camp 'cause i'm squaring up ࿐࿔ september '24 meeting


✦˚.✦˚✦˚✦˚ ✧ ˚✦˚✦˚✦.˚✦
  • The ascent above the clan grows more familiar each time... it feels less like an unwarranted burden as another month passes without strenuous hardship. Maybe for all their losses, StarClan really had found a moment to give them an equal time of peace. If only it could remain as such without the incessant nipping of dishonorable warriors.... without the unnecessary agitation of their neighbors. Her eyes seek out sepia-toned fur and mossy eyes and she cannot help but let out a tempered sigh. At least... this might make up for it in a way Swiftfire could not have atoned for her own crimes.

    "Orangestar has announced... a new code... at the Gathering... as I'm sure many... of you have heard," she can already remember the flattening of Hazecloud's ears, the harsh glare of humiliation sent her way the moment Lichenstar had stated her agreement. "To become a deputy.... a cat must have mentored... an apprentice. Since... Eveningpaw... evidently needs a closer eye... kept on her... I am reassigning her... to Hazecloud," she announces, hoping to kill two birds with one stone. It would give her mate the experience in training another she sorely needed and would keep their foolhardy daughter under more scrutinizing watch.

    Moving on... "Many of you... will recall the betrayal.... Beefang unearthed. That Swiftfire... had a litter with not just... any outsiders... but a Red Water Rogue. The very same... that tormented us. That killed... some of us.... I did not mean it... lightly... She is exiled... and should you see her... sniffing around our borders... make sure she is reminded... that she is no longer... welcome here." Her brows pinch together in a restrained frustration which only continues to boil as she presses further about all of troubles of the last moon in such quick succession. It is the blue point's hope that unloading the bad before the good may encourage them to move forward with brighter spirits for the coming moon. Only time would tell though... "Lastly... Mosspool... has made a choice... to step down from her role... as lead warrior," it had been a tense conversation, one that argued the finer details of semantics, the struggle of politicking and how to measure the value of an alliance. Spitting at SkyClan that they were thieves for the lucky run of catching a single fish... the bad blood it could've created and may have already...

    It disappointed her. "She has served... faithfully... to honor the code... and protect her clan. But it's clear... that she has some growing.... left to do." It is as vaguely kind as she can explain it... there is no point in making a mockery of the young molly when she'd believed her outburst to be one bladed by justice.

    Her chin tilts high, ears perking forward as a tense smile pulls onto her face- "But onto better news.... The wayward kit... that washed up on our shores.... has found herself a name... she feels most suits her.... We welcome her now... as Black-kit." The leader nods towards the young girl, a greeting and affirmation of her new-found identity amongst the clan. She'd grow to be a valuable asset to them someday, Lichenstar has no doubt about that much. To have survived a surprise plunge into the river is not a feat even half the forest can proudly cling to. "Foxkit... Echokit... come forward."

    It is hard to believe the two of them are now so grown... ready to undertake the wild world beyond the edges of camp. If only she could say she had faith the winter would be kind to them, once it finally reared its ugly head in the coming months. "These young cats... have reached their sixth moon.... and are ready to begin... their training. Foxkit.... from this moment... until you receive.. your warrior name... you will be known... as Foxpaw. Otterbite... has proven himself... a capable mentor to Jaggedpaw... and I trust... he will teach you... his bravery... and ferocity." The leader glances towards the dark-furred tom, a newly-named father... Hopefully not too much ferocity. "Echokit... until you are... named a warrior... you shall be known as... Echopaw. Willowroot... has trained many of RiverClan's... finest warriors... I have no doubt... she will make another fine... warrior out of you."

    The lynx point waits while the new pairs filter off to touch noses, as is typical of tradition, before drawing in a deep breath. The last piece really... the most important part. "I, Lichenstar... leader of RiverClan... call upon my warrior ancestors... to look down on this apprentice... He has trained hard... to understand the ways of the... warrior code and I commend him... as a warrior in turn..." Icy blue gaze finds the chimera amongst the crowd, curly-furred and staring. "Valepaw...." This kid had some weird issue with names but he'd have to excuse it... especially given that it was changing in a permanent sense. "Do you promise... to uphold the code... and protect and defend... RiverClan, even if... it costs you your life?" There is not a moment of hesitation between her question and his resounding confirmation and so she does no dally. "Then... by the powers of StarClan... I give you your warrior name.... Valepaw... from this moment on... you will be named Valesight. StarClan honors your boldness... and persistence."

