CATS ON MARS | re-introduction

Chrysaliswing felt as though he had wasted his warriorhood, if there was any honor to waste. Perhaps the tom had wasted his entire life, but he figured that that frivolity could only be attributed to those who had some sort of higher ideal that the knew they could be. The warrior had no such ideal. In this moment, all that he could be was all that he was. He pondered, over the moons, if that was what true despair was like - not rock bottom in which one could still see the light at the end of the rabbit den, in which one could still hope to claw their way out, but rather than numbing limbo like a winter's warmth.

The wildfire-and-smolder chimaera watched as sickness grappled with the clan's way of life, as though it were the only thing he could do, the owl trapped upon its vice as it watched the night overtake below. Chrysalis had always thought of birds as creatures with the ultimate freedom, with the empyrean trailing along proud wingtips, like they dipped their fingers and dragged it slowly along the milky sea of the sky. Now he was not so sure anymore, and he hadn't been sure of anything for a while. They were weak things, with fragile bones snapped with the slightest touch of the teeth and feathers plucked with the slightest brush of the gale. He had seen a one-winged bird once and promptly put it out of its misery, though on closer inspection, only one of its wingbones had been bent. Like the bird, it only took a single fracture to sow chaos through the clans. The clans were healing, but he knew that all the eyes of the forest clamored and drank them in as if they were waiting in suspense for the next chapter. (This was a novel that he would rather be relaying than living.)

The medicine cats had gifted that fracture a terrible name: 'yellowcough.' That moniker itself had sent shivers down his clanmate's spines, a brutal and brumal roll of the tongue. A wretched and wrested name that did not come easy to speech, though Chrys figured that was the point of it. It was not meant to grant kindness nor impart an innuendo. He remembered (as it was still fresh in his memory, like a just-inflicted wound that caked his pelage in sanguine and vermillions) how had driven them away from the only home he had ever known. Fear was not something he admitted to easily, for it shook one to their very core like a tempered bluster and left them nothing but a husk. But he was scared that time, and he had been scared many other times.

Herding into Shadowclan's marsh - unbecoming of any safe haven or sanctuary - had only made his eyes grow dimmer like dying coals, as the fire bowed its head and folded its arms in, accepting a momentary and fleeting fate. He had not died then, though, and his flame only grew prolonged and as a muster rather than a spittle, a hesitant breath rather than the prideful blow. It had only made his pitch pelt sag into the deepest shade, as if his home had truly been with the swampland shadows all along, not capturing but rather resting into his wrinkles and furrows. He had accepted it after a long moon of anticipation in the form of low rumbles from the gut. It had not made his tongue hunger for blood but rather grow weary of it, and had not made his teeth sharped but rather sheathed behind the lips so zealous to show what was behind them.

Chrysalis pawed at a skimpy mouse he had found at the bottom of the prey pile - it was the only thing he could find after spending his days hunting for Skyclan. He still had a modicum of dignity, so he left the plumper and richer prey for the kits and the queens and the elders. With one claw, he upturned the rodent to reveal a grey belly patched in fields of buttermilk flesh. He resigned to eating it until a somewhat sharp pain had blazed through his tail, which was more of a throb than a sting. Still, a feather-plumed tail quickly returned to the warm flank, as though recoiling in dramathurgical pain. "Watch it, feather-brain." He hissed, voice still curdled with venom though with fangs less eager to bite than in his adolescence, for even the adder tired at dusk.

Figfeather had always pitied Silversmoke for the types of apprentices he’s been given. Chrysaliswing being his first, and it was no secret in the clan that the red tabby and tortoishell did not get along. Spats as apprentices had not been uncommon and perhaps the only time Figfeather has sworn at a clan-mate the tom-cat had been at the end of her blade.

Still since becoming warriors their quarrel has grown silent. Perhaps because they had been seperated, Figfeather’s destiny carrying her into the mountains. Perhaps because Chrysaliswing has grown silent, less willing to strike but when he did his venom still potent. She is merely padding by when she accidentally treads on the tom’s tail, StarClan knowns she would not intentionally place herself before the tom.

’Watch it, feather-brain.’ He hisses, his voice thorn-sharp. Her ears fold back and suddenly it feels she is Figpaw again, furious and insecure about her clipped wings. She had worried she’d never be a true SkyClanner after her accident, and Chrysalispaw had not allowed her to think otherwise. Moons since then have passed and the tabby finds herself today with higher confidents, it makes dealing with Chyrsaliswing’s venemous words easier. ”Lay your fur flat. It was an accident.” She snarls back, her voice carrying it’s own barbs.
  • » Figfeather
    » SkyClan Warrior
    » She/her . AMAB
    » Mate to Fantastream
    » A red tabby she-cat with a mangled leg.
    » ”Speech”thoughtsattack
  • » A foe in battle whose ability to strategize can shift tides.
    » Excels in strategizing and pre-planning her battles.
    » Fights defensively and aid to her clan to victory.
    » May powerplay minor harm. Can powerplay healing
( 𓆣 )  Termitehum does not envy anyone the displeasure of dealing with their brother. There's a reason they tend to avoid speaking with him, a reason they have for a long time. Chrysaliswing's venom does not come so easily as it once did in his more youthful, fiery days, but his bite has not gone, hardly softened. Still, he is their kin, and Termitehum's tendency to linger around him often places her as witness to his spats.

