pafp 'cause you're not even great ☆ PROMPT


Slave to self-righteousness
Nov 1, 2023
While he is out and about with one of the warriors, he notices something sharp dangling from the branches of the trees- it wobbles in the breeze, threatening to snap and plunge into the ground below.

Leaf-bare was a dangerous time, no one could argue with that. But man!
Asphodelpaw was a New-leaf kitten, born at the tail end of leaf-bare, growing up surrounded by relieved and happy faces with only the ghost of exposed ribs and empty stomachs behind their eyes. He always understood from the stories that this time of the season was not a fun one, but he'd arrogantly assumed he'd be able to handle it just fine - vows he'd made while soaking up Green-leaf's warmth and frolicking in Leaf-fall's thick foliage.
Now he was cold, miserable, and very hungry. But he resolved himself to keep that vow he made as he kept his head held high and refused to back down against Leaf-bare's burdensome might.

But the patrol through the territory was a dreary one. Not many cats cared to waste energy on conversing, and Asphodelpaw was more than happy to maintain that silence. His eyes stared firmly ahead, keeping his mind away from his rumbling stomach by focusing on any changes in the landscape that might denote trespassers or foolish prey. But the ground remains free of tracks to follow, empty of scents. No sign of prey nor foe to be seen amidst the frosting of snow and the naked branches of once-green bushes and trees. He wondered where all the birds and squirrels could've possibly gone...

Sighing, he allows his gaze to wander, trailing skyward as he trudges behind @MUDPELT . Something shiny catches his eye, but just before he can focus on it, a gust of strong wind shoves through the patrol. The cats brace themselves against it, some choosing to lean against trees for support. The wind may not be strong enough to lift them off their paws, but it's hard to believe that when you barely feel like more than skin and bones.

When the wind finally blows past, Asphodelpaw finally notices something in the landscape has changed. Those shiny things are...waving at him? He blinks harder, squinting as he tries to focus on what -

Icicles sharp as fox fangs sway from a thin branch disturbed by that dreadful gust and-
Just as quick, they've snapped off.

Asphodelpaw's feet take action before his mind can properly catch up, and before he knows it, he's aiming to barrel right into Mudpelt, recalling in an echo of a too-slow memory the warrior hovering beneath the very tree Leaf-bare's deadliest weapons once hung,

Please let me get to him in time!

    DMAB— He/Him — Unsure
    8 moons — Ages 1 moon every month real-time
    Mentored by Crashingtide
    Riverclan — Apprentice

    Physically easy | mentally medium
    Attack in bold #9fc3fc
    injuries: None currently