CATZILLA [hps only)



OOC- Welcome, to the very first HP Bonding Thread!! Don't feel any pressure to post if you don't have the muse- participation is completely optional, and it's purely meant to give the clans high positions a chance to interact and bond in a low-pressure, low-traffic setting! For this first one we're just going to pretend the group is coincidentally the only ones who show up, but from what I understand, going forward Wren/Ora is going to make 'HP Bonding Time' a canon thing where a block of time is set aside for the HPs to (optionally) gather to hang out or do activities together. Sooo, yeah! Feel free to join in!! For this first one Johnny has constructed a snow-village outside of camp and has decided to play a game his twolegs used to play with him in the winter called 'Catzilla'. Feel free to join him or stop by to judge XD @Orangestar @TWITCHBOLT @DAWNGLARE @Fireflypaw @SILVERSMOKE @SLATE @Johnnyflame @GREENEYES @bobbie @Dogbite

Johnny was a hard worker, and any cat that tried to tell him otherwise was liable to get an earful. However, that didn't mean he was all work and no play. In fact, it could be argued that he was among the least mature of the high positions, happily engaging in games with the kits and apprentices or challenging his fellow warriors to friendly competitions. He also wasn't ashamed to admit to having numerous twoleg-given toys at his home that he often played with, having even brought a feather stick and jammed it into the wall of the nursery for the young to play with.

All of this of course, was to say that it shouldn't have been entirely surprising to find the stocky tabby doing what he currently doing.

To make a long story very short, Johnny was just outside of camp, where he'd spent the last thirty minutes using the snow to create... well, from an outsiders view it would look like several dozen cat-sized and larger mounds of snow arranged in an odd pattern, but to Johnny it was as clear as day- a miniature version of twoleg place. The smaller cat-sized mounds represented the houses nd the larger ones the taller buildings, and he'd even carved lines into the snow the represent thunderpaths.

It was impressive, and for a moment he stood back and regarded it proudly- and then, he pounced.

With a devilish grin he lept onto one of the snow mounds and trampled it with a few overexaggerated stomps of his feet, letting out a playful growl as he jumped for one of the taller ones and scrabbled to the top, pausing only a moment before leaping off cannon-ball style and crushing another snow-house with a laugh. "No twoleg nest is strong enough to withstand the might of Catzilla!"

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Silversmoke didn't play. It was a statement as old as the tom himself, the creature finding more enjoyment in being a good warrior than letting loose every once in a while. Walking out of camp, the silver feline locked eyes with unusual mounds of snow, Stars, likely the only snow left in their territory as leafbare came to a sluggish end. Just as he began to wonder if he'd received an omen from StarClan, Johnnyflame appeared from behind one of the mounds, stomping about like a Twoleg. It was enough to make his fur bristle and the tom step back in alarm before recognising the chimera as his peer, even then, the tom's gaze remained skeptical. He stood there for a while, blocking the entrance to the camp and gawking at the Lead Warrior as if he'd never seen him before (that might have been preferable to being the first one to see his creation). Someone tried to get passed him and Silversmoke offered a speedy 'sorry' before moving closer to the Daylight Warrior, not necessarily offended by what he was doing, just endlessly confused. Each question felt as if it'd be met with another question, before he'd even figured out the answer to one, the other opened his mouth.

It.... didn't help the tom at all. Ears flat against his skull and head tilted to one side, the Lead Warrior mewed, "Johnny, what in StarClan's name is a Catzilla?"


Kit-like as he seems to some of his council-mates, Greeneyes is always one to seek enjoyment when he can find the time for it. Whether it be finding shiny objects, or spending time with his friends, or playing games with his youngest kin, Greeneyes would simply not be the same, smiling, chirping Greeneyes without any of it.

With a day off given to Falconpaw and a walk alone planned — one to hunt, and perhaps find some treasures for his clanmates — the ginger tom heads out of camp. He doesn’t make it far, nearly running into the large gray form of Silversmoke, the fellow lead’s fur bristling at something Greeneyes can’t quite see. His head cranes to peer over, to catch a glimpse of what the tom sees. “ What? “ he tries to ask. Danger? Should he turn back? Alert the camp? “ What is it?

With an apology uttered, Silversmoke moves out of the way, and the young lead can finally see what made the older stop in his tracks. Johnnyflame, leaping from snow-mound to snow-mound, crushing them beneath his paws with strange shouts. Perplexed, Greeneyes follows behind the blue tabby. What is a Catzilla?

Is it a game? “ Greeneyes asks. If this is a game, was it something they could teach the kits? Something new away from mossball and badger-rides and KitClan? Malachite gaze scans the area to inspect the strangely placed mounds all around them, some still intact, some rubbled by the daylight lead’s attacks. “ Did you make these yourself? “ He moves toward one, a paw gingerly tapping at it. This Catzilla game couldn’t be too difficult, could it? It reminded him of jumping in puddles, sort of.

Wanting a go of his own, Greeneyes steps back from the mound and looks to Johnnyflame and Silversmoke, before leaping forward at the pile of snow before him. “ Catzilla! “ he chirps, landing directly on the hill and crushing it beneath his paws, but not without sending slush flying every which way.​
  • 74596946_rY2pLJ2YZGmQ0CI.png
    ── Lead Warrior of SkyClan

    ── Daisyflight x Raven Ramble
    ── AMAB; He/Him
    ── A red tabby and white tom with bright green eyes.
    ── Mentored by Sheepcurl; Currently mentoring Falconpaw
    ── "Speech"; Attack


After headbutting one of the snowpiles nd half-burrying himself in snow, Johnnys head popped out at the sound of a familiar voice, head topped with snow as bright eyes focused on Silversmoke. A grin was quick to pain his muzzle at the others question, their perplexed look better than the utter disapproval he would have otherwise expected. "I'm a Catzilla, ya numpty." he chuckled, as if it were obvious, "And I suppose technically you could be too- or any cat mighty enough to topple twoleg place." he added after a moment of though, pulling himself out of the snow pile with a shake of his coat and offering a trill of greeting to Greeneyes as they appeared from behind the silver warrior.

"Is it a game?"

"Shh! If you call it a game Silversmoke won't want to play." the bobtail answered, whispering like it was some big conspiracy but making no actual attempt to keep said lead from overhearing- he was just teasing anyways. "But yeah- it's something my twolegs played this with me last leafbare" he relented quickly, tone returning to it's usual self. "They built a miniature twoleg place out of snow in our garden and I got to run around leveling it. It was pretty fun, so I thought I'd make use of this mess before it goes. Not the most accurate recreation, but it's close enough, aye?"

It wasn't the most impressive explanation- it just was, what it was; Johnny having fun and taking advantage of his downtime.

And it appeared he wasn't alone.

Greeneyes launching himself at one of the snowmounds with a cry of Catzilla was followed by Johnnyflame letting out a raucous cheer of approval before he, too, dove at one of the 'rubble piles' and began launching clumps of snow at the fake city around him. And if, toward the end, his molten eyes gleamed mischievously and one of the smaller snow-clumps just happened to fly right at Silversmokes chest... well, just how intentional that was would remain between him and Starclan.

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