camp CATCH YOUR BREATH |☀| post-assessment

WE HAVE YET TO CRASH ✧°.☀ —————————————————————————————
Even after his victory, Lightpaw was sure that Nightbird would never truly give up, having no doubt that she was still pursuing him from the moment he released her to run. He didn't slow, he didn't look back - he was fixed upon what lie ahead, that hint of gorse that would tell him it was finally over.

The apprentice tore through the tunnel without hesitation, streaking right into camp and stumbling to a rough halt. He was filthy, smeared with leaf litter and speckled with mud, fur roughed up this way and that. His eyes were wide, alight with adrenaline as he aggressively spat the moss to the side. Sucking in a breath, he was less than quiet as he shouted a loaded "Fuck!"

Flanks heaved, finally sucking in that air he oh-so-desperately had wished for as his head swiveled to watch for Nightbird following in behind him. That was it, then. The assessment was finally over. With a groan, he dropped onto his rump.

// @nightbird but no need to wait

[penned by its_oliverr - ]
She was reciting in her head the training that KilldeerCry had told her, practicing the fighting poses and muttering words on repeat. Her mind raced a million miles per second on everything besides what she needed to remember. it was just easier. How could she make her clan and mentor proud if she couldn't remember everything?

BarleyPaws chocolate head shot up in shock as Light paw bolted into camp so fast, she thought they were being invaded. She was on her feet in mere seconds, and her hackles and fur was raised. "What's going on? Are you okay?"

Her olive eyes were dead onto the entrance, ready to strike onto whatever came through that was a threat.

quick on his heels, as soon as she was able to get back to her paws nightbird apprehended lightpaw. small mounds of dirt and grass were freed from the ground as her claws scored it trying to catch up. his win had already been confirmed, the chase was now just a bit of fun.

they had crossed the barrier, the lead warrior sliding to a halt, sending loose debris flying. only a few paces ahead, lightpaw sat heaving, bundle of moss thrown unceremoniously to the side. he looked just as much of a mess as she did, they truly would be an interesting sight. barleypaw picks up on the disgruntled appearances, the bolting through a gorse entrance. poor thing looks scared half to death, puffed fur and a green gaze honed in on the entrance. nightbird tries to stifle a loud bark of laughter, but it escapes nonetheless.

"easy killer, nothin' to worry about," she pokes, tail swishing as she gives smoky fur a good shake. she reaches her head around quickly to grab a stubbornly tangled twig with her teeth, before turning to face lightpaw. "you did well, i'll make sure howlingstar gets you a fitting name. ya like 'lightmoss'? i do, awful symbolic." it was a stupid name, but her question was asked with about as much authenticity as she could muster.

For a moment after his warrior ceremony he had been upset that he had never gotten an assessment, mourned it even. He had been looking forward to proving his merit in such a way. But later, he had realized he had already proven his merit in a different way, one that was all his own and no one elses. Still, as he watches Lightpaw come skidding to a halt in the middle of camp, a triumphant look plastered on the toms face, he cannot help but feel a little bit of jealousy. As quickly as it comes, he shakes the feeling away. Lightpaw was someone he considered a friend. He would not allow dark emotions to cloud his happiness for someone he cares for.

Instead, he walks up to the tom and bows his head in a respectful gesture. "I knew you could do it" he says, his voice even but a smile on his face. Nightbird, his mentor, comes in soon after him and Burnstorm looks to her as she speculates the name his grandmother would give him. His whiskers twitch in amusement at Lightmoss. That would surely be something wouldn't it?
WE HAVE YET TO CRASH ✧°.☀ —————————————————————————————
Lightpaw's head drooped as he worked at catching his breath, but the panicked exclamation from Barleypaw has him raising it. It's then that Nightbird rushes into camp behind him, and she answers in his stead. Sucking in a deep breath, he releases it in a sigh.

When Nightbird looks over to him he's smiling again, even as exhausted as he was. Stamina... had never been much his thing. His mentor praises him, and he beams - but it quickly falls into a glower, even if his eyes held little actual anger. "I ought to get Howlingstar to rename you to Nightjerk," he snapped.

With a raised paw he waves her off, putting the humor in his harsh statement, and he looked away in time to see Burnstorm approach. Lightpaw hadn't much been jealous of the dark tom's warrior ceremony. Envious, perhaps, but not jealous. He would get his warrior name and get right back to joking with him once they shared a den again.

The golden apprentice let out a breathy laugh. "Thanks," he said. Then, with a side-eye to Nightbird, he added in a lower voice, "You should have seen it. I had her eating the dirt. Total victory." Even if she had done the same to him. Not that he would say it. The messy state of his pelt was suggestion enough.

