it all comes down | 09.30.23
Feb 6, 2023
Mud cracks as he stretches his paws, and glues the longer fur down to his toe pads. An unpleasant and altogether familiar sensation– he had lived amongst these territories for most of his life, a wild cat uncaught by the twolegs, by the beasts that roam these forests. It has been a strange life– twolegs are difficult to tell apart, with their strange furless pelts, but each season one in particular has tried to cajole him ever closer. Perhaps someone else would have fallen to it. In seasons such as this one, Owlear almost does not blame them. ThunderClan is filled with hunters. Even in these poor moons, they cope well enough, though his belly will always ache for a fuller meal.

It makes a fruitless hunt such as this one all the worse. He had split off from the remainder of the patrol with their agreement, each hoping the other would have caught something to feed them all. As he began his trek back to camp, that hope had grown ever larger. He had not yet neared their fortified walls when his body instinctively drops. A noise? A scent? Owlears reacts to both with a hunter's crouch, wide eyes on the foliage that is now shaking before him. And it pushes through, finally, as his haunches tense up when he sees– a pheasant. Its head bobs as it struts, body high and tall in its wary foraging. And its perfect ring of white, a target in the making. The tabby warrior pounces, springing from his hiding place to fix his jaws around the bird's delicate, fluffy throat.

By the time he walks back into camp, head held high with his prize, his mouth is salivating from the promise of food. But there are others here to think of first. They are only as strong as the weakest among them, of course, and so the tom takes it to the nursery. He pokes his head in with friendly eyes, and sets it before the nursing queens. "Plenty of feathers to line your nests as well," he chuckles. "I can only hope that there is enough food beneath them to fill a belly or two." Reluctant as he is to leave the meal behind, it is for the best. He'll tend to the mud between his paws instead, and prepare himself for the next patrol so that the comforting cycle might repeat again and again.

  • ooc:
  • owlear_clangen.png
    ──── owlear. senior warrior of thunderclan. cis male.
    ──── approximately 90 moons old, yet still youthful.
    ──── pansexual and single,   though with past flings.

    ──── a chocolate tabby with long, thick fur and a broad-shouldered build. despite his age, he is still a strong, imposing tomcat with clear, attentive eyes. though they are a muted hazel, they seem to twinkle with silent wisdom and a warm, deep-seated joy.
  • "speech"

She's... not sure what she has been doing for the past couple minutes, a mixture of pacing and checking dens to see if they had been damaged lately. They were fine, so what should she do instead? Should she go hunt- no, the dogs are running rampant, should she go shell-hunting? No, same reason as before- agh! This was hard!

Owlear's voice brings her out of her thoughts, blinking to clear the haze as she peers from the other side of camp. Oh! He was giving the queens a piece of prey he had caught! And... It was actually pretty good as well! A smile graces her lips as she strides across the camp, dodging various cats along her way. "Owlear! That was a fantastic catch!" the girl would praise with a purr, hoping to start some small talk. She was... Bored. Very, very bored with the lack of patrols she had gone on lately. Her last excursion out with one had not ended the greatest, anyways, yeesh... "Where did you find it? I'll have to check next time." she smiles, giggles, tilting her head as she looked at him attentively.
✦ ★ ✦

Sloepaw's lids lilted open, marigolds winking out once, twice, before his eyes could catch sight of the arrival wandering into camp. Owlear's cedar pelt was paired with a clutch of feathers, a welcome sight. It had been a while since the apprentice had managed to bring his own catch in, owned to the scare prey amongst the forest. And some shoddy footwork.

Covecatcher's line of inquiry halted his intake of breath, the cream warrior nicking his words. Not wanting to miss the answer, the location of the prey spot, the tom slinked from the ground to his feet. Wary of looking weird, just standing there, Sloepaw muttered a gruff "Good shout with the feathers, bet they'll warm the nests well," before offering a quick nod of acknowledgement.

The smell of pheasant is enough of an allure to attract Sunnyday towards Owlear's form. The golden tom looks heartbroken when he realises that the prey had been gifted to the residents of the nursery rather than being a free-for-all on the freshkill pile. It was the right course of action since the youngest and queens deserved to feed first, but that didn't make Sunnyday feel any better. His top favourite foods happened to include the likes of pheasants and quail. Maybe next time...

"Yes, a most excellent catch. I pray that there are more out there." He echoes the praise as he decides to stand closer to Covecatcher. Though as he takes in the sight of Owlear he finds himself taking note of how the older warrior carried part of the forest with him in the form of mud on his fur and paws. "Need help grooming?"
Nestled in the nest that she, her brother, and her mother shared, Stormkit looked up to see the older warrior approach with a freshly-caught bird. Stormkit's nose twitched as she studied the new prey. It looked larger than some of the sparrow-sized birds she had seen and beautifully patterned too. She reached out with a tiny paw to bat at one of the feathers.

"Wow! Owlear is almost better hunter than Flamewhisker," The tricolor kitten purred, constantly proud of her mother's hunting abilities. In her eyes, nobody was better, except Flycatcher—and maybe Owlear now that he brought the lovely bird.

The cacophony of praise is enough to warm his fur. Despite all the prey that he has caught, all the life he's lived, appreciation from his clanmates never grows old. He mock bows a little, lowering his chest to the floor and rumbling a small chuckle. "It was a lucky catch– it must have wandered too far from its cover." He doubts that there are many more that will make such foolish decisions, but he won't dash their hopes like that. Certainly not when there was a kitten speaking with such warmth in her voice. The senior warrior reaches out with a purr of his own, nudging the kitten with a paw. "But I am certain your mother will find many more once she returns to the hunt." With a last slow blink of his eyes, he pushes fully from the nursery and towards the crowd. "And what of the rest of you? Are your bellies full? Grooming might be appreciated." Eyes sparkling with mirth, he looks down to his own muddy paws.

  • ooc:
  • owlear_clangen.png
    ──── owlear. senior warrior of thunderclan. cis male.
    ──── approximately 90 moons old, yet still youthful.
    ──── pansexual and single,   though with past flings.

    ──── a chocolate tabby with long, thick fur and a broad-shouldered build. despite his age, he is still a strong, imposing tomcat with clear, attentive eyes. though they are a muted hazel, they seem to twinkle with silent wisdom and a warm, deep-seated joy.
  • "speech"