    "There's one more... who has earned... her warrior name. After a valiant rescue... of her clan-mate... her den-mate.... Splashpaw has exhibited... the talents of a great.... RiverClan warrior. Step forward," she continues, watching for Lakemoon's gaze in her periphery. She is certain that she'll approve, given her testimony to the girl's prowess in water combat, her quick thinking that may very well have been the difference between Pebblepaw's life and death. "Do you swear... to uphold the warrior code.... to protect... and defend RiverClan... even at the cost... of your life?" It feels cathartic... to stare at this freckled girl and remember the bravery with which she'd approached Lichenstar and begged for her place amongst the fish-loving clan. She had taken to them well... immediately... and despite the judgement of those around her thrived like she was always meant to end up here. Her 'yes', her 'I do' is no surprise.

    "Then... with StarClan's approval... I give you your warrior name. From this moment... forward, Splashpaw... you will be known... as Splashdance. StarClan honors... your resilience and adaptability...." Because what else should she be remembered for than embodying a clan that didn't even know had been missing her? She joins in the uproar, the cheering for their two newest warriors, their new apprentices... and waits until it has died down to send them off with one last message, "Do not forget... leaf-fall is now upon us... the rivers... grow unpredictable... predators grow restless. Be careful... be watchful... and please... keep an eye out for our youngest... I'm sure Claythorn... would appreciate... any help she can get." Hazecloud had certainly seemed relieved to get a break to go for a walk whenever it was offered... or a nap, frankly.

    "Report to Hazecloud... for patrols...." the molly declares before departing from her perch to congratulate Splashdance and Valesight with a friendly touch of noses.
  • about

    speech hex code ✧ #6368A5

    ooc notes ✦ congrats to all the promos!
    a small summary
    Lichenstar reminds everyone that Swiftfire is exiled!
    Mosspool has stepped down as lead warrior!
    Eveningpaw has been reassigned to Hazecloud!
    Echokit has been named Echopaw and is mentored by Willowroot!
    Foxkit has been named Foxpaw and is mentored by Otterbite!
    Valepaw has been named Valesight!
    Splashpaw has been named Splashdance!
    Diable has been named Black-kit!
    tagging ✶ a relatively peaceful month while everyone enjoys their busy summer season ! thank you to everyone who really took the plunge into building up interpersonal friendships and relationships <3 we'll get some more fun stuff going for the fall once the hunting tourney wraps up, so don't forget to participate in our last good-vibe hurrah!
    activity shoutouts this month go to those on the census that made 10+ posts !
    @hazecloud @Moonbeam @Snakeblink @iciclefang @otterbite @BEEFANG @MIDNIGHTASH @robinheart @claythorn @shellpaw @Magpiepaᴡ @EVENINGPAW @CRABPAW @CRAGPAW @Pinepaw ⭒ @Graypaw and @brindlekit !!
    penned by tieirlys
  • ˚  ★⋆. ࿐࿔  ✦   .  .   ˚ .      . ✦     ˚     .

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       .     ˚     *     ✦   .  .   ✦ ˚      ˚ .˚    ✦   .  .   ˚ .             ✦  

Eveningpaw dreads this day. Her pelt has still been combed through with a tongue and set of paws like always, eager to present herself accordingly to a Clan meeting... but the usual joy and excitement is not quite there.

The reason for her dampened mood only makes itself clear when Lichenstar stalks talking, and not a second sooner; she had been oblivious to the choice her mother makes, and yet a certain gut feeling has been evident the last few days. Perhaps it had been the displeasure within Lichenstar's gaze... the rare moments Eveningpaw had managed to caught it, anyway.

Her ears lower and so would her entire body, too, if she were to allow herself such luxury. Lowering herself into the dirt would feel most fitting, certainly... but she is already unsightly as is. Lichenstar calls her unsightly — Eveningpaw finds she does not have reason to disagree.

