'cause there's no other way we can stay alive - acornpaw

It was strange, how natural it felt to fall back into the role of teacher. It wasn't like she had done it all that often. Besides, between her training session before the great battle and her attempt to train the whole camp at once, all her attempts at training had been rather ill fated. A fact that Cinderfrost's voice reminded her of.

There was another voice she remembered though, one she was more keen to listen to. That of Daisy Flight telling her she was a good teacher. She wanted that to be true. Teaching was fun, and it certainly felt like something she was good at. More importantly, it helped her feel closer to her mother. Near to all of her memories of her mom were of something she had been taught. Whether it was learning to hunt at the break of dawn, or practicing her combat in the late evening, they were all moments she held close to her heart.

Emberstar turned to face her apprentice as they stood together in sandy hollow, and a sense of nostalgia fell through her as she spoke her next words.

"Alright, to start I wanna get a sense of what you can do." She explained, in the same reassuring tone her mother had said it to her. "Just try your best to hit me. Don't worry about doing it too hard, I can take much worse than you can dish out. Don't worry about me hitting you back either, for now just focus on landing a hit."