Orchidpaw didn't at least, Stars knew what the black smoke was going on about. Silversmoke leaped forward, aiming to get between Orchidpaw and Crowpaw. "No, absolutely not," he shook his head, refusing to leave the topic up for debate. "Orchidpaw means he wants to flirt with them, not actually wrestle them," Silversmoke explained, exasperated. It was confusing for the grown cat, whose tail lashed with such a fury it was a miracle he didn't take flight with it. He could only imagine how bamboozled Bobbie's son was with all these new social rules placed upon him, words having double meanings, and the like. The Lead Warrior tilted his head upwards. "Move along, kids."

  • Haha
Reactions: Tawnyclaw
Cloverjaw's comment had the pale feline coughing, perturbed by the use of Silver Pelt in such a manner. He decided to vehemently ignored said comment. At the paws' insistence to understand, the scarred tabby shook his head with dismay. Knowing they had just squeezed themselves into an uncomfortable spot of being 'the adult'. May as well get this over with. Anchoring their spotted paws they fixed their face into a half-hearted frown.

He didn't want to entertain this any more than necessary, but the desire to add his own view was far too tempting. "It's not wrong to find some cats attractive." Their ears felt aflame as he stumbled through the words. All nuance clearly lost on them. "I guess to me, it takes away from the experience." Dogbite had little to no clue what he was yammering about, but the nerves had done their job, leading him to dive headfirst into the wild conversation.

Internally, they grappled with the statement, pelt fluffing involuntarily as the cat of his affections resurfaced. Cool laugh echoing within the recesses of Dogbite's mind. "I-If someone is special to you, then you should tell them personally in a more delicate manner." Determined, his voice felt a bit firmer now as the idea picked up momentum. "Wouldn't you rather they hear it from you than a group? Words spread much faster than you think." His blue eye blinked quizzically at both Orchidpaw and Crowpaw before landing back onto Drizzlepelt.

Maybe it was just their nature to spell their love out to the world. It wasn't wrong to confess, but it felt cheesed to the older tom. "Now, if someone thought I was pretty - I'd hope they would tell me before they told a crowd." He doubted any cat held him in such regard but their flippant point had been made. The statement felt flimsy and stunted, but Dogbite rolled with it. If some cat had professed their attraction towards him to the clan, he probably would've died from embarrassment alone.

The lightheartedness of the gossip completely flew right over the warrior's tufted head. Love, romance, and attraction were all relatively new to Dogbite, so crisscrossing the wires would only be his natural conclusion. Hearing the word 'wrestle' pop up more than once made his face sour with understanding. Fed up with the innuendo, Dogbite begins to interject. "No. No, that's not what that means, don-" Their ramble is cut short upon Silversmoke's arrival, breaking them from their own intense thoughts and filling in where the former loner had fallen short.

Clearing their throat awkwardly, he nodded in agreement as his blue gaze shot off to the side. "He's right." Short and to the point, Dogbite had little desire to fuel more debates on the subject of attraction. Silversmoke's irritated stance was surprising, but their intent reasonable. Dogbite hardly wanted to gossip with his own peers, much less a gaggle of apprentices.

  • please forgive Dogbite trying to mansplain romance when he's had 0 bitches his whole life.
  • ———✧———​
    ✧ LH cinnamon tabby w/high white one blue eye
    ✧ child of npc x npc ; sibling to crescent and bear
    ✧ skyclan warrior ; ex-loner ; mentor to littlepaw
    ✧ 31 moons old ; birthday 07/01 ; ages realistically
    ✧ AFAB ; nonbinary ; he/they
    ✧ pansexual ; polyromantic ; single
    "speech", thought, attack, powerplay
    ✧ peaceful powerplay allowed
    ✧ penned by tasmagoric
Last edited:

Perhaps noticeable among his clanmates, love has never been among Greeneyes’ strong suits. Where Butterflytuft and Figfeather now have mates and kits of their own, the lead warrior remains single. It’s not a bad thing, really — Greeneyes is mostly content in this, in being an uncle rather than a father, though sometimes he can’t help but wonder about a life spent with his own partner.

In these times, he can’t quite come up with a face to pair with such wistfulness. Close friends never seem to quite fill the spot — he can’t really imagine himself and Fireflypaw, or Sparrowsong, or… anyone, really, acting quite like Butterflytuft and Dandelionwish do, like Figfeather and Fantastream. He’s content on his own, he thinks. Content in not being able to spew out a name with such ease as Hazelbeam does Duskpool when she’s asked, a piece of a discussion he wills himself to not take part in. Hazelbeam and Duskpool? It just sounded odd, in all fairness — harder to picture than him and, well… anyone.

He aims to walk right past the discussion, to get on with his day where his clanmates stall in their own gossip, but his paws only stagger to a stop at a particular voice. Greeneyes is pretty cute.

" Huh? " His eyes go wide at Drizzlepelt’s admission. Cute? He’s… He’s cute? Suddenly he feels like he’s standing under greenleaf’s sun, rather than in leaf-bare’s chill, his pelt growing hot at the words. Nobody’s called him cute before, have they? He’s just… He’s just Greeneyes, isn’t he? What’s so cute about him? " I… I — "

Stars above, what does he say now?

Ears twitch at the rest of Drizzlepelt’s words, a quick nod following. " Fireflypaw is nice, " he idly agrees, a means of getting any eyes off of him that only leaves him faltering more as he realizes the connotation of his fumbling words, " Or uh... I-I mean — "

He’s grateful for Dogbite for taking up the helm of the conversation, though it gives him hardly any time to recover from the news before it’s brought back up again, somewhere between the apprentices' own misguided gossip. A nervous smile spreads across his face.

" Maybe we should talk about something else, yeah? " the lead warrior suggests, " How about the weather? " Greeneyes doesn't care about the weather — it's been cold for ages now — but so long as this conversation ends, he'll talk all day long about the falling snow, the chill in the air. ​
  • 74596946_rY2pLJ2YZGmQ0CI.png
    ── Lead Warrior of SkyClan

    ── Daisyflight x Raven Ramble
    ── AMAB; He/Him
    ── A red tabby and white tom with bright green eyes.
    ── Mentored by Sheepcurl; Currently mentoring Falconpaw
    ── "Speech"; Attack
  • Love
Reactions: wolfie