At least the moment is over soon, whisked away so the more important matters can be discussed. Eveningpaw looks at Gladefrost first, idly wondering if she is more thankful for the lessened load or the lack of Eveningpaw specifically. Then, she glances at Hazecloud, ever-present by that kinked pelt. A new mentor... shameful; there is no joy to be found in even the fact that her own mother and deputy has been tasked with carrying on her training. "Sorry..." Eveningpaw mouths, voice scarcely coming out her throat. For the first time ever, she does not think highly of herself.

And if she celebrates the appointment of new apprentices and warriors — Valesight's new name intentionally dipping in volume — with melancholy in her voice, well... she only has herself to blame.
࿐ ࿔*:・゚ — Beefang settles into the crowd at the call of a meeting with dark fur pressed against that of her mate and her lone eye casts itself over to Lichenstar as she listens carefully to every announcement that slips from the jaws of the blue point. Tattered and unscathed ear angled forward at the new code put into place, the black smoke doesn't think it isn't unreasonable yet it makes her wonder about Hazecloud for a mere heartbeat but these thoughts are shoved aside as Lichenstar assigns her mate with one of their kittens, it seems that issue is solved so she makes no complaint about it. Although, she isn't sure if Gladefrost or Eveningpaw would be pleased about this but she shrugs it off with ease as it isn't her problem since she still has her own apprentice. Her whiskers twitch as she briefly glances in the direction of Hazecloud but her gaze does not linger for long as she perks up slightly at the next announcement.

At the mention of her own name, Beefang feels a sense of pride wash over her that she had exposed the traitor that lived within the safety of their camp eating away at their prey and supplies like a parasite. Swiftfire had been mercilessly spared instead having been exiled from Riverclan and her leader mentions that if the mismatched molly began to stray too close to their borders that they'd need to remind her that she isn't welcome here, Beefang casts her better half, Moonbeam, a glance then focuses onto Lichenstar once more. If I see her again... I'll give her a good reminder of why she isn't welcome here... She only briefly thinks of her apprentice wondering how he must feel about not losing one but both of his parents yet it isn't a thought that she lingers on for long. He'd become stronger from this or if he didn't then she would ensure it by pushing him during training.

The demotion of Mosspool comes off as a surprise to Beefang but she doesn't question it either even if its a shame to see the black tabby being removed from Lichenstar's council, she recalls when her father had invited the molly to his council a few moons after the return of those that had gone on the journey for lungwort. Beefang blinks her lone amber eye as she begins to ponder if she would ever make the cut and join Lichenstar's council or perhaps Hazecloud if she were to ever recieve her nine lives especially considering Riverclan's unfortunate history of leaders as of late. Sometimes, it feels as if Starclan cast their ire onto them if they weren't focused onto Windclan... Although, Beefang the lead warrior didn't have a bad ring to it though it stirs something inside of her. Ambition?

She isn't sure what to make of it but the stars that normally hung overhead are too far for her own paws to touch and to have such an ambition... It's foolish. Beefang tunes back into the meeting as two kits become apprentices and one of them are handed off to Otterbite, it makes her want to snort at the ridiculous choice, and yet she manages to stifle it. Valesight and Splashdance are newly made warriors, Beefang chants their names faintly though she doesn't care all that much for them nor would she see them often unless they're assigned a patrol with her. She doesn't slumber in the warriors den so she needn't worry about anyone messing with her nest or belongings, her gaze turning to Moonbeam once more and a part of her wants to coil her bottlebrush tail around the thinner one that belonged to her mate.

Lichenstar removes herself from her perch to congratulate the new warriors and mentions to go to Hazecloud for patrols, Beefang flicks her tattered ear to the side only to part her jaws to speak to Moonbeam in a soft voice that's considered unusual from the usually cold young warrior "I'll see you later," As several cats began to disperse and their eyes are turned away, Beefang takes the opportunity to press her pink nose against her best friend's before parting from her side to make her way over to the blue furred deputy.