Figfeather is a good cat, certainly not deserving of Chrysaliswing's ire. It's easier, like this, to step in when something goes wrong, than to speak with her brother directly. Termitehum swoops in to play mediator, nervous smile sitting crooked and unwelcome upon her speckled face. "An a- a- acc- an accident, yes," she reiterates hastily, with none of the snarl that laces Figfeather's words. "No harm done, mm?" It's hopeful, a quiet attempt at diffusing tension. She doesn't really think that it will work, it never seems like her words are welcomed when it comes to Chrysaliswing. She shoots Figfeather a sympathetic glance from the corner of her eye; she knows how her brother's word have hurt the golden molly before.

  • //


"Still the little turd you always were." The lead warrior comments cooly from his position on the sidelines of camp, ever basked in the shadows to keep himself cool in the autumn sun. Orange eyes glow in the direction of the encounter, where Figfeather looks ready to defend herself against a siege of verbal attacks from Chrysaliswing.

Termitehum may have opted to play mediator, but Slate was not afraid to stir the pot a little. Chrysaliswing had given him plenty of shit upon joining SkyClan, so it was time to return the favor. "Y'know, I always hoped that havin' Silversmoke as a mentor would straighten you out a bit. Seems he just rubbed his attitude off on you instead." Slate and Silversmoke were not in the worst standing at the moment, much to the surprise of many. However, there was no denying that the other lead warrior had quite the notorious attitude and a penchant for lashing his clanmates with his silvery tongue. It wasn't a surprise that Chrysaliswing may have been influenced negatively by the attitude of his former mentor, but rather disappointing. Slate would have liked the young warrior to be humbled into keeping his big mouth shut instead.

    —— he/him; lead warrior of skyclan; former rogue
    —— bisexual; single; not looking
    —— hulking, scarred charcoal-black colored maine coon with amber eyes
    —— "speech", thoughts, attack
    —— link to full tags; @ on discord for plots.
    —— penned by beatles

Just his luck - the plucky Figfeather that had disappeared on the journey had returned to bother him once more. She was less like a specter and more like a mosquito, not a quiet and complacent haunt but a persistent and vexing hum. It would have been out-of-pocket for him to say that he enjoyed the silence granted by the clan cats who went on the journey. Not that there was not as much noise at home - the simple song of pestilence had been enough to curdle even the most fiery of conflagration tongues. Life was back to normal, or at least as normal as it could get. The tom still had that nauseating vertigo from riding the curtails of chaos.

This time, the molly bore her own fangs. Chrysaliswing's eyes narrowed into slits in response, though he held a lashing and rancorous tongue back. "Then watch where you're going." Or are your eyes just as stuffed with wool as your brain? He wanted to rebuke, to spit out as though it were vomit or vile. Still, only a burning-coal glare would suffice.

Termitehum's voice fluttered not far from the other annoyance, and she had never gotten rid of that stutter to her tone nor that shiver to her spine, and that filled him with some sort of undue wrath. It had been so long since they were both apprentices, so why hadn't it gotten itself together and made something of itself? At least Chrysalis tried to be strong. It seemed that his sibling felt careless in their weakness, as if there was no option for them but to be a sniveling, meek bug. To her, Chrys granted her a simple snort as acknowledgment, but nothing worth more of his attention.

Slate's presence was what set the flame into motion, with his brash words as always. Chrys felt hackles begin to upturn, though he lay them as flat as he could along a feathery pelage. He wouldn't let some rogue pretending to be a warrior (though, Chrysalis noted that Slate had certainly proven himself over the moons) get the better of him. "I'm not Silversmoke, so don't compare me to him." A low growl from infernal throat, tail lashing now behind him like an enraged adder. "Did all of you come here just to piss me off, or is there a reason why you're bothering me? Get the hell away from me, unless you want me to put you in your place."
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Termitehum’s effort to keep peace was appreciated by Figfeather. StarClan knows when it comes to their brother she finds to hard not to shoot daggers at his pelt even when just passing by. Had the tom always been so sour? In kit-hood? Through his entire apprenticeship? It sure felt like it.

She’s shocked- but- why is she? To see Slate pile onto Chrysaliswing too. She almost feels bad for the tom in this moment- to bicker with Figfeather was one thing but now a lead warrior was hot on his tail. Not that she doesn’t appreciate Slate attempting to put the warrior in his place or anything.

”I was just passing through, trust me, I would not willingly spend anymore time than I must around you.” Figfeather retorts after Chrysaliswing tells the three cats off. She usually was good at zipping her lips and turning around in these moments, but she couldn’t refrain from one last bite. ”Are you assigned to any upcoming patrols, Termitehum? I could use a hunting partner if your paws are free.” Figfeather meows to it, eyes searching theirs for an answer.
  • » Figfeather
    » SkyClan Warrior
    » She/her . AMAB
    » Mate to Fantastream
    » A red tabby she-cat with a mangled leg.
    » ”Speech”thoughtsattack
  • » A foe in battle whose ability to strategize can shift tides.
    » Excels in strategizing and pre-planning her battles.
    » Fights defensively and aid to her clan to victory.
    » May powerplay minor harm. Can powerplay healing