'cause you're so bold and you're not bright || forestpaw

After a certain amount of time the constant chill of Leafbare becomes the new normal, and any amount of heat is what feels unbearable.

This is what Betonyfrost tells herself, again and again. She likes to pretend many things: that the angry heat that has pooled in the lower part of her gut is a fire, that the mist of her breath visible with every exhale is the smoke. She tells herself again and again that she isn't cold, she isn't cold, she isn't cold, and then comforts herself with the thought that even though she is so unbearably cold, eventually it will feel normal.

There are a countless many things Betonyfrost wants to do. She rises to her paws often as if to leave camp, and then remembers that she isn't allowed. She's never wanted to do anything before, and now she is denied the opportunity. Even still-- Betonyfrost has duties. She remembers her top priority last, and when the thought occurs to Betonyfrost, she acts on it immediately. Something else Betonyfrost has never done before, too keen on thinking herself into tighter and tighter circles. The newness, impossibly, doesn't daunt her.

"Forestpaw?" Betonyfrost says as a greeting when she next sees the apprentice. Betonyfrost has never known quite what to make of Forestpaw. She was someone better avoided, "You have some time to talk?"

shadowclan warrior | blue mackerel tabby | 15 moons | tags
Forestpaw would recognize that gravelly voice anywhere. Her ears rotate upon her skull a little too eagerly, and she straightens herself as Betonyfrost draws closer. She doesn’t quite know what it is about the warrior that draws her in and makes her cheeks heat up; honestly, perhaps it’s the fact she’s hard to spend time with. The woman has a strange veil of mystery surrounding her, after all.

That child-like fluttering in her chest is quickly shoved down, face forced into an uncaring expression as she news, seemingly apathetically, “You aren’t going to ask me to do more chores, are you? ‘Cause Chilledgaze already has me on tick duty today.” It’s the closest the warrior will get to an invitation to talk. Her ears, however, are pressing forward, eager to hear what Betonyfrost wants to talk to her, some apprentice, about.
It was nearly unnerving to be looked at by Forestpaw. Betonyfrost fights the urge to break eye contact, but the strange fear that Forestpaw would somehow know keeps her in place. She inhales through her nose, out of her mouth, and reminds herself sternly why she'd even approached Forestpaw in the first place.

"No chores," Betonyfrost sighs, "It's my apprentice, Brookpaw— he doesn't see well and struggles with hunting," Betonyfrost had initially wanted to ask for advice, but the more she speaks the more her voice takes on the distinct cadence of complaint, "There isn't anything I know to do for him."

She settles cautiously, always held as if expecting a blow, but Forestpaw seems harmless enough, and Betonyfrost is closing in on a deep mental fatigue.

"...You said you'd talked to Chilledgaze?" Betonyfrost adds with a feigned disinterest, as if she is just making conversation, as if whatever answer Forestpaw gives wouldn't lead to devastation on Betonyfrost's part.​
shadowclan warrior | blue mackerel tabby | 16 moons | tags
Forestpaw ear twitches, the only sign of her piqued interest. So, her skills are so good that they've clearly caught Batonyfrost's attention? She's seeking her out for advice? The apprentice resists the urge to grin, but settles for an arrogant smirk. "So you've come to get tips from the best blind huntress the forest has ever seen?" A chuckle is in her voice and she lifts her chin, tail flicking. "I could come hunting with you guys sometime. Show Brookpaw some things. If he can't rely on his eyes, he's gotta rely on his nose and ears. I know all about that!"

Chilledgaze? Why would Betonyfrost be asking about Chilledgaze? "Erm...yeah? They're my mentor, of course I talked to them. Why?" She cranks her head sideways, unseeing eyes narrowed with curiosity. She wants to talk more about her, not her mouse-brained mentor.
A snort escapes Betonyfrost at Forestpaw's unsubtle bragging. The best blind huntress? Betonyfrost wasn't certain she knew any others, but a win by default was a win nonetheless. If Forestpaw wanted to gift herself that title, Betonyfrost couldn't exactly argue. She nods, and then remembering her company, says outloud, "One less thing for me to worry about then."

But then Forestpaw continues on talking, confirming that she's spoken to Chilledgaze with a certain amount of confusion. Betonyfrost had known Forestpaw was Chilledgaze's apprentice, and she cannot help but feel foolish for asking.

"No reason," Betonyfrost answers, perhaps too quickly. It isn't any of Forestpaw's business, really.

...But Forestpaw might be an in.

"It's just that me and Chilledgaze, last we spoke it didn't go well," What a mild way to say that they had broken her heart, "And I wanted to say — ah — that I still care for them a lot, and that... that, well, I think we should have another talk to sort things out, if they'd be amiable of course. You're already doing me a big kindness by helping with Brookpaw, but could you... do you think you could tell Chilledgaze that?"​
shadowclan warrior | blue mackerel tabby | 16 moons | tags
Her ears twitch with interest. Drama? Ooh, she's interested. She listens, but it delves into strange territory. Betonyfrost, cool, weird Betonyfrost, cares for...her mentor?!

Oh, gross.

Forestpaw has a difficult time hiding the deep frown that pulls at her face. Suddenly, she feels disgusting. Like mud is perpetually clinging to her belly fur. She's pining after the cat who's pining after her mentor. Gross, gross, gross. Any interest she had in the warrior seems nonexistent now, poof, gone with the wind. Unable to conceal the grimace now finding its way on her muzzle, the torbie shakes her head and shrugs, "Yeah, sure, whatever." She's not heartless. She'll help. Gross. "Now, uh, if you don't mind, I need to go throw up my breakfast," She grumbles queasily, getting up to wander off.