  • ooc — text here
    ✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✧✧ HUNTING
    ✦✦✦✦✦✧✧✧✧✧ TRACKING
    ✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✧ COMBAT
    ✦✦✦✦✧✧✧✧✧✧ STEALTH
    ✦✦✦✦✦✦✧✧✧✧ STRATEGY
    ✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦ SWIMMING
    ✦✦✧✧✧✧✧✧✧✧ CLIMBING
  • dOcsURU.png
    a shorthaired black smoke molly w/low white and a singular amber eye
    oftentimes comes off as untrusting of those around her, closed off, and not the easiest to engage in conversation with, she's not easy to befriend. distrusting of outsiders and will snap at you if y/c walks up to her on her blind side. all her opinions are IC only.
    14 moons old; ages the 10th every month
    asexual homoromantic; mated to moonbeam
    currently mentoring... roepaw ; formerly mentored by smokestar
    firstborn daughter of cicadastar and smokestar
    sister of cicadaflight and loveburn
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    peaceful powerplay allowed

She has fussed with and groomed Foxkit until he decreed himself ready (she sees a small tuft of fur still out of place but gives him autonomy and leaves it) leading up to the meeting. Her Foxkit… graduating to apprenticeship. Robinheart feels such pride for her son - the child whom she raised alongside her kits from the moment he was brought to RiverClan. She hopes whoever Lichenstar assigns to mentor him will be kind and patient with him.

The tortoiseshell sits outside of the nursery as Lichenstar rises to begin the meeting. Her pelt prickles with anticipation. But first, as always, announcements. The new code, put in place by her aunt, makes sense though Robin does feel for Hazecloud - she cannot imagine how the deputy must have felt in that moment. Eveningpaw is reassigned to her mother (a good thing too since Gladefrost was to be moving to the nursery soon). Then comes Mosspool’s decision to step down from the council as well as Swiftfire’s exile. Both sting her heart - her mentor’s child descending from a place of honor and her former nursery resident cast out for becoming mates with a rogue. A rouge who had been part of those who stole Brookstorm’s family from them. The betrayal burns in her throat like bile.

Robinheart tries not to linger on such thoughts as the meeting shifts to ceremonies. This was the part she was looking forward to. Finally Lichenstar calls forth Foxkit and bestows the coveted ‘paw’ upon his name. His mentor is then revealed to be… Otterbite. Ears flatten momentarily in shock, though the queen tries to play it off as a bug buzzing around her ears. Otterbite. She remembers how he once padded after Brookstorm. His sharp tongue and cutting words. A skilled warrior but was he really the best fit for her darling son? Starclan please let him be a good mentor to my Foxpaw.

There’s a pang of jealousy towards Echopaw at attaining Willowroot as a mentor. She would have been a better fit for Foxpaw in Robinheart’s mind… but that was her own bias. Echopaw is very fortunate to have such a prolific mentor - one who is very patient and kind and loyal. As both Foxpaw and Echopaw greet their mentors Robinheart’s voice chants their new names with the rest of her clanmates, making sure to be extra loud so that Foxpaw knows how proud she is of him.

After apprentices comes the warrior ceremony. Two graduates sit before Lichenstar. Robinheart’s gentle gaze rests on Splashpaw and Valepaw with pride glimmering in citrine depths. They’ve both been through so much… she is proud of them for making it to warriorhood. A grin splits her maw at the names they are given and cheers erupt around them. Only Splashdance’s name escapes the queen’s tongue, Valesight’s staying protected and held close to her chest for the comfort of her close friend. Should he find her in the crowd she makes sure to dip her head in a nonverbal cheer for him.
[ penned by kerms ]
Foxkit sat in front of Robinheart, allowing his adoptive mother to fervently groom his pelt with little struggle. He turned to look back at his younger siblings. He would be going to the apprentice's den alone. He wouldn't be able to watch out for them from there, and the idea of them being without him worried him. Or maybe he was just worried about sleeping alone, without them.

He skittered clumsily forward as Lichenstar called his name, his gaze darting around in search of Otterbite as he tried not to let his tail droop. He had been hoping for Foxtail as his mentor, even though the warrior already had Pebblepaw. He stumbled slightly as he approached Otterbite, having to balance briefly on unsteady tiptoe to touch noses with the taller cat. He tried his best to appear more confident than he felt.
⸙͎。˚⋆ ⍋ ѧѦ ѧ⍋ ⸙͎。˚⋆

It was expected in a sort of inevitable way.... He was old enough and though he sincerely doubted he'd be graduating 'on time', Redpath had been insistent... and luck had ushered him past the finish line. He looks for his brother in the crowd, hoping to see a rare flash of teeth (something doggish but smiling regardless). He was going to be able to join him in the warriors den... at long last... and he could feel like a little less than a burden for once.

