camp CAUTION: KITTEN CROSSING // playdate, pafp


Oct 23, 2022

// we needed a good kit/apprentice playdate thread with how many young folks we have in this clan, so uh, behold, baby buffoonery @MORNINGKIT

Mushroom...or well she supposed by how all the other kits were named, Mushroomkit, was much more apt at trying to explore their new home than her sister Cottonkit it seemed. Though, perhaps she was not necessarily apt, but bored. She didn't understand what happened, didn't understand why grandpa said mama and nana weren't coming to meet them, why no one was coming to meet them. She understood why they had to come here least of all. Home was just fine before, why couldn't they just go back after the monsters left?

The world was confusing, and at this point Mushie was too tired of questioning it.

She was not however, too tired to keep from taking a spare bit of her grandfather's nest outside while Cottonkit and him were talking. The little flame point seemed to be quite taken with tossing the little ball of moss up into the air before reaching up to bat and chase after it throughout the clearing. This is of course, until she ends up landing on someone, their back hitting her belly with an almost comical sound being pushed from her jaws. The moss ball rolls to a stop about a tail length away as Mushroomkit scrambles back, trying to get off the poor soul without causing more problems. "Ack-shoulda looked where I was goin' 'm so sorry!"


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╭── ⋅ ⋅ ── ✩ ── ⋅ ⋅ ──╮

Morningkit is slowly getting acclimated to SkyClan's camp, but she feels remarkably out of place here still. The nursery has few familiar faces, and she still has trouble placing names to the faces of the warriors she sees. Her father tries to help, but her brain is full and fuzzy with names. All of her Clanmates in ThunderClan and all of Blazestar's Clan -- it seems impossible to her. She hopes it gets easier as gets older, but she isn't so sure it will.

Morningkit is sitting in camp, staring lostly around her, when something -- well -- kit-sized collides into her with the force of a star hitting the earth. Morningkit is jostled off of her paws from the force, uttering a squeak of surprise as she hits the ground. A kit is squarely on top of her for a moment, and Morningkit spits dust out of her mouth. A moss ball trails in front of her, lonely, forgotten.

"Ack -- shoulda looked where I was goin', 'm sorry!" Morningkit shakily gets to her paws, regarding the little flame point kit who'd barreled into her with wide, frightened blue eyes. "Oh -- no, I -- I'm sorry, I shouldn't have been in the way," she says, embarrassed. She shuffles her paws. "Um... do I know you? I don't think I've seen you here before? But if so, I'm sorry -- I, I can't remember your name..." Her whiskers tremble. She hopes she doesn't offend the other kit.

- ,,

Figpaw didn't have much time anymore to hang out idly in camp. Her schedule throughout the day consisted of training, chores, eating, and then sleeping when the night arrived. Yet on scarce days like these she found herself with a low-demanding workload, thus the girl could be found sticking her nose into clan-mate conversations through the day. Her first two victims seemingly would be Mushroomkit and Morningkit after spotting the two collide into each other. Honestly she is shocked no wails erupt.

The lithe apprentice places herself into a crouch, "That's Mushroomkit," Figpaw would inform Morningkit for her. She means to be helpful, but perhaps Mushroomkit is one who'd prefer to speak for herself. Then she eyes the mossball, "...We should play a game. There's an um... hollow... in one of the trees over there" she flicks her tail in its direction. "We should try to throw the mossball into it- and I'm a good climber so I could get it back out for us!" Didn't that sound fun?


( primary character / "speech" / ic opinions )

· FIGPAW, AMAB — she / her
╰ ‣ 5 moons .
╰ ‣ skyclan apprentice . believes in starclan, doesn't fully understand

· DOMESTIC FELINE, smells like pine nettles & sap, status — 100%
╰ ‣ A red tabby she-cat with orange eyes.

· ENFP-A ❝
CAMPAIGNER❞ , Gryfindor, Lawful Good
╰ ‣ Excitable, generous, caring, quick-to-act, daft, naive
╰ ‣ finds relative ease relating to others . kind-hearted, will show mercy

· NPC X DAISYFLIGHT, sister to Greenpaw, Violetpaw, Snowpaw & Butterflypaw
╰ ‣ homosexual . mistakes admiration for romantic feelings
╰ ‣ poor fighter . okay hunter .
╰ ‣ unlikely to start fights . will flee .
╰ ‣ attack in underline . penned by user @ava.
"Figpaw! Figpaw! You can climb well? I wanna see!" Fireflykit is quick to quip up as he rushes over, his little sister talking to a kit he'd never seen before. He'd heard Figpaw's introduction, and he rolls the name around on his tongue- Mushroomkit. Cute name. He gives Mushroomkit a small smile, eyes squinted against the harsh light. "I'm Fireflykit! Morningkit's my baby sister. We should toss moss with Figpaw!" He chimes out, sing-song voice and melodies present in barely-cracking voice. He lifts his paw, quickly moving to attempt to snatch the moss ball so he could run to the hollow with it.

"Catch me if 'ya can!"
crescentkit had been just a bit off to the side adjusting the flower tucked behind her ear, a gift bestowed upon her by a warrior back in thunderclan, when the sound of two bodies colliding caught her attention causing her head to swivel in their direction. mushroomkit wasn't looking where they were going and tumbled right into her dearest sister! a simple mistake that was quick to be resolved but it did cause blue eyes to roll, the tortoiseshell didn't understand why morningkit was even apologizing when it wasn't her fault in the first place!

crescentkit would have said something but the moment has passed, figpaw and fireflykit had both approached and the conversation devolved into a game being suggested to play by the golden-furred apprentice. guess she would have to hold her tongue this time. having no other activity to be doing, crescent would settle on to wandering over but not as an active participant but a viewer. "go fireflykit go!" she'd cheer in a high-class tone as her brother scooped up the mossball towards the hollow.

she may be stuffy in attitude but sometimes she'd show a little bit of supportiveness for her siblings, even if it was for a silly game.
[ penned by cobi ]

"No its-" One kitten became two, a cream tabby clearing up confusion but not introducing herself in turn before offering a game. The third newcomer fixed this in an instant, introducing both mollies with a vigor that made Mushroomkit want to run back to her grandpa. No one had left her much room to speak, and she didn't know how to continue, eyes flickering around at those gathered but also those on the edges of the clearing. 'There's so many cats...' The world seemed to spiral for a moment, the different conversations in camp all rising in volume as her mind moved them from the background to the foreground. Why did they have to live here? Why couldn't they go home? Why wasn't mama-

"Catch me if'ya can!" "Go Fireflykit go!"

And then its quiet again, Mushroomkit taking off after Fireflykit before she can think, instinct drumming through her paws as she follows after him. "Come on Morning! He's gonna get all the glory!!" The words tumble out, calling to the one other person who didn't seem to be impartial in this game like Figpaw or the molly cheering off to the side.
