pafp Cause my spirit can’t be broke ||| TRAINING


Heal your frays
Aug 12, 2023


♪ Like a moth to a flame ♪ ---- During the early morning, Mothfur meets up with his apprentices at their den. Dustpaw already awake, Mothfur pokes his head in the den to look for Tornadopaw. Yes, he would love to sleep in aswell, but it’s better to beat the afternoon heat. ”Tornadopaw… Tornadopaw” the tom whispers, unable to spot the young cat. He waits at the entrance while Dustpaw gathers them. ”We are sparring today, possibly with others.. Be on your best behavior and show them who’s boss.” he briefly grinned after answering Dustpaws question. He nods his head to the camps center before walking in the direction, flicking his tail in command to follow. Other mentors and apprentices stood there, he guessed discussing plans for the day. However, his steps targeted Stormywing and their apprentice, Fallowpaw.

It was good for their training to face different opponents rather than themselves. Even though he forgave them both, Mothfur felt nervous… Especially with what happened the last time Dustpaw sparred with another. He made a gentle lesson about it after Dustpaw was healed and he gained Tornadopaw as an apprentice. All of them learned from the incident, and so he could only hope that Dustpaw could show off their new defensive moves.

”Ready?” he asked Stormywing, ear twitching back as he noted his apprentices voices. Swinging his tail in a plead to be quiet as he glances their way. He could feel the tension off of Dustpaws voice, ”Small steps.. small steps..” he reminded himself internally. He wouldn’t let Dustpaw spar with others except for himself for today.

Iclying with @DUSTPAW till they are active again
Please wait for @TORNADOPAW! @STORMYWING @FALLOWPAW to reply

Tornadopaw still hasn't grown bored of training it's likely he never will even if he's worked to the bone or made to fetch mouse bile for the elders. To the young tom every day is a new adventure and he's eager to become the very best warrior Thunderclan has ever seen one day and he is determined to work to be just that, well and of course have fun when time allots for it but right now everything is fun and new. However even as overzealous as he is he's still hardly more then a kitten, a fluffy overgrown plump kitten but still one regardless and he's still adjusting to having a schedule. He's comfortable laying on his back, a sound between a snore and a purr rumbling from him he looks at bliss and in deep sleep and yet at the call of his name his ears begin to twitch. His pale blue eyes slowly open, a contended smile on his face he's clearly unbothered by the interruption but he's still got a paw in the dream world. He looks up at Dustpaw and his eyes blearily move past her pale paws to his mentor standing in the entranceway. He flips onto his paws and takes only a second to arch his back and yawn before trotting happily over. "Good morning Mothfur!" he purrs his head dipping respectfully before he meets the older toms gaze with excitement glimmering in his own.

He's about to ask what they'll be up to as well but Dustpaw beats him to the punch, his ears shoot up and he begins to step in place excitedly dancing on his paws. Sparring! He grins "I will, cause I am!" he meows cheerily with the confidence only a young apprentice could muster, he was happy both hunting and fighting but the ladder felt more interesting he liked seeing all the different kind of moves Mothfur and Dustpaw showed off and he hoped in time he'd perfect what little so far he was taught and learn even more. He had a edge even for his age being a bit bigger then cats born on the same moon with ole big paws and claws to match, he just needed to learn to use them.

He sees Fallowpaw and her mentor pad over and for a moment he worries about sparring with the older much more harsh apprentice, he could handle her, he could handle anything he reminds himself though he gives her a wary look for just a second you're Tornadopaw you can handle anything! He trots close to Mothfur his giddiness returning easily "Are we gonna learn new moves too? I'd like to try something cool , maybe like a pounce or something!"

Stormywing sits at the camp entrance, gnawing on some fur between her toes to get rid of a bit of dirt that had found its way there while hunting the night before. While she waits for Mothfur to retrieve his apprentices, she casts a glance towards Fallowpaw who sits at her side. The last time they'd set up a spar between her and Mothfur's apprentices, Dustpaw had been half-blinded. Now, she'd talked to Fallowpaw quite a lot about the incident, and even now she utters a low, "Remember, no claws. I'm serious, Fallowpaw." She can't be known as the mentor who lets her apprentice claw up anyone in training! She then looks to @THUNDERGLEAM on the other side of her and tips her chin up. "When they're done sparring, I'll take you on," She trills with a casual wave of her tail. It made more sense for her to be the other she-cat's opponent, especially with Thundergleam being far more experienced than the younger cats.

When Mothfur finally arrives with his apprentices in tow, she gets to her paws and offers her denmate a grin. "Born ready. Let's get going." The small warrior takes the lead and slips out of camp with her apprentices behind her, enjoying the scents of the forest that wash over her as she steps out of the bramble entrance. To the Sandy Hollow they go!