the hunting patrol had taken a small break to lap from a nearby stream running through the forest. it's dull rush was calming, the icy water still chilled from the prior season refreshing. much better than any water that could be found closer to camp. it was a nice intermission to the nonstop treading through undergrowth, she had even take a moment to shake any debris from her dark pelt.

upon raising her head, something flashed across the other side. nightbird narrowed her eyes on the figure as it slowed to a stop, standing on it's hind legs. her mouth almost hung open as she took in the oversized ears sitting atop a small rounded head. a rabbit stood vulnerable as ever in front of her. a glance was cast to the rest of the patrol, but they seemed too busy with their chatter to notice the prize across the stream. slowly and cautiously to not alert the prey, she moved down the bank, body low to the ground. this would be incredibly valuable for the fresh-kill pile, there was only one, very wet, obstacle.

grey eyes scanned across the slow moving water. it was far too wide for her to jump across, but perhaps she could walk through it just the same. she tested her paws in the water, tentatively wading in deeper. it seemed fine, but a drop off marked a deeper area and she found herself scrambling against the muddy bottom to regain her footing. this certainly was not ideal. her cheek was drawn between her teeth as she thought of how to get across, even glancing farther down on each side to see if it let up at all to no luck. she could risk alerting someone larger, someone who might not have as much trouble crossing. but that might be at the expense of the kill. it seemed as though the only way across would be a quick swim, too bad she weren't a fish-eating riverclanner. it wasn't that she didn't think she could do it, just that she hadn't in a very long time. the warrior didn't know if the first time she swam could even be called swimming, her paws pretty much touched ground the whole time. she didn't usually prefer to do things that were foreign to her, she didn't want to look like a fool, but there was a rabbit over there, unaware as ever. just waiting to meet her claws, she didn't want to hold off until it's patience ran out.

it would be okay, just a few seconds in the water. her steps were confident this time she entered, the smoke tried not to take the liquid's iciness as a message to turn back. it was all going relatively well too, although her head did dunk under a few times. unfortunately though, it seemed as if she wasn't moving forward, just staying in the same position. she kicked her legs hard, but was not propelled further. this caused her heart to quicken as panic began to set in. she thrashed to try and remain afloat but it was not productive whatsoever. her thoughts weren't even about how she might drown in this unassuming stream, just that this had got to be the most embarrassed she had ever been. nightbird didn't even bother calling for help, if the water didn't fill her lungs surely the shame of this would kill her instead.

//feel free to powerplay getting her out, it wouldn't be too deep for a larger cat :D
[ ☾✩ ]


Finally, a break. Sunnyday was thankful for a moment's respite from the hunt and he wasted little time in settling himself down to have a comforting groom. Had his joints always ached this much? A worrying thought, though he tried to cast it aside for the time being. Maybe he was just overworking himself, which was hard to avoid given the fact he was still juggling two apprentices.

Looking around himself he took note of the other patrol members, but someone was missing; Nightbird. Where had she gone? Heaving himself to his paws, he then decided to search for her to ensure that she was indeed alright. That's when he approached the river and spotted a form struggling in the water. Flashbacks to when Silverlightning had fallen into the river during the battle with the dogs plagued his mind. On that day he had failed to save his clanmate, though he wouldn't allow that to happen again today. Fortunately he wasn't fighting through icy rapids and frothy water, in fact he didn't even need to swim on this occasion. He guessed Berryheart's nickname for him of 'Leggy' was quite fitting in this case as he waded into the cold water after the she-cat.

"Spread your forelegs out and pretend to roll a mossball under your paws, you'll float." He instructed before aiming to gently grab her by the scruff so he could pull her back towards the shore. There was no judgement in his tone or in his gaze, swimming was a hard skill to learn without guidance. Though he couldn't help but wonder as to why she had gone into the river in the first place.

Often, Berryheart found it fitting to his tastes that he accompany hunting patrols- they were at least entertaining to eavesdrop in and out of while he searched for (hopefully un-trampled) herbs. And often on the longer hunts, the members took regular breaks in order not to exhaust themselves. He was not easily exhausted, but nor would he ever refuse a chance to indulge in a rest- thus, as soon as it was suggested, Berryheart had settled into respite.

It had only been the splash of water-surface breaking that had jostled Berryheart's uneven gaze awake- and by the time befuddled attention had tracked down exactly what had happened, Leggy was already heaving Inky out of the icy... well, not quite depths. A small exhalation of relief slid through his crooked fangs, glad that there was no screaming and no evidence of blood- however he too was curious as to how she'd managed to get in there in the first place. He had never observed Inky to be a clumsy cat... in fact she had always seemed rather measured.

"You hurt?" was all he managed to ask, his frown steely upon his ember-dappled face.

sunnyday's instructions did not reach her ears through the sounds of water splashing around her. she wasn't even aware of her rescuer's presence until he plucked her from the icy bath and pulled her to shore. dragged like a kitten who had gotten themself into trouble, and her ears drooped like one too. despite the chilly drops clinging to her coat, the molly was becoming increasingly warm from the embarrassment.

water was quickly spit from her mouth and to the grass beside her head, luckily she had been smart enough to not try and inhale it. now more than ever she lacked understanding for those riverclanners. how they could ever find joy in that was entirely beyond her. nightbird just stared up for a moment, coming to terms with the fact that she would have to thank yet another clanmate for saving her ass. a voice drew her head from the ground lifting to meet the mottled healer's gaze. "nothing other than my pride," she huffed before pulling herself to her paws. it was a stupid idea, one better fit for a child.

no rabbit was worth it, but upon remembering the prey her head whipped back around. unfortunately it seemed the critter was spooked by the commotion. her shoulders caved ever so slightly, but she looked back to sunnyday offering him a thankful dip of her head. "there was a rabbit," she tossed her head in the direction it once stood so peacefully. "gone now, off to lure more cats to their death," her tone was spiteful, almost a promise she would cull every rabbit in the forest to get back at the one who had made a fool of her.
[ ☾✩ ]


"There's no shame in not knowing how to swim. My first dip was, needless to say, a horrid disaster. I just got lucky that a RiverClanner was willing to teach me the basics." There had been no looking back after that as he honed the skill over time by taking the occasional dip in order to keep himself sharp. Though he wasn't an expert by any measure. He just knew how to avoid drowning more than anything.

Before he could even seek an explanation as to why the she-cat had gone into the water she took it upon herself to share what had happened. So a rabbit had been the reason behind Nightbird's dip? Sunnyday had to restrain himself from chuckling, that wouldn't have been fair. "That's a pity. Still, at least that pesky rabbit wasn't successful in luring you to your water grave. I know it must be frustrating to have it escape, but don't be disheartened." Away from the water he the sat himself down so he could lick away the water clinging to the fur of his legs before he could get too cold.