[penned by its_oliverr - ]
Stormpaw was startled out of her own fur at the blazing trail Lightpaw struck through camp. Ears flattened defensively, she looked over to where the golden-furred apprentice panted and covered in dirt. Her head inclined to the right, waiting as Nightbird followed in from behind. Praises were exchanged and Stormpaw soon put the pieces together—Lightpaw had passed his ceremony. The torbico could not feel jealous of him—she still had many moons left of training, but the fact remained that Lightpaw would be moving on. He would be further away now from her than ever.

"I mean... what did you do?" Stormpaw found her voice finally. "Did you fight a boar?" She glanced at the others, surprised that they did not find his appearance as startling as she had.

He sits beside his broad-shouldered ebony nephew, watching Lightpaw's return with gleaming eyes. Raccoonstripe’s nose twitches with undisguised amusement at how battered and fluffed-out he looks, as though a thousand hounds had been at his heels. In a way, the lead warrior supposes it’s not too far off. Barleypaw and Stormpaw both look half-terrorized, and it causes him to snort with laughter. “He proved he’s ready to be a warrior,” he says idly to the young torbie she-cat. He doesn’t try to elaborate; after all, he doesn’t know the specifics, though if he can tell by Nightbird’s limp, she hadn’t let him earn his name easily.

There’s still a few days, he thinks, before Berryheart will let him roam free… his paw pads itch as though bug-bitten. Moonpaw’s assessment will not be easy, either. He can only hope the tortie point returns to camp as rattled as Lightpaw has.

Teasing dark eyes slide to Nightbird. “Nightjerk is a lovely name… I think you should ask Howlingstar to change it,” he says with a mischievous grin.

  • raccoon . raccoonstripe
    — he/him ; lead warrior of thunderclan
    — heteroflexible ; single
    — long-haired black tabby with white and dark brown eyes
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — penned by Marquette
    — chibi by Rai

the molly snorted at lightpaw's retort. nightjerk, how sweet. as much as she would have enjoyed sitting here and going back and fourth well into the moonlit hours, she was hungry, tired. and besides, lightpaw would probably much rather celebrate this moment with his friends.

a nicked ear flicks towards raccoonstripe as he approaches, giving some form of an answer to stormpaw who seemed shaken despite her best efforts. from the corner of her eye she sees lightpaw shift to mutter something to burnstorm. she could only assume herself as the subject as a green glance poked over. what she didn't hear wouldn't halt her journey to her nest.

on her way there, she is caught by mischief in the form of a dark banded tabby. dark eyes draped in glitter from his goading, her tongue clicks as raccoonstripe seconds lightpaw's statement. "it's a little too on the nose for my taste," she returns casually, tail flicking as she strides past him with reduced grace to make her way to the warrior's den.

// out!
Barleypaws ears heated in embarrassment. His warrior assessment. That's what this must be- Oh- OH! His warrior assessment! A feeling of envy washed over her, but she knew that she would be there soon, and she was working hard for it! Wonder what KilldeerCry would give me for my assessment... Her thoughts ran as a nervous chuckle came from her.

Her fur lowered, but still spiked a bit in some spots as her anxiety was still dying a bit from the sudden encounter. They began commenting on Nightbird being named nightjerk instead, and really, she didn't seem to care for the teasing of the warrior. It seemed pointless, but many things considered fun would escape the tabby.

"I'm glad you got it completed! Are you excited?"

Lightpaw returns and she can feel her chest tighten in unease until he explains his success. They had gone out for the assessment earlier and returned now with him ready for his name and she was not far behind. Raccoonstripe had already made clear that they would be having one soon now that his injuries were healed up appropriately; whatever he was going to have her do she hadn't the slightest and it made her fur prickle uncertainly. When the golden tom spits his disdain for his mentor and offers her a new name suggestion that her own eagerly agrees with, the jesting aside she can not help but tighten her expression into a thin line of forced stoicism.
"Congrats, Lightpaw. Perhaps we'll be named together coming soon.." So long as she passed her assessment she would stand among him as well as Sunfreckle's older litter to recieve a name within the moon. Stormpaw's question has her wonder if she too will face combat and Nightbird's limp embolden her on the spot. She and Lightpaw are around the same size, him a touch taller, she imagines both lead warriors to be equally skilled. If he could do it then so could she, leave the black tabby limping back into camp proper. As Barleypaw approaches to pester and ask questions she turns to leave as well.