Was Otterbite watching too, maybe? With a sort of aloof, appraising nod that said 'good job surviving'? That was good enough perhaps... knowing the graves outside camp that were filled with bodies of those his age and younger. He can take solace too, in knowing that all previous calls to his name will wash away with the gift of a new one, even if he would've preferred Lichenstar bequeath it to him privately. Where no one else might hear it. So he might fiercely hoard it and protect it from those that would use it flippantly.

The clan likely means no harm today, as they stare with gleaming eyes at him, opening their mouths in celebratory chorus. Valesight. Green-gold eyes widen at the sound of it, wondering if his generally quiet, observant demeanor inspired this... He is not named for great skill in combat or superior hunting prowess.... He is not the image of his older sibling he hoped to be.

It'd have to be enough.

He bows his head, courteous to a fault, waiting until the river queen descended so he might offer his respects and thanks for a name well-chosen. He liked it... he supposed... less and less with every cry that dampened its specialness but that could be swallowed down. Just this once.

His attention instead searches for the friends he trusts, hovering around the medicine cat's den where the pale priestess and his feathered well-wisher spend their time. Robinheart's lips remain firmly sealed, a knowing sort of look in her eyes and he can't help but grin at her. Thank you...

Splashdance's new title registers in his ears but he doesn't cheer, doesn't dare to steal some of its value for himself. That name belongs to her... he hopes it makes her happy.​
Dia— Blackkit still can't believe this is the first time she will be part of a Clan meeting, ever! She has always been curious about how it's generally hosted. Memories of her adoptive father handling Golden Hour's meetings at the full moon play across her mind as she enters the forming crowd of RiverClanners upon Lichenstar's, hoping to find Blackwater or Ravendusk to sit with. Eveningpaw comes to sight and only recognizing her most from their one evening interaction, she squeaks and dashes over to the sweet molly and sits by with a polite firm nod in greeting, a warm smile gracing upon her maw.

Although it slowly falls when the meeting starts off rough, particularly about a new rule that demands the deputy to look after— Eveningpaw? A heavy blink is made while her gaze flickers over to the blue silver apprentice. Blackkit's breath catches at the shame evident in her body language; all lowered, as deep sinking with a terrible wish to simply vanish beneath the marsh and water. Lichenstar's words are slowly replaced with their voices, her own excitement of becoming an apprentice most bright. "I hope I can be one like you soon enough!" "Like me? How do you know if I'm a good one?"

Blackkit doesn't know what happened with her, but she hopes Eveningpaw can still reach to her dreams despite the trouble she seemed to make lately. She offers the apprentice a soft sympathetic smile before her focus returns to Lichenstar who then speaks about the traitor who was associated with a murderous group and a warrior who had stepped down. There's a lot of weight to unload, although most of Blackkit's attention is caught at the mention of her, the wayward kit. She can't resist but chuckle at the description. She's a strange kit to RiverClan, but also the one who will become a great warrior.

At the sight of Lichenstar's nod of greeting and affirmation directed to herself, she puffs her chest, trying to make her stance full of pride and strength, yet with well meaning she will prove herself to be a good RiverClanner. Blackkit wonders how her adoptive father would feel, learning she's a brave Clanner with a special life that can be as cruel and beautiful as his was. She would make him more prouder than he could ever be. Blackkit returns Lichenstar a nod in acknowledgement, gratitude spreading across as the great light. "Thank you! I'll do my best...est for RiverClan, Lichenstar!" she promises.

The meeting then becomes even magical with new apprentices and warriors appointed. The admiration bright across Blackkit's eyes has always been in perfect present and over time, only does it burn deeply. She thinks about how she will soon receive her apprentice name, then eventually her warrior title. Such a significant honour each event would be for her. To be acknowledged as a new RiverClan addition, it feels immense already. Blackkit cheers with the crowd, each name a powerful call to the lovely sky of the clouds and stars. Her heart does not once falter. It only keeps shining more in the kindest end.
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