caught in your teeth ➺ first catch

doepath ࿔

the poison stains my mouth
Jan 4, 2024
Maybe the cycles aren't quite perfectly circular... they're wobbly, oblong, weird things... With tiny, diverging paths that will distract and derail. As they move through the brush, Doepaw thinks that maybe the small distractions might be the more fulfilling paths to wander. It had given her the simple joys of friendships, a clan that cared for her, for all the ended paths, new ones had branched off and proven equally fruitful. The hurdles that had been surmounted were not easy but... through it all, at the very least, she'd been able to keep her sisters close.

Fallowpaw attended her today as a source of silent, stony encouragement. She was a far more competent apprentice than her foggy-gazed counterpart and though they'd bickered once before that perhaps Fallowpaw was too eager to get into a spat at any moment, it had done little to wedge any gaps between the two. "Think you'll catch anything today," she'd asked, casual and confident that the answer would be a resounding yes. For all her certainty in the abilities of her siblings, Doepaw was comfortable to admit that she was no prodigy and was disappointed to constantly have to acknowledge the gap between her and others her age. It was a slippery ball to balance upon... accepting where one was and growing frustrated by the stagnancy... but being angry over it wouldn't suddenly make her a great warrior.

They split off in an effort to be sure they do not ruin one another's chances of success (mostly, the fawn thinks, that she will ruin Fallowpaw's good luck) and with a glower towards the trees, she sorely hopes not to be made a fool of by a squirrel expertly camouflaged along the bark. Paws skim over the warmed dirt, ears swiveling in focus for another (likely miserable) attempt.... there are so many opportunities now and when a scuffling nearby finds its noise carried on the wind... she's eager to follow it.

There is something softly grayed in the foliage.. it stands out against the browns and earthy greens of the forest and gives her a hopeful breath- It plucks along the ground like it has not a care in the world, pattering against the sun-dried dead leaves unbothered. This is a perfect chance... and with hungry claws she lunges towards it's colorful plumage. Her dedication to learning the territory underfoot pays off, unhindered by the roots that would've tripped her moons ago and as it flutters to try to flee, the fawn she-cat wraps her paws around it, snapping her teeth into feathered flesh with joyous surprise. It is no tiny bird... not a finch or little warbler- a veritable bounty that could feed more than just one hungry kit in the nursery today.

The wood pigeon wriggles as she struggles to adjust to its flailing, stamping her hind legs to find her footing and wrestle it to the ground to better hold it down... and with time, the finality of its stillness sinks in and Doepaw drops it abruptly to lay there... no longer capable of fleeing. "R...really?" Disbelief colors her tone as she reaches down to pick it up again and drag it towards the lost spot she'd seen her litter-mate, mumbling around its feathers, "Fallowpaw! Fallowpaw I caught one! I caught a bird!"

-- tagging @FALLOWPAW but no need to wait ! backdated to be around july 4th, prior to fallowpaw's injury <3​