" Earthsoul " Thistleback almost whispers, his voice devoid of much but the dust of his hellish week. His friend and, his former apprentice who might as well be his son- were stolen by twolegs. His brutal assassination of Kuiper- he was a wilting rose of aching muscle, tormented eyes, and cats expecting him not to waver. Starclan forsaken soul.

The old wayward gentleman had come for his visit, and the news of his arrival had pulled the beast from his mild isolation. He had been camping in the territory with Snowpaw to deliver himself and Skyclan some peace. Still working- still providing. Yet, his thorny pelt is hardly groomed and his tail twitches with the pain radiating from his shoulders.

Earthsoul’s presence since he first came to Skyclan, had always been a light to the moth that was Thistleback. Leaning into that old wisdom and warmth like he had been starved of it. Seeing the old boy doing so well, gave some sort of stability to the man’s ever-darkening pathway. " it’s good to see you " he adds, aiming to touch his nose to the other’s brown ear. " You’ll have to forgive me for not welcoming you back … I’ve been through some hell " he settles himself next to the elder man. Unmoving as he places the side of his face to the other’s shoulder like a tired kit to a mum. His brows furrow and he breathes out, exhausted and just- needing something he never knew how to ask for.

He loved Earthsoul so deeply, why hadn’t the stars been so kind as to grant him a father such as he? what had he done so badly unborn to be given neither and nothing but a cold kick in the teeth from life. " it’s selfish but- … I wish you’d stay for a few days " despite such a hoarse nails through gravel voice and ripped war-bent body- he somehow feels so fragile.

  • @Earthsoul

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    Thirty-three moons EVENT TRACKER | IMPORTANT INFO
    — Lead warrior of Skyclan since 12.22.22
    Devoted to Deersong 9.29.22 | polyamorous
    Father of Coyotepaw, Pricklepaw, and Eveningpaw.
    — mentoring Snowpaw graduate(s) Quillstrike
    — very muscular piebald black and white tom with spiky fur and cold silver-grey eyes.
    voice & accent
    OPEN for Dice battles | 🎲 stine#3004
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  • Crying
Reactions: Earthsoul

Ever since Earthsoul had come back to camp, Thistleback had been on his mind. The elder’s day had taken a turn towards tumultuous when graying features were greeted with grim news instead of glad faces, Skyclan’s sorrows on full display as he pieced together the terror from half-finished sentences and exhausted expressions.

Earthsoul had been preparing to leave for the twolegplace, taking a short rest in the elders’ den to save stamina for the walk ahead, when a voice like gravel giving way woke him. It took a moment for emerald eyes to adjust in the dimming light, but upon recognition the senior broke into a sorrow-filled smile. The creaky cat was quiet as Thistleback made himself comfortable, before draping a tree-colored tail over the warrior as a sign of acceptance.

“It’s good t’ see you, my boy” he began, leaning into the other. “But I’m afraid I can’t forgive when there’s nothing to apologize for. I heard about…it.” The former loner was no stranger to death. He’d been both the threatener and threatened many times in moons past, but it always had a detached air about it. Confrontations in the wild were driven by hunger, whether in the present or fear of its appearance in the future. The moggy never wanted to harm anyone. Without the gnawing of stomachs that ate away at every cat’s conscience, he believed, hardly anyone would fight.

But what Thistleback had done wasn’t driven by practical necessity, it was born of anger at another. Still, knowing that, Earthsoul didn’t feel any less at ease around his friend. “I can’t…I won’t…” he struggled to begin, trying to find the words. “I won’t say what y’ did was right, but I won’t say it was wrong, either. I don’t think…I don’t reckon anyone can make that call and be certain, really. We don’t have t’ talk about it if you don’t want to, but you should know there’s nothin’ you could do that would make me care for y’ any less.”

Earthsoul’s heart breaks as Skyclan’s fearless warrior retreats into aging fur, the weight of what he’d done clearly crushing him. The experienced cat takes a silent moment to lament fate and its decision to pile undeserved burden on a good man, before doing what he can to ease the load. “No harm in bein’ selfish once in a while” he comforts, mind making a strange connection before the creaky cat lets out a chuckle.

“Y’know, I have to do this for Peach sometimes, that kittypet kit I live with. Whenever there’s a storm, he’s always shiverin’ with dread before coincidentally endin’ up in my fur. Too proud to admit it, of course, but it’s easy t’ tell. Not like I mind, either, it helps on cold nights.” The elder stopped, catching himself rambling. “…I guess it goes to show no matter how old we get, we’ll always need someone t’ comfort us.”

Earthsoul sighed, painfully aware that he had to leave soon. “I’m more than happy to spare some time before I go. Besides, I’ll be here first thing tomorrow mornin’, I promise. I’d fight through a whole horde o’ twolegs and kittypets if it means I get to see you again, y’hear?”